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Red Night (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 1)

Page 23

by RK Close


  When we arrive at my door, I slide my key into the lock and turn the handle. I stop short of opening the door and turn to Gabe.

  “Gabe, I’d like to be alone tonight, if you don’t mind. I’m no longer in danger, and it’s been a rough day. I think some time alone is best,” I say, looking up at him with a heavy heart.

  He gives me a sad smile, and leans down to gently brush my cheek with his lips.

  “Whatever you need, Sam. I’m down the hall should you need me,” he says before turning and walking away. I watch him until he turns the corner.

  I turn and push my way into my condo, and Wilbur greets me with a loud meow while rubbing himself against my legs. I reach down and scoop him into my arms, relishing his warmth and welcoming purr.

  I feel better already. I’m in my normal home, with my normal cat, and my normal furniture. What could be better or more…normal?

  See, I’m normal.

  Maybe I’ll go to sleep tonight and wake up to find that the last few weeks were nothing more than a weird dream brought on by some bad Thai food.

  I head into the kitchen to give Wilbur some food and end up sitting on the kitchen floor watching him eat for a while. When he seems like he’s done, I pick him up again and head into my bedroom to take a shower. I lay Wilbur on the bed and catch sight of my reflection in my full-length mirror, the one I had twirled in front of earlier this evening.

  My hair is a mess, and my lovely gown has black marks as well as a tear or two. I have black smudges under both eyes, and I’m missing an earring. Something catches my eye, and I walk closer to the mirror. Oh, my…

  I have two prominent red puncture wounds on my neck. Leaning in closer yet, I study them. My mind replays the feeling of the bite, and I blush bright red. I might as well have been making love to Zac in that moment. Shame washes through me like cold water being splashed on a hot flame.

  Thinking back to the exquisite feeling exploding through my body, I don’t even know how I resisted enough to kill him, or to stop at all, for that matter. Adam was right. I could see how someone, anyone, could become completely addicted to those feelings. Pure exquisite pleasure that would go on and on. Until you ran out of blood, of course.

  And I let Zac bite me in order to kill him. How did I know he would be so intoxicated by blood? Adam never told me that.

  But somehow I knew.


  I take a ridiculously long shower and actually run out of hot water. Like that’s never happened. I’m exhausted, but I feel restless. I want to see Adam, but Jacob didn’t think it was a good idea. After thinking him dead, I need to see his face to put my mind, and the vision of him in the alley, to rest. My stomach tightens at the thought. I put on a t-shirt and some of the sleep shorts that I started wearing since my house was invaded by beautiful men.

  I pour a glass of wine and walk over to the patio doors to stare into the night like Adam always does. I always wonder what he’s thinking about when he stands here looking into the city lights for so long. I feel cold air through the window, and it causes me to shiver.

  A knock on my door interrupts my heavy thoughts. It must be Gabe. I set my wine on the counter as I pass by, and look through the peep-hole.

  My heart almost stops beating. Adam is standing in my hall looking as though he can see right through the door. I fumble with the lock before throwing the door open. We stare at one another for a moment before all my reserve flies out the window and I fling myself at him. I’m startled and stagger back quickly when he grunts in obvious pain. Perspiration glistens on his forehead.

  “Oh no, Adam! I’m so sorry. Why are you here? You should be resting. Let me help you in,” I gush. He gives me the slightest of smiles, but his eyes are dull with pain. I stand back and he proceeds to move slowly into the room. His shoulders are straight, and his chin is raised.

  Anyone else wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with the way he moved, but I know. His graceful movements, so much like a panther, are now slower, more…human, almost. He walks right into my bedroom, and cautiously lies on my bed.

  He’s hurt.

  I sit on the edge of the bed next to him feeling helpless. I lay my hand on his hand and wait for the pained grimace to relax from his face before I speak.

  “I’m sorry. I know that I’m the reason you were hurt. Can I do anything for you, get you anything?” He grabs my hand and looks at me with his pain hidden away once again.

  “You can start by not blaming yourself. I failed you when I let my guard down. I own that, not you,” he says, tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear.

  His fingers linger on my cheek a moment before dropping between us. His eyes start a thin glow of blue around the edges.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he says with something akin to disbelief in those brilliant eyes of his.

  “I thought you were dead, and I—” I can’t finish my thought. It’s too raw, and painful to put into words.

  “He hurt you…” he says, his eyes glowing brighter now.

  I see the muscles in his jaw tighten, and a vein throbbing in his temple.

  “No, he stuck me in a trunk and took me to that house in the middle of nowhere and said he was going to give me immortality, like I even wanted it.” I feel my face getting flush as my anger rises and my words rush out.

  Adam reaches up and moves my hair away from my neck, exposing the fresh bite and the raw, irritated skin around the wounds. My hand rises to hide it, but he grabs my wrist before I do. I feel like my face is one big neon sign that says ‘I let him bite me, and I liked it’! I want to crawl in a hole right now.

  Adam stares at the bite with a look I don’t understand. I drop my eyes and try to look away when he puts his fingers in my wet hair, and pulls me to him. I’m shocked out of my guilt, unsure what he plans to do. He pulls me close enough for his lips to reach my neck, and I tense. I don’t know what to do with my hands because I don’t want to lean on his injury, so they end up on the pillow on either side of his head.

  His lips pause at my neck for a moment, and then he gently licks my injured neck. I feel a jolt to my abdomen that spreads like fire throughout my body. My hands find their way into Adam’s hair, and to my horror I moan softly into his head. I feel his body stiffen, but his tongue continues its gentle attention to my neck.

  Just when I think I may embarrass myself, Adam stops, and gently moves me back so that we are facing each other again. His eyes glow with passion—mine feel hooded and heavy.


  My neck is still tingling from where he licked me. I raise my hand to the wounds, and feel only smooth, soft skin. I look at him in surprise, and he gives me one of those barely there smiles that slays me, and I jump up and run to the mirror.

  The marks are gone. My skin looks perfect, like it never happened. I look back at Adam with a huge grin on my face. He seems pleased with my response. I walk over to the man on my bed and pull off his shoes.

  Adam raises his eyebrows at me, but I simply ignore his look. I turn off the bedside lamp and move to the opposite side of the bed. I curl up next to Adam, carefully placing my head on his shoulder. My hand finds one of his hands, and I curl my fingers around his. He gives them a gentle squeeze, and turns to place a kiss on the top of my head. Peace falls over me like a blanket.

  This is how I fall into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 32

  Sleep leaves me slowly by degrees. First I’m aware of Wilbur snuggled in the curve of my body because he’s purring loud enough to wake the dead.

  My next sensation or awareness is something hard and firm along my back side. My eyes fly open as I remember the circumstances under which I went to sleep last night. A strong, muscled arm is draped over me.

  I lie there quietly, not moving, and somewhat embarrassed waking with a man in my bed, even if nothing happened. I feel guilty, as if it did. I’m absolutely dying to run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair before he gets a good look. I’m
in no way the high-maintenance type, but I do have some pride and dignity.

  “Good morning,” he says in his deep voice.

  He knew I was awake. He senses my emotions, and he can detect changes in my heart rate and breathing. There is no faking with this guy. Sheesh! I glance over my shoulder and find Adam watching me. His hair looks perfect, and I bet he doesn’t have morning breath either.

  I sheepishly look away, untangle myself from his arm and throw my legs over the bed. My hair falls over my face to hide me as I stumble into the bathroom, trying to refrain from sprinting.

  When I come out, looking reasonably presentable but far from glamorous, he’s gone from my room. I head toward the kitchen and spot an envelope propped up against a bowl on the kitchen table. I smell the coffee that Adam has started, and notice that he has drawn the curtains, making the room look dark, and a little depressing.

  I reach down and pick up the letter. My name is written in a large scrawl that I recognize as belonging to Gabe.

  I look over at Adam and he shrugs and says, “I heard him come in around five this morning. He didn’t come to the room, and left soon after he arrived.” His gaze is steady as he watches me.

  I open the envelope, and remove a hand-written note along with my key and a couple others I don’t recognize. A sinking feeling begins to grip my heart as I sit down to read.


  I have to leave for a while. I know I’m leaving while many things are unsettled between us, and I wish that I had more time. I hope you will avoid the company of The Dead, but that may be too much for me to ask under the circumstances. And I know that Adam will protect you with his life if necessary.

  I’m leaving the keys to my condo, and ask that you hold them for me. I don’t know when I’ll be able to contact you. Sorry for leaving without saying good-bye.

  I’ll be thinking of you, Samantha.


  I feel sick to my stomach. How could he leave like that? How will I know if he’s safe or not? How long until he contacts me? This doesn’t feel right.

  Adam walks over with my coffee, and I hand him the note. He reads it quickly then places it on the table. I stare at the steam coming off my cup.

  So many things left unsaid. I have all these little pieces of Gabe; his magical pendant, a vial of his angelic blood, his mother’s dagger, and now the keys to his condo. Yet I still don’t know what he is to me.

  It seems clear that I mean something to him, and a few weeks ago I thought he was what I was looking for. Now I don’t know. There are more questions than answers. I have strong feelings for him, but what does that mean? I also have strong feelings for the man in front of me.

  “He had to go. Each day he remained put him in danger,” Adam says, watching me. Is he actually defending Gabe?

  Did I miss some male bonding or something? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were buddies. If I didn’t know any better…

  I sip my coffee and watch Adam. “So, I think I need to tell you what happened last night. I—”

  “You don’t need to tell me anything. The end result is all that matters,” he says, dismissing my words.

  Does he know what it cost me to kill Zac? I’m sure he knows what the bite did to me. Maybe it’s just as well. I wasn’t looking forward to watching his face when I told him about it. He was supposed to bite me. He wanted to, and somewhere deep down, I think maybe I wanted him to do it. Another discussion for another day.

  “I’m worried for Gabe. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let him suffer for helping me. He doesn’t deserve this. His entire life is being interrupted because of me,” I say, feeling helpless, sad, and…and guilty.

  “Gabe is a big boy and he knew what he was doing. As much as it annoys me, he cares for you, and his actions prove that,” he says with what might be a grudging respect. “But that does not mean I won’t kill him if he should ever stand in my way.” He gets up from the table and looks down at me without any hint of humor.

  I shiver at the look on his face. Would he hurt Gabe, or is he acting like his normal bitchy self? Hard to tell with Adam.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, taking another sip of my coffee and looking up at him.

  He stares at me a moment before heading toward the front door.

  Over his shoulder he says, “I’m moving into my new lodging today.”

  I almost choke on my coffee and quickly jump up and chase him down. I catch up to him in the hallway, just outside my door.

  “What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly.

  “I’ve decided to stay in Phoenix for a while. It has too much sun for my liking, but it does have other attractions that interest me,” he says, walking toward the stairwell.

  Staying, as in not heading back to Seattle? My mouth could catch flies right now.

  “Where are you going to live?” And what does this mean for us, is what I’m thinking.

  “I’m moving into the penthouse suite…of this building,” he says, giving me a knowing smile. “I’ll be seeing you around, I’m sure.” He disappears into the stairwell, leaving me to stare after him in total and utter shock.

  I’m feeling a little nervous about this idea, but under it all is elation that he’s staying. Not sure how I feel about him living in my building, though. That could be a little too close, but I can’t help but smile to myself as I turn and go back into my condo and shut the door.

  He’s alive, and staying in Phoenix for a while.


  Dayna and I sit in our favorite coffee shop, talking quietly and laughing loudly about life, love, careers, and dating…vampires. We’ve been laughing and crying for over an hour now. I’ve missed hanging out with her. It feels good to be able to share all my secrets with her again.

  I tell her about Adam moving into my building, and she tells me she already knew. Seems Jacob will be rooming with him. I guess they’ve been friends a long time. Dayna reaches in her bag and hands me a burgundy-colored velvet bag with a gold drawstring. I take it from her and raise my eyebrows.

  “It’s the pendant. Thank you for watching out for me, even when I didn’t know I was in danger. I was a little angry at being left out of the loop, but after learning the whole story, I understand.” She rests her hand on top of mine.

  “You’ve always been my closest friend, Sam, but you were willing to die for me. How many people can put that on their BFF-résumé? I hope I never have to die to prove it, but I’d like to think I’d do the same for you.” She smiles and downs the last of her coffee drink.

  “Of course, I would be pulling all kinds of favors from you and milking it for as long as possible.” She winks at me and I roll my eyes at her. “It’s so weird that we are actually dating…vampires?” She whispers the last word. “I told Jacob that I’m spilling the beans in my memoirs when I’m old and gray,” she says, smiling like the cat who ate the canary.

  I laugh out loud imagining Dayna doing that in her golden years. She certainly seems happy.

  “You are the only one dating a “you know what.” I don’t know what Adam and I are. I don’t have your dating experience. I don’t even know for sure what he wants? We had a huge fight about it, but nothing was resolved before he…was stabbed,” I say, sinking lower in my oversized chair, and holding my coffee cup like a life preserver.

  “It wouldn’t be a fight if there wasn’t a relationship. Jacob keeps a closed mouth when I ask, which makes me think Adam has it bad for you. Why else would he decide to stay in sunny Arizona instead of comfortable Seattle where the sun rarely shines? Of course he wants something with you, Sam. Maybe he’s not even sure what that is. Just because he’s older than dirt doesn’t mean he has all the answers. Jacob did say that you are an anomaly. Don’t ask, he wouldn’t elaborate,” she says, holding up her hands to stop my questions before they start.

  “We don’t even know each other. I have so many questions about him.” I start chewing on my lower lip, my mind working overtime.

Then get to know one another. Isn’t that what dating is for? Just do me a favor and don’t throw in the towel simply because you don’t have all the answers. You have a habit of running the other way before letting any guy too close.” She gives me a knowing look.

  “I do not. I simply know when I don’t feel that special connection, so I don’t waste their time or mine,” I say, crossing my arms.

  “Do you feel anything for Adam? If so, then you owe it to yourself not to sabotage it before finding out where it could go.” She rises and grabs her bag. “I have to go.”

  I stand, and we hug good-bye. She turns at the door to the coffee shop and waves a final good-bye.

  I sit back down and ponder her words. Do I do that? Do I sabotage the relationship before it begins, or do I know when it’s not right?

  I’m not sure what Adam and I are to one another, but I would like to find out.

  I open my laptop. I had planned to send some discreet email messages out to past clients and their lawyers, which almost always drums up some new business for me. Staying on their radar and reminding them I’m here works wonders for my little business.

  I order another coffee against my better judgment and start working through my email. I’ve been so preoccupied trying to stay alive lately that I haven’t had much time for anything else.

  One email in particular catches my eye. It’s from the lawyer of a past client.

  Dear Ms. Chase,

  I’m contacting you on behalf of our most valued clients who are seeking your expertise in finding their missing daughter. Their daughter is currently a student at Arizona State University, but has not been seen or heard from in two weeks. Our clients would like to keep this out of the news as long as possible. I have highly recommended your services in this matter.

  If you are interested in taking this project on, you may reply to this email or phone me at my office so we may arrange a meeting.


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