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Bash, Volume II

Page 18

by Candace Blevins

  The next hour, he worked with me, taught me a few things, and just generally gave me an awesome workout. I didn’t know if he’d decided maybe I wasn’t so bad after all or not, but he truly helped me, and I thanked him when we finished.

  “You really want to thank me? Help me train some of the new guys. Having someone small for them to spar with, and a way for me to show them how to immobilize a female without striking her, would be great.”

  I shook my head as I put my shoes on. “Sounds like a hellish way to spend an evening, but sure. I get off work at five during the week. Let me know when you need me and I’ll come by and do what I can.”

  “How old were you when your dad started teaching you how to fight?”

  “I don’t remember the first lesson. Probably four or five, if I had to guess, but it may’ve been sooner. I think it was more working on defensive muscle memory than offensive stuff, until I was older.”

  He nodded. “It shows. Good for him.”

  I tightened my last lace and stood to leave. “Thanks again for the workout. Let me know when you want me here to help.”

  Bash was in the main room when I went upstairs, and he motioned me to him when he saw me. “Brain tells me he sent you down to spar with Dozer. How’d it go?”

  “He gave me a good workout, and asked me to come help him train some of the new guys,” I told him as he pulled me into his lap.

  He gave me a quick kiss, put his nose to my neck and sniffed, and I felt his wolf bristle. He really didn’t like smelling other men — especially other wolves — on me. Dawg seemed to be the sole exception, but it hadn’t always been so.

  He didn’t say anything about it, though. Instead, he told me, “Brain brought me up to date. There’s a game on I’d like to watch with the guys. You wanna hang out with us? I’m thinking the conversation you and I need to have should wait until tomorrow evening, so we can finish everything in one night, once we start.”

  Right, the conversation about punishing me for three minutes and then not letting me have an orgasm for a week. I didn’t mind putting that particular talk off indefinitely.

  “Maybe you need a night hanging with your brothers. I think I’m gonna go get my toes and nails done, maybe get my eyebrows waxed.” The bitch of changing was that my nails and eyebrows went back to their natural state when I came back to human.

  Some women came back with full-length armpit hair, leg hair, and bushy pubes. Thanks to some careful planning by my mom, I was lucky I didn’t have to deal with all of that, so I tried not to complain too much about my nails and eyebrows.

  “Don’t like you being out alone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be near the mall, nowhere near their territory, and I’ve fought them off before with no problems.” I showed him my bare nails. “I need some serious girl time.”

  He wasn’t terribly happy about it, but he let me go without further argument.

  I called the nail place when I got into my car, and they told me it would be an hour before they could get me in. I stopped by the BMW dealership, thinking I’d test drive a few cars, but they wanted me to go inside and fill shit out, have a conversation, and the dude pissed me off so I told him not to worry about it.

  The Subaru dealership had no such compunctions, and within a few minutes of arriving on the lot, I was driving out with a nice salesman in the passenger seat of a Crosstrek Turbo.

  I loved it, but wanted to look around more before buying. I shook the guy’s hand, thanked him for his time, and went to the nail place.

  Maybe I was too relaxed, too happy, too complacent, when I came out with the silly disposable flip-flops on, carrying my shoes carefully so I didn’t mess up my fingernails. Or, maybe I was just too far into girly-girl mode, but I didn’t see or smell the bad guys until they grabbed me and tossed me into their van.

  In my defense, they drove up in the van, opened the side door, pulled me in, and took off, so there’s no way I could’ve smelled them. However, if I’d have been paying attention and been aware of my surroundings, I’d have stayed back on the sidewalk until the van passed.

  Whoever was driving knew what he was doing, because he made sharp right and left turns, tossing me around so I couldn’t get my bearings enough to sit up, much less punch anyone and try to get away.

  By the time he was driving straight, my arms were bound behind my back and my feet were trussed together.

  “So,” I asked, my cheek pressed into nasty, smelly, scratchy carpet, “which of you is Dash?”

  “Shut your mouth, cunt. No talking.”

  I took stock of my situation. A driver, plus four guys in the back. They were all black, which is why I’d asked about Dash. I was assuming these were the Disciples, but they weren’t wearing any kind of colors to verify my assumption.

  Trying to change when your arms are bound behind your back is beyond tricky. If you can change just your hands, you can get them out of their bondage. However, if the change makes it to your shoulders before you get out, they dislocate, because a wolf’s front legs can’t physically be bound this way. When we shapeshift naturally, it starts at the core and moves out. So, shifting the hands first takes a great deal of concentration.

  And, no way could I do it lying on my stomach so they could see my hands. The Concilio’s rules said I had to kill them if they saw any part of me as wolf, and I wasn’t positive I could kill all five men while one of them was driving. Plus, I didn’t know for a fact this wasn’t being recorded.

  I stayed still and quiet, and took in all of the scents around me. The men were amped up on adrenaline, and at least one of them was high on something — or a combination of somethings. Two were horny. More than horny… they were expecting to get a piece of me, thinking about it already, imagining it.

  I didn’t see my purse, and worried it was on the ground. If it was in the van, Brain would find me through the app he’d put on my cellphone, and he would send the cavalry. If it was still outside the nail place, I was on my own.

  I needed a game plan, but nothing came to me so I breathed through the panic threatening to encroach, and tried to keep track of how fast it sounded like we were going, and thus about how many miles we traveled.

  “Yo, man, she way too calm for a bitch just got nabbed!”

  One of them stuck his face in front of mine, looked me in the eyes a few seconds, and moved away. “She in shock, maybe? So scared she can’t freak?”

  “Just leave her be ‘til we get there.”

  Minutes later, the van pulled off pavement onto gravel, and I heard a slider gate opening, and then closing again once we were through. The van parked, the back doors opened, and I smelled a whole shitload of people I couldn’t see.

  Fuck, now I had to fight a whole helluva lot more than five guys, if I was going to escape.

  The End of Volume II

  Bash, Volume III releases November 20, 2015

  If you’re enjoying Bash’s story, you may also like the other books set in the same universe, though in different series.

  Chattanooga Supernaturals series, paranormal romance:

  The Dragon King (Aaron Drake’s story, and the first time we meet Duke and Brain)

  Riding the Storm

  Acceptable Risk

  Only Human series, urban fantasy

  Only Human

  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Series



  Bash Volume I

  Bash Volume II

  Bash Volume III (November 20)

  Erotica Shorts from the world of The Chattanooga Supernaturals


  Indentured Freedom (Teresa’s story, Nov 2015)

  The Safeword series, intense BDSM contemporary romance

  Safeword Rainbow

  Safeword: Davenport

  Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

  Safeword: Quinacridone

  Safeword: Matte

  Safeword: Matte – In Training

  No Safeword: Matte – The H

  No Safeword: Matte – Happily Ever After

  Safeword: Arabesque

  Check out other books by Candace Blevins at


  Candace Blevins is a southern girl who loves to travel the world. She lives with her husband of 17 years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.

  Candace writes BDSM Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and is currently writing a Motorcycle Club series.

  Her Safeword Series gives us characters who happen to have some extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work. Each book in the Safeword series highlights a couple with a different BDSM issue to resolve.

  Her urban fantasy series, Only Human, gives us a world where weredragons, werewolves, werelions, three different species of vampires, as well as a variety of other mythological beings exist.

  Candace's two paranormal romance series, The Chattanooga Supernaturals and The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, are both sister series to the Only Human series, and give some secondary characters their happily ever after.

  You can visit Candace on the web at and feel free to friend her on Facebook at and Goodreads at You can also join to get sneak peeks into what she's writing now, images that inspire her, and the occasional juicy blurb.

  Stay up to date on Candace’s newest releases, and get exclusive excerpts by joining her mailing list!


  “THE END!”


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