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Oppressed & Empowered: The Viscount's Capable Wife (Love's Second Chance Book 11)

Page 22

by Bree Wolf

  “And?” Evelyn prompted, knowing from the look on the young woman’s face that her answer would not restore hope for a happily-ever-after.

  “Nothing,” Claudia huffed in frustration. “Nothing tangible at least. Sometimes…sometimes, I wake up and it is as though I can feel him next to me. I reach out my arm, but he is gone. Then I wake up and remember.”

  “Do you remember what he looks like?” Charlotte asked, her hand once more reaching for Evelyn’s as she slightly swayed on her feet.

  Claudia shook her head. “I never see his face, or at least upon waking, I do not remember seeing it. And yet, I know that–” Swallowing, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

  “That what?” Charlotte prompted, reaching out a hand and gently placing it on Claudia’s shoulder.

  Claudia scoffed, “That I care for him.” Shaking her head, she briefly closed her eyes. “This is madness, is it not? I cannot even remember his face, and yet, I…I miss him. How is this possible?”

  “Are you certain he did not force himself on you?” Charlotte asked all of a sudden, her cheeks pale as she swallowed.

  Instantly, Claudia nodded. “I am. He wouldn’t…I mean…” Inhaling a deep breath, her gaze turned inward. “When I woke up the next morning, I…I was happy. There was a smile on my face. Only I couldn’t recall why.” Her gaze focused. “Yes, I am certain. If he had harmed me, I would not have felt like that. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Utter happiness.” A fleeting smile crossed her lips. “There had to have been something there between us from the moment we met. A certain sense of recognition as though meeting a kindred soul. Otherwise, I would never have given myself to him. I’m certain of it.”

  Charlotte’s hand on Evelyn’s arm relaxed, and a small smile crossed her lips. “I’m glad,” she whispered. “That is good.”

  “Is it?” Claudia exclaimed, throwing up her arms. “Is it? What I felt for William may not have been love after all, but this…this feels so real.” Her lashes flew up and down as tears began to pool in her eyes. “Apart from having to give away our child, knowing and yet not knowing is the worst. I remember enough to know what I’ve lost, enough to want it, but not enough to go and claim it.” Tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. “What am I to do?”

  Evelyn swallowed, knowing that her husband would disapprove, and yet, she could not stop herself. “What do you want to do?”

  The forlorn expression on Claudia’s face froze. “If only I could do what I wanted to do,” she sniffed. “But this is not about what I want. This is about what’s right for my child.” Gently, her right hand settled on her belly once again. “For once in my life, I cannot follow my heart. For once, I need to be responsible. To do what’s right for him, not for me. I am…I am his mother, and it is my duty to do what’s best for my child.”

  The way Claudia spoke, Evelyn knew that she was afraid of succumbing to her own desire to keep the child, and so she spoke the words like a mantra. Perhaps she thought if she said them often enough, they would become true.

  “I don’t want him to be forced into the life of a bastard,” Claudia sobbed. “I don’t want him to be shunned, rejected by those who ought to love him. It’s not fair, and yet, it is the way it is. No matter how much I wish for it to be different, I cannot change that.” Burying her face in her hands, Claudia turned on her heel and hastened away.

  Charlotte started after her, but Evelyn held her back. “Let her go,” she whispered, feeling tears sting the back of her own eyes. “She needs some time alone.”

  Charlotte sighed, “It breaks my heart to see her like this.”

  “Mine, too,” Evelyn replied, brushing a tear from her cheek. “But there is nothing we can do. My husband was right, there is no solution. None that would satisfy all. If this is truly what she has decided to do, then she will need to find a way to…to survive this. No one can take that pain from her.”

  Charlotte had gone quiet, her gaze distant and her right hand lying gently on her middle as she stared after Claudia.

  “Have you told anyone?” Evelyn asked, a gentle smile on her face when the young woman turned to look at her with wide eyes.

  “How do you know?” Charlotte asked, a hint of red coming to her cheeks as her gaze drifted down to her belly.

  Placing a hand on Charlotte’s shoulder, Evelyn said, “I’m a doctor. These things are not too difficult to spot if you know what to look for.”

  A small smile played on Charlotte’s lips, and yet, there was a hint of regret in her brown eyes. “I’m not certain. I only began to suspect a little while ago.” Once more, her gaze travelled to the corner of the house around which Claudia had vanished. “And I did not wish to say anything in front of her.”

  “That is very considerate of you,” Evelyn replied, gently squeezing her hand. “But you have every right to be happy about this, to enjoy this.”

  “I know,” Charlotte mumbled, unable to keep the smile from lifting the corners of her mouth. “I am happy. That is if indeed…”

  “Do you want me to examine you?” Evelyn asked. “To be certain?”

  The bright smile that lit up Charlotte’s face was answer enough.

  Chapter Thirty – Written on One's Face

  Christmas Eve passed in quite a jolly manner.

  As though they were all still children, Richard’s own mother as well as the dowager Lady Weston sat in front of a roaring fire in the drawing room and told them old stories. Stories they had all heard before as children, and although all pretended that Lady Northfield’s little son was the sole beneficiary, everyone had a peaceful glow on their faces as memories overtook them. Richard, too, felt transported back to those days when he and Claudia had been young, when his parents had both been alive and in love with each other, when he had still felt part of his family. It had been a peaceful time.

  After Lady Northfield handed her sleeping son to the nurse, who would see him safely to his bed, she sat down at the pianoforte and began to play. The music drifted through the air, continuing the peacefulness that had claimed that night. From the looks on their faces, Richard knew that most were tired, but still they all lingered, unwilling to lose the companionship that had developed over the past fortnight.

  Seated on the settee, Richard looked up when Claudia came to stand in front of him. With a strange look on her face, she looked down at him before seating herself on his right side.

  Taken aback, Richard did not know what to say. Never had they spoken much. Not since they were children, and especially lately, their relationship had been strained. Few friendly words had been spoken.

  “You made a wise choice, Brother,” his sister finally said, her eyes fixed on his face as though waiting for a specific reaction or perhaps to unearth his secrets–he could not be certain.

  “A wise choice?”

  “Your wife,” Claudia clarified, glancing in Evelyn’s direction where she stood speaking to Lady Weston. “I always thought you would choose a rather conceited miss with a large dowry and the family to match ours.” A small smile played on her lips. “I must say I would not have liked such a woman for my sister.”

  Still staring at Claudia, Richard did not know what to make of this unusual behaviour.

  “Don’t worry, Brother,” Claudia grinned. “I have not poisoned your tea if that is what you fear.” She sighed, and the look on her face sobered. “I merely wanted to congratulate you and…wish you all the happiness in the world.” She shrugged. “At least one of us should be happy…and in love.”

  Richard swallowed. In love?

  His sister chuckled. “Don’t look so shocked!” she chided. “It’s written all over your face as it is written all over hers. Seriously, sometimes you do act like children.”

  Unable not to, Richard laughed. “Did you just call me a child?” he asked, delighted with the mischievous twinkle that came to his sister’s eyes. “Is that not the pot calling the kettle black, dear Sister?”

  Suppressing a grin, she
shrugged. “I never said I was not also a child, mind you.”

  For a moment, brother and sister looked at one another, and Richard had the distinct feeling that their relationship had changed. Although they had just said otherwise, it was as though they had moved on from the confinements of their childhood relationship and become more than brother and sister.


  Reaching out, Richard placed a hand on hers. “It’ll be all right,” he whispered as he looked into her eyes; something he had not done in a long time. “I’ll always take care of you.”

  Tears sprang up in her eyes, and she blinked fiercely to chase them away. “I know,” she whispered back, her voice choked. “I know you will. You always have.”

  “I never wanted you to get hurt,” Richard heard himself say. “I always wanted to protect you, and I hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me for failing you.”

  Shaking her head, Claudia grasped his hands. “There is nothing to forgive. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was my choice, and now I have to live with the consequences.” Sighing, she glanced over his shoulder. “You’ve made your choice, and it was a wise one.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you approve.”

  A soft smile came to her lips. “It truly does, doesn’t it?” she whispered before she shook her head as though fighting off a daze. “Now, enough with the tears, go to your wife. She asked to speak to you, and I believe I have delayed you long enough.”

  “She did?” Glancing over his shoulder, Richard saw her standing in the doorway, back resting against the wall, a peaceful smile on her face. When their eyes met, it deepened, beckoning him over.

  “Yes, go. Don’t make her wait.”

  Squeezing his sister’s hand one last time, Richard rose to his feet and quickly made his way across the room, his gaze fixed on his wife. “Claudia said you wished to speak to me,” he said as he came to stand in front of her, transfixed with the way her eyes shone in the glowing light of the room.

  “She did?” A frown came to her face.

  Richard stopped. “I assure you I would not lie. I–”

  “Of that I’m certain,” his wife interrupted, the smile on her lips suggesting that she was far from offended. Glancing around him, she laughed. “Your sister, however, seems to have a bit of devious streak…but a good heart nonetheless.”

  Richard turned to see his sister grinning at them. Then she pointed upward, and as he and Evelyn turned to look, they found a familiar looking piece of greenery dangling above their heads. “She did this on purpose,” Richard mumbled. “She believes we’re in love, but unable to admit it to–”


  At his wife’s voice, Richard spun around, belatedly realising that he had spoken aloud. Her face had lost all humour, and she stared up at him with wide eyes and a mouth slightly agape.

  “I’m sorry,” Richard apologised. “I did not mean to say this. I simply…I was only…” Gritting his teeth, he inhaled a deep breath. “Still, I cannot say she is wrong. At least, not where I am concerned.”

  From whence these words came, Richard did not know. All he knew was that they were true.

  Still staring at him, Evelyn swallowed. “You love me?”

  “I do,” Richard replied, his voice hoarse.

  “You love me?” she repeated as though unable to believe him.

  Wishing they were not in a room filled with his friends and family, Richard nodded. “Listen, I’m sorry if I–”

  In the next moment, his wife flung herself into his arms; she squeezed him so tightly that he feared she would break his ribs. And yet, he did not mind.

  Pulling back, Evelyn smiled up at him. “I love you, too,” she whispered, tears clinging to her lashes. “I do. I do love you.”

  Now, it was Richard’s turn to stare at her for although he had hoped that she would come to care for him, deep down he had never thought it possible.

  Taking his hand, Evelyn pulled him quietly out of the room and up the stairs. Neither one of them said a word as they walked down the corridor. Only when they came to stand in front of the door to her bedchamber did she turn to look at him. Her gaze was unsteady as though she was suddenly shy, but her hand still held his with the same determination he had seen in her eyes before. “I think we’ve both waited long enough, don’t you agree?”

  Remembering his words from the night of their wedding, Richard felt his heart skip a beat. Had she truly come to love him? To care for him and trust him so completely that she felt comfortable inviting him into her bed?

  “Do you disagree?” his wife asked, her voice trembling. And only in that moment did Richard realise that he had not answered her, and that she could not read it on his face.

  Stepping forward, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the passion she had so unexpectedly awakened within him. Her hands travelled up his arms and then linked behind his neck as she pulled herself closer. Never did he wish to be parted from her again.

  Despite all the uncertainties life possessed, Richard knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was the place where he belonged. Where he could be himself.

  Right here, in her arms.

  For all the days to come.

  Chapter Thirty-One – If or When

  For Evelyn, Christmas Day was like a dream.

  After their shared night, she awoke nestled in her husband’s arms, felt his warm breath on her bare shoulder and his heartbeat matching hers. Over breakfast, they could not keep their eyes off each other, and Evelyn was certain that everyone knew what had happened between them the previous night after she accidentally spilled her second cup of tea.

  However, no one commented. No one dared tease them beyond the occasional smirk. Even Lord Weston seemed pleased as his gaze swept over his childhood friend, and his hand tightened on his wife’s. Everything was so peaceful. Evelyn felt as though she had finally come home.

  Only the dark cloud that hungover Claudia’s head reminded her that not everything was perfect. That not everyone was as happy as she.

  Evelyn reminded herself to always remember how fortunate she was.

  When the sun began to set that day, everyone retreated to their chambers and slipped into their most festive attire. Welcoming aromas wafted through the house, and Evelyn felt her stomach rumble at the prospect.

  Descending the stairs, she caught sight of her husband in full evening attire pacing the hall. When he heard her footsteps, his gaze rose to meet hers. The dazzling smile that claimed his lips stole Evelyn’s breath and try as she might, she could not recall ever having wondered what his smile might look like.

  These days, it seemed she saw it from sunup to sundown. Had he always smiled this much? How was it possible that she had never noticed? Or was this truly a change? Did she have something to do with the smiles that now graced his face so often?

  The thought sent delightful tingles down Evelyn’s back, and she remembered only too well the moment he had confessed his love for her. A part of her still could not believe it was true. That such utter happiness could exist. And yet, she only needed to look into his eyes to know that it was indeed true.

  “You look breath-taking, my dear,” her husband whispered, his voice hoarse as his gaze travelled over her dress before once more focusing on her eyes. “I’m a most fortunate man.” Holding out his hand to her, he helped her off the last step, and from the slight smirk that came to his face, Evelyn could tell the direction of his thoughts.

  “You caught me here once,” she whispered as his arm came around her middle. “Do you remember?”

  A devilish smile came to his face as he pulled her closer. “And you kissed here once,” he said, his breath brushing over her lips. “Do you remember that?”

  Frowning at him, Evelyn wondered about his agenda. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, my lord,” she corrected him, her voice teasing. “It was in fact you who kissed me.”

  He suppressed a grin. “Are you quite certain?”

p; Giving in to the game, Evelyn crinkled her forehead and put a thoughtful finger to her lips. “Well, now that you mention it. I kissed so many men that day that I might have gotten them mixed up. Remind me again, who are you?”

  For a short moment, Richard stared at her, and yet, she could see the humour in his eyes. Still, this kind of teasing was new to him, and it would take a little while for him to accept it as a normal part of communication. As expected, the stillness fell from his face, and he laughed, sweeping her into his arms. “You better be jesting, my dear?” he whispered, his lips barely an inch from hers. “But just in case you truly are in doubt, I believe it wise to remind you of who I am.” In the next instant, his lips claimed hers, and Evelyn felt her knees grow weak.

  When the echo of voices drifting down from upstairs, her husband pulled away, a growl of displeasure rising from his lips as he took a step back. “These people have absolutely impeccable timing,” he mumbled under his breath, and yet, it did not sound like a compliment.

  Evelyn laughed, then slipped a hand around his arm. “These people are your family.”

  His silver-grey gaze found hers. “They are,” he replied, a hint of incredulity in his voice.

  “And they love you,” Evelyn reminded him just in case there was any doubt. “As I do, too.”

  His hand rose to cup her cheek…the moment Wilton stepped into the main hall, followed not only by Evelyn’s father but also Mr. Bragg.

  Evelyn sucked in a sharp breath, feeling the hand on her cheek tense as she did so. Then her husband turned and upon seeing the man who had claimed to be her betrothed, his body became rigid and an angry scowl claimed his face.

  “Do not act rashly,” she counselled under her breath as her eyes flew over her father’s kind face and then drifted to the hardened expression with which Mr. Bragg seemed to glower at her husband. Both men looked ready to tear each other’s throats out. It was ludicrous!


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