Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6)

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Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6) Page 8

by E. C. Land

  “You tellin’ me that the shit my ol’ lady went through might not be over with?” Thorn growls.

  “Brother, it’s not done until we obliterate those lunatics,” I declare.

  “Nobody is touching my woman,” Thorn bellows as he slams his fist down on the table.

  “Nothing is gonna happen to either of your women or Ally. We protect our own,” Twister says calmly, yet his voice holds an edge of steel to it. “Now, we need more information. I say we invite Hammer’s charter. He can spend time with Ally as well as help with this situation. I have a feeling we’ll need all the manpower we can get when it comes time to pull off what you have in mind.”

  “Stoney’s gonna want in. And most likely the Iron Vex MC too,” Horse grumbles out the last part.

  “From what I saw the other day, I’ll have to agree with you. Horse, you talk to Stoney. Hades, hate to say it, but Ricochet did claim Emerson as his sister. He’d want to know about this,” Twister’s suggests.

  “Unfortunately, you’re right. Best prepare for a full house then,” I groan. This isn’t a conversation I want to have. I already gotta deal with the asshole messaging me about Emerson. Telling him, this will have not just him descending down on us but the whole damn Iron Vex MC.

  “Fuck, that means seeing Boss,” Horse mutters.



  “I’m sorry, Emerson,” Steph whispers, unshed tears filling her eyes. The moment all the guys left, the women surrounded me, talking on top of each other, saying how stupid they were to simply jump to conclusions instead of waiting to find out the details. Kenny even started rambling on about the words ‘club business’ and how Horse could shove them up his ass.

  If the situation were different, I’d probably be laughing. But right now, I’m really hurt. These women were supposed to be my friends.

  “Emerson, there’s no excuse for the way I’ve been acting. I guess I just let my emotions get the best of me. After everything we’ve been through together, I figured this would be the same. I was wrong, though. Selfishly so. I don’t expect you to forgive me,” Steph says quietly.

  “How about we move this to the kitchen? There’s cake, and we can avoid prying eyes from watching us,” Cleo suggests, her focus not on our group but the clubwhores sitting all too smugly in the corner.

  “I think that sounds good. In fact, let’s say screw the plates and grab a fork and eat the whole damn cake while we talk,” Izzy throws out there.

  As much as I would prefer to run and hide in Hades’ room, or leave altogether, I’m a glutton for punishment. I follow everyone into the kitchen.

  Walking into the kitchen, I sit at the counter as Cleo takes the top off what looks to be her triple chocolate red velvet cake. My mouth begins to water at the mere sight of it. No one can bake like Cleo and when it comes to her cakes, they’re like taking a bite out of the forbidden apple.

  “Here you go, forks all around,” Cleo says as she hands them out.

  “This looks really good,” I murmur quietly.

  “Well, evidently, this child seems to love chocolate, all things chocolate. Even chocolate-covered pickles,” Cleo moans as she puts a bite of the cake into her mouth.

  “That’s just gross,” Izzy says.

  “Well, it's better than you dipping fries into ice cream. I mean, that’s simply not right.” Cleo throws back at her.

  “Not to get in the middle of what's worse, but can we get back on topic, please?” Kenny asks.

  “Look, can we just forget about it and start over? I’d really prefer to just forget all of this and leave it in the past,” I tell them as I spear my fork into the cake.

  As Steph opens her mouth to protest, Ally speaks up for the first time since Hades stormed off. “Emerson, I know you don’t know me, well, none of you do. Honestly, I don’t even know who I am. All because of those men. Men who took me when I was just a little girl. I, more than anyone in this room, know what you’re feeling. Everyone, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t know what it’s like to be mind-fucked.”

  “Ally, please don’t. You don’t know any of our stories. We’ve all been in situations where our minds have been fucked with. If not for having each other to talk to about it, then we’d all still be dealing with the demons inside us,” Izzy says, interrupting Ally.

  “How about we tell you our stories? Maybe then you’ll see we can understand what you’re feeling,” Kenny suggests.

  At my nod, they all begin telling me and Ally their stories, starting with Kenny and how she ended up escaping after being taken by a member of the Dragon’s Fire MC in retaliation for the club intercepting a shipment of women. Then, when he found her again four years later, he chained her from a beam in a pig slaughterhouse.

  When Kenny finished, Izzy told us about the death of her brother years ago and how she couldn’t cope with the grief, blaming herself for his accident. How her own parents blamed her. Her mom even tried to auction her off on the black market. Her pain didn’t stop there— she ended up being kidnapped right outside the clubhouse by her ex-boss’s twin brother, who wanted to go around having to bid for her. The man beat her so badly, she ended up in the hospital where one of the nurses injected her with a drug.

  Cleo and Lynsdey, they told their stories at the same time. Lynsdey’s step-brother was a part of the very same cult that took Hades and I. Growing up, he tortured Lynsdey, and when he met Cleo, he decided to do the same to her. She became his pet, same as Timothy called Hades. Okay, so maybe these two women get it. The worst of their story was when they talked about what happened after Lynsdey had the twins. She’d been kidnapped right from her hospital room and taken to a cabin where the step-brother already had Cleo. Tears filled my eyes as they each finished their part of what happened that night.

  I already knew what happened to Steph, but she told her story for Ally’s sake, so she would understand. I can’t help but feel guilty yet again for avoiding my sister as she talks about all the recent events. I’m her big sister, and I didn’t protect her like I should have. It should be me apologizing to her, not the other way around.

  “You see, we get it.” Izzy’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.

  “I can see that, but I honestly don’t think I can talk about it even if I wanted to. I grew up not trusting anyone. Not even the other women who would come around. They weren’t one of the Chosen, meaning they were dispensable and usually didn’t last longer than a week. Less if they spoke with me. Being the first-born female is a curse that both Emerson and I will always have hanging over our heads,” Ally says nonchalantly.

  “Emerson, you mentioned the Chosen earlier. What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know really, just that they kept calling me the Chosen,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  “The Chosen are the first-born females in the bloodlines of the men who first said they shared a connection to the Dark Lord.” A shiver runs down my spine as a memory seems to want to take me over.

  Clearing my throat, I glance at each of the women. “I appreciate you telling me what you’ve been through. And when I’m ready, I will give you my story. But right now, I can’t. I’m sorry if it upsets you all, but I’m simply unable to.”

  “I understand, Emmy. I’m so sorry for being a bitch toward you. I’ve only been thinking about what I thought was best and not about you. I hope we can move past this. You’ve always been there for me and yet when you needed me, I wasn’t doing anything for you,” Steph says through tears.

  “We’re sisters. You know, it’s not all about the rainbows. We’ll get through this, eventually, simply takes time,” I tell her.

  “Then I’ll give you time,” she says while wiping the tears from her face.

  “Good. Now, let’s eat this cake. It’s too damn good to share with the guys,” I declare as I go for another bite.

  Thankfully, they all take the hint that the subject is closed for further discussion. Yet in my head, the questions I have cont
inued to roll around more and more. Chosen? What is the importance of these women? Glancing over at Ally, I find her staring at me. She’s the only one I can ask these questions, though it won’t be until I can get her alone and away from everyone else.

  Nodding in my direction, she mouths ‘later,’ letting me know we’ll talk.



  Spending some time with my sister and the rest of the women undoubtedly seemed to help ease the tension between all of us. By the time the cake was devoured, we were all laughing over stories about the guys in the club.

  When I’d left the kitchen, I’d hoped to find Hades. Despite the prospect who’d been standing behind the bar telling me the guys were in church, I head in that direction while he yells after me. I don’t care, I need to see him and make sure he is okay. As I make it to the door, it swings open and I come face-to-chest with one of the brothers.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Really, again? Don’t you women know the meaning of the word ‘church’ in our world?” Burner gripes as he moves back, and I can see all the guys standing.

  “Oh, umm, I’m sorry. I was gonna knock, but you opened the door as I was getting to it,” I blurt out.

  “Precious, what’s wrong?” Hades asks as he approaches me. His voice seems off and as he draws me into him, I can smell the alcohol.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” I whisper without making eye contact.

  “Look at me, Emerson.” Cupping my chin, he tilts my face until our eyes meet. His eyes still look off, though I can register the smallest amount of warmth in them. “I’m good, baby. We were just finishing up in here for now,” he says before leaning down to brush his lips across mine.

  “Get a room,” Burner grumbles.

  “Already got one, brother. And it has a brand new bed I think needs to be broken in,” Hades says over his shoulder, never taking his eyes off me.

  Oh boy, I can feel myself getting wet at the way his eyes bore into me with such intensity. I just know when he gets me into the bed, it will be completely different. Primal.

  Taking my hand, Hades leads me further down the hall toward his room. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door. Hades moves to the side to let me in first, and I find his bed neatly made with new sheets and comforter.

  A shiver runs down my body as Hades wraps an arm around my waist. “I want you to strip out of your clothes and stand at the foot of the bed with your legs pressed against it,” he growls into my ear.

  Without question, I do exactly what he says, all while keeping an eye on him. Hades’ eyes travel down my body with each piece of clothing I remove. Deciding to tease him a little, I turn to give him my backside, sliding my jeans and panties off at the same time. Stepping out of my clothes, I bend over to give him a good view of my ass.

  “You’re playing with fire, Precious. Now get over to the bed,” he orders.

  Straightening, I saunter over to stand at the foot of the bed the way he said. Turning my head to face him, I suck in a breath as I find his gaze taking me in. “Umm . . . ”

  “Don’t talk,” he snaps, interrupting me. “Right now, I don’t want you to speak unless I tell you to,” he says while removing his cut and placing it on the chair by his dresser. His shirt and boots follow, leaving him in only his jeans.

  “Now, close your eyes,” he orders.

  Doing as he says, I close them and wait patiently for him to say something, but he doesn’t. I can hear him moving around the room, opening and closing drawers. A minute or so passes, and I feel him in front of me, pressing a cloth over my face.

  “I’m taking your sight from you,” he rasps.

  Nodding, I let out a raspy breath.

  With my eyes securely covered, I can hear the crinkling of plastic and it makes me nervous. What is he doing?

  “Open your mouth,” he says.

  My mouth opens without hesitation and I realize instantly why when he places the ball into my mouth.

  Oh my God, Hades is gagging me.

  Once he has it secured to my head, I feel him step back from me.

  “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he murmurs. “Now, the next thing you’re gonna do is climb onto the bed and lay down.”

  Breathing becomes heavy as I turn around to do as he told me to. Without my sight, I’m scared of accidentally going too far and up falling right off, but I have to trust Hades to keep that from happening.

  “Good girl,” he appraises me for doing as he asks.

  The sound of him moving around the room has my heart pounding in my chest.

  “You trust me, Precious?” he asks.

  I try to answer him, but with the ball in my mouth, I can’t. So, I simply give him a curt nod.

  “Good,” he says before I feel him wrap something silky around one ankle, then the other. He then spreads my legs as wide as they will go and secures them.

  “Damn, I can see your pussy glistening, and I haven’t even touched it yet,” he groans, and I feel him moving up the bed next to me. Grabbing my wrists, he does the same to them, securing them above my head, stretching my arms tight.

  “Alright, the fun can begin.” Hades moves away from me yet again.

  Ugh, seriously, the man is trying to kill me. I feel like I’m gonna explode already with anticipation.

  He doesn’t say a word, and I don’t even hear him moving around. Did he leave me in here like this? Is this some sort of punishment? Why did I let him tie me up? And why the hell am I so turned on?

  “If only you could see what a vision you are right now, Precious,” Hades murmurs.

  My senses seem to be in overdrive by the time Hades presses what I think is a blade against my skin. What the hell?

  “You said some things earlier, things that you shouldn’t have let come out the way they did. I don’t appreciate the fact my woman didn’t trust me enough to tell me everything she’d been through while in the hands of those monsters. They fucked with what’s mine and for that, they will all die. But you will learn tonight you don’t keep anything from me. I want to know every little thing, whether you get a paper cut or the moment you get your period,” he says while running the blade along my breasts, circling my nipples. I swear, his plan is to drive me insane with lust. Who knew having a piece of cold steel pressing into my skin would be arousing?

  Hades’ body leans over me and licks at each of my nipples while running the blade further down between my legs where he taps it against my pussy. I moan around the gag in my mouth on impact.

  As Hades continues to tap the blade against my pussy, he trails kisses along my stomach. With one last tap, he moves in and latches onto my clit, flicking it with his tongue. My back arches and my ankles dig into the bed. With the restraints, I’m unable to do what I want.

  “Hmm, I love the way you taste, but I’m not feasting on your pussy right now. No, I have bigger plans for this body,” Hades groans, giving my clit one last lick before pulling away.

  Damnit, he has me so worked up and ready to come as it is. I don’t know if I can take anything else.

  At the sound of a wrapper crinkling, I furrow my brows. What is he about to do now?

  “When I tell you to, I want you to take a deep breath and hold it,” he says right before pressing a finger into my ass. I jump at the cold sensation of the lube he’s coated his finger in.

  When he pulls the one finger back, he replaces it with two, slowly scissoring them back and forth a couple times.

  “Now, take a breath and hold it. Don’t let it go and don’t make a sound,” he orders.

  Taking a deep breath and holding it proves to be difficult with the ball in my mouth. The feel of him pressing his dick against my back causes me to tense. Other than him using his fingers on me there, nothing else has been done. His dick is huge. How is he gonna make it fit in there?

  “You trust me?” he rasps.

  I nod my head vigorously, needing him to do something, anything, or I’ll end up going
insane from the need to be fucked.

  “Good,” he says and thrusts deep inside my ass with one forceful thrust and stops deep inside me. “Fuck, your ass is tight.” I can’t help but whimper. The pain is mixed with pleasure, and my body feels like it’s on fire. I’ve never done drugs, but the way I feel right now is ecstasy. Pure primal need fills me as I buck my hips in an attempt to get him to move, which he does ever so slowly.

  “You ready to come?” he asks, and I nod.

  “Are you my ol’ lady?” Again, I nod.

  “Will you do as I say when it comes to protecting you?” Nodding, I let out a soft cry around the ball gag.

  “Then I’ll allow you to come,” he growls and begins to thrust into me faster than he’s ever done before. There’re no words to describe the power strokes he uses while slamming into me.

  When I feel a hand at my throat, squeezing it, I come. The orgasm rushes through me, igniting my entire body into flames.

  “Fuck, Emerson,” Hades roars out as he stills, his dick twitching as he comes.

  As Hades pulls out of me, he lifts a hand to remove the blindfold and gag from my mouth. Blinking against the brightness of the room, I get my first real look at Hades since he blindfolded me. At the sight of the warmth filling his eyes, I know without a doubt I’ll let him do anything he needs to do to my body. This was the key I needed to settle the devil inside him.



  Fuck, that was intense, and I can’t wait to do it again. At first, I thought Emerson might freak out on me when I removed the blindfold and ball gag. No, she sighed and fell right to fuckin’ sleep. Getting up, I untie her wrists and ankles from the silk restraints before heading into the bathroom to grab a washcloth to clean her up.

  Once done, I throw the cloth into the corner and lift Emerson into my arms long enough to pull the comforter back and climb in still holding her. Laying on my back, Emerson adjusts herself until she’s all but on top of me. With one hand still around my woman and the other resting behind my head, I let my mind wander to all the shit I’ve found out.


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