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A Witch's Fury

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by Kim Schubert

  A Witch’s Fury

  Kim Schubert


  To my husband who whose tireless support makes these books possible. To my son, who makes every day an adventure.

  To my betas who took time from their busy lives to help polish the story.

  Facebook: thekimschubert


  Copyright © Kim Schubert 2015

  Ebook Cover Design by

  Smashwords Edition

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  Other books by Kim Schubert:

  Dead Shifter Walking, The Succubus Executioner Book 1

  Demigod Down, The Succubus Executioner Book 2

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Connect with Kim

  Chapter 1

  Blake held me lovingly in his arms as we stood on his driveway, about to leave for Kass and Darren’s wedding. I hungrily clenched fistfuls of his white dress shirt as he pressed his soft lips firmly against my own, seducing my mouth, one tongue stroke at a time.

  I could think of a better place for those strokes.

  Groaning, I pressed myself against his well-built form, enjoying his hands kneading the flesh under my t-shirt. His lips curled into a smile that I could feel against my ravished mouth. Untangling my hold, he threaded his fingers through my own before bringing my hands to my sides. Biting on my bottom lip, I scooted forward, pressing my breasts against the fabric I was just trying to wrinkle.

  Releasing my hands, he stroked my face with those talented fingers—which I could also find a better place for. Gazing into his blue eyes, dazzling in the afternoon light, I whispered huskily, “I think we should go back inside.” A magnetic force drew my eyes back to his perfect lips.

  His smile grew as his roaming hands moved to comb back my newly dyed dark brown locks with midnight purple highlights. “I like this look on you.”

  “I can tell.” I pulled him in for another kiss.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he scolded. He gently shoved me toward the passenger door with a sharp slap on the ass. “We can not be late for the wedding.”

  Relenting, I sighed and slid into the heated leather seat.

  Today was the day when I had to hold my tongue, not kill anyone, and try, at least, not to insult anyone.

  I scowled. “Being on my best behavior is so not fun.”

  Weeks after wrapping up the insanity of the sadistic demigod Nari and helping Kass get acquainted with the packs and their lifestyle, we had finally arrived at the wedding day. I was excited to be her maid of honor, proud to stand beside her on this most sacred occasion, even if I had to play nice.

  My heart still broke for her that the rest of her wedding party had abandoned her when a few select shifters took issue with a shifter marrying a succubus. We certainly were not the mainstream Supernaturals who announced their existence to the public, but I had created a small dominion by controlling the Supernatural Council. Apparently, a few still thought of us as “demon whores.” The truth was that our power lay in our ability to influence emotions; although we couldn’t force a feeling into a being, we could easily manipulate and coerce.

  I’d like to think I’ve always used my powers for good, but I’m not that delusional.


  “Does the caterer have the hors d’oeuvres out in the cantina area?” Kass hollered from the large bathroom of her bridal suite, as she changed into her undergarments.

  “Yes, I checked myself,” I yelled back, slipping into my own dress in the empty main room.

  “Hannah is in her dress?”

  “Yep, she is out there with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Lee being doted on.” I slid the side zipper up carefully, smoothing out the soft fabric against the curves of my body.

  “Does Jane have her corsage?”

  My hands abruptly stopped as I considered the question. “I think so.”

  “Logan and Darren have their boutonnieres?” The bathroom door opened a crack.

  “Yes, I pinned them on myself.”

  “Zip me up?” She asked kicking out the hem of her dress as she held the top up.

  “Absolutely, beautiful.” I grinned at her foolishly, excited for such a girlie event.

  “I hope it still fits,” Kass worried, smoothing the dress around her growing baby bump.

  “There,” I finished. “It fits perfectly.” Kass exhaled a relieved sound before turning her critical eye to her hair and makeup.

  Standing behind her, I rested my chin on her shoulder, meeting her gaze of equal parts worry and excitement in the mirror. “You look amazing, Kass.” As happy as I was for her, I was also secretly jealous.

  Kass continued her critical perusal before looking back at me and drawing a deep breath.

  “Thank you, Olivia.” She blinked back the moisture in her eyes as I squeezed her arm. We left volumes unsaid between us, but our bond as succubi, even with our shields pressed solidly into place, allowed us to feel just a pinch of each other’s emotions.

  That was enough for us.

  Some people will claim that connection makes our kind demons. Since I’ve never put any stock in religious jargon and have yet to suck anyone’s soul, I’m going to call that particular myth false.

  The door to the bridal room slammed open. Lorraine, Logan’s fiancée who absolutely adored calling me a demon, sauntered in reeking of alcohol. She was dangerously close to spilling her drink down the front of her dress and everything else in the vicinity.

  I didn’t need this.

  I marched over and closed the door behind her with enough force to rattle the pane of glass.

  “What could you possibly fucking want?” I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Lorraine crashed herself in one of the L shaped couches, spilling her drink on her black dress. The fabric fit snugly against her perfectly shaped body. I felt Kass’s self-confidence dip slightly and scowled at Lorraine as I repeated my question, punctuating each word with venom, “What. Do. You. Want?!”

  She shrugged, unconcerned that the Executioner was currently thinking of various ways to hide her body. Running a hand through her long, straight, raven locks, she confessed, “The boys kicked me out.”

  “I wonder why,” I muttered sarcastically. I turned back to Kass, forcing a smile and locking down my emotions, hoping I did so deeply enough that she wouldn’t feel them.

  “I feel sick,” Kass complained, holding her stomach.

  “Ginger ale?” I asked.

  She nodded and sank down gracefully on the long, flowered sofa under the picture window.

  With a glare at Lorraine, I grabbed my bag and stomped off to the bar in my ballerina flats. I would have preferred my steel-toed boots, but I had to agree with Kass and Jerry that they did clash.

  A few guests had already made an appearance, lingering around the exquisite fountain and rustic benches. The entire v
enue was beautiful: lush trees, flowering bushes, and delicate lighting gave this city locale the feel of a secluded secret garden.

  Making my way to the cantina, I smiled at the waitress. “We haven’t opened yet,” she informed me as she quickly stocked beer.

  “I know. I was hoping I could get a ginger ale for the bride. Her stomach is upset,” I said, plastering on a bubbly smile.

  “Oh, yeah, I think I have some in the back,” she said, pulling out a can. “It’s a little warm still.”

  “It’s perfect, thank you,” I told her sincerely.

  Before heading back to Kass, I detoured to the Groom’s room, knocking gently on the door before pulling it open.

  “Everyone decent?” I called out.

  Logan moved into my line of view, his caramel locks cut and styled. “Everything okay?” he asked, pulling on the cuff of his black suit. Oh goodness, did he look suave. It took me a moment to answer as my eyes roved over his powerful thighs, shown off by the tailored black pants, along with those damn alluring raw sienna eyes.

  His eyes met mine briefly before they skirted over my dress, taking a long few moments to drag back to my own eyes, sea green.

  “Yeah,” I said, shaking my head clear. I recovered quickly, pulling out a long, slender, plum package from my bag, walking toward him with the gift extended.

  “What is it?” Logan asked warily, turning the package over in his hands.

  “A gift,” I informed him. Feeling a bit insecure, I crossed my arms over my beautiful dress and retreated to stand in the doorway. I had lost my nerve when I was here earlier, pinning the boutonnieres on.

  He arched an eyebrow as he pulled open the package. Holding up the dagger and sheath, he gave me a quizzical look.

  “I don’t need weapons, I grow talons and fangs. Remember?” he asked. “Did the tango with the demigod damage your memory, or have you perhaps gotten soft hanging around town for the past few weeks?”

  I huffed, “It’s not for you, dense shifter. It’s in case we run into trouble here and I need it. I can’t hide it in this dress,” I informed him, uncrossing my arms and gesturing at myself so he could see the sheer fabric. “Not to mention that throwing knives will only do so much.” I slid the slit of my dress over, revealing my upper thigh encased by the delicate leather strap holding my four throwing knives.

  “Oh.” Logan said softly, his eyes running over my body. Before my imagination could dwell on the heat in that look, I turned.

  “Well I gotta go, be sure that Lorraine doesn’t harass Kass in my absence.” I fled the room, letting the door slam shut behind me.

  I crossed the short distance between the two rooms and handed Kass the ginger ale. She sipped the lukewarm drink while I sat on the arm of the couch, stroking her back.

  After a few more sips, she rallied. “Okay, let’s get my veil on so we can get the pre-wedding pictures taken.”

  I nodded. Crossing the room and pulling open the pristine white box resting on the round table, I gently pulled out the intricate lace veil.

  Turning with care, I was watchful that I didn’t drag the beautiful material on the floor. I stopped truly dumbfounded when Lorraine hauled herself up off of the couch, her wine glass sloshing wildly again. Shaking my head in annoyance, I cemented my forced smile into place before meeting Kass’s gaze as she stood in front of the floor length mirror.

  Carefully, I tucked the comb into her beautiful dark curls, fluffing the veil around her shoulders and midway down her back

  “Perfect.” I stepped back, smiling as I pulled the veil over her shoulders.

  “Can you grab me the small mirror?” Kass asked, pointing at the round table. I made my way to the table, curling my lip in disgust. Lorraine had found a new place to spill her wine: the flowered couch arm, which she leaned on unsteadily, her eyes half closed.

  A knock sounded and the photographer peeked her perky head in. “All ready when you ladies are!”

  I nodded, turning to bring Kass the mirror.

  Lorraine launched herself off the couch and cut off my path, stumbling as she reached over and adjusted Kass’s veil. I swallowed my growl of annoyance.

  “Lorraine, can you sit down?” Kass batted at her hands and edged away. “I don’t want wine on my dress.”

  Ha! Take that, Lorraine!

  Lorraine yanked back her hand and slapped Kass across the face with her obnoxiously large engagement ring. Blood pooled from the corner of Kass’s split lip. The realization that Lorraine had scored first blood came slowly. I was stilled by sheer, stupid shock.

  “No,” I gasped, horrified.

  The blood of our kind holds immense power. When vampires feed off of us it is an intoxicating, nutritious high for them. However, the results of drawing our blood can also be disastrous. In a moment of passion, it enhances the throes of desire; in hatred and anger, nothing good can come of it.

  Selena, the psychotic vampire bitch who had created, enslaved, and trained me, had drawn my blood repeatedly until I could control the effects, could focus through the immediate intense emotions and so hone my abilities. It was one of the very few things she had done in my fucked up beginnings that I was grateful for.

  Kass never had such training.

  “No,” I whispered again as the small mirror slid through my boneless fingers to land at my feet. “No!” I screamed louder, getting the attention of Darren and Logan, who burst through the door.

  Ignoring their panicked expressions, I flung myself in front of Kass, facing her with arms braced wide.

  Kass turned slowly from the mirror, her eyes burning with hatred. She ignored me, her gaze locked onto Lorraine with a need to kill vibrating off her body in powerful waves. Her ruby red painted lips pulled back from her white teeth in a snarl. Her body crouched slightly into the fighting stance I had taught her.

  “What happened?!” Logan and Darren yelled together.

  “Lorraine drew first blood,” I whispered as Kass attempted to launch around me.

  Holding her back easily, I settled into my own stance.

  “How do we fix this?” Darren asked, standing next to me, his voice colored with worry for his soon-to-be wife.

  “Usually I drain both parties within an inch of their lives,” I responded, letting him take Kass’s next advance. He held her wiggling body against his own until she flung herself backwards.

  He turned to me, ashen.

  “I am not doing that because of the baby,” I assured him. He turned back to Kass.

  “I could let Kass kill her,” I muttered.

  “That bitch hits me!” Lorraine yelled, pointing an accusing finger at me. “Why can’t I hit the slut?”

  Yeah, I’ve hit Lorraine a lot. Trust me, she deserves it.

  I cringed as Kass renewed her efforts and slammed into my body.

  “Get Lorraine out of here!” I bellowed to Logan, foolishly expecting him to listen.

  Turning to Darren I said, “I am going to drain her emotionally, that won’t hurt the child and should place her in an unnatural calm.”

  “I’m okay with killing her,” Darren answered, his own eyes glowing with hatred at Lorraine.

  “Me too,” I answered, looking at Kass with a sigh. “But she won’t be.”

  “If I kill her?” Darren asked hopefully as he turned to look at Lorraine, whom Logan still hadn’t removed.

  I shook my head, “Won’t help, but thanks for offering.” Kass came at me again, spewing obscenities at Lorraine while trying to claw her way around me.

  Wrapping my arms around her slim shoulders, I ducked my head into her neck, sucking a breath and holding it. My power reached out and I quickly pulled Kass’s anger, disgust, and hatred to me, letting them mingle with my own emotions, then cramming it all into a metal ball inside of my head.

  I was scared to pull back and see whether what I had done worked. The pull was dangerously fast. It would have been easy for me to pull too much or not enough. I was betting on my experience to see us both ou
t of this crisis unscathed. If she hated me for what I had done, I’d understand. Perfectly.

  “I’m sorry Kass,” I whispered, releasing the breath I was holding. Pulling back, I braced for the results of my handiwork. I had just deprived Kass of all her emotions from this day and several more to come. Kass’s eyes found mine and instead of the intelligent, witty, sparkling joy I had seen there just moments earlier, only emptiness remained: a forced calm, forced by my hand.

  I pulled my arms off of her shoulders, wrapping them around my middle instead, bowing my head as I took a few steps back. Her emotions roiled inside of me, wanting an outlet, wanting Lorraine’s blood to be spilled until the lifeless look in her eyes would soothe my soul.

  Clenching my jaw, I closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath and commanding those desires to lay still. I dug my fingernails into the soft flesh of my palms, willing myself not to draw my throwing knives.

  Fucking weddings.

  “What about Lorraine?” Darren asked, helping Kass to sit. I hated myself for the blank expression on Kass’s face.

  It took me a few moments to focus on his question rather than the guilt in my gut.

  “She’ll need to be drained,” I answered. I searched for my phone to text Blake. I was glad to have a menial task to take my mind off what I had just done. I did not want to deal with this shit today of all days. What was wrong with Lorraine? Why didn’t I just kill her? The searing heat of first blood warmed my body at the thought of breaking her slender neck with my hands.

  Blowing out a breath, I was startled by the door bursting open again. I looked up to see Blake standing there, handsome and regal, his eyes glowing amber.

  “This is going to hurt,” he hissed, before using his vamp speed to secure his fangs into Lorraine’s neck. I smiled at her whimper of pain.

  Have I mentioned how much I love that man?

  Logan moved to interfere, but Darren’s growl stilled the Alpha. Unsure of what to do, Logan opted to stand there, unwanted, glaring at Blake. He may be the Alpha over shifters in the entire U.S., but what Lorraine had done merited punishment.


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