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Caitlin's Conspiracies

Page 2

by Mariella Starr

“For two days, day and night, we had mind-blowing sex. It was everything you read about, everything you fantasize about. It was orgasmic even when we weren’t having sex. We could be sitting side-by-side talking, and I could feel my body vibrating, straining and craving him and I think he felt the same.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Nothing, it was over. We knew it wasn’t possible to be together.”

  “He dumped you? Just like that?” Valerie wailed with disappointment.

  “Not exactly, but we knew we couldn’t be together,” Caitlin said. “We had to go in different directions and I don’t think it would have worked anyway. We really didn’t know each other beyond the sex. We had one more three-hour period when we were alone. As soon as the door closed, we were stripping each other. We couldn’t get enough of each other. Even as our time ran out, we couldn’t seem to stop. We had to touch and taste and feel each other. Then the phone rang, and we knew our time was over. His men were coming back, and we didn’t want to be caught doing the wild thing, so we simply held each other. That was when he said the craziest thing to me. He said he’d come with me, be with me, but I had to understand something first.”


  Caitlin leaned over closer to her friend. “He said he was a dominant man.”

  “Like kinky stuff?” Valerie whispered back.

  Caitlin shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s what I was thinking, and it scared me to death. We never had a private moment after that to talk about it because we had to separate.”

  “When you had all that mind-blowing sex did he do anything, you know, like, strange?” Valerie asked.

  Caitlin shook her head. “Not that I viewed as strange. Even though it was exciting and mind-blowing, he would ask me before he did anything, and wait for me to agree before he went any further. I think I would have agreed to just about anything he wanted to do. Our connection was amazing.”

  “Where is he? I mean have you tried to find him, reconnect with him?”

  “No,” Caitlin said. “I think its best left in the past.”

  Valerie clinked her glass against her friends and gave a sigh of disappointment. “I still think we both need to get laid.”

  Caitlin laughed. “You say the most outrageous things. Do you actually ever do them?”

  Her friend took a long slow drink. “I like to think I would, but when I get a chance, like with Mr. Blue Shirt over there who only wants a one night stand … I don’t. He’ll find someone, anyone with the right plumbing will do, and tomorrow he’ll go home to his wife and kids. I like the idea of being wild and uninhibited, but I’m a chicken-shit, same as you. If I can’t find the right guy, I’d rather not have one. It’s only me and my toys and a lot of batteries.”

  Caitlin was laughing so hard she almost missed when she tried to clink her glass to Valerie’s. “Here’s to us chicken-shits.”

  Later, Valerie dropped Caitlin off at the side door of her building. She rented a small upstairs apartment over a small leather shop.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come in for coffee?”

  “I’m fine,” Valerie said with a lazy yawn. “I’m going to stop at the Sinclair Gas station, fuel up and get the largest coffee they sell before I go back to Reno. It’s only a little over a two hour drive. I’ll be home around midnight.”

  “It’s closer to three hours, so don’t drive crazy. Get there in one piece.” Caitlin gave her friend a hug and as she watched her drive out, a wave. She watched until the taillights of her friend’s car disappeared in the darkness. It would probably be the last time she’d ever see her.

  She took three steps, and felt one strong hand cover her mouth, and another go around her waist and pick her up off her feet. She fought, but her assailant was big and very strong. He dragged her off silently behind the building and didn’t set her down until they were a block away. She promptly kicked backwards, nailing him in the shin as hard as she could.

  “Ouch! Are you trying to break my leg?” The low, husky voice brought her head around, and he instantly let go of her.


  “Quiet,” he ordered. “You’re coming with me.”

  “No, I’m not,” Caitlin, hissed. “I have to get out of here.”

  “That’s what I just said. You were an idiot to hang around this long. The Rigoltees have a man in there waiting for you.”

  “Shit! I wasn’t going up anyway.”

  Caitlin felt a large, hard hand smack her on the bottom, and she gasped and jerked around.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Trying to save your ass,” Chase snapped, bending over and hauling her up and over on his shoulder. “When I’ve got you safe, I’m going to spank it!”

  Caitlin wanted to scream, but since he’d already told her that a hired killer was in position to kill her, she clamped her mouth shut. She didn’t fight as Chase Bennett ran full out with her over his shoulder a good quarter of a mile before he stopped in front of her Jeep and dumped her into the passenger seat.

  “Buckle up!” Chase said before peeling out of the church parking lot and heading off down rural route NV 305.

  Caitlin spent a lot of her time fuming. She had good reflexes. She was attuned to notice what was out of place and when she was being watched, even if it was only a casual interest. Chase Bennett was the only person she knew who could slip under her radar. She could never feel him, and it pissed her off. She didn’t want anyone to be able to slip under her radar, and that was the problem because Chase had slipped way beyond her senses, he’d melted into her being. She didn’t fear him. He was as familiar to her as she was to herself, and he got through. She couldn’t afford for him to do that. His slipping under her radar put him in danger.

  They spent a tense hour and a half watching over their shoulders trying to determine if they were being followed. Chase pulled off the road at old-fashioned motel that probably dated back to the 1930’s. There were a series of single cabins set back off the road. The flashing retro neon lights blinked out the name Auto Park and indicated vacancies. Only one of the cabins had a beat-up truck parked in front of it.

  Chase went inside, taking Caitlin’s keys with him and leaving her stewing in temper. A few minutes later he reappeared, drove them to the end cabin and parked the Jeep behind the building and out of view from the main road. He unlocked the door and proceeded to carry in her two duffle bags and one smaller one of his, and a computer bag.

  She followed him inside the small cabin. There was only one full-sized bed, one chair, one older model TV and a small table with an equally small coffee pot. The bathroom looked like it had been added in the fifties, evidenced by the Pepto Bismol pink plastic tiles and pink commode, sink and tub.

  “Long time, no see,” Caitlin said sarcastically before she started demanding answers. “What are you doing here, and why have we stopped? We haven’t put enough distance between us and them yet!”

  Chase picked up remote, flipped the television to an old rerun of ‘CHIPS’ and turned up the volume. He turned to face her.

  “I know the guy who owns this place. He was in my unit, so we’re safe here. It’s good to see you Caitlin. You’re more beautiful now than you were five years ago.”

  Caitlin ignored compliment. “I repeat, what are you doing here? I’m not in the program anymore!”

  “That’s why I’m here, you idiot,” Chase exclaimed. “I’m trying to save your life!”

  “I’ll save my life,” Caitlin said steadily. “I’ve done it before, I’ll do it now.”

  “No,” Chase said shaking his head and advancing on her. “I’m here, and I’m reclaiming what should have been mine for a long time.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Caitlin demanded.

  “I don’t like women swearing,” Chase said softly, dangerously. “I especially don’t like my woman swearing.”

  “You’ve gone fucking crazy,” Caitlin exclaimed. “I haven’t seen you in five
years, and I am certainly not your woman.”

  “You’re mine,” Chase said stepping around her and hooking his arm around her torso and picking her up off the floor. “I don’t like my woman swearing, and I won’t allow her to endanger herself out of foolish bravado. We’ll settle this right now. I’m in charge, Caitlin. Don’t fight me, because it will be a losing battle. We start right now with a well earned spanking for being so foolish!”

  Chase sat down on the chair and bent her over his knees, forcing her weight forward, so her bottom was higher, and her body was off balance dangling over his lap.

  Caitlin wasn’t an idiot, nor afraid and she wasn’t about to let him hit her. She was going to fight.

  Chase grinned, and while holding her in place, unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to knees. Caitlin went nuts. She was swinging at him, trying to bite him and swearing like a bar room drunk. Capturing and pinning her wrists, he stroked a hand gently over her tiny lace panties before yanking them down to join the jeans.

  “You’ve earned this for sheer stupidity,” Chase said sternly. He brought his large hand down on her small ass with a stinging spank.

  “Oh!” Caitlin screamed.

  The hand came down again in the same spot, the second smack harder than the first.

  “Ouch! That hurt!” Caitlin screamed.

  “I guarantee it’s going to hurt,” Chase promised. That hard hand came down again.

  “Ow! Have you gone crazy?” Caitlin demanded as she tried to wiggle and squirm her way off his lap. “Ow!”

  He ignored the yelps and the cries as her porcelain skin began to turn red. He thought of all the horrors he’d seen during his time as a U.S. Marshal. Potential witnesses were hurt and sometimes murdered before they could be convinced that going into the WITSEC program was best for them. He set her bottom on fire. He didn’t ignore the swearing. When she stopped fighting and was sobbing he stopped, but he didn’t let her go.

  “I told you I don’t like women swearing,” Chase said firmly. “This is for swearing.” His hand came down again. This time he concentrated his efforts on her sit spot, applying ten hard, punishing spanks on each buttock. Each new spank elicited a cry and a sob of pain. She’d remember every time she tried to sit down tomorrow. Caitlin needed to learn to listen, and she needed to realize that he wouldn’t allow her to put herself in danger again.

  Chapter 2

  Caitlin woke up in the pre-dawn hours as was her habit. She glanced over at the clock on the cheap bedside stand. It was only 5:30 am but that was late for her. She hadn’t slept soundly in the last five years and doubted that she ever would again. After Chase had spanked her, he’d given her a toss into the bed, and had lain down beside her as she sobbed. He’d rubbed her back, and spoken gently to her until she’d fallen asleep. He’d never tried to touch her sexually.

  She rolled over gently, and gritted her teeth at the soreness in her bottom and slipped out of bed.

  Chase sat up, and the light came on.

  “Go back to sleep,” Caitlin said averting her face from him. “I’m going to the bathroom. Maybe I’ll take a hot shower.”

  He nodded and lay back, but he left the light on. “Leave the door cracked,” he ordered.

  Caitlin picked up one her black duffle bag and carried it into the bathroom. Once inside, she turned on the water in the shower and shut the door almost completely. She knew he was listening. Her first glance around was for a window, but there wasn’t one, so that option was out.

  Caitlin pulled some jeans and a shirt out of the duffle. Before she got dressed, she pulled down her panties and looked at her bottom in a cheap mirror tacked to the back of the door. Her bottom was covered with red marks. He’d left the mark of his hand on her clear enough. She lifted her buttocks tenderly and knew from the angry red that she’d be sitting tender at least for today. She’d been spanked several times when she was a child living with her Aunt Louise, her mother’s only sister who had taken her in at the age of seven, but she didn’t remember it hurting this bad. She did remember the after effects of her childhood spankings not lasting very long.

  Even so, driving and sitting were not going to be comfortable or easy. Even pulling the rough jean material up over her sore bottom was painful and made her hiss.

  She looked into her duffle bag and at last - she found something to smile about. She’d packed her duffle already had them in the jeep, one for clothing, one for her external computer drives. Her computers were the engines but her external drives were where she kept everything important. She’d wiped her computer drives clean before she’d gone to met Valerie at the bar. She’d never intended to return the apartment. She’d packed up her computer gear and drives in one small duffle, filled another with clothing. Her pre-packed zip-locked bags of cosmetics, and personal hygiene products were intact.

  She’d had to run several times and had learned to be ready. She looked over her shoulder and opened a box of tampons. One of the little cardboard tubes was empty of its original contents. Inside was a rolled plastic bag filled with pills. She slipped two pills out of the bag and put the rest back.

  Carrying her duffle bag out into the motel room, Caitlin went over to the small table and picked up the two-cup coffee pot. She carried the glass pot into the bathroom, filled it with water and proceeded to make coffee.

  Chase watched her every movement from the bed. He was expecting anger, recriminations at least, but Caitlin wasn’t angry. She seemed resigned. Maybe that was better. He’d prefer her cooperation.

  He rolled off the bed and walked across the room to her. She looked up at him with a little apprehension. There was wounded reproach in her eyes. He kissed her softly at first, determining her reception and her willingness to respond. She responded, and he went instantly rock hard. He was the one to break the kiss and back away. She was too vulnerable right now, and he wouldn’t take advantage of that.

  “I’ll take my turn,” Chase said but turned back before entering the bathroom. “Don’t try to run.”

  Caitlin shook her head. “I won’t.”

  Chase walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his torso. A very small towel, Caitlin, noticed, one that didn’t hide much and didn’t hide his full erection. He rummaged through his duffle bag and threw some clothes onto the bed carelessly.

  “We need to talk,” Chase said.

  “I know, but we have plenty of time for that,” Caitlin said agreeably. She carried a Styrofoam cup of coffee over and handed it to Chase retreating to the other side of the bed where she’d dropped her duffle bag and squatted pretending to search for something inside.

  “Thanks,” Chase said drinking gulping down half of the cup’s contents before he got his first morning rush from the caffeine. He was addicted to coffee, loved it and drank it all day long. “Nectar of the Gods,” he mumbled, before taking another long drink.

  She was watching him covertly, and she knew the instant he realized something was wrong.

  Chase whirled around to face her. “What have you done?” he demanded and he took a step before he stumbled and grabbed for the bed. “What have you done, Cait?”

  Caitlin backed away from the bed putting more distance between them. “It’s fairly harmless and it should wear off in about twelve hours.”

  Chase heard the words vaguely, as his head swam and he fell into unconsciousness.

  Caitlin watched the clock, standing rigidly still and not daring to move. She waited the twenty minutes that her research had informed her was the time it took for the full effect of the drug to get into his bloodstream. Only then did she approach him. It was difficult, Chase outweighed her by a hundred pounds of pure muscle, but she managed to wrestle him back onto the bed. She rummaged through his duffle bag, and found a leather case and unzipped it. These were the tools of his trade. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed his right hand to the metal headboard. She searched the pockets of the clothing he’d left in a pile on the floor and found another set tha
t he carried with him at all times in his back pocket. She used that set to cuff his left ankle to footboard. She stood looking at him for a moment, stretched out in his full naked glory. Drugged or not, his erection hadn’t gone down yet, and it was magnificent.

  Caitlin gave a sigh. If she were a different kind of woman - she would have climbed on and rode him into submission. She wasn’t that kind of woman and even if she’d dared, she didn’t think her sore bottom would have allowed it. Chase Bennett was pure man, muscled where men should be muscled, hairy where men should be hairy in her opinion. Her eyes roamed from the soft mat of hair on his chest down that directional line of hair that ran between his six-pack abdominals and practically drew an arrow to his pubic hair. His fully erect cock drew her eye again. She’d had that, felt it filling her, felt its solidness and screamed from the pleasure she had received from it. His body gave a jerk, and she recoiled out of her memories with a start.

  He would be furious, but she wouldn’t let Chase risk his life again. She’d read the news reports. She knew what had happened the last time he’d been shot. He’d done his duty, time and time again. He’d died trying to do his duty the last time. Only the quick actions of the medical teams had been able to revive him. She wasn’t his duty anymore, and she wouldn’t allow him to be hurt again. He wouldn’t find her again.

  Caitlin systematically loaded up the Jeep. She carried out her duffle bag, her computer bag and the bag of Chase’s personal arsenal of weapons including the handgun she’d found he’d tucked under the pillow he’d slept on and the knife she’d found hooked to his belt. She searched through his duffle carefully, checked his computer bag but couldn’t log on to his computer, yet. At the last minute, she took his computer case and carried it to her Jeep.

  Looking around carefully for any hint of human activity, she bent down and checked the Jeep’s undercarriage with a small but powerful flashlight for electronic bugs. She opened up a secret compartment in the side panel of the Jeep and took out two Illinois license plates and a small bag with a screwdriver and several extra screws. She changed out the Nevada plate from the front of the Jeep and added the second plate to the back. Once she had some miles under her she’d stop at an automotive store and pick up some decals and mud flaps for the Jeep. She’d chosen the Jeep carefully, as she’d done most things in the past five years. She’d picked gloss black because it was the second most common color sold. The top color was a shimmering metallic black that drew attention—she never bought anything that drew attention. Her life depended on not being noticed. She berated herself for the thousandth time for doing the TV segment. Even as she’d allowed Valerie to film it, she’d known she was taking a risk, and that wasn’t like her. She’d been stupid enough to do it, and now she was paying the price for it. She was paying the price by having to run again. She’d paid the price of Chase’s anger with her sore backside.


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