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Born to Prophesy

Page 32

by Hakeem Collins

  In the above passage of Scripture, the Lord stated that there would come a time that people would not hunger for bread to eat or thirst after water, but they would hunger and thirst after hearing the word of the Lord. The prophetic word, message, and voice of the Lord is life-sustaining and vital. Just as important as bread and water for our natural well-being and survival, so is the spiritual nourishment and refreshment that the word of the Lord brings to a believer. We need to hear the voice and word of the Lord in every facet of our lives, whether it’s in our marriage, family, business, ministry, church, job, or personal life.

  The Lord said in Amos 8:11 that the famine would not be an ordinary famine that the people were accustomed to in regard to natural resources of food and drink but hearing His voice; if you feel like you are in a prophetic personal famine and not hearing the voice of God, just repent and re-establish your covenant relationship with the Lord, and He will speak to you.

  Finally, as we re-establish our relationship with the Lord, we will begin to experience and encounter the prophetic ministry like never before. You must know that the Father created you and birth you to change the world you live in. You were born to be God’s spokesman or spokeswoman in the earth. There were times in history when the people of Israel wanted more for the Lord to speak through Moses than for God speak Himself. In the Book of Exodus 20:1–17, Moses was the mediator between God and the people of Israel. God spoke the Ten Commandments, and the people were terrified. They wanted God to speak to Moses only, rather than hear God directly. As a mediator, Moses would thereafter tell them the words of God, and they would not have to hear God’s voice. The Holy Spirit is the Mediator through Christ, and God the Father still speaks and desires to speak to His children today as He did in the days of Moses. Today you can be God’s prophetic mediator used by the Holy Spirit to prophesy. You can prophesy and were born to communicate, speak, and declare God’s master plan to others to fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny so that present and future generations can benefit.


  Father, I come to You in the name that you have given that is above every name, which is Jesus Christ. Father, I pray that You will anoint and activate all born-again, Spirit-filled believers to come into present-day truth of the ministry of the prophets, prophecy, and the supernatural. Father, I pray that every believer that is reading this book will arise as a strong prophetic family, an army of the Lord. I pray that revelation knowledge will be their portion and that the seven-fold Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the reverential fear of the Lord will be manifest in the reader’s life. Father, I pray and break the spirit of unbelief, doubt, fear, intimidation, pride, low self-esteem, low confidence, and rejection. Father, I break every diabolical assignment and demonic resistance against the prophetic work. In Jesus’ name I decree and declare that this reader has been called like Jeremiah from their mother’s womb and was born to fulfill Your eternal purpose and plan in their generation.

  Father, I release this prophetic leader, servant, son and daughter of the kingdom to advance in the things of the Lord, and Father, I break every charismatic witchcraft prayer and prophecy that has been spoken and released over your child. Father, in Jesus’ name I speak that they are the head and not the tail, first and not last, and more than an overcomer in Christ Jesus. Father, You have called this reader to greatness and to leave a great legacy in the earth. Father, I imparted everything that you have given me to impart in this book, and Father God I pray that the reader will receive a great inheritance like Elisha, who received a double portion of the measure that was upon Elijah, his prophetic leader and spiritual father.

  I say in Jesus’ name, prophet and prophetic leader, arise and do what you have been born to do as God’s mouthpiece in the earth. Amen!


  HAKEEM COLLINS IS on the frontlines of what God is doing in the twenty-first century as an emerging vanguard leader with a dual apostolic and prophetic calling that releases signs, wonders, and the miraculous. His passion is to father and lead the next generation to initiate unprecedented moves of the Spirit while accurately communicating God’s original plan, intent, and purpose for humanity. He is a sought-after conference, church, and ministry speaker who has traveled extensively throughout the United States preaching the message of the kingdom while equipping the next generation of world changers to discover God’s eternal purpose and maximize their full potential in Christ.

  Hakeem is founder/CEO of Champions International Ministries, an itinerant ministry located in Wilmington, Delaware, where he resides. He is an affiliated apostolic leader of the IMPACT Network under Apostle John Eckhardt of Chicago, an active member of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) under John P. Kelly and C. Peter Wagner, and an ordained prophet of the Eagle Fire Network under Apostles Dale and LuAnne Mast of Destiny Christian Church of Dover, Delaware.






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