Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 2

by M Jacqueline Murray

  STRAIGHT: This card is favorable and assures the inquirer that with commitment, strength and determination they can overcome life’s difficulties and achieve great things in all areas. Constancy will be rewarded. There will not be a change in attitude, commitments will be maintained, lovers will be faithful, and constancy in work will be rewarded. It might have a mild negative meaning when linked to an adverse event, suggesting that despite efforts, little or nothing will change, that the situation is unmovable or static.


  LOVE: loyalty and sincerity are rewarded, it’s a special moment for loving relationship, love will endure

  WORK: time invested in work, sacrifices pay off, the image of the inquirer will improve and the future is bright

  HEALTH: health is excellent, look to the future with confidence, health is protected

  ADVICE: Maintain continuity with the past, be consistent and true.


  •Above – Past: consistency and patience has been demonstrated

  •Below – Future: people or a situation will remain steadfast or constant

  •In front – Obstacle: despite efforts, overcoming the status quo will be a challenge

  •Behind – Advice: have a persevering and purposeful attitude

  REVERSED: This card reversed indicates inconsistency, hesitation, impulsive behavior and lack of stability. It may also represent an unfair or unreliable friend. It can suggest a lack of commitment will result in dissatisfaction. In matters of love, there could be a lack of commitment, fidelity or dedication. At work, inconsistency will lead to missed opportunities. It could suggest a student has not prepared sufficiently for their exams. With respect to relationships, this card reversed can suggest there is a lack of firmness, or foundation to a relationship. Be it love or friendship, it will be fragile and one should proceed with caution.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ten of Hearts: Constancy: stability, everything that lasts or is permanent, success due to dedication and sacrifice

  DATES: October 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 58 / 6


  Original Italian title: Conversazione, conversation

  This card symbolizes family reunions, and good relationships with friends and loved ones.

  •dialogue, discussion, communication, being heard

  •exchange of information, clarification, apologies

  •weighing the pros and cons of a situation

  •circle of friends

  SYMBOLS: This card depicts a young woman sitting outdoors in pleasant conversation with a group of friends. She is speaking and it looks as if she is being heard because the other people appear to be interested and attentive. The conversation also appears to be a positive one. The figures all appear to be happy and content, suggesting the circumstances are positive, joy, abundance, love, renewal, or fertility.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a positive one, and indicates favorable moments for the inquirer with respect to life, friendships and relationships. This card foreshadows a meeting or gathering that will take place. With this meeting, what is important is the exchange of information that conveys a point of view, an argument or advice. This card can mean a meeting between friends, a business meeting or a family gathering. This card suggests a chance for clarification, explanations or apologies. It also suggests the inquirer will be heard when they engage in conversation or discussion. Adjacent cards can suggest the nature of the meeting or who will be affected or involved. With love cards, this could suggest intimate and affectionate dialogue. Negative cards in proximity could indicate that the necessary communication may be hindered. With respect to business meetings or job interviews, this card indicates a positive outcome. It may also signal an invitation is coming or that someone wants to speak with the inquirer.


  LOVE: announcements of birth, pregnancy, engagement, promises between lovers, family ties are strong.

  WORK: inspiration, brilliant ideas for new projects are shared, important talks take place, positive job changes or promotion.

  HEALTH: passing a critical phase related to health, news of pregnancy, psychological well-being, inner strength and energy

  ADVICE: Communication is essential to resolve problems in any aspect of life. Do not rest until the air has been cleared.


  •Above – Past: conversation or meeting has taken place

  •Below – Future: there will be a conversation or meeting

  •In front – Obstacle: there is important information to convey or an explanation or apology is needed

  •Behind – Advice open and honest communication is needed

  REVERSED: When reversed this card assumes the meaning of lack of clarification, lack of communication or postponed conversations. It suggests that perhaps conversations should be avoided because the consequences may be worse than if no conversation took place. It might advise the inquirer that silence is golden and they are talking too much. If the inquiry is around love relationships, there is failure to communicate, a dispute remains unresolved, there are significant misunderstandings or there is critical information that is being withheld. In conjunction with other negative cards, it could indicate that events are stormy, desired communications do not occur, and communications fail. In conjunction with cards like Falseness or Foe, it could indicate gossip, slander, conspiracy, or other communication behind the inquirer’s back that could be damaging.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ace of Hearts: Conversation: words, negotiation, interview, people living with inquirer

  DATES: May 21 to 27

  NUMBERS: 73 / 39


  Original Italian title: Morte, death

  This is a negative card signifying an ending.

  •death, ending, divorce, time to move on

  •sudden change, upheaval

  •metamorphosis, transition, transcendance, rebirth

  SYMBOLS: This card depicts death as a flying man, a demon with bat wings. He has a scythe over one shoulder and a skull on his hip. He looks menacingly down at the world below from a gloomy sky. The dark imagery provides contrast as death is the enemy of life. The old is bound to perish.

  STRAIGHT: This card almost always means that something is coming to an end. One should not fear this card because this may not necessarily be bad news. Endings are necessary to make way for transformation; it is the natural cycle of the universe. It does suggest that something will be irreversibly lost or left behind. This could be a love, job, trip, business, career or happy time. However, this could result in something better taking its place. Faced with this card, the inquirer should consider that there is a need for a profound and radical change to take place. Although this change could be very difficult or unpleasant, it may be the necessary path to follow. Sudden painful events that lead to anguish, despair, violence, trauma or weakness are possible. This card signals the start of a stormy period but can also indicate that there will be a shift to more soothing or very positive events.


  LOVE: the end of a marriage, relationship or engagement or the end of a bad period, revival after emotional period

  WORK: a change in job or profession as likely work has become tiresome and gives little satisfaction

  HEALTH: physical and emotional recovery will come after a time of illness, depression or exhaustion

  ADVICE: Face the sudden change, upheaval, regret, bitterness and accept that it is over. The answer is no. Forget the past and head in another direction.


  •Above – Past: something has recently ended

  •Below – Future: there will be a separation or ending

  •In front – Obstacle: will need to deal with sudden changes, upheaval or regret

  •Behind – Advice: consider that the answer is no, it’s over or some
thing has ended

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests that the situation is very negative and represents significant upheaval in the inquirer’s life. Reversed this card is nefarious, shocking, unreasonable and may indicate physical death, the death of a feeling, the end of a job, business or criminal conviction. Whatever the cause, it could result in a significant disruption and a prolonged negative period. It could suggest there is an element of deceit, hatred, revenge or malicious magic. What is lost, is lost forever and could be due to deception, hidden enemies, murderers and thieves.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Five of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Five of Spades: Death: end of something or someone, fear, crisis

  •Tarot: XV Death: Transition, progress, necessity, inevitability

  DATES: July 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 46 / 13


  Original Italian title: Gelosia, jealousy

  This is a negative card that reveals confusion and unreasonable thoughts that result from despair, desperate jealousy, envy, loss of love and sorrow.

  •being disgraced, cheated, betrayed, insulted, humiliated, dishonored, loss of face, deceived, debased, defiled, raped

  •scandals, convictions, misfortunes resulting in bitterness and mistrust

  •feeling sad, hopeless helpless, dejected, discouraged, shame, fear

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a man, with a gun to his head, seemingly about to commit suicide. The man’s ruin seems certain should he proceed. On the table there are flowers and what seems to be a letter, suggesting the root of the problem is envy or jealousy. The pistol could indicate the urgent need to pay more attention to friends, partners or relatives who may be suffering an extreme existential crisis or self-doubt.

  STRAIGHT: The meaning of this card is rooted in understanding the destructive capacity of jealousy. Jealously can lead to despair and rash and unreasonable thoughts or decisions. Jealousy of another man or woman can lead to unhealthy, dangerous even insane thoughts and lead to actions that are taken out of desperation rather than being rational. Jealousy can be related to more than love relationships. It can include envy between friends, family or business associates. In the extreme, the humiliation of the circumstances results in despair, loss of the will to live, isolation, resentment, self-pity. Although it might be flattering when a partner is jealous, it is unhealthy and can lead to destructive behaviors like excessive possessiveness, controlling, spying on email, phone calls and distrust. This card reminds the inquirer that envy among friends, colleagues and relatives can lead to unreasonable and detestable behaviors. In conjunction with other cards, it helps understand the moods of others, and the environment in which he or she is living.


  LOVE: jealousy, fear of being betrayed, fear of not being loved makes one vulnerable, difficult times with partners

  WORK: fierce competition, disagreements, hostile work environs

  HEALTH: delusions, neurosis, emotional imbalance, physical and emotional stress, persecution complex

  ADVICE: Be prepared for a difficult time but do not project your fears and obsessions. If it is a jealous partner, the inquirer should consider what actions or behaviors they are undertaking that could be the cause.


  •Above – Past: despair, doubts or jealousy have been a factor

  •Below – Future: envy, jealousy, mistrust and despair are possible

  •In Front – Obstacle: negative emotions, envy, sadness or unreasonable behaviors will need to be dealt with

  •Behind – Advice: beware of the impact of jealousy and envy, do not act rashly

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests the moment of despair is interrupted. It doesn’t mean that there is no jealousy, the card continues to indicate that it is present, but urges the consultant to consider the causes even though it has not yet caused despair. It also could signal an end to reckless or irrational behaviors other than jealousy. Confusing situations, disorder, nervousness, fatigue and falsehoods are possible at this time and it is advisable not to act impulsively or inappropriately. Rather this card urges the inquirer to continue life with courage, tackling problems possibly with the help of a loved one.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Eight of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Eight of Spades: Jealousy: financial crisis, loss of money, misfortune, darkness, dark rituals, jealousy, envy

  DATES: November 2 to 7



  Original Italian title: Dottore, doctor

  A multipurpose card that can represent a person or a concept. It could represent an influential person, doctor, lawyer, professional, expert or wise friend or reflect the need for healing, to correct something or solve a problem.

  •medicine man or woman, trusted advisor

  •need for emotional or physical healing

  •projects not going according to plan, bad working conditions, stress

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a physician and his patient. The man seems mature, kind, sure of himself and perhaps protective. He appears to be assessing or diagnosing the patient. The serious and thoughtful expression of the doctor assisting their patient appears to reflect the concerns and question that are being asked of him. The patient appears looking up to the doctor. It suggests that the man is respected and admired and will give the patient honest and wise advice.

  STRAIGHT: This card is usually positive, indicating whatever the crisis, it will be overcome. If the card represents a person, one can expect to receive an informed and assured answer. This person will provide wise advice, comfort, and authoritative guidance. The inquirer should seek advice in order to get out of or resolve the situation they are facing. The card suggests that there is a need to get out of a situation, abandon a road or get out of a period of inertia. If accompanied by other positive cards, the inquirer will encounter favorable events and people who will help, possibly unexpectedly.


  LOVE: father, husband, grandfather, uncle who are serious, loyal reliable, sensible and genuinely will help

  WORK: working relationship with leader, partner, advisor or customer is helpful and satisfactory

  HEALTH: no serious problems, consult your trusted family physician or specialist for advice

  ADVICE: Trust, seek advice in deciding what remedy is needed to resolve the current problem.


  •Above – Past: a healing or resolution has occurred with the help of a trusted advisor

  •Below – Future: the situation will be resolved with the guidance of a trusted advisor

  •In front – Obstacle: there is a need for healing that may require professional advice

  •Behind: Advice: seek the council of a trusted advisor or professional

  REVERSED: Reversed this card suggests the person we trust is of no help and may even hinder the successful resolution of the problem, disease or crisis. It may mean that the inquirer has been unprepared or unwilling to take advice or has not been making an effort to resolve the situation. The inquirer may be closed minded and refusing help. If associated with other negative cards it could mean that there will be an extended period of difficulty the inquirer will need to face alone without guidance or that there will be insufficient help available. In love, the trusted person may mislead and damage the relationship. At work, leaders or employers mislead. The reverse is almost always an indication of the cause of a situation and is a warning to re-evaluate and lay a new foundation for revival or healing.


  •Vera Sibilla: King of Clubs: Doctor: successful influential man, doctor or graduate, the field of health or healthcare

  DATES: December 11 to 20

  NUMBERS: 75 / 44


  Original Italian title: Il Nemico, the enemy, masculine

  This is a negative card describing a male enemy who is devious and will use any means to undermine one’s persona
l or financial situation.

  •opposition, forces working against, confrontation

  •espionage, circumstantial evidence, distrust

  •impostor, false friend, enemy

  •unaware of something that is wrong or a problem arising

  SYMBOLS: The card shows a man hiding behind a tree waiting for his victim. It is a lonely road, ideal for an ambush or trap. The man symbolizes a person who fights us or is plotting against us. The enemy is also a symbol of the obstacle, that separates us or prevents us from realizing a project. It is significant that it is hidden by a tree, something natural that we would not suspect would harbor something that would make us unhappy.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a warning to be on guard, to weigh information and review carefully. Someone or something could be plotting against the inquirer, blocking the path forward. The associated cards help discern what activity is affected and what effect it will have on the inquirer’s life. Be wary that there could be someone who is angry with us, that we have wronged and seeks revenge. This card also suggests that the enemy is unexpected, will spring seemingly from nowhere, taking the inquirer by surprise. If followed by a card indicating interruption, can indicate reconciliation, return of a friendship, end of hostilities, end of danger of obstacle.


  LOVE: a friend or relative intrudes and disrupts a relationship or causes emotional distress

  WORK: keep plans to one’s self, keep good records, check contracts, expect cheating or undermining

  HEALTH: agitation and tension create anxiety, heart problems or insomnia possible, burn off excess energy with sports

  ADVICE: Be alert to recognize the person predicted by the card.


  •Above – Past: someone has undermined or blocked your progress

  •Below – Future: be watchful, an enemy is lurking and will appear unexpectedly


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