Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 3

by M Jacqueline Murray

  •In front – Obstacle: someone or something is blocking progress

  •Behind: Advice: be on guard, watchful as someone is working against you.

  REVERSED: Reversed, this card is positive, indicating the end of an argument, hostility, or obstacle. It can also indicate a deception was a joke, a close call, or that danger was detected or an enemy disarmed before damage could be done. This card can be ambiguous if accompanied by other negative cards it could indicate a resolved problem could be re-initiated.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Jack of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Jack of Spades: Male Enemy: rival, enemy, competitor, the other man, secret, substance abuse

  DATES: February 21 to March 6

  NUMBERS: 78 / 27


  Original Italian title: Fedelta, fidelity

  This is a positive card symbolizing loyalty, fidelity and faithfulness.

  •count on support of friends, family, colleagues

  •good omen, positive results


  •trust your instincts

  SYMBOLS: The central image is that of a Saint Bernard near a pond or patch of snow. There is a village in the distance at the foot of mountains. Dogs are a symbol of fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, protection and instinct. In this case, the breed of dog is also significant in that it is a very large working dog that was traditionally used for alpine rescues. Thus, the card symbols suggest there are people or forces that are standing by you, willing and able to come to your aid.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a good omen, and suggests that the inquirer can trust those close to them and count on the help of others. Fidelity of lovers is a fundamental interpretation of this card, however, it also characterizes other relationships or situations, depending on the circumstances and associated cards. If the associated cards indicate the birth of a love relationship, friendship or business association, it suggests that this relationship will be founded on a solid foundation of trust and loyalty. This card can signify a solid working relationship, a faithful partner, a loyal and sincere friend, a loving and faithful lover, or a faithful husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. The card can also indicate feelings of faithfulness, loyalty or trust. The inquirer has the security and support that leads to happiness, abundance, recognition, love and esteem. Negative cards that indicate an interruption or break could indicate that there will be an interruption or end to that which is faithful.


  LOVE: partners are loyal and trustworthy, disagreements will be swept away by their faithfulness

  WORK: teamwork gives desired results, everyone will be rewarded, all will benefit through professional relationships

  HEALTH: any malaise is trivial, a little pampering and affection from close family or friends is the cure

  ADVICE: Be faithful and accepting of the loyalty and faithfulness of those who love and care for you.


  •Above – Past: others have been faithful and loyal

  •Below – Future: there will be a positive outcome due to support of others

  •In front – Obstacle: you may need to be rescued, supported by others

  •Behind: Advice: trust those close to you to be faithful and protective

  REVERSED: The most likely interpretation of the reverse of this card is the simplest, that there is infidelity, disloyalty, betrayal or misplaced trust, a breach of duty or a responsibility ignored. It suggests that there has been a change in a relationship for the worse, or there is a potential for that change if unfaithful, irresponsible or unethical actions are taken.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Nine of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Nine of Hearts: Faithfulness: feelings of love, trustworthiness, everything according to plan, everything according to its nature

  DATES: August 8 to 14

  NUMBERS: 88 / 37


  Original Italian title: Falsita, falsehood

  This negative card suggests the need to be careful and watchful, flattery conceals cheating and falsehoods.

  •betrayal, deception of the worst kind, lies, corruption, defensiveness.

  •something or someone fake, two-faced person

  •something wrong, negative

  •trying to cover up a mistake or lie, lying to yourself

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a beautiful domestic cat, sitting on a red pillow. Cats are a symbol of gossip, rumors, and untruths. The red pillow symbolizes jealousy and envy. The cat also has claws, with the ability to scratch or pounce unexpectedly when it appears to be quietly resting. The ability to ambush their prey, possibly leaving scratches that are painful and long-lasting. The deception of the soothing purr that disguises a nature that can transform to scratch or injure without warning.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a warning to be aware that things may not be as they seem on the surface. This card can symbolize a person who is “false”, that is, not genuine or sincere. Be cautious, the inquirer could encounter meanness and wickedness, the lure of false flattery or double dealing. This card can also help interpret a situation. If associated cards relate to communication, meetings, or partnerships, this card suggests empty promises, weak foundations, insincerity, or deception. In love relationships, this card strongly suggests that the partner’s heart is not entirely sincere, that there may be lies and the inquirer could be hurt unexpectedly. Be aware that this card can also point to the inquirer, that their behavior is “false” in some way.


  LOVE: the partner is not entirely sincere, new relationship not meant to last, lies and opportunism amongst family and friends

  WORK: all that glitters is not gold, weigh options carefully, a mistake could be costly

  HEALTH: better recheck results, something is not right

  ADVICE: Proceed with caution with people and situations, anticipate that things are not as they appear.


  •Above – Past: things have not been as they seem, a falsehood has been discovered

  •Below – Future: you will encounter falsehood in a person or situation

  •In front – Obstacle: insincerity, gossip, or false information poses a challenge

  •Behind: Advice: anticipate that things are not as they appear

  REVERSED: This card reversed indicates the end of a period of falsehood, that the truth will come out, secrets are revealed, and deceptions are uncovered. Insincere behaviors, gossip, slander, jealousy and envy will cease to be a factor. It may give an answer to the inquirer’s question, indicating there has been no deceit. In the company of other cards, that are negative, the reverse could suggest that things are worse than anticipated, betrayals, extramarital affairs, or infidelity of partners, employees, family and friends.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Four of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Four of Diamonds: Falsehood: insincerity, lie, distortion of reality, illusion, deception

  DATES: May 8 to 14

  NUMBERS: 80 / 16


  Original Italian title: Nemica, enemy, feminine

  This is a negative card that either represents a female that is wicked or a backstabber, or an event that is a hindrance.

  •female enemy, rival, competition, fake friend

  •wickedness, hypocrisy, bad advice

  •intrigues, deceit, fraud

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a woman on the threshold of an open door. She represents a rival in love, work or family. She could be a lover, wife, jealous girlfriend, or greedy woman or any other type of rival. The door is open, suggesting that she can freely enter. It is unclear if she has been invited or if the door was left open by accident. There is still the possibility of keeping this person at bay as the door could be closed before she enters.

  STRAIGHT: This card signals that there is a person or event that will interfere in the inquirers life. If it represents a person, it is one who sees the inquirer as a foe or target. Unlike the
Enemy card, the Foe represents someone who is out in the open, known and visible to the inquirer, although, it may be someone dear that they do not suspect. It could represent a friend who is insincere and not to be trusted. Bad advice or gossip that damages the projects or ambitions of the inquirer is also possible. This card can also represent immorality or infidelity. The positive aspect of this card is that there is still time to avoid the damage, the inquirer need only recognize the threat and close the door.


  LOVE: a rival, could be separated or divorced, wants to break up relationship, should be kept at a distance

  WORK: dishonest person who disrupts work, office gossip

  HEALTH: can reveal possibility of disease, if multiple cards suggest issues, repeat or duplicate tests recommended

  ADVICE: Defend yourself, close the door to the threat. It is best to keep this person away, do not accept advice, do not confide joys nor sorrows.


  •Above – Past: a foe or rival has caused this situation

  •Below – Future: there will be interfering forces impacting the situation

  •In front – Obstacle: there will be a challenge from a female rival or competition

  •Behind: Advice: look for the foe and take steps to keep them out of your life

  REVERSED: If associated with negative cards the reverse could indicate that the danger is imminent. It could indicate that the inquirer already has a love rival, dangerous person, whisperer, gossiper doing damage in their life who has no intention of stopping. Only if associated with very positive cards, could it suggest that a dispute, hazard, obstacle or enemy has been removed.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Queen of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Queen of Spades: Female Enemy: rival, competitor, the other woman, secrets, substance abuse

  DATES: March 7 to 13

  NUMBERS: 65 / 41


  Original Italian title: Fortuna, luck

  This is a very positive card symbolizing luck and good fortune.

  •lucky streak, dreams come true, victorious

  •happy at work, positive business transactions, change for the better

  •inner riches, discover hidden talents

  SYMBOLS: Fortune is depicted as a blindfolded woman holding a cornucopia and distributing gold coins and money. The blindfold obscures where she is precisely looking although she is looking up towards the heavens. Traditional depictions of luck show her blindfolded to suggest that she does not see who is benefiting, leaving open the possibility that it could be anyone.

  STRAIGHT: This card indicates that whatever the inquiry, fate will deliver a positive outcome with regards to wealth or well-being. The hopes of the inquirer will be realized. It suggests that a fortuitous circumstance or chance event will bring an emotional or monetary windfall. This card is one that “lights” associated cards suggesting a lucky and positive resolution of the situation. This card weakens negative cards such as those that indicate failure, death or an ending. It suggests interruption of those negative situations and fate will intervene on the behalf of the inquirer to deliver the beginning of a successful period, new love, win, job, or fortunate circumstance that will be favorable to the inquirer. Unexpected kindness, unearned wealth, maturity, health, and security are all gifts fate can deliver. It also could indicate the arrival of a sudden inheritance, a win or chance meeting. Although determination and will to succeed remains the responsibility of the inquirer, success is near. If the situation involves a big problem to be solved, the inquirer can look forward to resolution and a brighter future.


  LOVE: an important meeting will take place, serenity or reconciliation between lovers, meetings with trusted friends, relatives

  WORK: career advancement or promotion, a big win or sale, successful launch, large inheritance

  HEALTH: positive clinical results, pregnancy, psychological well-being, physical and sexual energy high, satisfaction

  ADVICE: Believe your dreams will come true and dare to attract good fortune.


  •Above – Past: has recently had a lucky period or event

  •Below – Future: look forward to a fortunate event, emotional or financial win

  •In front – Obstacle: change could come quickly as a result of abundance, triumph or success

  •Behind: Advice: believe in yourself and move forward confident in a positive outcome

  REVERSED: When reversed, luck is not on the inquirer’s side. There is a need to act prudently and decisively to address the situation. When the query pertains to a relationship, the reverse suggests a slowdown or betrayal. In work situations, it suggests inexperience, slow progress and losses. The associated cards will determine the if this card indicates a singular event or a period of time. It could represent the loss of the game, a challenging business period, a lack of competitive advantage, a lover’s rejection or rejection of an application for a job. When associated with positive cards it indicates that the inquirer must transit a short negative period before realizing a positive outcome or that success will come very gradually.


  •Vera Sibilla: Five of Clubs: Fortuna: good luck, success outside inquirer’s control

  DATES: April 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 59 / 5


  Original Italian title: Amica, friend, feminine

  This positive card represents a trustworthy and loyal female figure.

  •friendship, trust, security, faithfulness

  •help, attentiveness, good advice

  •positive news, gifts,

  •your own best friend

  SYMBOLS: The card shows an elegant young woman carrying a bunch of flowers. The flowers symbolize a gift, just as friendship is a treasured gift. The woman is coming forward with a kind expression suggesting she is offering help, comfort, advice or gifts. The woman appears to be in a house or home suggesting that this is a familiar, close personal friend.

  STRAIGHT: This card suggests the presence of a friend, someone who will provide friendship, aid or bring good cheer. The friend may be a counselor, someone who provides support and valuable guidance after listening to our problems. This person may also be a confidante, one who keeps secrets faithfully and is sincere and trustworthy. It also suggests that the inquirer should feel confident, either in persons close to them or in a situation. This card reassures that the environment will be pleasant, cozy, and free of hostility and there will be people who happily join the company of the inquirer. This card is also an announcement that there will be favorable circumstances, situations or events, sometimes unexpectedly so. Depending on the accompanying cards, this card could be interpreted as a journey, outing or meeting taking place with a group of friends. In some cases, this card points back to the inquirer, suggesting that they need to be their own best friend, be kind and generous with themselves or need to be a friend to others.


  LOVE: signals that an important meeting will take place, other cards will be needed to determine the fate of the relationship

  WORK: meetings will take place in a comfortable setting or atmosphere

  HEALTH: the inquirer may need to encourage a friend to seek help from a physician

  ADVICE: Friendship is both giving and receiving; learn to trust accept the gifts of friendship


  •Above – Past: a friend has played a significant role

  •Below – Future: a friend will be supportive and true

  •In front – Obstacle: having confidence in a friend for advice, accepting council and support

  •Behind: Advice: be open to give and receive the gifts of friendship

  REVERSED: The most likely reversed interpretation is to suggest a problem with a relationship with a friend. This could be the presence of an unfaithful friend, someone who can’t keep a secret, or highlight a
misunderstanding or argument with someone close to the inquirer. The environment is unfavorable, uncertain and the inquirer may feel isolated. It could also be an indication that the inquirer does not seek out friendships, does not confide in others, is difficult to get along with or will need to face difficulties alone. This card in conjunction with the “Enemy” card could indicate that a friend will become a foe or false friend that could do more harm than an unfamiliar enemy.


  •Vera Sibilla: Four of Clubs: Friend: confidante, guest, relationship of trust

  DATES: April 9 to 14

  NUMBERS: 89 / 25


  Original Italian title: Leggerezza, lightness

  A descriptive card symbolizing lightness, superficiality, inconsistency or carefree joy.

  •undecided, fickle, irregular, changing

  •impulsive, thoughtless, perilous behavior

  SYMBOLS: A butterfly is the main image on this card. Butterflies are delicate and a symbol of lightheartedness and joy. They can also symbolize hope, resurrection, immortality and the souls of the dead. The behavior of a butterfly is also significant, lightly jumping from flower to flower suggesting superficiality, fickleness, and irresponsibility. The insect’s wings suggest mobility and restlessness, or looking for something better. The butterfly has landed on an isolated branch and flower. The single flower pictured suggests that the butterfly is also solitary.

  STRAIGHT: This card is generally positive in that is suggests lightness and a care-free existence. However, frivolity is a superficial behavior, often irresponsible, and can indicate one who jumps from one thing to another, underestimating the gravity of events. Superficiality, undervaluing people or situations, or disregard for the details are also characteristics communicated with this card. This card warns of perilous behavior that could result in later regrets or saying or doing things without considering the consequences. It can also suggest that the inquirer is one who is perched close to the edge, content to be in precarious balance. The meaning of this card is not decisive, rather it is descriptive of a mood or feeling and does not strongly influence associated cards. This card can signify a person who is scatterbrained or flighty or a state of dizziness or confusion.


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