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Forgotten Conqueror

Page 17

by Za1d3

  “Well, take your time then.” Larson added.

  Kaidus went straight towards one of the shelves and picked up a book he had glimpsed the last time he was here.

  Kargalls: Lords of the Skies. By Atrozius Ferna Violius.

  He had read plenty of books depicting and describing Drakalls, so he had not chosen the book before, but having a limited selection, it was the one that played on his interest the most.

  “Ah, a great choice. The sheer depths that Master Violius goes into on the Kargalls is eye opening. Truly a great source of information.” The shop owner spoke as he assessed the book Kaidus was purchasing. “Will this be all for today?” Larson added.

  “Yes please.”

  “That will be 8 Erns even.” Larson spoke without looking at the price.

  “Mister Larson, the book is marked for 16 and 3.” Kaidus answered back.

  “For you, it is 8 even.”

  “Mister Larson…”

  “There is no greater cause for me, than to see bright one’s such as yourself claw themselves out of humble beginnings and into greatness. I hope that you will one day remember my shop fondly, when you have turned into a great man.” The shop owner spoke passionately.

  “That being the case, I would not be able to run my business much longer if I start giving you books for free. So we’ll call it 8 even.” The shop owner added to his passionate speech. A teething grin on his face.

  “Thank you very much for your consideration.” Kaidus gave Larson an appreciative bow.

  On his way home, he caught more of the shop owners looking at him with smile on their faces. He knew the reasons why.

  “… Master …” the ring sounded in his mind. A tone uncertain if worried or surprised to see the change in its master.

  “Did you get a new book?” Adalina asked, as he returned home.

  “Yes. One about Kargalls.” Kaidus replied happily to his mother.

  “Can you please look after Anise while I clean up?” she asked him.

  “Sure mom.”

  “Gai! Whoosh wooosh!” Anise told him, indicating something.


  His fingers twitched, a single thought, Magic manifested.

  A wind swirled around them both, gently and slowly.

  The breeze swam about between Anise’s hairs, moving from strand to strand.

  Anise laughing happily as the breeze tickled her.

  With another thought, the breeze slithers in between the two siblings, then started looping in a small circle.

  He put his hand in the loop catching a nice draft of warm air.

  Anise followed with her own tiny hand giggling at the phenomenon in front of her.

  As Adalina busied herself with chores, Kaidus sat and entertained his baby little sister with magic.


  They were sitting around the dinner table. Troyle, Adalina, Kaidus, and Anise.

  Troyle was talking about what had occurred earlier today while in the service of Lord Varath, and the process of clearing out the Korgas that were infesting the fields.

  “Kaidus. Would you come with me to Lord Varath’s Manor tomorrow?” Troyle asked.

  “Hm?” he gave Troyle a puzzled look.

  “The lord mentioned that he wanted to meet you.” Troyle answered.

  “What is the occasion?” he replied back to Troyle.

  “You remember Larant, Lord Varath’s son? He is to attend Zorin next term. I stopped training him in swords because he awoke to his magic last Rinol. He’s been learning and developing his magic with an instructor at home.” Troyle spoke fastidiously.

  ‘?’ Kaidus was confused how it had anything to do with him.

  “We were talking, and Lord Varath excitedly mentioned hearing rumors of a boy from the 3rd ward being sponsored into Zorin, asking me if I knew anything. When I told him I knew the boy, and that you were my son… Well, the lord had excited asked for me to see if I could bring you along sometime.” Troyle explained with a smile on his face.


  “It is perfectly fine to refuse Kaidus. I can always tell him you are still at Zorin.” Troyle aided, with an excuse.

  “…No. I’ll go. I should meet Lord Varath.” He replied, having made up his mind.


  After an early breakfast, Kaidus and Troyle were in a carriage on their way to Lord Varath’s Manor.

  The Manor was not as far as the Ravon’s estate, and was situated towards the center of the 11th ward—where the bulk of the nobles resided.

  They stopped in front of a large manor, and Kaidus and Troyle got off.

  The manor was smaller than the Ravon Manor, but it had a cordial atmosphere about it. It lacked a gate and walls, but there were two guards posted out in front of the door.

  As they walked by, the guards greeted Troyle and Kaidus and opened the door for them.

  “That’s him. That’s the kid they had been searching for.” One of the guard whispered as the doors closed behind them.

  Following Troyle, they headed to the Lord’s study.

  “Lord Varath, Troyle is here.” a servant announced, knocking on the door.

  “Please come in.” A masculine voice answered.

  Opening the door, Kaidus saw an immaculately dressed man. The man looks to be a little younger than Lord Huin, he had a slender physique and build, but was quite tall and handsome. The man had short dark blue hair—almost black, and had a nicely trimmed beard on his chin.

  “Good morning Troyle.” The Lord greeted, as the door closed behind Troyle.

  “That must be your son Kaidus.” A twinkle of delight and surprise surfaced in his eyes for an instant.

  “Yes, My lord.”

  “Welcome to my humble abode, young Kaidus.” Lord Varath spoke.

  “Thank you for inviting me. Lord Varath.” Kaidus replied, with a bow of gratitude.

  “I should be the one thanking you for your visit.” The lord answered, giving a nod in return.

  “Lord Varath, about the matters we talked about yesterday.” Troyle spoke, his voice resolute.

  “Yes, of course. I will not bring it up, I just want to confirm something for myself.” The Lord eased Troyle’s mind.

  Assessing Kaidus, the lord spoke.

  “Do you know what a noble’s favorite past time is, Young man?” his tone grim and threatening.

  “…master…” Hasen echoed.

  ‘Control yourself.’ He ordered the ring in his mind.

  “I’m afraid I do not my Lord.” Kaidus replied, his voice calm yet unconvincing.

  “Take a guess.” The Lord said, with an imposing gaze.

  “Reading.” He instantly replied back.

  “GYAHAHAHA!” the lord burst out in laughter. The former intensity all but gone.

  “It is exactly as you said Troyle. It’s as if he can see right through you!”

  Having calmed down, the lord started again.

  “Well, while I do like a good story here and there, it is discussing the decisions of those around them. The movements of their rivals, the glory of their neighbors, the games of the nobility. But… I’m sure an intelligent boy like you already know that, don’t you?” Lord Varath answered his own question.

  “Rumors of the noble’s court does not interest me.” Kaidus replied nonchalantly.

  “HAHAHAHAH!! You really are something! I had thought Troyle’s praises were all but to indulge himself on his son, clearly I am mistaken.” The Lord said with a wide smile.

  “Lord Varath, not in front of my son…” Troyle spoke, embarrassed.

  “The ‘Rumors of the noble’s court’ says that you have awoken? That Lord Ravon, upon witnessing your powers, stole you away from your family and entered you into the prestigious Zorin Academy?” an abrupt question.

  “Although some of those facts are exaggerated, Yes.” he replied, understanding what would be coming next.

  “Can you show me?” the Lord entreated.
  Exactly what he was expecting…

  Looking around the room, papers were scattered all over—scraps of crumpled papers, and blank pages.

  Slivers of light streaked through his hair for an instant. Suddenly a gust of wind fluttered through the room. Crumpled papers flew into a basket in the corner, as the blank usable pages aligned themselves into a pile on the Lord’s desk.

  After the display of magic was finished, Lord Varath wordlessly rang a tiny bell on his desk.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  Moments later, someone answered from the other side of the door.

  “Please go bring Sylvia, and her mother.” The lord answered.

  A beautiful woman in a gorgeous blue dress walked into the study. On the hems of her dress, clutched a girl also in a blue dress, around his age.

  “This is my wife, Reanne.” Lord Varath Gestured to his wife.

  “And this, is my daughter Sylvia, she had just turned 6.” Lord Varath pulled the girl away from her mother to give him a better look.

  “Although she is like this now, I’m sure she’ll grow up to be a beautiful young lady one day. How would you like to marry her?”

  “Wha-..?” Kaidus eked out a surprise as he lost his tongue.

  Chapter 20 – Lord Varath

  Kaidus was riding the carriage home by himself.

  Lord Varath, Full name Alzin Shuziel Varath. His house had been of minor nobility. Around 20years ago, when the lord’s father grew ill and could not continue the duties as head of the house, the young Alzin took over. He quickly outpaced his rivals using strategic maneuvers, bringing in wealth and influence to his house. He was in his early twenties when he married the lady Reanne—then Reanne Gilin Lazfor. With her help, the Varath house had truly flourished.

  The lord has three children: Larant the eldest son and first born, Jillian the oldest daughter, and finally Sylvia the youngest daughter.

  Thinking about the events that had unfolded earlier, Kaidus chuckled to himself.

  The book Kargalls: Lords of the skies, sat unopened beside him.


  “Wha-..?” the shock had left him speechless.

  “Lord Varath, I believe-” Troyle spoke up, but got interrupted.

  “Come now Troyle. Are you saying my daughter isn’t good enough for your son?” Lord Varath inquired sheepishly, trying to throw the discussion in a different course.

  “My Lord, We’ve talked about this already. You said yourself not moments ago that you wouldn’t bring this up. He’s just a child.” Troyle answered.

  “Yes, but what an extraordinary child at that.” Lord Varath said with a grin. “If I don’t take the initiative now, who knows how many others will be throwing their daughters at him, once they find out? One should never underestimate the information network of the Nobles.”

  “You mean the rumor mongers among the nobles, dear.” Reanne amended his reasoning.

  “Rumors are a form of information, my dear. And yes, I do mean you. One should never underestimate you.” Lord Varath replied back to his wife. A grin on his face.

  “No you shouldn’t, especially you.” She countered back at him, playfully.

  “Are you alright with this, Lady Reanne?” Seeing the immovable wall that is Lord Varath, Troyle turned to question the wife.

  “Of course. We’ve talked about it three nights ago. It was my idea after all.” She smiled villainously back at him.

  “You two…” Troyle was at a loss for words. He had played right into their hands.

  “Oh Troyle, don’t be hesitant. We’ve known each other for three years now, and you’ve saved my husband’s life more than I can count. We’re practically family already, why not make it official?”

  “Protecting the lord is my job, Lady Reanne.” He replied.

  “Then we are not paying you enough. How about a daughter-in-law for all your hard work?” Reanne coyly answered.

  Looking at Kaidus standing there silently,

  “We… are not nobles…” Troyle tried to use the commoner card.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t think he’ll be able to elevate himself and your name?” Reanne easily saw through him.

  “I’m sure all the nobles are scrambling for the identity of the “commoner” who has been admitted into Zorin.” she instantly shot down his argument.

  “We… are just getting an early head start, that’s all.” Her wicked smile returned. Not even trying to hide her objectives.

  “Ah, you should have seen it Reanne! What amazing gift!” Lord Varath interjected.

  … Kaidus stood there speechless. They were talking as if he wasn’t even there.

  “…” Troyle was truly at a loss for words at their shameless display.

  Lord Varath turned to Kaidus.

  “What do you say Kaidus? She’s very cute isn’t she? She’s got both my charm and my beauty. She’ll definitely grow to be more beautiful than her mother.” Lord Varath asked Kaidus with a grin on his face. “OWW!! OUCH! STOP! STOP!”

  “Whose charms and beauty, dear?” Reanna asked, having elbowed her husband.

  “Yours! Of course yours! My beautiful and very lovely Reanne!!” Lord Varath hastily answered. “…hopefully, she doesn’t have your temper as well…” he muttered under his breath.

  “What was that?” Reanne threatened.

  “Nothing. I said, I hope Kaidus pampers her as well!” the Lord quickly answered.

  Feeling where she was elbowing him,

  “I think you may have broken my ribs.” Lord Varath accused.

  “Oh? How unfortunate.” She replied, with her wicked grin.


  Giving up on the back and forth with his wife, he turned back to look at Kaidus.

  “Well? How about it? Why don’t you marry my daughter?” he asked once again with a smile.

  “I thank you for the opportunity, but I must graciously refuse.” Kaidus answered with an apologetic bow, having calmed down after witnessing the couple’s loving banters.

  “Is my Sylvia not to your liking? Should I get her elder sister? She’s a lot older than you, but…” Lord Varath asked, the smile still prevailing on his face.

  “That is not the case. Sylvia is very cute.” Kaidus responded.

  Sylvia’s eyes lit up for a second and she clutched her mother’s dress even tighter.

  “I am very grateful for your high evaluation and praise, but please do not be offended by my decision. As I am, I cannot accept your generous offer.” Kaidus said as he gave the lord a bow of respect.

  ‘Calm and collected… unyielding, yet humble… undeterred by the temptations of lesser men… hmm…’ The lord silently reevaluated Kaidus in his mind.

  “You know what? How about… what if I just give her to you?” The lord spoke. “She can live with your parents, and when you two are old enough, you can get married. That way, you guys can grow up to understand each other better.” Lord Varath said with a grin.

  “DADDY! NO!” The silent girl finally yelled out.

  “What? You don’t like him?” Lord Varath replied to his daughter.

  Sylvia looked at Kaidus.

  “I… I don’t know!” an embarrassed reply, the little girl quickly went back to hiding behind her mother’s dress.

  “It doesn’t look like she’s against it.” Lord Varath’s grin widened.

  “Mommy…” the little girl feebly muttered from behind her mother.

  “I’m sorry, but I will still have to refuse.” Kaidus apologized.

  Looking in Kaidus’s eyes, the lord relented.

  “Hmm… It seems you have thought this through. I understand, I will not push you any further.” Lord Varath answered.

  “Thank you.”

  “Just so you know, we’re not giving up yet. Once she grows up into a beautiful lady, we’ll be sending her after you, so be prepared.” Lord Varath quickly added, a wry smile on his face.

  “…Understood…” Kaidus could only reply in ackn
owledgement, unable to worm himself out of the tactless situation.

  “Well then, with that over with. Nice to finally meet you Kaidus. Pleasetakegoodcareofmydaughter.” The Lord said, as he took hold of Kaidus’s hands for a handshake.

  ‘…….. He… he just told me to please take good care of his daughter…’ Kaidus caught the tail end of it.

  “How about sticking around and enjoying my manor? Maybe get to know my Sylvia a little better?” the Lord suggested coquettishly.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I cannot stay. The point of today was to meet you and give you my greetings. It was due time I saw for myself, the man whom my father holds in such high regard.” Kaidus politely replied.

  “No, thank you. At least allow me to ready a carriage for you.” The lord replied. Surprisingly, he had gone back to being respectable.

  “You have my gratitude. It was a pleasure to finally meet you Lord Varath. Please take care of my father.” Kaidus made a bow.

  “And you Lady Reanne, Lady Sylvia.” Another bow to Sylvia and Reanne, before he turned to walk out of the study.

  “I will see my son out.” Troyle said as Kaidus made his way out the door.


  “What do you think?” Lord Varath asked his wife.

  “I certainly would not believe he is Troyle’s son if I hadn’t known.” The Wife replied.

  “Yes… the child holds himself quite well.”

  “It is exactly as Troyle says, he is quite the peculiar one. Truly mature for one so young.” Reanne added.

  Lord Varath edged closer to his daughter.

  “You think you can catch him?” He joked.

  “…” Sylvia clutched her mother tighter.

  “Not like that she won’t.” Reanne interjected, as Lord Varath burst into laughter again.

  “It’s okay, she’s got you to teach her.” He smiled as he drew his wife in for an embrace and a kiss.


  Although Kaidus had claimed he could not stay at the Varath manor, the second day at home went like every other day. Spending time with his mother and sister, helping with shopping, finding time to read while Anise was asleep, and listening and conversing with Troyle at dinner about various events going on in Ferrent.


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