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Tamer_King of Dinosaurs 3

Page 12

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Hey buddy,” I said as I reached down to scratch him. “You hanging out with me tonight? I guess they are kicking all the men out of their little bath party, huh?”

  Jinx let out a long, sad sounding chirp, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Then I walked into the hut, threw some more wood on the fire, and fell asleep a few moments later.

  Chapter 7

  “Victor,” Galmine whispered in my ear.

  “Hmmm,” I sighed as I forced my eyes open. I could see a slight trickle of the early morning light coming into our hut, and I blinked a few times.

  “Do you wish to sleep for a bit longer?” she asked, and I felt her lips press against my earlobe.

  “Uhhhh,” I moaned when her tongue slid gently into my ear. “Is everyone else awake? Did I miss my watch shift?”

  “Sheela wanted you to rest for the entire night since you did not sleep well last night.” Her whisper was hot in my ear, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Everyone else is already up?” I asked. I didn’t hear anyone talking outside the hut, but my mind was still a bit sleepy.

  “Yes,” she replied as she kissed down the side of my jaw. “Kacerie and Trel are building a new saddle for Tom. Sheela, Liahpa, and Emerald are working on the platforms. They are all working near the wood piles beside the gate.”

  “Ahh,” I said as I sighed again. “I’m guessing that you woke me up because you had a special task planned for me?”

  “Oh, yes, Victor,” Galmine whispered in my ear. “It has been too many days since I felt your hardness against my soft body. I crave your heat.”

  I turned my head so that I could kiss her, and her hands moved to unbutton my shirt while my hands slid down her back to cup her ass.

  We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to. Galmine’s protective skin over her nipples and vagina were now gone, and I moved my mouth and tongue over her with grateful licks. She took my pants and underwear off in between my licks, kisses, and bites, and then she moved down to take me in her mouth.

  “Just lie back and relax, Victor,” she said after I gasped with pleasure. “I’ll take care of you.”

  And then the beautiful curvy woman did take care of me, and I returned the favor.

  Afterwards, we lay in each other’s arms and I ran the tips of my fingers through her thick hair. I knew that I had a shitload of work to do today, but I also knew that it wouldn’t hurt to spend a few more minutes snuggling with my lover. Because she couldn’t move fast, Galmine had to stay near or inside of the walls for her own safety. It meant that no one was really around for her to talk to all day, and I guessed she might have been lonely.

  “We need to go on a ride outside,” I said. “I want to show you our valley.”

  “I’d like that,” she whispered as she dragged her fingers across my bare chest.

  “When Trel and I get back today. As long as there is enough time.”

  “If you both return with clay, I will need to spend some time treating it,” she said.

  “Naw,” I said. “Trel or Kacerie can do that. We need to get your garden started, so I’m hoping you can see some plants when we are riding around.”

  “It is not that simple, Victor,” Galmine said with a gentle laugh. “Clay is somewhat delicate. Because of my abilities, I can sense the impurities and inconsistencies in the material. I take these out so that the bowls, jugs, and plates we make do not crack when heated. I also know the right way to heat them so they are the strongest. Kacerie and Trel are using the material that I have already worked with so it will create perfect pottery. If I don’t manipulate it first, we will lose half of the stuff we make.”

  “Ahh shit,” I said. “I didn’t realize you were doing all that. I thought it was just the same clay we pulled from the lake.”

  “Oh, it is,” she said, “but it needs to be adjusted to the correct consistency. I can teach Trel and Kacerie to do that, but the clay would need to be dried first, then crushed with a mortar and pestle. Then it would need to be filtered carefully and combined with some larger sand bits for strength. I can do it easily by feel, so it saves us a lot of time.”

  “Okay,” I said with a laugh. “You’ve convinced me. You are the boss of our clay operation now.”

  Galmine let out a playful giggle, and I untangled my arms from her hair so we could both sit up. She helped me gather my clothes, and I put them on before I gave her a parting kiss and walked out of the hut.

  “Hey, Hope!” I greeted the parasaur, and she wagged her tail a bit as she sat inside of her pen. “How you doing this morning?”

  Hope let out a happy toot, and I scratched under her chin where she liked for a few moments before I planted a kiss on her nose. “You are a good girl.”

  She let out a quick series of excited toots and I laughed as her tail wagging caused the fort wall to vibrate.

  “Let’s go get a drink,” I said, and the horse-sized parasaurs stood from her pen and then walked out of the doggy-door gate with me.

  I saw the rest of the women where Galmine had said they would be by the gate. Kacerie and Trel were both on Tom’s massive back, and they both looked to be adjusting some straps that attached to the big trike’s shoulders. Tom didn’t seem to mind the two women climbing on him. He stood calmly in the same “V” formation with Nicole and Katie where I’d left him last night, and he calmly munched on the grass at his feet while the two women worked on attaching the various ropes to him.

  Sheela, Liahpa, and Emerald were some fifty yards to the right of the gate. They had put together two more of the platforms, and as I climbed on Hope’s back, I watched the trio flip a section of the unfinished third platform over on its side so they could wrap a section of cord around easier. They seemed to have reached an efficient build strategy, and I figured it would only take them another fifteen minutes or so to finish this one.

  “Good morning,” I said to Kacerie and Trel as I rode Hope up to them.

  “Good morning, Victor,” Trel said as she gave me a smile. I noticed that the design of her bra had changed a bit. Yesterday it had been more of a silk cloth wrap, but now it looked like a sexy piece of lingerie that revealed the tops and sides of her breasts with a web-like pattern.

  “Good morning!” Kacerie said happily as she tugged on one of Tom’s cords. Her once white blouse was colored pink from the blood yesterday, but it wasn’t crusty and nasty looking anymore, so I guessed she had used some warm water to wash it.

  “How’s it looking?” I asked them both as I gestured to Tom.

  “We are almost done,” Trel said. “Maybe another hour or so. By the time the sun is up over the mountains, we’ll be ready to go.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m going to talk to Sheela, Liahpa, and Emerald, and then I’m going to take the dinos to get drinks. I’ll leave Tom here.”

  “Good,” Trel said. “The timing will be perfect.”

  I rode over to the other team and exchanged good mornings with them. The trio seemed to be in a good mood, and I gave them praise for how quickly they had put together the platforms.

  “I’m going to take the dinos for drinks,” I said. “I’ll just do one shift, so Tom will be the only one here for a few minutes.

  “I will come with you,” Sheela said.

  “Can I go?” Liahpa asked. “I wish to see this river.”

  “One of us should stay and help Emerald with the platforms,” Sheela said.

  “Can you stay, Sheela?” the floating woman asked as she raised her eyebrows a bit.

  “Are you sure you want to go with me alone?” I asked Liahpa with surprise.

  “Yes,” she nodded. “You cannot do anything to me. If you try, I will kill you.” The woman made a fist, and I heard all of her knuckles crack.

  “Uhh. Maybe I should just go with Sheela,” I said after I inhaled through my teeth.

  “No, ahhh, sorry,” Liahpa said as she looked at her hand and unclenched it. “I want to go with you. Alone. I need to go with you. Alo

  “Uhh, alright.” I shrugged and then realized that I hadn't commanded Bob, Sonny, and Cher to come over to me. I did so, and the big parasaurus came running over from where they were grazing inside of the walls.

  “You can ride on Bob,” I said, “or I’ll let you ride on Hope.”

  “I will ride with you,” she said, and then she slowly lowered her floating stance until her bare feet touched the grass.

  “Okay,” I said. “Let’s get on Bob though. Hope can carry us both just fine, but Bob won’t even notice.”

  Emerald waved to us, and we turned to see her point back toward the fire pits where the meat was still smoking. The green-scaled woman made a motion as if she was drinking, and I gave her a smile.

  “Ahh yeah. The water jugs. Thanks for the reminder, Emerald.”

  She nodded and then fixed her strange white eyes on me. The way she stared at me was starting to creep me out a bit, but I still didn’t sense any hostility from her. She just never seemed to blink when she looked at me.

  I reached my left hand down to help Liahpa climb up Bob’s back, and the silver woman bit her upper lip for half a moment before she took it. Her palms were sweaty, but my grip didn’t slip, and she was soon sitting with her breasts pressed into my back.

  “You can put your arms around my waist,” I said.

  “Uhh, I will. Please just give me a moment.” I felt her sigh through where she leaned against my back, and then she slowly reached her arms around my stomach.

  She was trembling, and her breaths were coming out in sharp gasps.

  “Uhh, Liapha, you don’t need to come with me. It’s totally fine if you just want to stay--”

  “I’m okay,” she hissed, and I felt her arms tense around me. “Let’s go.”

  “Alright,” I sighed. “Jugs first.” I turned Bob around and sent him back to the outside walls of the inner gate.

  Liahpa slid off Bob’s back as soon as we made it there, and she handed the empty jugs up to me before getting back on. As soon as I had secured them to Bob’s saddle, I helped her regain her seat on Bob’s back, and we rode out the gate with our dinosaur escort.

  “Trel, Sheela, and Galmine first camped in the cave,” I said over my shoulder as I pointed to the cave with the orange birds. “We got forced out by those squawking assholes and made the smaller fort that connected to the big tree.”

  Liahpa didn’t answer me, but I guessed that she heard my voice.

  “This is the spot where Kacerie was teleported,” I said as we angled to the south side of the clearing. “We had just finished building the walls, and then we had been attacked by raptors.”

  “The same black ones that attacked Emerald and me?” she asked.

  “No, smaller green feathered ones. I haven’t seen them around in a few days, but I imagine you’ll see one soon. They are mean fuckers.”

  We traveled into the redwood forest and we didn’t talk for a few minutes. When we made it to the tree, I explained that we could actually ride Hope inside to get to the shore of the river, but I didn’t think the other parasaurs would fit.

  “And we are going to wait here for a few minutes,” I said as I slowed everyone down a few dozen feet from the edge of the forest. “Last time I was here I got attacked, so I want to make sure that the shore is clear.”

  “Okay,” she replied, and her arms let go of my stomach as she let out a long exhale.

  “So… what did you want to talk about?” I asked after I’d looked across the river for a few moments.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I doubt you wanted to come out here alone with me to see the river,” I said. “You can’t stand to be around me. You must want something, or you wouldn’t have wanted to get me alone.”

  “No,” she hissed into my ear. “Not every woman wants something from you, man.”

  “Okay,” I shrugged. “I don’t see anything. Do you?”

  “No,” she answered, and I urged Bob forward with a mental command. I’d made his movement quick on purpose, and Liahpa let out a gasp of surprise before she threw her arms around my stomach. Then she seemed to realize she was holding on to me tightly, and she let go so that she could just hold onto my shirt.

  My troop of dinos walked into the river and bent their necks to get their morning drink. I commanded Bob to sit on the shore so we could get down without making too much of a splash, and then I gestured for Liahpa to follow me.

  “You just dunk the jugs in the water?” she asked after I had handed her one from Bob’s back.

  “Yeah,” I said, and then we both waded into the water.

  The silver-woman watched me duck my own jug under the surface of the river, and then she mirrored my movement. We were standing only a few feet away from each other, and she kept her red eyes on me the whole time.

  I kept my eyes on her as well, but it was for a completely different reason than why she was probably watching me. Her tight superhero-looking outfit squeezed her lithe body like a second skin, and the shape of her long muscles were clearly highlighted by the slight swell of the material.

  “Why do you look at me?” she asked as her eyes narrowed.

  “You are looking at me,” I said with a shrug, and then I pulled the jug out of the water, took a long drink, and then filled it again.

  “I am not looking at you,” she hissed.

  “Whatever,” I laughed and then walked back toward Bob.

  “Why do you laugh?” she asked as she floated next to me with her jug in her hands.

  “Look,” I sighed. “Just tell me what you want. It will make this whole damn thing easier. I know you don’t like me. Hell, you are terrified of me--”

  “I am not terrified of you, Victor,” she growled and actually looked a bit scary when her eyes narrowed.

  “You were shaking like a leaf in a tornado when you clung to me,” I said. “I don’t care that you are scared. I get it, men are like ancient monsters to your people. I was pretty terrified of dinosaurs when I first got here.”

  “But you control them,” Liahpa said, and her face looked confused. “Why were you afraid of them?”

  “I didn’t know I could control them,” I said as I gestured to the dinosaurs I had tamed. “I still don’t know how my power works exactly. My point is: I get why you are afraid, so it isn’t shameful. It’s just, uhhh…” I was about to say “part of being human,” but that wasn’t going to work here, so I shrugged at her.

  “You control the dinosaurs, I do not control men,” she said.

  “Ha. Are you kidding? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”

  “Why?” Her eyes narrowed again.

  “Uhh, have you looked in the mirror ever? You are gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful.”

  Her eyes narrowed dangerously, and for half a second I thought I had gone too far by complimenting her.

  “You are trying to trick me,” she growled.

  “Trick you?” I let out a slight laugh again. “Like into what? You have a strength rating of 10. You could probably break me in half if you wanted.”

  “You have your dinosaurs,” she said as she pointed to Bob.

  “Yeah, but you were the one who asked to come out here alone, so don’t turn this around on me. You don’t get how men work because you haven’t had one on your planet for like a few thousand years, or at least you don’t know how the men from my planet work. We’d do pretty much anything for a beautiful woman. Hell, the only reason men bother to get jobs, clothes, and brush their teeth is so they can impress beautiful women. Someone like you on my planet could have whatever she wanted from pretty much any man.”

  “You jest,” she said as she shook her head. “That is not how the men of my species worked. They were monsters.”

  “You said you’ve never met one, though.” I shrugged. “Could be that they were just fine, but you’ll never know. Maybe there were just a few bad eggs, and then the women did away with them all. I don’t know your history, but I can s
ay most males of any species of animal on my planet go to crazy lengths to impress the female of their species. Spiders have mating dances, birds have bright plumage, and the males of my species try to make as much money as possible with hopes that we can attract the prettiest woman.”

  “So, it is all about looks with the men of your kind?” she asked. “You only care for a woman’s physical attributes?”

  “No,” I sighed, “but I’m not going to lie and say looks aren’t a factor. All I’m saying is that you have more power than you think with men. Look at this.” I gestured around to the river. “I’m here alone with you because you asked me. If you were a man, who was as strong as you are, and had spoken of your dislike of me, there would be no way I would be here alone with you.”

  “So, you think I am not as dangerous as a male then?” she asked as her eyes narrowed again.

  “No,” I laughed. “We are going around in circles a bit. I’m here, with you, alone, because I’m an idiot. A beautiful girl asks me to do something, and I do it for her. Plenty of men have died for women as beautiful as you. Some men might be physically powerful, or violent, or evil, but we are almost all a bunch of idiots over women. One of the biggest battles in the history of our world was over this woman named Helen. Hundreds of thousands of men died.”

  “You are going to tell me it was because she was the most beautiful,” Liahpa said as she shook her head.

  “Yeah, sounds like you know this story already.” I shrugged.

  “This is why men are a problem,” she sighed. “Instead of judging a woman on her merit, you judge her by her physical appearance. It is foolish.”

  “Sure,” I shrugged, “but you are forgetting one thing.”

  “Oh?” she asked as she raised a silver eyebrow.

  “Most women on my world would give anything to look like you, and if you lived on my world looking like you do now, you’d want to be with a man that made a bunch of money so you could live a life of luxury, and you’d have whichever one you wanted.” I finished attaching our jugs to Bob’s saddle and then I handed her the next empty one.

  “It would not be about the money with me,” she said as she took the jug from my hands. “I would want more in a mate. Hypothetically speaking. The thought of being with a man makes me ill.”


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