Yeah, kissing Ford was anything but simple, and I couldn’t wait to do it again.
Chapter 5
I did have somewhere to be, but the time was loose. Frankly, I had to get out of there before I completely burned up. I’d figured kissing Darcy would be hot, but I never would have guessed at the level of combustion between us.
I was having regrets now.
A little fling might be okay. I could get by with that. But I couldn’t picture Darcy as a simple diversion anymore. That girl had complete distraction written all over her.
Distraction was definitely something I didn’t need. I wasn’t going there.
~ * ~ * ~
I took a few hours for myself. I’d been up since dawn going over advertising and ticketing. It was all in motion, and I needed a break.
I wanted the beach, but I didn’t feel like lying around.
The hot breeze hit me as I left the cool of the hotel. I strode past the tiled pool area and onto the sand, sinking deep with each footstep. I trudged on until I reached the edge of the water where the sand packed tight, making for easy walking.
My hair was tied up, but the floppy brim of my hat waffled under the strong breeze. I slowed my stride, enjoying the air on my skin and the hypnotic roll of the breaking waves.
I left the grounds of the resort and kept going. The next hotel was nice. Not as nice as ours, but I had to admit I was biased. There was a line on the shore waiting for parasailing. They were doing something right.
It looked fun. Scary, but fun. I had the urge to try it, but not today. I was content to walk, clear my head, and just be.
As my eyes turned back, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Ford running on the sand. I hadn’t been able to get his kiss off my mind, but I hadn’t gathered the courage yet to go looking for him, either. Now fate was to be my matchmaker.
I waited as he continued toward me. I pulled off my hat, thinking it hid too much of my face.
Ford saw me, and recognition flashed across his face. His gait slowed as he approached me. His shirt was soaked with sweat, but he was barely breathing hard.
I smiled. “Hi Ford.” Anticipation zinged up my spine.
“Hey Darcy.” His voice was cool.
What the hell? I dove in anyway. “I’ve been thinking about you.” There. I’d said it.
Ford’s lips thinned. “Listen, Darcy. I’m not going to pretend I don’t find you attractive or that I didn’t enjoy kissing you, but now’s not a good time. I need my focus to be on my training.”
Unfair, I thought. I hadn’t given him any indication that I was high maintenance. In fact, he assumed a good deal. “You know I used to be a professional tennis player, right? I know all about training and priorities. I’m the last person who would try to get between you and your job.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I led you on. That was an asshole thing to do.”
“It was,” I agreed. I waited for him to take back what he’d said, but he stood there looking grim.
“All right, well, I’ll see you around.” He stepped around me and resumed running in the direction of the hotel.
Okay then. That wasn’t good. Embarrassment flooded me. He’d thrown my attraction right back in my face. What a shitty thing to do.
His loss.
My loss, too, I supposed.
I wanted another one of his I-want-you-naked kisses. It was going to take a while to forget.
Damn him.
~ * ~ * ~
I approached the bar and waited. The swamped bartender hurried back and forth. Looked to me like another person was needed.
Finally, he stopped in front of me. “What can I get you?” He dried his hands on the towel tucked into the waistband of his pants.
“Shot of tequila.” I felt adventurous.
“One shot coming up.” His spiky blond hair glowed in the darkness. “Are you partying by yourself?”
“Not exactly,” I responded, bouncing my head a little to the strong beat of the music.
The corner of his mouth twitched and he turned his back, reaching beneath the counter. He poured the liquor and passed me the glass.
“Thanks.” I raised the shot glass to my mouth and tossed the clear liquid back. It burned my throat, and I gritted my teeth to keep from sputtering. Blech. Okay, one was enough.
I elbowed my way back to the dance floor. A tangle of arms and legs moved to the music, and I joined in—one song after another. I loved to dance. Swing left. Swing right. I bopped along to the beat. Colorful lights glittered on the walls and ceiling. The room spun wildly. Whoa. I caught myself from falling. The room was spinning. Literally.
A hand grasped my elbow and led me off the dance floor.
I blinked and shook my head. My drink was hitting me harder than I would have thought.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” a male voice growled in my ear.
I tilted my head, confused. Ford? “What are you doing here?”
“Keeping you from being trampled on the dance floor, apparently. How much have you had to drink?”
His anger and impatience cut through the fog in my hazy brain. “I had a soda. One shot, but apparently it was a monster.” My body drooped.
Ford wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I teetered on my heels. I gave him a sloppy smile. He was so handsome. “The bump in your nose makes you look tough.”
Ford laughed. “Is that so? I think you should go back to your room.”
“Noooo. I want to dance.” I kicked out my leg.
Ford propelled me toward the exit. “I don’t think you can. What floor are you on?”
“Are you propositioning me? ‘Cause, like, my answer is totally yes.” Had that popped out of my mouth? I said what was on my mind, but I usually had a little bit of a filter.
Ford’s eyes narrowed. “What floor are you on?”
“Ten? Thirty? One of those.” No, that wasn’t right. I wasn’t that high, was I?
Ford’s grip didn’t loosen as he guided me toward the door of the club. We stepped into the hotel lobby. The lights blinded me and I squeezed my eyes shut.
“Your shoes are ridiculous,” Ford said.
“Ridiculous? Are you insane? These shoes are awesome.” I looked down and admired my foot. Uncomfortable, but awesome.
“They aren’t good for walking.”
Ford led me into the elevator bank, and I closed my eyes until I heard the ding of the elevator. My heels clicked on the floor.
“Have you remembered your floor?”
“Ten. It’s definitely ten.” I rolled my head around until my neck gave a satisfying pop.
Ford stabbed the button on the panel with his finger, and the doors closed. “You ought to know better.”
I blinked. “Know what better?”
“Than to get drunk in a club alone.”
“I’m not drunk.” I wasn’t drunk. How could I be drunk?
“You’re doing a pretty good impression of being drunk.”
“I’m not alone, either.” I leaned into Ford’s chest. “You’re here with me.”
“Yeah, I am, and you’re lucky. You could have gotten into real trouble.”
I pouted. “Am I in trouble with you?”
Ford shook his head. “Darcy, I don’t even know how to answer that.”
I sighed dramatically as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened and Ford dragged me out, looking left and then right. “Which way?”
I gestured down the hall. “I have a great view. Would you like to see my view?”
Ford laughed. “My room has a view, too.”
“That one.” I pointed toward my door.
“Where’s your key card?” Ford barked.
I pointed to my waist, where a tiny beaded bag was secured on my belt.
Ford reached for the bag and opened it. His fingers brushed the fabric of my dress, and heated tingles erupted on my skin. I swayed toward him, but he
took a step back and held me in place by my shoulder. He jammed the card into the slot and the door beeped. He held the door open and pushed me inside.
“Are you going to be all right?” The gruff, annoyed tone hadn’t left his voice.
“I could be more all right,” I suggested.
“Darcy. Get into bed. Sleep it off.”
“Fine, but you don’t know what you’re missing.” I walked into my room, staggering slightly. The heavy door swung shut behind me.
~ * ~ * ~
You don’t know what you’re missing. The words bounced around in my head. Oh yeah. I knew what I was missing. A really hot woman, but it wasn’t my style to take advantage. I wanted my partners with me, and I strongly suspected Darcy would wake up sorry if I took her up on her offer.
A chill ran through me. Not every guy would feel the same. Next time I saw her, she had a stern lecture coming.
Besides, I’d decided against getting tangled up with her, hadn’t I?
I hated second-guessing myself. This was exactly the kind of bullshit I didn’t need. I’d barely touched her, and Darcy had me tied up in knots.
What would happen if I went for it?
~ * ~ * ~
I woke slowly. My head pounded and my mouth was dry and sour. Ugh. I felt awful. As the fog cleared, memories of the previous evening came into focus. Dancing in the club. Ford bringing me to my room.
Wow. What must he think of me? I wasn’t usually such a lightweight. Had I made a pass at him? I squeezed my eyes shut. I’d made a pass at him, and he’d turned me down. It had been the right thing to do though since I was clearly…what? Impaired?
I shook my head. How could a couple sodas and one shot hit me so hard? I hadn’t eaten, but still.
I owed Ford an apology and a thank you as well.
I jumped in the shower and lingered under the hot stream of water. After a few minutes, I began to feel human again. My face burned with embarrassment as I considered my options for dealing with Ford. There was no way around it. We were going to come in contact again—repeatedly—just not in the way I wanted. I could ignore it and hope he’d follow suit, but that wasn’t my style. I tended to confront things head on, and this would be no exception.
~ * ~ * ~
I brushed my hands down over my blouse as I approached the door to the gym. Before I reached for the knob, the door opened and there was Ford.
He spotted me, and a delicious smile spread across his face before it dissolved into a frown. “You’re looking better this morning.”
I grimaced. This was so awkward. “Yeah, I’m feeling better.”
“Darcy, I know you’re an adult and everything—”
I held up my hand. “You don’t need to say another word. You’re right. I need to be more careful.”
Ford cocked his head. “Can you say that again? Especially that part about me being right.”
“Thank you for helping me out. I could’ve gotten into a tough spot, though I don’t understand what happened. I had a soft drink and like one shot of alcohol.”
Ford’s brow wrinkled. “Really? That’s pretty weird.”
“I didn’t have a lot to eat, and I guess it hit me hard. I don’t know, but you can bet I’m going to be more careful.”
“Glad to hear it.”
I sighed. “And I owe you an apology.”
Could he make this any harder? “I’m sorry about getting…you know. I’m sorry for kind of making a pass at you.” Gah. There. I’d said it. My humiliation was complete. “Especially after you made your position clear.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. If anything, I’m sorry.”
“You are?” I couldn’t wrap my confused mind around that.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for being an ass to you. That whole deal about you being a distraction—it’s not right to blame you for my attraction.”
“You’re attracted to me?” It was half statement and half question.
“You know I am. I said I was. Hell. I hate to admit it, but I was afraid. A little.”
“What? Of me?”
“Not you. Of the strength of my reaction to you. I’m trying to be honest here.”
His words floored me, and a little spark of hope built inside me. “So what does this mean?”
“It means I think it would be more distracting to try to stay away from you.”
I let that sink in a moment. Nope. It still wasn’t flattering. “Ford, I’m a woman, not a distraction.”
“Baby, you’re both, but right now I don’t care.” His eyes sharpened with desire.
My eyes narrowed as my body heated. “I’m thinking I might be insulted. I haven’t decided yet.”
Ford laughed and then sobered. “Last night. You were out of control.”
“Yeah.” My embarrassment rolled back to the forefront.
Ford moved closer. “However, at the moment, you look completely in control of yourself.”
“Yes.” My hands clenched at my sides. I wanted to grab him. I wanted to devour him. I wanted all his hotness for myself.
“So, no one’s being taken advantage of.” Ford pressed his lips to mine, gently nibbling the center of my lower lip.
My eyes fluttered closed as sensation shot through me.
Ford moved to the curve of my jaw where it met my neck. He licked me with the tip of his tongue and followed with a nip of his teeth. “If someone said yes, I’d take her back to her room and show her all the ways we can pleasure one another.”
I trembled and my knees grew weak. “Yes.”
Chapter 6
I didn’t waste a moment. I hustled Darcy down the hall and into the elevator. We followed the same path as the previous evening, but this time the outcome was going to be different. Very different.
Darcy seemed as eager as I was. She jammed the key card into the lock and pushed the door open. I grabbed her ass with both hands as the door slammed shut behind us. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. My hands cupped her breasts and I ducked my head to her neck, kissing down to her shoulder. Her skin was so soft, so sweet.
Darcy’s head fell back. I grabbed her under her knees and picked her up, striding toward the bed. I tossed her on the mattress and she bounced, laughing. She kicked off her shoes and crawled backward toward the headboard.
I pulled off my shirt and tossed it aside. Anticipation rose within me and my cock hardened. Darcy licked her lips as my hands moved to my pants. Soon I was naked and crawling toward her, every predatory instinct in my body on full alert.
“I want that blouse off. I want to see your breasts.” I needed to know what she looked like. I had to know—now.
A sly smile slid across Darcy’s face. “Is that so? I guess you’ll have to take it off then.”
I reached for the buttons, but Darcy scooted away. She laughed playfully until I grabbed the front and ripped it open. Her eyes darkened and I covered her with my body.
Both of us tore at her clothes until we were sliding against each other, naked skin burning. Her hands gripped my shoulders as I sucked a nipple into my mouth. I switched to the other breast, giving it the same attention, as she arched into me.
Darcy snaked a hand between us, reaching down until her fingers found my erection, hot and ready.
I hissed through my teeth. I shook as her stroking touch pushed me to the edge. I didn’t want this to be over before it began. “I want you. I can’t wait to be inside you.”
I gripped Darcy’s hips and slid down between her legs. I spread the lips of her beautiful pussy and licked up the sweet juices gathering in her folds. She shook as my tongue circled her clit and gasped as I sucked her sensitive skin between my lips.
Darcy tasted sweet, like delicate fruit. I wanted more. I licked and sucked as she panted and moaned. I drove my tongue inside her and she thrust up against my mouth.
bsp; I crawled back up her body and pressed my mouth to hers, kissing and licking her lips. She writhed against me, driving my need. I took my cock in my hand. I brought it to her sweet channel and thrust inside. So good. So tight.
My balls drew up against my body and I thrust deep within her. Damn, she felt amazing. I held back, plunging deep, and withdrew again. My balls tingled and I knew I didn’t have much time. I rolled her nipple between my fingers and then moved my hand to her clit. I pressed my thumb against her.
Darcy jerked and quivered. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
I touched her neck, nuzzled her jaw, and trailed my fingers through her cleavage. Her skin was hot, soft. I wanted to touch her everywhere. She clenched around me and I was almost undone. She was sexy, perfect. I wanted to feel her coming around me. Milking me. Again and again, I thrust inside and the tingles grew into full bloom.
When I thought I couldn’t hold out another second, Darcy let go, falling over the edge.
~ * ~ * ~
I woke up and stretched, contented as a cat. I turned my head and my eyes locked with Ford’s.
“Morning, gorgeous.” He smiled—his sexy, masculine smile that made my heart leap in my chest.
It made me want to kiss him. It made me want to jump him.
I sprang to my knees and pushed his shoulders to the mattress, straddling his hips.
Ford laughed. “Someone woke up happy.”
“I want you again.” I felt his erection between my legs. I didn’t know if it was morning wood or true arousal, and I didn’t care.
I pressed my lips to his and devoured his mouth. I wanted him so much. I couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone so much.
Ford’s fingers speared into my hair and his tongue dueled with mine. I slid against him, rubbing my wet sex over the hot skin of his erection. I lifted off him and his cock sprang free. Ford grasped the shaft and I lowered myself, moaning as his hot hardness filled me inside.
So good. So freaking good.
~ * ~ * ~
My fingers pulled at my neckline. I didn’t want to do it, but it had to be done. I lifted my hand to the door. The “Housekeeping” sign on the outside was askew. I knocked once and pushed the door open.
This Round for Love Page 4