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Red Night (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 1)

Page 17

by RK Close

  My pen is poised and ready.

  “I don’t like putting you in harm’s way, but I agree there is no better way to draw him out. I believe his desire to kill you now overshadows his hatred for me. There must be a believable moment when you are without myself or Gabe.” He’s thinking out loud. “There can be no mistake, and at no time may he be alone with you. I do not believe he would kill you instantly. It’s not his style. He lives to hand out pain. Killing you quickly would rob him of his ill-sought pleasure. Jacob must be a part of the plan, so your friend Dayna will need to be somewhere safe when we set it in motion,” he says, rubbing a hand over his five o’clock shadow.

  “But at what point would you not be with me?” I ask, racking my brain. “Oh, what about my gym? Even if you hang out while I work out, you wouldn’t follow me into the girl’s locker room,” I say, excited that I actually have an idea worth considering.

  I start drawing out the gym layout even before he answers.

  “That could work. I’ll need to take a look at the gym. He is watching our movements, so it will need to appear as part of your routine to be there, but you won’t be using the shower before we have a firm plan,” he says, considering the scenario. “This is a start. Are you certain you can take part in ending a life? It’s not as easy as it sounds.” Adam studies me, looking for signs of weakness, I suppose.

  “It’s either him or me. It’s either him or Dayna or anyone else I care about. I didn’t ask for this, but I sure as hell will finish it,” I say, looking him in the eye without a glimmer of doubt.

  He studies me closely, and seeing whatever it is he’s looking for, heads to the sofa where he proceeds to kick off his shoes.

  That’s my signal to hide in my room. Gathering my notepad, pens, and book off the coffee table, I still can’t manage to miss him pulling his shirt over his head. Of course, I can barely pull my eyes away, and he catches me staring as he always does. I bite my lower lip before making one last bad choice tonight.

  I stop and stand up fully, taking in the purely male calendar version of Adam in faded jeans, and no shirt. Oh my lord, he looks good enough to eat. Adam seems to know what I’m thinking, and then I remember he can sense my emotions.

  Damn it! This is soooo frustrating!

  “I want to talk to you about something else, but I’m not sure how to bring it up,” I ask, feeling shy and awkward inquiring about the dreams. “Do you think you could put your shirt back on for a few minutes? It’s rather distracting.” I look away.

  He stands there enjoying my discomfort, making no effort to put his shirt back on. I give him a frustrated look, and throw my book at him. He snatches it out of the air and sets it on the coffee table. He then pulls the shirt back on and stands there waiting.

  “I’ve…been having dreams. Strange dreams that started the first night I saw you in the garage,” I say, watching his expression for any sign that this is familiar.

  His expression doesn’t change, so I continue.

  “Some of the dreams seem like a premonition or something along those lines. I can’t explain it completely, but they’re the most realistic dreams I’ve ever experienced. Some feel more like a memory, but they’re not my memories,” I say, pausing.

  When he doesn’t respond, I go on.

  “The first was of you and me in a forest. I think you were…hunting me.” Now his look changes.

  He draws his eyebrows together in a slight frown.

  “And I could see and feel what you felt when we had our encounter in the garage. I could actually feel your bloodlust, but I didn’t understand what it was at the time. The second one was more…” I’m searching for the words.

  “Sexual,” he says casually.

  “Romantic, let’s say. Another one I’m attacked by a vampire, but it wasn’t you. I think you were trying to warn me or save me, but I’m not certain; but the ones that concern me the most are the ones that I suspect may be your memories.” I wait to see what he will say.

  “Why do you think they are my memories?” he asks.

  “Because they felt like a memory, and you were there with Katherine,” I say, watching his reaction closely.

  “Where did you hear that name?” he demands.

  His eyes are a bright blue now. I’ve touched a chord. His face looks as though I’ve struck him. But then the hard mask is back in place. It must be exhausting to always be so in control. For the mention of her name to cause so much pain after so long a time, he must have truly loved her.

  “Only in my dream. I’ve seen her twice, and both times you were with her. The first time you were riding off to track someone doing terrible things. The last dream—” I can’t say it as my throat closes, and tears threaten to fill my eyes.

  I look down, and a single tear slides down my face.

  “You saw her death,” he finishes for me. His voice is barely a whisper.

  His eyes confess his emotion, but his face tells nothing of the pain I know he feels. I nod my head to confirm.

  “She was my childhood friend, and then my wife. She was carrying our son when Zachariah butchered her. She loved him, even with all his many faults. But he lost his mind, and then his soul when she chose me over him,” he says in a flat empty voice.

  As though he’s locked it all away again in order to keep going.

  “I don’t know why you seem to have a connection to me or my memories. It would appear that it has nothing to do with my blood, since the dreams began before then.”

  He walks to the patio doors and stares out into the night, as is his habit.

  “Thank you for telling me. I know that must have been difficult for you. Good night, Samantha.”

  I turn with a heavy heart and walk to my room, closing the door quietly—leaving him with his ghosts to wrestle.

  Chapter 25

  Thanksgiving Day.

  I don’t know what I was thinking inviting my best friend, two vampires, a vampire hunter, and a security specialist/ex-cop to Thanksgiving dinner. I’m having an anxiety attack imagining all the things that could go wrong.

  My first concern is that I’ve never cooked a turkey in my life. It sounded like a good idea at first, but ordering Chinese would have been the safer call.

  Suddenly, I feel personally responsible for the happiness of everyone’s holiday experience. What if I ruin the meal? What if Adam’s first Thanksgiving celebration sucks? What if Russell figures out that some of my guests aren’t what they appear? What if Dayna gets wind that her current boyfriend was kind of my doing? That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

  Yep, one big flipping disaster waiting to happen. How could something not go wrong?

  Gabe has been sensing my anxiety and frustration all morning, and is currently hiding on the balcony while I’m skimming the Internet to make sure I prepared the turkey correctly. This is where I could have benefited from some maternal guidance. I miss my parents, especially my mom today.

  Okay, snap out of it, Sam. I can’t afford to get melancholy on top of the stress. Bad things could happen to the turkey.

  Also on my mind is what do I say if Russell notices that Adam and Jacob don’t actually eat with us?

  What am I saying? He will notice. Nothing gets past that man. He’ll be curious as to my relationship with both of them. He may even try to gather enough information to run background checks on them. That’s not going to go over well. I know Russell, he’s like a pitbull with a bone. He won’t let go.

  I’m expecting Adam, Jacob, and Dayna to arrive around two o’clock. Russell is due at three, and he usually doesn’t hang around long after a meal. I think he visits with old officer buddies at the union watering hole.

  Dayna is bringing rolls and wine, and I’m sure she’ll help me serve. Russell is bringing his favorite beer. Gabe picked up wine and a pecan pie when he went to the grocery with me on Monday. Adam is bringing wine and a pumpkin pie as well. For some reason I can’t envision him walking into a grocery store and standing in line with a b
ottle of wine and a pie. Oh to be a fly on the wall.

  If the meal is a total disaster, we should be well supplied to drown our sorrows.

  Gabe, Adam, and I did manage to hash out a pretty good plan for trapping or killing Zac. After several heated discussions about how, when, and where to lay our trap, we finally settled on the fitness club. It’s still a long shot considering he may or may not take the bait. I have a strong feeling he will.

  It’s my opinion, and we all concur, that waiting will most likely drive Zac bat-shit crazy. Adam feels it’s a fifty-fifty chance. He agrees that Zac becomes more aggressive when he’s been denied something, and that could work to our advantage. On the other hand, he hasn’t evaded Adam for five centuries because he’s sloppy or careless.

  I’m the ace in this game. Zac will not expect Adam to agree to use me as bait. This concept has been the cause of most of our heated arguments over the last few days. Gabe was furious when Adam and I presented him with the idea. His intense refusal to go along with the idea caused Adam to start second guessing his original decision.

  This conversation went back and forth for hours on end. We took long breaks before coming back to the table to hash it out all over again. Eventually, Adam and I were able to convince Gabe that it was a viable, solid plan. Once he agreed, the three of us got busy working out the details, and let me tell you these two guys are all about details. I would head off to bed while they would stay up discussing the plan and any number of possible outcomes.

  One morning I woke up to find them still discussing it. I don’t even know if Gabe slept or not. But he’s a big boy, and I’m not his mother.

  According to Adam he has attempted to lay traps for Zac in the past with no luck. He knows Zac to be extremely cunning and cautious. The big difference this time is me. Zac is looking for any opportunity to snatch me away from Adam.

  We are going to give him a tiny window and see if he takes the bait. There is no plan ‘B’ or ‘C’ yet, so I’m hoping this one works. I can’t live this way. And it does feel better to have a plan. At least it gives me the illusion of being in the driver’s seat.

  We laid the ground work by going to the gym at sporadic times, but establishing it as a daily routine. Today will be the only exception. Saturday evenings are pretty dead at the gym, and that’s the time we’re shooting for. We’re willing to try the same plan more than once before forming another.

  Outside of planning, Gabe has kept his distance since our spontaneous moment in the kitchen. He’s usually on his computer or has his nose in a book.

  He works out when we go to the gym, and that’s a beautiful sight. I figured he had a nice body, but had no idea how defined he is.

  Truthfully, I’m waiting for that magic moment when he takes off his shirt like so many guys do, but so far he hasn’t. Pouty face…

  I can’t watch him for long since he can pick up on my emotions, and he often catches me looking at him. I instantly start thinking about cleaning toilets, root canals, and anything else that will end that train of thought before he figures out what I’m really thinking about. I’m getting much better at controlling my emotions around him and Adam—as long as they keep their distance, that is.

  I’m in the middle of peeling potatoes when my date with Adam pops into my head. I’ve been too busy to even think about what I promised to do at the end of that date. Just thinking about it causes perspiration to wet my temples.

  Gabe pokes his head in the door, and asks, “Everything okay?”

  I clear my throat and wipe my hands on my apron.

  “Yes, but these potatoes are giving me fits. They keep slipping out of my hands. I’m a little nervous about the meal, I think,” I say, attempting my emotional spike.

  He smiles. “I can peel potatoes to free you up.”

  Gabe takes the peeler and a potato out of my hand and gets to work. Wow! I must be inefficient at peeling potatoes, because potato skins are flying and he’s already reaching for the next one.

  Works for me.


  Several hours later, I have things pretty much under control. The turkey is out of the oven and it looks good. Gabe turned out to be a tremendous help in the kitchen, and I’m grateful. Without his assistance this meal could have gone downhill fast. Everything took longer than expected.

  I’m covering the turkey to keep it warm, and Gabe is setting the table when the doorbell buzzes.

  I dry my hands and hurry to the door. Dayna and Jacob breeze through carrying two bottles of wine and a box of rolls from a bakery. Even though Dayna’s arms are full she leans in and kisses my cheek before entering and yelling a greeting to Gabe. I’m surprised when Jacob also brushes my cheek with a chaste kiss as he moves past me.

  I’m about to close the door when something stops it. I look up into Adam’s attractive face. I don’t know why, but looking at him gives me a warm feeling before I remember what’s coming Friday evening, and then my warm feeling turns to a nervous chill. I smile anyway, knowing he surely feels my anxiety.

  Today he’s dressed in black slacks and a cream-colored sweater. I have to say he looks incredible, and I like that he dressed for the occasion. He’s holding a pie box that looks like it’s from a bakery in one hand and flowers and wine in the other. “These are for the hostess,” he says, with a barely-there smile. “Thank you for inviting me.” I can’t help but grin as I take the flowers and the wine from him.

  Dayna is chatting with Gabe, and Jacob is listening and smiling while watching her animated conversation.

  Adam follows me into the kitchen, and I notice he and Gabe nod at one another. That almost looks like respect.


  Adam joins the other guys as Dayna moves toward the kitchen to offer help. “So,” she says, giving me a knowing look.

  “Soooo…what is the story with you and Jacob?” I ask, giving her my own knowing look. Dayna is leaning over the counter with a sparkle in her eyes.

  “Don’t change the subject. You have not one, but two incredibly delicious males hanging around you. Is there something kinky going on that you want to tell me about?” Dayna asks, raising her eyebrows up and down.

  “It’s complicated. I won’t try to tell you I’m not interested, but there is nothing past a little flirting and attraction. I’m going to the opera on Friday evening with Adam. I guess that’s like a date,” I say, taking pies out of boxes.

  “Like a date? That’s the real deal. I don’t know how you can handle two guys at once. They are both so into you,” she says, grabbing a small square of cheese from the hors-d’oeuvres tray and popping it into her mouth.

  “They’re helping me on a case. They’ve been extremely useful and I’ve grown sort of fond of both of them. Like I said, it’s all so complicated. Can you pour some wine for anyone who wants it?” I ask, handing her the bottle and wine opener.

  Time to change the subject.

  “Back to you and Jacob…you never told me what happened with you and Robert. Did he break up with you again?” I ask, pulling wine glasses from the cabinet.

  Dayna is busy opening the first bottle of wine.

  “No, this time I broke it off with him. I’m tired of waiting around for him to break up with me over some silly nonexistent reason so he can have a break. If he loved me, he wouldn’t need a break,” she says with little emotion.

  I didn’t know she felt this way. I thought it was the way they were. Break up to make up sort of thing. She left me out of the loop, or I dropped the ball as her friend and didn’t catch on. Now I’m sort of glad she’s seeing Jacob, even if I don’t know if it’s the right thing for her.

  I blush when she catches me looking at her neck for the third time in the last five minutes.

  “What are you looking for? Do I have something on me?” she asks, rubbing her neck and collar self-consciously.

  I can’t help looking for bite marks. I trust Adam now, but I don’t know Jacob at all. And I don’t know how close they are at this point. />
  “No, I thought I saw something, but it was a shadow,” I say, smiling at her. “So, what is happening with the two of you?”

  Her face blossoms into a huge smile, and she has an instant dreamy look in her eyes, and I almost want to cry. First, because I’m happy to see Dayna this way. Secondly, because if it’s not real, I may hate myself for it.

  “Jacob is incredible! I’ve never connected with someone like this. Not even Robert during our good times. He gets me. I feel beautiful around him, and he always laughs at my jokes, even the ones people don’t usually get. He listens when I talk about work, my dreams, and goals, and anything on my mind. I find his life interesting, and feel sad that he has no living family. Did you know he considers Adam like a brother to him?” she asks.

  “No, we haven’t had a chance to discuss that,” I say thoughtfully. “So, how much are you seeing of each other? I mean, we haven’t been able to talk much lately, and I feel like I don’t know what’s happening with my best friend.” I do feel disconnected from her and my normal life lately.

  “Well, I’ve been feeling the same.” Dayna can’t hide the hurt look in her eyes. “I know that you’re holding back on me, and I’m wondering when you will come clean,” she says, looking a bit guilty and unsure.

  I feel so torn by her words. I’ve been keeping secrets from her trying to keep her safe, but look where that got me. She could have died and wouldn’t have known why. She deserves the truth, but these secrets are not mine alone.

  “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I have been keeping secrets from you, but I promise to come clean soon. I need a little more time. Will you trust me to fill you in at the right time?” I ask, feeling sad that I haven’t trusted her with my troubles.

  She’s always kept my secrets. Why wouldn’t she keep theirs?

  “Okay, but now that you’ve confirmed my concerns, you better not leave me hanging for much longer,” she says, giving me one of her attempts at being serious.


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