Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1) Page 21

by Stacy McWilliams

  Amber glanced up at me and smiled as I looked down at her, but she could tell something was wrong with me. I shook my head at her and linked my fingers with hers, feeling better and stronger when she was beside me. Together we walked into the bar. She didn’t say a word and I didn’t either. I was just happy to have her beside me.

  “Mason,” Helena called out and I nodded at her, almost laughing at how angry her voice sounded and we continued walking into the bar. We sat down and I scooped Sophia out of my mom’s arms. My mom’s face tightened. Amber picked up Lucca and we sat there, me sipping on beers, wishing it was Jack, and her sipping on water.

  As the day progressed I didn’t leave her side. I greeted everyone with a smile and a nod. Most people knew me well enough to leave me be, but Helena kept trying to get me to speak to her. Eventually I told her to bite me. She stormed out in a huff, taking my mom with her. I hadn’t spoken to or even looked in her direction.

  When she walked out, my whole body relaxed. The boys came over to see what was going on.

  Harris spoke first. He sounded more than worried at my odd behaviour. “Dude. What the hell was wrong with you earlier?” He fiddled with the bottle of bud in his hands and watched me as I took a sip from my bottle.

  “My mom fucked me off.” I answered, not wanting to get into it and hoping they’d pick up on the fact I didn’t want to talk.

  Most of the boys did pick up on it, but Quinn decided to open his mouth. “Mase, dude that was cold. What the hell could your mom have possibly done that was so bad, that you gave her the stink eye all afternoon?”

  “Fuck off, Quinn,” I muttered, my fists clenched on my lap.

  “No, man. That’s your mom.” Amber could feel me shaking and she took Sophia from me as my eyes narrowed on Quinn. I shot up and moved around the table, knocking some drinks over.

  Harris stood in front of me. “Mason, calm down dude. Take a walk.”

  I put my hands on his shoulders and stared at him. “Move out of my fucking way Harris, I mean it.” He stood his ground and I shoved him, seeing red as Quinn walked over and pushed me away from Harris.

  “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? You’re a fucking mess. Your kids are here and Amber looks terrified.” I stalked towards him and hit him once in the jaw, hearing the crunch that meant I’d hurt my knuckle. Amber screamed as Quinn flew towards the table and tried to shield the kids. Fuck, I’d done that. I watched almost in slow motion as Quinn crashed into the table and knocked the drinks all flying. Luckily Lewis had snatched Lucca out of the way because glass smashed exactly where he’d been sitting.

  I looked around and saw everyone staring at me with open mouths. But it was the look of horror on Amber’s face that propelled me to the door. Fuck this shit. I needed something stronger than Jack. I hadn’t had blow for over a year, but fuck if I didn’t need something now. I snatched out my cell and dialled my dealer, Chuck.

  “Mason, dude,” he answered sounding joyful, “long time no chat. How’s it going?” He sounded as sleazy as always, but in the valley he was the person to go to.

  “You still hot man?” I couldn’t be bothered with the pleasant talk. I just wanted to forget about my day, my week and my life at the moment.

  I heard him laugh, a belly laugh. Then he sighed. “Sure man. You know where to find me.”

  I ended the call and jogged the three blocks in my loafers. “Gus.” I nodded as I arrived at the huge guy blocking the door. He was like a bear, with arms as wide as my body and legs of solid muscle. He was the scariest looking dude ever, with eyes as coal black as his hair, his skin a chocolate colour. He nodded back at me. He looked surprised to see me, but he didn’t stop me from going in.

  As I walked into the restaurant the smell of garlic and cream hit me, along with the scent of candles and a variety of dishes cooking in the kitchen. Tim, the front man and business partner of Chuck met me. “How ya kid?” He asked me, looking at me over his glasses as I walked towards him.

  “I’m alright, Tim. How’s business?” He smiled at me and nodded me through to the back room where Mayling opened the curtain. I wandered through. There were some guys I didn’t know sitting around the table playing cards. One of them looked familiar to me. I knew him from somewhere and I couldn’t think where.

  Chuck opened the door at the back and I walked through, sitting at one side of the desk while he sat at the other. “Well, well. Mason Michaels returns. I didn’t think I’d see the day that the rock star would want any more blow. I heard you’d had a kid.” I nodded at him and handed over two hundred. He glanced around and smirked at me. “Prices went up dude.” His tanned skin and black hair gave him the impression of niceness but he was a snake. I needed to remember that.

  I handed over another fifty. “That cover it?”

  He nodded and handed over three grams. I stood and walked out. “See you next time. Use the back door.” I walked down the corridor, snaked round the alley and headed to the hotel I’d just bought. The redhead girl on the desk glared at me as I walked in and asked for a room.

  “We have no rooms available for a few weeks sir.”

  I glared at her with my eyes narrowed. “Is that right? Get the manager. Now!” She scuttled away as my cell rang. I glanced down and saw it was Harris. I didn’t want him right now. I didn’t want any of them. I ignored it as the manager walked towards me. I placed my cell down, taking two steps towards him. “You have no rooms available I hear?” I asked the manager. He stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

  “I’m not sure if you got the memo, but I fucking own this place now so when I come to the desk and say I want a room, I mean I want one right away.” His face dropped and he glared at the receptionist. My smugness lasted a second and he stormed over to the desk, messing about on the computer.

  After a few seconds he returned and handed me my cell and a room key. “The private accommodation is available sir. Since you own the hotel, you are welcome to use it.” I nodded at him and glanced down as my cell rang again, this time it was a withheld number.

  “What?” I growled.

  I heard a sharp intake of breath. I knew it was Amber on the line. After a second she still hadn’t spoken and I was about to hang up when she spoke into the line. “Mason, where are you?” Her voice sounded small and broken. Once again the urge to take her into my arms and into my bed almost overtook me. I glanced around the overpriced lobby, taking in the golden table in the centre, with swans sitting on a raised platform atop a floral bouquet.

  There were gold and deep reds on the chairs, golden marble floors and the reception desk was also a gold marble. It had the clocks of the world behind it. I moved towards the gilded elevator and saw a black chaise lounge. As I inserted my card, Amber spoke again. “Mason, please. Where are you?”

  I swallowed and took a breath. “Who’s with you Amber?” I asked calmly, staring at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess. My eyes had black circles under them and my clothes were creased. My hair was in need of a wash from me running my fingers through it. My blue eyes looked dead.

  “I’m with Harris, Quinn and Lexa. Mason, where are you? Please.” Her voice took on a pleading tone. ”Everyone is so worried. Where are you?”

  I looked into the mirror and was about to answer her when a thought struck me. “Where are my kids? Who is doing your job Amber?” Her sharp intake of breath told me I’d hit my mark. Good. I was glad. At least I tried to tell myself that I was.

  Harris came on the line. “Mason, you are out of line. Your kids are with my parents and my sister tonight. I’d asked them to keep them because I knew today was gonna be fucking hard. Then you go and make it worse by disappearing. We don’t know where you are, so tell us, where the fuck you are, so we can come see you?”

  His words came out real quick, like they always did when he was upset. I knew he was gonna give me a sore jaw before the night was over. “Harris, put Amber back on.” There was a sound, a few words mumbled, but I couldn’t make them out. The el
evator dinged as it reached my floor. I strolled down a corridor and saw some gorgeous girls wandering around. I nodded at them and they followed me as I opened the door to my room.

  “You girls lost?” I asked them as I moved into the suite I’d been given. It was nice, with cream furnishing, blue walls, bay windows and panelled floors. They shook their head as they followed me inside, but I didn’t care. “Mason.” I heard my name and groaned. “For fuck sake. Fine. I’m at the Palace hotel. Harris, text everyone, I want to party tonight.”

  I ended the call and Harris sent me a text.

  On our way, all the guys coming, Amber is too. Don’t fuck up, Mase.

  I laughed and wandered around. I called Archie and asked him to pick up some drinks and told him where we were partying. After ten more minutes the door went and I opened it to find Harris, Quinn, Lexa and Amber standing there. The girls had introduced themselves as we’d done some blow and told me their daddy was the Texan billionaire who’d sold me the hotel.

  Amber’s eyes narrowed upon seeing them, but they had nothing on her. She was gorgeous. Harris asked if anyone wanted to go downstairs for a few. Everyone said yes. I said no. I needed to stay and wait for the alcohol. As they all left, I didn’t realise Amber had stayed behind with me.

  “Hey.” She smiled at me and I stared at her. Her smile was shy. She licked her lips as she watched me watch her. I moved towards her and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. I grabbed my cell from my pocket, texting Archie to leave the booze in the car and join the others for a drink. I needed time with Amber alone. We had unfinished business.

  I leaned down and brought my lips within an inch of hers. “Amber,” I whispered her name like a platitude and with reverence.

  She whispered, “Mason,” and I crashed my lips to hers. We walked backwards until my hand hit the bedroom door handle. I turned it and pushed her through with my hips. I picked her up. She ground on me, telling me without words that she wanted this as much as I did.

  We crashed onto the four poster bed and I stripped her quickly, sliding my fingers into her panties. Becoming harder as she moaned against my fingers. I kissed up one thigh and down the other, kissing her mound through her panties as I slipped my finger into her slick core. She moved on the bed and I pulled my belt off, unbuttoning my pants as I slid my fingers in and out of her. I palmed my rock solid cock, ripping open a glove and sliding it on before I rose up and slid into her.

  She tightened around me and moaned as I pounded into her. I pinned her hands above her head and watched as her tits bounced in time with my thrusts. She was perfection beneath me. She moaned my name and I pounded harder, lifting her legs over my shoulders and slamming balls deep into her.

  She moaned loudly again and I fingered her clit with one hand. My other held her hands above her head. As she bucked and writhed on the bed I continued slamming into her. Seconds later she came. I followed a moment after.

  We lay on the bed together, but apart. I couldn’t cope with how close I was to her. How, in such a short space of time she’d almost unmanned me. Taking control from me. I stood up and pulled on my pants, leaving her panting on the bed as I rushed from the room. I needed a drink and my blow.

  I made my way downstairs and rushed into the bar, not even bothering to fix my just fucked hair or shirt. As I passed the mirrors, I tried to fix myself then realised I didn’t really care what anyone thought.


  I stayed behind to talk to Mason. He needed to talk to someone about what happened at the bar. He was never cold to his mom and hitting Quinn while I held Sophia was unbelievable. He was like a loose cannon, pacing around. I doubted he’d taken much in since we’d arrived.

  His eyes were wider than normal and I wondered if he’d had something to help out his mood? I wasn’t sure how to broach it, so I waited until everyone else had left. As soon as he’d turned around and took me in standing there, his eyes had widened.

  I didn’t know what to say, so I said a simple, “hey.” I watched him, his shirt tight on his muscles, his eyes blue and clear and his lips raised in a small smile as he took me in. His eyes roamed over me as I stood there. He made me feel beautiful just from his gaze. He came towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me close to him. As soon as I was in his arms his body relaxed. After texting over my shoulder for a second he looked down into my eyes.

  “Amber,” his tone dripped with longing and my answer was a simple, “Mason.” He moved his lips to mine before I could ask any of the questions on the tip of my tongue. Then the questions didn’t matter. I was swept up in a haze of longing and as he kissed through my panties while his finger twirled inside of me, I thought my body was about to explode. He pulled on a sleeve and ripped my panties off, slamming into me.

  It took me a moment to get used to his size. He was the biggest I’d ever been with but nothing was going to stop us from finishing what we started. He pounded into me and I moaned. His fingers trailed up my legs and he lifted them into the air, putting them on his shoulders. His fingers then blazed a trail up my arms. He pinned them above my head as he pressed on my clit. My whole body reacted and I shuddered on the bed before crashing to a glorious finish. He followed a second later, dropping down beside me.

  As we lay there something changed in him and he shot out of the bed, grabbing his clothes. “Mason?” I asked him in a small voice, “Mason, what’s…?” He walked out, slamming the door behind him. I fell back on the bed. Oh my god. I’d just slept with my boss and he’d left. What did that mean for my job? My thoughts dashed around and around and I got myself dressed, before hiding out in the bathroom.

  Could I stay here even though that had just happened? Surely it’d be better if I left and we talked about it the next day? I didn’t know what to do. I stared at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. The door to the suite opened. Damn it. I was out of time. I glanced down at the gold watch on my wrist and saw Mason had been gone for an hour.

  I walked out into the sitting area. What I saw knocked the wind out of me. Mason was sitting with a leggy brunette on his lap, smiling. Harris walked over and handed me a drink, but walked away before I could say anything. A few more guys arrived and I recognised them as a band Mason had signed. Hero’s or something.

  One of the guys, cute with brown hair and a nice smile, came over and sat beside me. I couldn’t even look at him. Every single time I did, I could see Mason and the brunette making out. The sight of it turned my stomach. The guy leaned forwards, catching my eye. “Hi, I’m Colm. What’s your name?” He held out his hand to me and I smiled, trying to swallow the nausea floating around,

  “I’m Amber. How do you do?”

  He smiled again. I noticed he had a perfect smile with straight teeth. His face was as clear as Lucca’s. He had high cheekbones, dark green eyes and gorgeous caramel skin. It was flawless, but it puzzled me that he had a name like Colm when he was Hispanic, or of that origin. “Now you’re wondering, how does a Hispanic have such light-coloured hair and a name like Colm?” I nodded politely and he laughed at me. “My mom was Puerto Rican and my dad Irish. It was love at first sight for them.”

  Mason stood up and his gaze burned into me. I ignored him, listening to Colm. “Time for a game.” A cheer went up around the table and I noticed a few guys coming back from the bathroom bleary eyed. I realised that they were doing coke. I had been to enough parties to know those who took coke. Harris and Quinn stood a little away and Colm’s eyes were clear. Almost everyone else, even Lexa had a glazed look about them.

  “Never have I ever?” Mason asked and everyone nodded. His eyes bored into me and I shrugged at him. “Okay,” he shouted, “I’ll start. Never have I ever had anal.” A few people drank, myself included and the two girls who’d been in the apartment when we arrived.

  Quinn spoke next, “Never have I ever screwed a friend’s girl.” Mason and a few of the others, including Harris, drank.

  It went on for a while. When it reached me I
struggled to think of something I hadn’t done. “Never, erm,” I paused and glanced at Mason and his brunette, finally lighting on an idea. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

  Mason’s eyes lit up and I knew at once I’d made a mistake. I just hoped that he wouldn’t make a big deal out of the fact I’d never had a three-way. The game went on and on. I started to get a little buzzed. His eyes never left me and where I was sitting curled into the sofa. The drink in my hand never emptied. Harris topped me up and then he, Quinn and Lexa left.

  The whole floor had four suites, each with two bedrooms. Mason had arranged for them all to be used for us. I wanted to go with Quinn, Lexa and Harris, but Mason insisted I sleep in the adjoining room. Without announcing to everyone what had happened earlier, I’d had to reluctantly accept. After midnight the boys of Hero’s had left and Mason had gone into the room with the brunette. The other other had left with the band. I tidied up the lounge area. When I heard them making out, I ran for my room, closing the door behind me and leaning on it.

  A few seconds later a knock sounded at my door. I cracked it open to see Mason standing there in nothing but his boxer briefs. They hung low on his hips and I could see his obvious arousal. My eyes ran up his chest, past his tats to the smirk on his face. “Enjoying the view sweetheart?” He asked in a tone dripping with lust. My body shuddered.

  “Amber, come here.” My body moved almost without me thinking about it. He pulled me into his arms and ran his lips up and down my neck. His cock throbbed against my stomach and my body was ready to surrender to him, but his next words doused the fire in me. “Come join us.” His muttered plea reminded me that his erection wasn’t for me. He didn’t want me. He’d had me and I clearly wasn’t enough for him.

  I pushed against his chest, feeling his heart rate spike. “Come where, Mason?” I asked clearly, looking into his eyes.


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