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Negotiating for Love

Page 15

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to say something?” Martina grabbed his attention with her playful tone, a soft smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “I…I…damn, baby.” He stepped forward but didn’t walk into the house. He lifted her arm up, twirling her in a circle to get a good look at the entire gown. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He almost added that her firm, shapely ass had his mouth watering, but kept that thought to himself.

  Never had he seen her look so … so … feminine. She was sexy in anything she wore, but they were surely going to attend more black-tie affairs if it meant seeing her all dolled up in evening wear.

  “Paul, it’s cold out there, and you have the door open. Are you coming in or do you want to wait out there until I get my wrap?”

  Blown away by her appearance, he hadn’t realized he was still standing on the outside. The spark she lit inside of him was strong enough to start a forest fire, and he knew if he touched her again, they were going to be late.

  He stepped across the threshold but stayed near the door while trying to get his body under control. Inhaling and exhaling slowly was doing very little to tamp down the desire roaring through his body. He felt like a horny teenager on prom night, anxious for the dance to be over so he could see what was beneath his date’s dress.

  “All right, I’m ready.”

  His gaze soaked her up as she glided toward him. He was the luckiest man alive to have this woman on his arm tonight, and she was going home with him.

  “So is there anything I should know before we get there. Anything I should not say in front of the people you guys are expecting to be there? I’ve already been given speeches by Jada and Peyton to keep my mouth closed and look cute, but is there anything you want to add?”

  “You look stunning.” He pulled her against his body, her softness molding against him. “You are a phenomenal woman who I absolutely adore. I want you to just be yourself.”

  She cocked a perfectly arched brow. “You sure about that?”

  “Positive. Let’s go. We’re going to have a great time.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Martina almost whistled when the driver pulled onto the Kendrick’s estate. Though it was nighttime, the property was well lit, putting on full display the manicured grounds with full-grown trees and lush flowerbeds.

  Her grandparents’ estate was impressive, but this family’s wealth showed without her even having to know their net worth or step foot into their home.

  The sprawling mansion came into view, spotlights highlighting the magnificent structure as well as the fountain. This time she did whistle, not caring that it wasn’t very ladylike. Jada had given her a crash course in etiquette and another speech about acting like a woman. Martina had to admit she appreciated her cousin’s efforts and now wished she had paid better attention.

  “So this is where you grew up, huh?”

  “Yes, this is it.” He squeezed her hand. “Maybe before we leave, I can give you a tour.”

  “Now that’s an offer I wouldn’t turn down.”

  As the Town Car jumped in line behind several other cars that were just arriving, Martina took it all in. French Normandy architectural design made the home look more like a palace. She had always been infatuated with homes and architecture and this one didn’t disappoint.

  Moments later, they stood in the huge marble foyer. There was so much to see, Martina couldn’t decide where to train her eyes. The impressive semi-spiral staircase, the ornamental columns that gave the open space a regal appearance or on the floor to ceiling windows that were straight ahead and took up a wall that had to be a least twenty-feet long.

  Make sure you don’t act as if you’re not used to anything. Jada’s words came to mind when Martina realized her mouth was hanging open as she turned in a full circle taking in the foyers cathedral ceiling.

  From the open foyer, Martina realized that she and Paul had captured the attention of many of the guest.

  “Are you ready for this?” Paul mumbled close to her ear.

  “About as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Servers floated in and out of the crowd carrying champagne glasses while others carried silver trays filled with elaborate hors d’oeuvres. The party was well on its way.

  Someone approached them and took her wrap before Paul guided her farther into the house. They hadn’t taken two steps before Martina spotted an older couple heading toward them. Martina knew immediately, that they were Paul’s parents. She could see a little of him in each of them.

  So this is Angelica Kendricks. Martina almost burst out laughing seeing her in an extravagant red evening gown, just like Jada predicted.

  Dang that girl is good.

  Paul’s mother looked the way Martina expected. They were around the same height, but his mother appeared fit, she probably carried ten pounds more than Martina. Angelica’s hair was swept up in an elaborate updo, showing off the diamonds dangling from her ears and around her neck. She had enough bling on to require a bodyguard. The woman looked like money.

  Martina wasn’t nervous, but when Paul placed his hand at the small of her back, she had to admit that it brought her a certain level of comfort.

  She smiled up at him. She had a feeling he was more nervous than she. Was it because he thought she was going to embarrass him? Or maybe he thought that his mother wouldn’t approve of her.

  Martina wasn’t one of those women concerned about what others thought of her, but she did care what Paul thought.

  “Mother, Dad,” Paul greeted.

  Mother? He was such a laid back guy, hearing him refer to his mother in such a formal way as —Mother—seemed a bit stuffy.

  Mrs. Kendricks leaned forward and turned her head slightly, giving Paul her cheek. Once he kissed her, Paul shook his father’s hand.

  “So who is this beautiful young lady?” His father’s warm smile elicited one from her.

  “This special lady is Martina Jenkins. Martina, these are my parents, Paul and Angelica Kendricks.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” Martina extended her hand, but Angelica acted as if she didn’t see it. Instead, she patted the back of her hair as she glanced behind her.

  So it’s like that, huh? No problem.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you young lady.” Paul’s father accepted her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. “Son, you are one lucky man.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” He wrapped his arm around Martina, pulling her close then kissing her on the lips.

  Martina didn’t miss the way his mother’s gaze started at the top of her head and didn’t stop until it went down the length of her body and back up.

  Martina smiled. She recognized the look. Jada had mastered it, a condescending admiration that masked her appreciation for the other woman’s outfit.

  “Oh, Paul, before I forget, I want you to say hello to Larry Kane. He and his wife can’t stay long, so you should probably speak with him now.” His mother slipped her arm through Paul’s and started guiding him away.

  “Mother, wait,” he said and reached for Martina’s hand.

  “Dear, I’m sure Marcia can entertain herself for a few minutes without you.”

  “Her name is Martina,” Paul corrected, irritation in his voice. “And I’m not going to leave her here. She goes where I go.”

  “Babe, that’s all right. I’ll be fine on my own. If I need you, I’ll find you,” Martina said pointedly, making sure to make eye contact with his mother.

  When they strolled away, Paul’s father said, “I’m sorry about my wife. She’s determined to get Paul in front of the right people. People who can help him get into the White House.”

  Martina nodded, not trusting herself to say anything.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  From behind her, a male voice said, “I can take care of that Uncle Paul while you see to your other guests.”

  Martina turned, surprised to see Davion

  “MJ, you’re stunning. I almost didn’t recognize you when you and Paul walked in. But then I know he wouldn’t have been here with anyone else.”

  “Don’t try to sweet-talk me after you tricked me into renovating Paul’s house a few months ago.”

  He laughed and lifted his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, but Paul’s older and bigger than me. Besides, he threatened to tell my mother that I stole her pearls when we were ten. I just couldn’t let that happen.”

  Martina laughed. “Whatever. You’re lucky I kinda like you.”

  “How about I show you where the good food and drinks are since my aunt carted Paul off.”

  Martina glanced in the direction that Paul and his mother went. She saw him clear across the room standing with a man twice his age. Poor baby looked as if he would rather be on an exam table than listening to the guy.

  As if he could sense her gaze locked on him, he glanced in her direction. She smiled and blew him a kiss. Her plan was to keep the peace and have a good time tonight. If that meant allowing his mother to drag him around like a little kid, she could deal with that.

  “Shall we?” Davion offered his arm, and she allowed him to lead her away.

  “So, where are you taking me?” Martina nodded a greeting to a few people who were looking at her as if they knew her. Since she didn’t travel in the same circle and didn’t recognize anyone, she kept moving.

  “I’m going to introduce you to the second most important person in Paul’s life.”

  “Who’s the first?”

  Davion narrowed his eyes at her. “You have to ask?”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks. “Oh.”

  She wasn’t sure who Davion was taking her to meet. It couldn’t be Paul’s sister Myra. He had told her that Myra couldn’t attend because the baby was sick and her husband was on a business trip.

  They strolled into the kitchen, of all places, where a flurry of activity were taking place. Once again, Martina was blown away at the size and exquisiteness of the space. Every appliance was supersized and top of the line. The light gray walls served as a backdrop for the dark custom cabinets and added extra warmth to the kitchen. A perfect choice. Like the rest of the home, no expense had been spared.

  “Janice, I have someone here who you have to meet. This is Martina Jenkins, Paul’s significant other. I’m sure if Aunt Angelica wasn’t making him greet everyone in attendance, he would have introduced MJ.”

  Martina almost melted at the woman’s warm smile.

  “Oh, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you, sweetheart.” She hugged Martina and it felt like being hugged by her grandmother. Katherine Jenkins gave the best hugs, but this woman definitely came in at a close second.”

  “Janice keeps this palace running like the White House,” Davion said. “She’s been with the family like … forever and practically raised Paul and his sisters.”

  That explained why Paul seemed to be from a different world than his mother. He had once told her that his parents traveled a lot when he was younger, leaving them with the housekeeper.

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Paul speaks highly of you. But what he talks about most are your Pecan Sandies.”

  Her smile made her face appear much younger. Janice was a beautiful woman and no doubt she turned a few heads in her youth. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled back into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. And her healthy, blemish-free face needed no makeup.

  “It figures Paul would talk about food.” Janice held Martina’s hand, the smile never leaving her face. “You are as beautiful as I imagined.”

  “Thank you.” No wonder Paul spoke about Janice more than his mother. This woman probably had more warmth in her pinky finger than Angelica had in her whole body.

  “Are you hungry?” Janice asked. “Would you like to try some of the hors d'oeuvres that the other guests are having?” She leaned in close. “Or I can get you a plate of Chicken Marsala that I made especially for Paul and Davion.”

  Davion dropped his arm around Janice’s shoulders. “Martina, take door number two. I assure you that you’ll be licking your lips after tasting Janice’s Chicken Marsala.”

  “Oh stop.” Janice grinned and swatted at Davion.

  “Actually if I can just have some water that would be fine for now.” Martina seldom turned down food, but she was more thirsty than hungry.

  Davion snatched a puff pastry off of a large tray that sat on the counter. Seeing all the food reminded Martina that she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Rarely did she miss a meal, but Jada had dragged her to get her hair and nails done, and then there was the makeup appointment. Before Martina realized it, the day had flown by.

  A tingle scurried up Martina’s back, and she didn’t have to turn to know that Paul was nearby. When she glanced over her shoulder, her stomach did a flip-flop at the sight of him. He looked rich and powerful in his black, single-buttoned tuxedo. They’d only been apart for a few minutes, but his presence still had the ability to make her feel all gooey inside.

  Now was no different. Dark intense eyes zoned in on her and the urge to run and leap into his arms was almost overwhelming. The last couple of months he had been an addiction she couldn’t seem to break. She didn’t want to break. All she wanted was to spend every waking hour with him and some days the thought scared her to death. But not tonight. Tonight her body was aware of him, longed for him and she intended to have her fill.

  “Hey, baby. I’m sorry about abandoning you like that.” He kissed her sweetly. “I see you’ve met Janice.”

  Martina shared a smile with Janice. “I have. She’s been keeping me company. I was hanging with Davion, but as you can see, he abandoned me for food.” She nodded her head toward his cousin who was eating at the kitchen table.

  “Paul, I’ll fix you a plate.”

  “That’s okay, Janice.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I just came in here to get my gorgeous date.”

  “Very well. You know where to find it when you’re ready. I need to get back to work anyway.” She hugged them both and scurried off.

  Paul turned his attention to her, looking at her strangely.

  “What?” Martina asked.

  He lifted her chin with the pad of his finger, concern covering his face. “You feeling okay? You look a little flushed.”

  “Yeah, I feel fine. Maybe a little thirsty still.” She held up the glass that she’d emptied. Or maybe warmth spreading through her body had more to do with taking in him and how hot he looked. Her internal temperature was probably through the roof. “Can you get me some more water?”

  “Of course,” he said, looking unconvinced.

  When he came back with more water, she downed it as fast as before, setting the empty glass on a nearby counter.


  Paul reached for her hand and started toward the door. “Did you eat anything?”

  “I’m not that hungry.”

  He stopped short. “Now I know something’s wrong. You never turn down food. Are you sure you’re feeling all right?”

  She pulled on his hand. “Quit being a worry wart. I’m fine. Come on. Let’s go and do a little meeting and greeting.”

  An hour later, Martina was more than ready to call it a night. She had never met so many boring people in all of her life. The scary part was, some of these people were friends of Paul. How he tolerated their company was a mystery to her. There were several times she had to hold her tongue for fear of sharing too much of her opinion.

  “If I have to listen to Senator What’s His Name, drone on and on in that Ben Stein monotone for another minute, I’m going to nail him in the butt with one of my too-tall-stilettos. Goodness!” Martina said when they eased away from the conversation with a couple of state senators and their wives.

  Paul burst out laughing. “You held up better than I thought you would. I appreciate you doing this for me, baby.” He kissed her lips.

  “Don’t thank me. I did it because I feel
sorry for you. Like seriously, babe, how do you do it? I’m damn near comatose after less than an hour of listening to him while you’ve had to put up with his yammering for years.”

  Paul laughed so hard, tears filled his eyes. “You’re crazy. I don’t know how I’ve survived these parties without you by my side.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had to.” She leaned into him as they moved further away from the group, their arms around each other’s waist. “Why don’t I sit the next couple of minutes out and let you mingle. I think I’ll hide out in the kitchen for a while.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Paul, I don’t want your mother to get mad at me for dominating all of your attention.” Martina had noticed Angelica glaring at her all evening.

  “Don’t worry about my mother. You’re my number one priority.” Paul pulled her off to the side into a secluded corner. “If you’d like, we can even sneak upstairs and test out my old bed.”

  Martina threw her head back and laughed. “I’m starting to rub off on you. That sounds more like something I would say.”

  “You can rub on me anytime, baby.” She giggled when he nuzzled her neck and his hands did a slow glide down the side of her body. A sizzle of desire shot through her body to the tips of her toes and she knew she’d have to put a halt to his delicious assault before they got too carried away.

  “Okay stop.” She nudged him and glanced around to see if anyone could see them. “You have to get back in there. It’s clear your mother had you in mind when she decided on her guest list. If I hear one more thing about a new Senate term or you being the next president, I think I’m going to scream.”

  He dropped his arms from around her and rubbed his forehead. “I know. I should have asked more questions about this party. If you want to leave, I—”


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