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The Restart and the Remedy (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 3)

Page 12

by Christine Michelle

  “Well, I guess he wants a closer look,” I quipped to my brother, though loudly enough for the cops to hear. Spinner shook his head and growled at me.

  “You couldn’t just keep your smart mouth shut, could you?”

  “Aww, come on Sammy, when have you known me not to show off my smarts?” I laughed as he fumed, both over my behavior and the use of his childhood nickname. We couldn’t exactly use our road names because then whatever we’d been up to would become a club association. I still managed to get out of the truck and tuck my hands around my head in the manner the officer had described. That didn’t stop the prick from yanking me off balance and slamming my upper torso into the front of the truck as he kicked my legs apart.

  “Hey now!” I called out. “I gave permission for you to look at the guns I was packing. I did not give you the okay to open up my backdoor.”

  “Fuck’s sake, Rabbit, just stop!” My brother hissed from where he was being frisked by dickwad’s partner on the other side of the vehicle.

  “What do you have in your pocket, here?” Officer Baker asked me. I couldn’t help the laugh because the motherfucker was holding my dick and he’d be pissed when he realized it. No doubt, if he had to ask what he was holding, the poor boy wasn’t packing a whole lot himself.

  “My dick, and if you could just,” I squirmed as I spoke. “Yeah, a little tighter around the head,” I told him.

  The man stepped back as if his hand had been scalded by the heat of my junk. Served the fucker right.

  “You’re going down for that shit!” He seethed at me.

  “You’re the one who was molesting me at a traffic stop, dude. I don’t think I’m the one in the wrong here. You’re only making it worse by making threats involving ‘going down’.”

  Another vehicle pulled up before the asshole, who had a fist up, no doubt ready for a good kidney shot, could actually get that hit launched. I glanced to the side to see that the vehicle was a familiar one and it was my turn to groan. Please, don’t let her get in trouble because of my antics.

  Myra hopped down from her too-high vehicle and came sashaying over toward the front of the police cruiser and the back of the truck I was currently hunched over. “Do I need to get bail money together?”

  “Ma’am, you need to go back to your vehicle and move along.”

  “I’d love to, but that’s my husband you had your fist raised to, and for no apparent reason from what I could see from the road,” she told him innocently. “And that,” she tipped her head toward Spinner, “Is my brother.”

  “Rabbit ain’t married,” the asshole said, proving he already knew who we were and that this had been a targeted stop. Too bad the assholes thought we’d be bringing something back from Canada and not dropping it off there. They might have actually been able to hem the Hastings brothers up for something this time.

  “Well, a quickie wedding in Vegas after he did this to me,” she pointed at the baby bump that had been growing more prominent of late, “Sure seems to tell a different story.” She yawned, as if the whole scene was boring her. “Now, I need to know why the boys haven’t managed to bring back my ice cream yet.”

  “Sorry, Sugar-Pop. They were all out at the first few stores we tried. If only you had wanted a normal flavor.”

  Myra threw her hands up on her hips and sputtered. “How hard can it be to find maple bacon ice cream?” She looked dead fucking serious as she asked the question and I couldn’t help the involuntary reaction I had. My dick went raging hard at the sight of her faux indignance and quick thinking.

  Both cops seemed stumped, especially after Myra added a little foot-stomping to her tirade. “Now, I don’t even want that flavor. I had to drive myself to the store to get Chunky Monkey instead, and it’s currently melting in the Beast.” She pointed back over her shoulder at the Suburban parked on the side of the road behind the cruiser. It was cold as fuck out, so her ice cream wasn’t in any danger of melting, but the thought made it a nice touch. “So, if someone could tell me whether my man is free to go or if I need bail money, that would be wonderful!”

  “I didn’t see anything,” the third cop, who I hadn’t realized had been there, spoke up. The bastard had sneak attacked the back of the truck while we were occupied with dick one and dick two.

  “He’ll just be getting a ticket today, darlin’” the other one, who had been frisking Spinner, told her.

  “A ticket!” Myra shrieked. “Like we don’t have enough to worry about with a baby on the way? Now, we have to spend the crib money we saved for on a ticket?” Real, fat tears sprang from her eyes as her lower lip wobbled. Even I wanted to console the beautiful little actress. She was bringing an Oscar worthy performance to a small-town sideshow.

  “Ah!, Ma’am, don’t go getting upset. We’ll send the boys on their way with a warning this time. Go ahead and pull yourself back together before you have to drive, okay?” If I could have rolled my eyes at his predictable response, I would have. Officer Asshole, I mean Baker, started to undo the cuffs he had put on me as I watched Myra strut her cute little ass, that had developed a bit of a waddle effect, back to her truck.

  “Rabbit?” She called out, tears all gone by then.

  “Yes, Dear?”

  “Bring some Cherry Garcia and Mint Chip home. I think I changed my mind again.”

  I was going to the store and buying every fucking flavor ice cream they had when I was released. “Yes, ma’am,” I agreed as she got into her vehicle and pulled off with a little fluttery wave of her fingers.

  “Jesus!” The asshole cop hissed.

  “Good luck with that,” the other called to me from across the front of the truck while my brother just stared at me in disbelief and shook his head minutely. Yeah, I couldn’t believe our luck either. Or her performance.

  “We probably would have been doing him a favor by taking him to a cell,” the asshole behind me said as he tucked his cuffs back in their holder on his tactical web belt that was just overkill for his job in this area.

  I ignored the fuckers as I hauled my ass back in the truck, unable to hide the mile-wide grin plastered on my face.

  “You’re sunk,” Spinner informed me. Then he added, “I take it we’re making a pit stop at the grocery store?”

  I just nodded my head, kept on grinning, and drove to the place that had all the ice cream that spunky little baby oven could ever want.

  Chapter 17 - Myra

  My whole body shook as the adrenaline surge started to dissipate. I knew the guys had been gone on a run, but when I saw them pulled over, and Rabbit in cuffs, I had to do something. Even if all I was able to do was to get a message to Iceman, I’d be useful to the people who took me in when my own family forced me to leave.

  When I pulled up outside of my apartment, Cherry was already there waiting. “What did you just do, Mrs. Rabbit?” She teased. I groaned in response. Of course Spinner would have told her already.

  “They looked like they needed saving,” I admitted.

  “And now you’re married?”

  “I panicked. All I could think was that we’re not allowed to give patient information outside of immediate family in an emergency. I blame the stupid test I spent all that time cramming for. Anyway, I just went with it.”

  Cherry laughed so loud and long that I grew concerned for her, then annoyed. Ignoring her hysterics, once again, I grabbed my bag that actually did have Chunky Monkey melting inside of it, thanks to the Beast’s heater and my inability to get warm, and I headed toward my apartment.

  “You know you’re in trouble now, right?”

  “For what? Because I helped club members out?”

  “Oh, no, honey! You’ll be thanked for that. You’re going to be in trouble because Rabbit will never leave you alone now. I wouldn’t be surprised if he swept you away to Vegas for real now.”

  “Okay!” I very sarcastically blurted back to my friend. “Whatever you say.”

  “Just wait and see,” my pestering friend t
old me as she followed me into my apartment.

  I pointed to my belly, which seemed to be my defense for everything these days. “You seem to forget all the baggage I’m packing.”

  Cherry swished her hand through the air in a dismissive gesture. “That won’t matter to Rabbit. It’s probably a plus for him. The one thing that man wants more than anything else in the world is a family to care for.”

  Not afraid to admit my heart stuttered a bit at that news. It made me both excited and trepidatious. “I don’t even know what to say about that,” I explained as Cherry followed me into my apartment.

  “I know you’ve seen him at his worst since you’ve been here, but he’s usually a really great guy. My sister ruined that man, but I don’t think the damage is permanent.”

  “That might be true, but…” I hesitated not wanting to overstep.


  “I don’t see Chastity being a good fit with him. Maybe he saw things there that really weren’t. I don’t think it’s really terribly fair that everyone keeps blaming your sister. He needs to acknowledge his part too.”

  Cherry smiled brightly at me. “I think you’re the only person who has seen it from that perspective.”

  “Well, I got a pretty rude awakening with my own situation.” I’m sure she didn’t mean it, but the look of pity on Cherry’s face almost made me stop talking. I managed to keep going though. “Everyone drilled it into my head, my whole life, that Blaze was meant to be mine. I believed it, especially when he made me his in just about every way, except the legally binding one. Come to find out, I wasn’t all that to him. I was an obligation, not a love.”

  “I’m sure he loved you too. How could he not?”

  “Any person who would cheat on another doesn’t love or respect them. If they did, they would never hurt them that way. Sure, ending things first will still hurt, but then at least their future isn’t clouded with mistrust and betrayal. That’s where the respect comes in. You might not love them, but at least respect the fact that they gave a piece of themselves to you. Even if you don’t want what they gave any longer, let them move on without all the extra shit that will keep them from finding someone else who will want what they have to offer.” We both sat quietly after my little tangent and just let the sentiment simmer there.

  “He was willing to give me up – knowing we’d been trying to make a baby – all because some whore lied to him and said he already made one with her.” A shiver ran through me at the horrible memory of sitting in that café that day. “There’s no way he loved me if he was willing to do that.”

  “Maybe you need to talk to him and hear him out?” She questioned. “He is your baby’s father, even if you hate him right now.”

  “I gave them all time and they still betrayed me. I can’t trust any of them. Not anymore. And I won’t go back to live some obligatory half-life with a man who I know doesn’t love me, and maybe never did.”

  A knock on my door halted any further talk on the subject. “I’ll get it,” Cherry said as she jumped up too quickly. I was sure she wanted to say more about everything, but ended up taking the out she was offered instead. “It’s probably Spinner letting me know he’s back and not in jail.” She laughed as she said it before turning her head back over her shoulder to look at me again. “Thank you, again, for running interference for the boys.”

  I waved away her thanks, only to be stunned stupid when she opened the door and Rabbit breezed in carrying several plastic grocery bags.

  “What is all that?”

  Rabbit just grinned as he made his way to my freezer. “All of this,” he said as he jiggled the bags. Rabbit was interrupted from further explaining though, as his brother took over.

  “That would be every flavor of ice cream we could find in pint size containers,” Spinner answered, clearly exasperated with his brother.

  Cherry giggled. “That was a sweet gesture,” she announced. The twinkle in her eyes told me she was about to try to play matchmaker, damn it. I’d have to find a way to nip that in the bud.

  “Why do I suddenly have more flavors of ice cream than can fit in my freezer?”

  Rabbit popped his head back around the side of the open freezer door so he could see me. “What you did today was epic and deserved a reward.”

  “I didn’t really do much,” I insisted.

  “Sure you did,” Spinner supplied, unhelpfully, as he threw a wink at me while I glared at him.

  “You cried on cue! You talked about your cravings and how we’re married. How is all of that nothing?”

  “You cried on cue?” Cherry gasped out between laughs.

  “Only a little,” I hissed at her, because I knew what she was hoping for.

  “You lied to the police?” Her question was accompanied by over-exaggerated bug eyes.

  “Yeah. So? It’s not really a crime.”

  “I think it is, but don’t worry, we’ll make it official and then you can’t get into trouble,” Rabbit called out while his head was stuck in my freezer, moving things around to try to fit all the ice cream he purchased.

  “What?” It was my turn to shriek.

  Rabbit dropped the pint of Cherry Garcia in his hand as he doubled over with laughter at my reaction. “Now, you know how it felt trying to keep a straight face as you spun your web of lies of the Po-Po!”

  “Noted! Next time, leave the dumb-ass bikers to their own devices. I’m sure you could have talked your way out of those handcuffs in no time.”

  “I would have-” he started to say when Spinner cut him off.

  “You would have had both of our asses hauled off to jail if not for Myra’s little interference. Thank you for that, but the way.” Spinner told me as he turned his attention from his brother to me. Then he moved to Cherry. “Come on, let’s leave them to it. I need a nap and it requires your presence.”

  Cherry giggled at her man. “Yes, sir!” came out of her mouth in sharp response to a smacking sound. I glanced back to Rabbit to see the horrified expression on his face just before we both started laughing.

  “Does he tie you up and spank you?” The question came tumbling out of my mouth before I could pull it back. Rabbit then smacked my ass.

  “Hey! That was my question! No stealing the good stuff.”

  “I’m not telling,” Cherry called out just before Spinner popped her ass again, and all but dragged her down the steps before the door was even able to shut behind them.

  “Well, that’s a side of my brother I never really wanted to know about,” Rabbit mumbled.

  “I’m still kind of in shock,” I muttered.

  “Come here,” Rabbit ordered gently as he grabbed hold of my hand and guided me toward the couch. “Take a load off. Which flavor do you want to start with? I really did get them all.”

  “Mint chip?” I asked.

  “As you wish,” was his response.

  “Okay Wesley,” I joked, thinking of The Princess Bride, and wondering if he would even get it.

  “Ah, she knows the classics!” He grabbed a spoon, the ice cream, and made his way back to me. “Maybe you are actually the perfect woman.” His declaration made my heart leap, stutter, and then kick into overdrive. My brain was confused though because we used to hate him. He was mean to us – my brain and my heart. What the hell did it mean that I was starting to crush on the man, or that the little glimpses of the good man everyone else told me about were starting to have their effect on me?

  It took me a minute, but I was finally able to get out a response. “Hardly,” I scoffed, though there was no sincerity behind the effort.

  “Definitely,” he reassured me.

  “If I was the perfect woman, I wouldn’t be doing all this alone,” I mentioned off-handedly while rubbing my belly.

  “First, I already told you that you’re not doing that alone. I’ll be there with you for all of your appointments.”


  “Hush now! We’re getting off topic. As to the rest, I never sai
d you were perfect for everyone. Just that you’re the perfect woman…” he winked at me and then added, “For me. That also makes me lucky.”

  Rabbit sat down beside me on the couch, plopped the spoon into the ice cream, and then proceeded to feed me a spoonful at a time. Never mind my confusion over his surprising declaration.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I feel better than I have in a long time,” he told me. “So, what’s next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You passed your test, what’s next? Do you have somewhere in mind where you want to work?”

  “I do. Doc was sweet enough to give me references with a few doctor’s offices in Spearfish. A couple are general, family practices and one pediatric. I’m hoping I’ll be able to walk into a job with one of them.” We were quiet after that until I signaled I didn’t want any more ice cream, then Rabbit glanced down at his phone, stood, and told me he had to go. I felt like I’d been put in the dryer to tumble through a mess of emotions. Rabbit was a rollercoaster, and while I wouldn’t mind riding him like one, I knew I had to guard my heart.

  Chapter 18 - Rabbit

  My thoughts were on one thing, or rather one person. “I think the more I hang around Myra, the more I’m addicted to her presence.”

  “Did you really just say that? Out loud?” Rage asked me. I nodded my head and gave him my dopiest, most lovesick grin I could conjure.

  “Charlie, let’s go! Rabbit grew a pussy and I’m not feeling safe in my manhood right now.”

  “Funny!” I deadpanned.

  “Just fucking tell her that you’re interested already.”

  “It’s not that easy,” I told him quietly.

  “Why not?”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “Does that bother you?” Rage asked, eyebrows raised in question.

  “Of course not.”

  “So, you’ll happily raise some other man’s child? What if he comes back into her life and you’re relegated to being the step-dad only?”

  “Then I’d be the best fucking step-dad ever. Whatever is best for Myra and her baby.”


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