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Mindfulness Yoga

Page 30

by Frank Jude Boccio

Thich Nhat Hanh’s walking meditation gatha can be found in The Long Road Turns to Joy (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1996).

  For an example of one Zen teacher’s criticism of slow-movement practice, see Beck, Nothing Special.

  All quotations of the Buddha from Satipatthana Sutta come from Nhat Hanh, Transformation and Healing.

  8. Feelings as Feelings

  Quotations from Satipatthana Sutta are from Nhat Hanh, Transformation and Healing.

  In discussing the five skandhas (form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness), Thich Nhat Hanh compares them to rivers in Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching.

  Thich Nhat Hanh’s discussion of touching the joy of a “nontoothache” comes from Being Peace.

  9. Mindfully Aware of the Mind

  Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Full Catastrophe Living (New York: Delta, 1990) contains his program for using mindfulness meditation for pain and stress management.

  To see our pain and discomfort as our “crying baby” is suggested by Thich Nhat Hanh in Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching.

  The discussion on the four kinds of attachment owes much to Rosenberg, Breath by Breath.

  Charlotte Joko Beck’s insight into the sharp stones being jewels can be found in Nothing Special.

  10. Dharmas in the Dharmas

  S. N. Goenka emphasizes observing impermanence in Discourse Summaries.

  Thich Nhat Hanh explains the two kinds of change in Breathe! You Are Alive.

  Nirvana as the extinction of notions is found in Nhat Hanh, Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, as is the quotation from Tang Hoi.

  Richard Rosen, the pranayama teacher in the teacher training program of the Yoga Research and Education Center (YREC), asks, “Who is the breather?” in The Yoga of Breath (Boston: Shambhala, 2002).

  The four levels of restriction (nirodha) are explained in Feuerstein, The Philosophy of Classical Yoga.

  The Discourse on the Teachings to Be Given to the Sick is found in Plum Village Chanting Book compiled by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Monks and Nuns of Plum Village (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 2000).

  The Rumi quote is from The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks with John Moyne (New York: HarperCollins, 1995).

  Appendix A. The Seven Factors of Awakening

  I mention Bo Lozoff, It’s a Meaningful Life: It Just Takes Practice (New York: Viking, 2000) in regard to the interdependence of practice and meaning in life.

  The excerpt from the Metta Sutta is from Sharon Salzberg, Loving-Kindness (Boston: Shambhala, 1995).



  Batchelor, Stephen. Buddhism Without Beliefs. New York: Riverhead, 1997.

  Birch, Beryl Bender. Power Yoga. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995.

  Buddhadasa, Bhikkhu. Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree: The Buddha’s Teaching on Voidness. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1994.

  Buddhadasa, Bhikkhu. Mindfulness with Breathing. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1997.

  Chödrön, Pema. When Things Fall Apart. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.

  Cleary, Thomas. Buddhist Yoga. Boston: Shambhala, 1995.

  de Mello, Anthony. Awareness. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

  Desikachar, T. K. V. The Heart of Yoga. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1995.

  Feuerstein, Georg. The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1989.

  ———. The Philosophy of Classical Yoga. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1996.

  ———. Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy. Boston: Shambhala, 1998.

  ———. The Yoga Tradition. Prescott, Arizona: Hohm Press, 1998.

  ———. The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga. Boston: Shambhala, 2000.

  Feuerstein, Georg, Kak, Subhash and Frawley, David. In Search of the Cradle of Civilization. Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, 2001.

  Feuerstein, Georg and Miller, Jeanine. The Essence of Yoga. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1998.

  Flickstein, Matthew. Swallowing the River Ganges. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001.

  Frawley, David. Yoga and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin: Lotus Press, 1999.

  Frawley, David and Kozak, Sandra Summerfield. Yoga for Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin: Lotus Press, 2001.

  Gannon, Sharon and Life, David. Jivamukti Yoga. New York: Ballantine Books, 2002.

  Gethin, Rupert. The Foundations of Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

  Goldstein, Joseph. Insight Meditation. Boston: Shambhala, 1993.

  Goleman, Daniel. The Meditative Mind. New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1988.

  Gunaratana, Henepola. Mindfulness in Plain English. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2002.

  Hagen, Steve. Buddhism: Plain and Simple. New York: Broadway Books, 1999.

  Harvey, Peter. An Introduction to Buddhism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  Hewitt, James. The Complete Yoga Book. New York: Schocken, 1977.

  Iyengar, B. K. S. The Tree of Yoga. Boston: Shambhala, 1989.

  Kabat-Zinn. Full Catastrophe Living. New York: Delta, 1990.

  ———. Wherever You Go, There You Are. New York: Hyperion, 1994.

  Khalsa, Shakta Kaur. Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2001.

  Khema, Ayya. Being Nobody Going Nowhere. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1987.

  Lasater, Judith. Living Your Yoga. Berkeley, California: Rodmell Press, 2000.

  Maitreya, Ananda. The Dhammapada. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1995.

  Nanamoli, Bhikkhu. The Life of the Buddha. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society, 1992.

  Newberg, Andrew, D’Aquili, Eugene and Rause, Vince. Why God Won’t Go Away. New York: Ballantine, 2001.

  Nhat Hanh, Thich. The Miracle of Mindfulness. Boston: Beacon Press, 1975.

  ———. Being Peace. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1987.

  ———. Transformation and Healing: Sutra on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1990.

  ———. Our Appointment With Life: The Buddha’s Teaching on Living in the Present. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1990.

  ———. Old Path, White Clouds. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1991.

  ———. For a Future Tto Be Possible. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1993.

  ———. The Long Road Turns to Joy. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1996.

  ———. Breathe! You Are Alive: Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1996.

  ———. The Heart of The Buddha’s Teaching. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 1998.

  Nyanasobhano, Bhikkhu. Landscapes of Wonder. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1998.

  Paramananda, Swami. Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Cohasset, Massahusetts.: Vedanta Centre Publishers, 1981.

  Radhakrishnan, S. The Principal Upanishads. London: Allen & Unwin, 1953.

  Rosenberg, Larry. Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. Boston: Shambhala, 1998.

  Salzberg, Sharon. A Heart as Wide as the World. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.

  Schiffmann, Erich. Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness. New York: Pocket Books, 1996.

  Schuhmacher, Stephan and Woerner, Gert. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion. Boston: Shambhala, 1994.

  Schumann, H. W. The Historical Buddha. London: Arkana, 1989.

  Silananda, U. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1990.

  Silva, Mira and Mehta, Shyam. Yoga The Iyengar Way. New York: Knopf, 1992.

  Swenson, David. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual. Sugar Land, Texas: Ashtanga Yoga Productions, 1999.

  Tigunait, Rajmani. Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy. Honesdale, Pennsylvania.: Himalayan Publishers, 1983.

  Yee, Rodney. Yoga: The Poetry of the Body. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2002.

  CDs/Audio Tapes:

  Feuerstein, Georg. Th
e Lost Teachings of Yoga. Boulder: Sounds True, 2003.

  Freeman, Richard. The Yoga Matrix. Boulder: Sounds True, 2001.

  Friend, John. Anusara Yoga 101. Spring, Texas: Anusara Yoga, 2002.

  Nhat Hanh, Thich. The Art of Mindful Living. Boulder: Sounds True, 1991.

  Houston, Vyaas. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Warwick, NY: American Sanskrit Institute, 1996.

  Rea, Shiva. Yoga Sanctuary. Boulder: Sounds True, 1999.

  Young, Shinzen. The Science of Enlightenment. Boulder: Sounds True, 1997.


  Freeman, Richard. Yoga With Richard Freeman. Boulder: Delphi Productions, Ltd., 1993.

  Friend, John. Yoga for Meditators. Spring, Texas: Purple Pentacle Enterprises, 1997.

  ———. Yoga: Alignment and Form. Spring, Texas: Purple Pentacle Enterprises, 1994.

  MacGraw, Ali with Erich Schiffmann. Yoga: Mind & Body. Warner Home Video, 1994.

  Nhat Hanh, Thich. Mindful Movements. Boulder: Sounds True, 1998.

  Swenson, David. Yoga: Short Forms. Houston, Texas: Ashtanga Yoga Productions, 1997.

  ———. Yoga: The Practice, First Series. Houston, Texas, Ashtanga Yoga Productions, 1995.

  Walden, Patricia. Yoga Journal’s Yoga Practice for Flexibility. Broomfield, Colorado, Living Arts, 1992.

  ———. Yoga Journal’s Yoga Practice for Relaxation. Broomfield, Colorado, Living Arts, 1992.

  Yee, Rodney. Yoga Journal’s Yoga Practice for Energy. Broomfield, Colorado, Living Arts, 1995.

  ———. Yoga Journal’s Yoga Practice for Strength. Broomfield, Colorado, Living Arts, 1992.

  Web Sites: The web site for The Yoga Research and Education Center, chock-full with articles (many by Georg Feuerstein) on history, philosophy and practice, as well as news and great links. Yoga Journal’s web site has articles and a directory of Yoga teachers and schools, as well as access to yoga props, videos, etc. The web site of The Himalayan Institute’s magazine, Yoga International, which also has a directory and wonderful articles and links. Ascent is Canda’s premier yoga magazine, presenting unique prespectives on yoga and spirituality. The Shambhala Sun’s web site features articles by Buddhist teachers from all traditions. Tricycle’s web site also has a wide variety of Buddhist teachers on various aspects of Dharma and many helpful links. The Community Of Mindful Living, with information about Thich Nhat Hanh and The Order of Interbeing. This site also has some invaluable links. The web site for Thich Nhat Hanh’s community in France offers transcriptions of Thay’s Dharma talks and features information on his work and the work of the Unified Buddhist Church. This is my web site where you can read Karuna Notes on Yoga, Dharma and Ayurveda. Information on workshops, courses and retreats can also be found here. The Energy Center, Brooklyn’s oasis for yoga, healing and spiritual growth is my home base in NYC. Jai Ma Yoga Center in New Palta, NY is my home base in the beautiful Hudson Valley.



  Adamantine. See Diamond Pose (Vajrasana)


  Adho Mukha Shvanasana. See Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)

  Alcoholics Anonymous

  Anapansati (Awareness of Breathing) . See also breathing

  Anguttara Nikaya

  Ardha Chandrasana I. See Crescent Moon (Ardha Chandrasana I)

  Ardha Matsyendrasana. See Lord-of-the-Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

  Ardha Padmasana. See Half-Lotus Posture (Ardha Padmasana)

  Ardha Shalabhasana. See Half Locust (Arha Shalabhasana)

  asanas. See poses


  ashtanga (eight-limbed) yoga

  Astanganamasker. See Eight-Point Posture (Astanganamasker)




  Baddha Konasana. See Cobbler (Baddha Konasana)

  Balasana. See Child Pose (Balasana)

  Beck, Charlotte Joko

  Bent-Knee Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

  Bhaddekaratta Sutta

  Bhagavad Gita (Krishna)

  bhakti yoga

  Bhikkhu, Buddhadasa

  Bhujangasana. See Cobra (Bhujangasana)

  Bidalasana. See Cat/Cow Pose (Bidalasana)

  Blake, William

  Bodhi Tree



  body. See also poses


  and feelings

  as impermanent

  parts of, meditation on

  and the universe, interdependence of

  Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

  Brahma Sahampati

  Brahma Viharas



  breathing. See also Anapansati (Awareness of Breathing); pranayama

  and balance

  cultivating awareness of

  and the Dharma

  and emptiness

  and feelings

  and joy

  and koans


  and asceticism

  birth of

  on the elements of the earth

  and equanimity

  on the fathom-long body

  on feelings

  and the Four Noble Truths

  on impermanence

  on mindfulness

  and the Noble Eightfold Path

  on perception

  on suffering

  and useful means

  Buddha nature




  Cat/Cow Pose (Bidalasana)


  Child Pose (Balasana)


  Cobbler (Baddha Konasana)

  Cobra (Bhujangasana)


  and the Brahma Viharas


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