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Bash, Volume II

Page 14

by Candace Blevins

  “If it comes to it, we’ll arrange for something to happen while we have a kickass alibi. Some big charity event with cameras, and we’ll make sure we’re seen the whole time. I’m not eighteen anymore, Princess. Little smarter now.”

  “You weren’t stupid back then. You did what the situation called for.”

  “When’s the last time you swept your apartment for bugs?” Dawg asked, sprawled on my sofa.

  “I swept this morning. Been doing it twice a day but haven’t found anything else. Also, there haven’t been any strange scents in here. He managed it before because I invited him in. Won’t happen again.”

  “I swept again when I got here,” Bash said. “Smelled him in the parking lot. My wolf didn’t like it.”

  “I smell barbecue,” I noted, changing the subject. “Does this mean you picked up a feast for ten on your way here?”

  He nodded and walked me to the kitchen. “Your balcony’s plenty big enough for a table and chairs so we can eat outside. You good with me buying something and settin’ it up?”

  “You trying to tell me you’re officially moving in?”

  He paused a second, but then smiled. “Not what I was getting at, but I guess you’re right, if I’m considering buying furniture. Needs a longer conversation, so I’ll hold off on buying anything until we can have it.”

  “Ya’ll need me to go?” asked Dawg.

  “Nope, sit down and eat, brother. My Princess gets a reward spanking tonight, and I figure she might need something in her mouth to keep her quiet so the neighbors don’t hear.”

  Dawg came up behind me, kissed the side of my neck, and wrapped his arms around me. Goose bumps crawled over my skin, my nipples went hard, and I shivered a little as heat traversed through my veins and headed towards my clit. “Fuck, me,” I moaned as I leaned backwards, into him.

  “Sorry, Girly. Not authorized to put my cock anywhere but your mouth, and you’re about to put food there. Looking forward to seeing your ass turn a nice shade of red later, though.”

  He turned me in his arms, kissed my forehead, and then pulled me into his embrace, my head beneath his chin.

  “If we decide this is a long-term thing, I’ll eventually let you take her ass,” Bash told him. “Not ready to share it just yet, though.”

  “And I’ll never be in her pussy, which is ironic.” Dawg kissed my forehead again and turned me so I was beside my chair. Discombobulated, I sat and accepted the plate Bash handed me, my mouth watering despite my arousal as I steadied myself and helped open the containers from the barbecue place — we had huge Texas toast, baked beans, slaw, two kinds of sauce, and a mountain of pulled pork. Bash knew how to make me happy.

  “Why’s it ironic?” I finally managed to ask.

  They looked at each other a second, and Bash said, “I don’t put my cock in pussy, as a general rule. So, when Dawg and I’ve shared in the past, I took their ass while he got their cunt.”

  I was about to ask why he didn’t fuck their pussies, but he answered my question before I even opened my mouth. “Don’t trust condoms, don’t trust bitches who’re just hookups to remember to take the damned pill every fucking day, and I never wanted to have kids with someone I wasn’t sure would be a good mother.”

  He’d not only been in my pussy more times than I could count — he’d done it without a condom. Bash was telling me he thought I’d be a good mom, and my eyes watered as I grasped his veiled compliment.

  He gave me a soft smile, his eyes kind as he saw my reaction. “I’m not saying I want to have kids with you just yet, Princess. Just saying I can put my cock in your cunt without freaking out about it.”

  And he didn’t want anyone else in my pussy, because if I happened to get pregnant, he wanted to be sure the baby was his. He’d said it before, but I hadn’t realized what a big deal it was to him.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m somewhere between flattered and freaked out, I guess.”

  Bash spooned food onto his plate as he shook his head, “Glad you’re flattered, no need to freak out, though. I trust you to be responsible with birth control, and to let me know if it becomes iffy and I need to wrap up. I don’t trust a lot of people with that, which wasn’t a hardship because I love doing girls up the ass.”

  A conversation I overheard some of the girls having, long ago, when I was maybe seventeen or eighteen, came back to me. One of them was complaining that she’d been kind of a steady fuck for him for a couple of months, and he’d only been in her pussy twice. He was in her ass the rest of the time, and she was asking if it was normal to be so sore. The girls had said if he was taking her back there two or three times a day, as she’d told them, then it’d be fucked up if her ass wasn’t sore.

  I fished around in my head for her name, couldn’t come up with it. “A few years after you weren’t my bitch anymore,” he glared at me, but I ignored him and kept going, “you dated a tall, thin, blonde. Not the skanks you usually fucked, she was different.”

  “Angie, yeah, what about her?”

  “I overheard her talking to the other women. Said you always took her ass. You’d been together months, though I didn’t gather it was exclusive, but she said you’d only fucked her pussy twice.”

  “Likely just as she was comin’ off the rag,” Dawg said as he reached for his drink. “So he’d know she wasn’t likely to get preggers.”

  My gaze went from Dawg’s face to Bash’s. “Women put up with that? Why? I mean, you’re good, but…”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I am that good.” He shrugged. “It’s usually considered bad form to talk about past conquests with the current squeeze. How much you wanna know?”

  “This is an antique transmission, and you’re explaining it. Go into teacher mode, educate me.”

  He lifted an eyebrow, and I realized I probably sounded a little bossy. “Sorry. Please go into teacher mode, and give me a fucking break, this is an uncomfortable conversation.”

  “Some girls prefer anal over vaginal, and some prefer vaginal but get turned on by the fact you won’t give it to them. It’s a control thing. Some of them, while they hate it as it’s happening, are turned on by orgasm denial — bein’ worked up close and then denied, over and over. Bein’ kept hot all the time, but not allowed release. For some, having to pleasure me with their ass while I deny them pleasure to their pussy or clit, is just what they need. Maybe not what they want, but what they need.”

  The idea of being denied was both repugnant and, well, oddly hot. I liked Bash taking control and telling me what to do. Would it be fun to let him deny my orgasms? Or would it just piss me off?

  I wasn’t ready to have that conversation. Might never be ready for it. I looked to Dawg and asked, “You do that? Deny women orgasms?”

  “Not for days or weeks at a time, like Bash. I might keep them on edge for an hour or two, but then I love watching them come unglued when I finally push them over the top. I’ve helped him out, when he was making sure a girl was frustrated. He’d have me use her when he finished, but only ass or mouth, and I had to make sure she didn’t get enough stimulation to get off. There’s a bit of a sadist in me, I guess, because I could have fun with it and enjoy their distress, but only with his girls. I like keeping mine happy, usually.”

  I looked to Bash and said, “I won’t rule out exploring it in the future, but it isn’t something I want to do now. You get that, right?”

  “Yeah, Princess. We’re new, still figuring each other out. Eventually, you’ll want to branch out and explore, and when you do, you’ll let me figure out how to please you. You get that, too, right? It won’t be a negotiation. If I think you need more, I’ll decide how to go about it.”

  His words fanned the fires already blazing inside me, but I wasn’t going to give in so easily. “I get that you’re a macho bad-ass he-man who thinks he can go all caveman on the little girl. Don’t forget, though. This wolf has teeth.”

  Dawg chuckled. “Going to be so much fun to watch the two of you. Never
thought Bash would meet his match.” He lifted his beer bottle towards me as if offering a toast. “Stay true to yourself, Tink — no matter what. If givin’ him control in the bedroom flicks your Bic, let him have it, but it doesn’t mean he gets to dictate the rest of your life.”

  “Thanks, Dawg. The more time I spend around you, the more I think I understand your name. The other guys have no idea how you get so much pussy, do they?”

  “Bash gets it. And Brain. Duke. Maybe a few others, but you’re right about a lot of them not gettin’ it.”

  Thankfully, our dinner conversation went to more mundane topics, and then the three of us decided to go for a walk and let our dinner settle. The Walnut Street Bridge was full of people walking, running, biking, and rollerblading. We strolled across it, made our way down to Coolidge Park, and I told them I wanted to ride the carousel. At first, Bash said he’d just watch, but Dawg said he’d ride with me, and Bash eventually changed his mind. Bash went straight to the rabbit, and I remembered him bringing me a huge rabbit when we were wolves. His smile told me he knew I remembered, and I climbed on the frog wearing the silly yellow suit. Dawg laughed at both of us as he climbed on the tiger.

  We laughed, cut up, and gave each other goofy smiles as we rode the silly animals in a circle while the traditional carousel music blasted around us. When it was over and I got off the frog, I had to hold onto the pole a second until my equilibrium righted itself. Bash put his arm around my waist, and Dawg came to my other side and did the same. I have no idea what the other patrons thought of us as we walked out, but we were just goofing off and having fun, and I noted more people smiled at us than glared.

  We ran back across the bridge, and I called dibs on the shower when we made it back to my apartment.

  “Oh no,” said Bash. “You and Dawg in the shower, and then you and me. Off with your clothes and get in. I’ll send Dawg in to you in a few minutes.”

  I decided not to argue.

  Dawg took over sudsing my hair when he stepped under the water with me, and I gave a pleasurable moan as he massaged my scalp.

  “You know Bash isn’t likely to ever wash your hair for you, right? He’ll treat you right, take care of you in his own way, but he isn’t exactly a romantic.”

  I chuckled, but didn’t point out I’d managed to train him well enough when I was fifteen and he was eighteen, and I didn’t even have sex to use as a training tool back then. He hadn’t exactly obeyed my orders, but we’d come to a nice truce and I’d managed to get him to stop being an ass. He’d been required to run the guys off and keep me out of trouble, there was nothing I could do about that, but I’d adjusted his attitude about most everything else, and we’d become friends.

  “I don’t want to change him,” I told Dawg. “I know who he is and I love him anyway.” And that was the God’s honest truth. There might be some small, nitpicky things I wouldn’t mind adjusting, but I truly didn’t want to change him.

  The conditioner was on my hair and I was sudsing Dawg’s cock and balls when Bash stuck his head around the shower curtain. He watched my hand on Dawg’s cock a minute and said, “Love watching you do that, Princess, but I think it might be my turn in the shower. Rinse him off. Won’t hurt him to sport a stiffy while you get me clean.”

  I looked in Dawg’s eyes as I gave him a few final, slow, firm, strokes, and he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “Not a good idea to taunt the man who’s going to be spanking you later tonight, Girly.”

  I looked back and forth between the two, and told Dawg, “I wasn’t taunting him, I was just giving you a few final strokes. A tease of what’s to come later.”

  He reached for the handheld shower unit and rinsed himself as I backed up, his grin mischievous and playful.

  “I need a bigger shower,” I noted as Dawg got out and Bash got in.

  “I have a bigger shower, but the MC is gonna need to know about the three of us before I have the two of you over,” Dawg said as he dried off. “Brothers are in and out of my house too much.”

  Bash took the soap from me and started on his arm pits. I leaned against the back wall and drawled, “Soooo sexy.”

  I was being half smart-ass and half-serious. He was sexy, with his scruffy short beard, muscles all wet and glistening under the water, and cock hard enough to be interesting but not so much it was standing proud. And yet, he wasn’t trying to be sexy — wasn’t even considering how it looked to step into the shower and start washing his pits. He wanted them clean, he washed them.

  With Bash, what you see is what he is. No pretenses, no worry of whether he should or shouldn’t do something. You either liked him or you didn’t, and he didn’t really give a fuck either way, in most cases.

  I knew he liked me, but he still wasn’t going to go out of his way to be likeable. It was honest in a way so few people are, and it touched my heart.

  “What’s going through that beautiful head, Princess?”

  “I love you.”

  He chuckled. “Love you, too. Now wash my cock.”

  Dawg was still in the bathroom, and he groaned as he said, “Damn, Bash. Need to work on your romancin’ skills. Fuck.” The bathroom door opened and cold air rushed in. “Ya’ll don’t take too long. Can’t wait to see her ass sportin’ your handprint.”

  “Did you know a spanking hurts worse on wet skin?” Bash asked with a shit-eating grin, his eyes dancing.

  I glared at him. “No, and maybe we need to go for another walk after our shower, before we get started.”

  “Nope. I promised a reward spankin’, and you’re gonna get it.”

  My hand was still soapy, and I grasped the base of his cock and met his gaze as I slowly slid my hand up the shaft. The muscles in his face relaxed, his jaw softened, and I couldn’t help the shit-eatin’ grin I knew I flashed him.

  “That’s it, Princess,” he said, his gaze dark and full of lust as it met mine. “Work my cock, and know it’s gonna be back in your ass before too much longer.” It pulsed, and grew wider in my grasp — a lot wider. “Someday, I’m going to enjoy hurtin’ you with it. Have to teach you to enjoy it, first, but you have to know I’m only goin’ to be gentle with you for so long, right?”

  My heart jumped into my throat and slammed back down into my rib cage, but my hand kept working his now short and insanely fat cock. “You were gentle to start, but I don’t think you ended gentle. Not that I’m complaining, or anything, but—”

  He touched under my chin, closing my mouth and shutting me up. “Was gentle with you, even when I went a little wild. I love the fact I’m getting to break your ass in and no one’s been there but me. I won’t give you more until you’re ready for it, but I know how strong you are, and I’m lovin’ how wild you’re turning out to be, Princess.”

  I grabbed the handheld shower unit and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. Apparently, with my head tilted back and my arms over my head, my boobs looked more interesting, because I gasped as his hand plumped my right boob a second before his lips sealed around the nipple — just enough teeth I felt it, and he sucked.

  Blood pulsed to my clit, and my groan echoed back to me off the shower’s hard walls. I focused on getting the conditioner out of my hair, but then jumped a little as a slick finger slid between my folds. I whimpered, and he gave a cocky chuckle. “Like keepin’ you on edge. Gonna get you horny as hell before I spank you, Princess. How much longer you gonna fuck with your hair?”

  “Have to get the conditioner out. Dawg helped me with the shampoo. You’re hindering the process.” I had to work to keep my speech steady and not speak in a sexy, breathy, femme-fatal voice. I held back a groan as his finger slid alongside my clit hood, shifting it back and forth as he stroked, and I decided maybe some conditioner could stay in. It wouldn’t hurt anything.

  “Done. I’m done. Fuck, Bash.”

  Dawg was waiting for me with a towel when I opened the shower curtain, and he wrapped it around me and started drying me as I stepped out.

, you need to be sure you get my ass dry,” I told Dawg as I grabbed another towel and bent to wrap my hair in it.

  I have no idea how they managed it, but minutes later I was on my knees with Bash’s cock in my mouth while Dawg blow-dried my hair. I couldn’t stop laughing, but it was a lighthearted, fun moment, and I wished my mouth wasn’t full so I could ask Dawg if his secret desire was to be a hair stylist. He’d seriously known what he was doing when he shampooed it, and now he worked the blow drier like a pro, too.

  I tilted my eyes up to meet Bash’s gaze, and saw his need as well as his good mood. I knew things would get hot and heavy before long, but I loved being able to cut up and play with these two men. I ran my tongue around the ridge of Bash’s cock, and the heat I saw in his eyes spurred me to seal my lips around the head and suck while I worked my tongue. I let it go wolf and stretched it out longer, wrapped it around the base of his cock and squeezed there as well as with my lips, and smelled a huge spike in his arousal.

  “Fuck, Angelica. Shit. Dawg — quit fucking with her hair. Don’t care if it’s wet or dry.”

  A few minutes later Dawg shut the dryer off and quickly braided it. I had a little organizer with ponytail holders on my vanity, and he grabbed one without asking.

  I finally pulled my lips off Bash’s cock and asked, “What’s up with your hair skills, Dawg?”

  “Story for another time, Girly. I think it’s time for your spanking, and I’m hoping Bash’ll be on board with my mouth on your sweet cunt a few minutes before he starts.”

  Bash seemed to like the idea, and within minutes I was on my back on the bed, begging for more as Dawg’s mouth drove me fucking crazy.

  I was inches from an orgasm when Dawg sat up. “Okay, Girly. Gonna turn a shoot’em up movie on in your living room, cover up the sounds we’re gonna make in here. Time for your ass to meet Bash’s hand.”

  I pushed up and leaned back on my arms, my legs still spread, and my gaze met Bash’s as my heart and my stomach seemed to change places for a moment. He moved the pillows, sat with his back against my headboard, and patted his thighs.


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