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Alexa's Web [Mastering Holly Oaks 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 22

by Rayna Stone

  Alexa knelt down on the floor in front of them both and spread her thighs. She looked up to them and opened her hands, taking one of theirs in each of hers. “I may not know how to trust, but I’ve learned how to love. And I’ll give you that every day if it’s enough. All I can do is ask that you help me with the rest.”

  Son of a bitch. How on earth could any man ask for more than that? “It’s everything, baby. It’s everything we’ll need for a lifetime.” James pulled her up onto the couch so they could smother her between them, Ryan chanting about how she wasn’t broken, right as there was a knock on the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Ryan prayed that it was one of the girls, and that James booted their ass out fast. He was ready to tear Alexa’s clothes off when they heard someone shout, “What are you doing?” There was a scuffle coming from the front door as he moved her to the side and jumped off the couch. As soon as they turned toward the noise, Detective Ross ran into the room with his hands up in a placating gesture, followed by Alexa’s uncle Pete. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Look, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, I swear,” Detective Ross pleaded, but Pete’s hard stare was aimed at Alexa, and Ryan saw he was holding a crowbar. Where the fuck was James? Ice slid down his spine.

  “Uncle Pete? Where’s James? What’s happening?” Alexa’s voice was shaking as she stood up behind Ryan.

  Pete sneered at her, a sight that made every muscle in Ryan’s body lock tight.

  “You couldn’t just pack up and go like a good little mouse, could you? I got the e-mail from your dean today all about how difficult you were going to be. Planning on taking the big bad university to court and burying them with your millions.” Pete started stalking around the furniture toward them. “It was going to be easy. Detective Ross here was going to keep an eye you, help you get out of the house with a little incentive to file a complaint if you didn’t just go away quietly. Maybe send some pictures for me if you needed a push. But you had to grow a pair somewhere along the way. Now nobody will believe that you just left town and went to hide, too ashamed of being recognized to be found.”

  Detective Ross was backing toward the door, sweat rolling down his face. “Jesus. You didn’t say anything about not being found. And you promised to leave James and Ryan out of this! What the fuck am I gonna do now? There’s no way I can cover this up. He’s bleeding all over the floor out there.”

  Ryan was having a hard time keeping his attention focused on Pete coming around to his side, Alexa behind him and Ross backing away in front of him, but at that statement, he lasered in on Ross. “James is bleeding?”

  Ross nodded vigorously and started mumbling like a desperate man. “He hit him on the head. He’s out, but I don’t think it’s too bad. Pete promised he was just gonna get her out of town and make her give him some money, but that he wouldn’t hurt her. I swear he said nobody would get hurt. And he paid me more than I make in a year. I couldn’t pass up that kind of cash, Ryan. I took a hit on my retirement fund, what was I supposed to do?”

  Jesus Christ. He didn’t have time for all the shit that was wrong with that asshole. Ryan turned away from Ross, not believing for a second that he was a threat anymore. Unfortunately, he didn’t think he was going to be any help either. “Alexa, go call 911 and then call Trent. Don’t get off the phone till help gets here,” he ordered.

  Pete barked out a laugh. “I don’t think you wanna do that, Alexa. I think you wanna cut your losses and just come with me. You do, I leave your other man here alone. You don’t, I get creative.”

  Ryan grabbed Alexa by the wrist, not for a moment letting her near her lunatic of an uncle. “You know she can’t give you the money even if she wants to.”

  “Oh, but she can. You see, your sweet Alexa has a weakness for orphans, don’t you, dear. Just can’t stand to see what happens to the ruffians when they turn eighteen and no one’s forced to give a shit anymore. When Alexa dies, all her money goes to the foundation she created to help out the bastards, and guess what? Not all of those trustees are so trustworthy.” He laughed.

  It was really sick to hear just how thrilled he was with his own joke. It was worse when Ryan saw the moment Alexa realized what Pete had done. She was shaking all over, but she wasn’t terrified, she was livid.

  “You filthy piece of shit. You hassle me for years. Corrupt my trustees and a freaking cop. Make threats that get me fired from my job. Come to my home and hurt my man. Set up a plan to kill me for my money and take it away from kids who need it. And you think I’m going to go quietly so you don’t get”—Alexa paused from her disturbing recall—“creative?”

  Before Ryan could blink, Alexa wrenched free from his grasp and screamed at Pete while grabbing a lamp from the end table beside her. She whipped it at Pete’s head and rushed him, taking him down in his surprise.

  Ryan was quick to join, trying to wrestle her from his arms before he could recover, and had just managed to get her upright when Pete caught her on the jaw with his fist. Precious did not appreciate anyone messing with her momma though, and now that she fully realized this was not play, a growl of unholy proportions filled the room and she attacked.

  Ryan was momentarily stunned at the ferocious display. Precious had Pete’s leg in a vise-like grip, and there was no way she was letting go. Her hackles were up and her head was shaking back and forth. She was all wolf right now. Pete was screaming in pain and getting ready to strike her with the crowbar, which caused Alexa to try and force her way back into the struggle, but Ryan couldn’t risk her getting anywhere near either of them.

  Just as Pete lifted his arm, there was an unmistakable snap piercing the air, and Ryan saw James’s favorite whip curl around Pete’s arm and flick it back like it was little more than a string of yarn. Ryan turned amazed eyes toward the doorway to see James standing there, holding his whip, blood running down the side of his face, smiling his shit-eating grin. “You wanna tie him up, or shall I?”

  “Did you…did you just Indiana Jones him?” Alexa asked.

  Ryan stared at her.

  “That was hot,” she whispered.

  Ryan closed his eyes when James growled, “Babe.” Jesus. Death threats, James getting beat with a fucking crowbar, wolves attacking, subs taking on maniacs, Indiana Jones whip theatrics, and now Alexa was turned on. “You two are fucked in the head. That was some messed-up shit. Someone needs to call the police. And cuff him to something before he does anything else. And watch her, she’s unpredictable tonight. And for God’s sake, James, stop looking at her like that and put the whip down. We have shit to do.” Since when did he become the responsible one?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kat hopped around in her chair, eyes glittering under all the Christmas lights. “Tell me the part again where Precious went all alpha dog and attacked him.” Lily cut in, clearly annoyed that Kat thought that was the good part. “I wanna hear about James and his whip again. I keep picturing him with Indiana’s hat and the theme music in the background. God I bet it was good.”

  Alexa had to agree, it was freaking good. And she was getting James a hat. They were at the Christmas party at the club, and the bruise on her face was finally gone. The place was filled with people in a great mood, including her men now that Pete was in jail, her trust fund was sorted out and in Jay’s capable hands, and Ross was shaking in his boots with Internal Affairs. What a pussy he was.

  Alexa had managed to get Jay on board to help her establish an organization that dealt with the legal battles people in poly relationships faced, and they were slated to get started with that next year, so she was feeling pretty good about her life right about now. And to top it all off, she was spending a wonderful night with her friends at a fun party.

  “I don’t think Ryan and James want to hear the story again, guys.” In fact, her men were starting to pick the tinsel off the table decorations. They’d been wanting to play upstairs for the last hour, but Alexa kept getting sucked into conve
rsations. They were being very tolerant tonight. It was Christmas after all.

  Kelly peeked around the miniature Santa sleigh that was being pulled by Barbies dressed up as slaves on the table. “Yeah, looks like two little boys want their Christmas gift. You better go before Ryan starts picking at the elves. It took Lily forever to make those. She’ll go ballistic if he fucks them up,” she said under her breath.

  Alexa saw Lily eyeing Ryan and scuttled to their side of the table. She didn’t want Lily shooting him in the ass with a pellet from Kelly’s slingshot, or taking a sword to him. Lord knew what weapons that woman had in her arsenal. When she got between James and Ryan, she knelt down and leaned into James, laying her head on his thigh. She wasn’t sure when this started, it just naturally came about, but when she felt like playing or just wanted their attention, this was how she asked for it.

  James immediately started to caress her hair. Maybe that’s why she did it. She loved it when he did that. It was so reassuring. Even if they didn’t end up doing anything, he always let her know that her presence was welcome and gave her affection. Well, it also felt really freaking good.

  “Ready to play, angel?” he asked.

  Oh, yeah. She was ready for anything when he got all rumbly like that.

  “Yes, James,” she replied.

  Ryan got up and helped her to her feet. He took her hand and led her to a private room on the third floor. She wasn’t interested in public play yet, and maybe never would be, but the private rooms held equipment they liked to use on occasion. This one had a sturdy swing that they hadn’t tried yet. Oh, goody. Merry Christmas to me.

  As soon as the door closed, James commanded her to strip and it was game on. She peeled her strapless green velvet dress off, and rolled down her thigh-high stockings. She kicked her pumps to the side and stood before them naked as an excited little puppy waiting for a treat. This was one of the good parts. Not having a clue what was coming, but knowing it’d be good.

  Ryan circled her, trailing his finger around her shoulders and collarbone. Thankfully her hair was already up and out of the way. She’d learned fast that it was easier to have it like this for them so they didn’t have to try and put it up themselves. They were not dab hands at styling her hair so they could have access to her back.

  With a kiss to her neck, he moved away so he could lower the swing and motion her to step into the harness. She sure hoped he knew how it worked, because it looked like a mess of straps to her. While James undressed to a pair of leather pants, Ryan strapped and buckled her every which way until she was trussed up like a turkey. It looked like she was going to parachute out a plane, but it was clear, whatever was happening, she wasn’t going anywhere. There were straps across her chest, around her ass, through her thighs, down her legs.

  “Isn’t this a bit of overkill, guys? I mean, the necessary bits and bobs are free, but honestly—” She was cut off when James pulled on a lever and her legs were whisked out from beneath her so the harness formed a sort of chair for her to sit comfortably in while she swung in the air, causing her to whoop in surprise. Then he pulled another lever and her legs zipped opened, further emphasizing just how available those necessary bits were.

  “Nope,” Ryan quipped. “The straps are for safety. They keep the pressure off any one point, which is important for what we have planned. And they keep you nice and secure. Also important. Wouldn’t want you falling on your head, would we?”

  “My head?” Now wait a minute, she thought.

  Ryan and James switched places and some more adjustments were made until they deemed she was hanging at the right height. They’d secured her hands to bars so she had something to hold on to, and she was officially strung up. James muttered, “Perfect,” to himself and got a crop from the stash he’d brought up earlier. Why hadn’t she seen him bring his toy bag? He didn’t have it with him in the car.

  While she was pondering over that little nugget, instead of paying attention to the Dom with the weapon, James landed a blow to her breast, snapping her right out of giving two fucks how he managed that trick of magic. “Pay attention. I’m paying attention to you, I’d appreciate the same respect, angel,” he admonished. Jesus.

  “Sorry, James,” she sputtered. He smiled at her and stepped between her legs, handing the crop off to Ryan.

  “You’ll just have to work harder to focus.” James gripped the straps that held her secure right at her ribs and started kissing her breast, working his way around the red mark the crop left on her skin. While he was busy at her front, Ryan was behind her, flicking her bottom and the sides of her thighs with light slaps. The sting was just enough to give her a sensation of prickles, but as James started to suck instead of kiss, the swats got harder and she got hotter.

  James sucked her nipple into his mouth and bit, keeping the pressure firm as Ryan released a flurry of strokes to her butt cheeks, neither letting up until she started to squirm with pain. It was almost too much. The minute James released her though, he pulled her back into his mouth gently and started up a rhythmic and softer suckle that damn near sent her over the edge with pleasure. And then Ryan ghosted his hand along her leg, up to her behind, and she could feel that cool soft touch everywhere.

  By the time they repeated the process on her other breast and butt cheek, she was so sensitized and wet, she was rambling incoherently. She couldn’t stop clenching her core muscles, and she was dying to come. She was even trying to find a way to get those damn straps to rub closer to her clit and see if she could get herself there, but they’d tied her down too tight. She was desperate for relief.

  “Ryan, put the crop down and get in position.” James growled.

  Ryan dropped the crop on the floor and was in front of her the next instant. Was he naked before? Had James taken his pants off? Who was president? Before Alexa could conjure a cause to give a shit, Ryan thrust deep inside. It was heaven. She moaned low in relief, squeezing him tight, trying to force him closer, deeper.

  James got behind Ryan and grabbed on to the straps at her thighs. He pushed her away and then slammed her back on to Ryan. Hard. Alexa and Ryan both grunted in satisfaction. It was perfection. With Ryan standing still, holding the straps at her ribs, he was allowing James to dictate the motion. And James was driving them hard.

  After a few thrusts, James forced Ryan deep again and held him there. He smacked Ryan on the ass with much more force than he would ever use on her and then shoved him over Alexa’s chest. After he grabbed the lube and made quick work of preparing himself and Ryan, he drove deep into Ryan’s ass, connecting all three of them and holding them tight.

  When nobody moved for a minute, Alexa let out an involuntarily whine. James lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Merry Christmas, love.” He slowly pulsed into Ryan, pushing him down into her, making her moan. “Just so you know, you’re marrying us next month. Little ceremony. We make it legal between you and me if you want, but it’s symbolic between the three of us next month here at the club. And we’re collaring you afterward in a ceremony, too.” James started to swing her and fuck Ryan at the same time, the three of them making love in tandem. “We’re putting our ring on your finger and we’re wearing yours.” She was nodding and gasping, trying to control the emotion of what he was saying and the feel of Ryan’s cock hitting her in all the right spots.

  Ryan bit her lower lip and grunted. James must have hit a really good place for him, because she felt him tremble all over. “Tell me what I want to hear, angel.”

  She looked in Ryan’s beautiful eyes. Eyes she could still remember piercing her the moment she first saw them. “You’re mine,” she said simply. She finally got it. They were never leaving her. Never.

  James snapped up to a standing position and reached out for the lever on his side. “Bout time, angel.” He slowly started to lower her back until she was practically inverted. Ryan kept hold of the straps at her ribs and never lost their connection, but now her legs were wrapped around both her men and her head w
as tilted toward the floor. When Ryan pumped into her again, the angle was deeper and hit her G-spot so perfectly she screamed out in surprise.

  “Oh my God. Ohgodohgodohgod,” she chanted. Then they really let loose. She closed her eyes and held her handlebars as Ryan slammed into her until she’d clamped down on him so tight she was almost in pain. Finally he stopped his long strokes and pumped fast and short, right where she needed him, and she exploded. The heat and liquid coated him and helped him glide more easily for his own release.

  She vaguely listened to Ryan grunt out in relief, and then James finally allowed himself to let go. She honestly didn’t care. Her brain was a fluffy cloud of happiness right now. She was just going to hang here until they recovered and pulled her up. Hopefully soon. She cracked an eye open. They were looking at her with huge smiles. Yeah, they’d get her down. Besides, they never forgot to feed her peanut butter after a scene at the club. Her life was going to be awesome forever.




  Rayna Stone lives in Virginia with her family, which includes two tireless kids. She has studied and worked in many fields including environmental science, law, paleontology, and veterinary science. She loves to incorporate that knowledge with her imagination to create stories of love, and explore the complexities of human nature.

  In her spare time, Rayna can be found holed up playing with friends on Facebook, with her e-reader, or chasing her kids. She loves meeting her readers, so drop her a line or find her on the net. You can reach her at, or at Rayna Stone on Facebook.

  For all titles by Rayna Stone, please visit


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