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The Restart and the Remedy (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 3)

Page 17

by Christine Michelle

  “Did you really just compare us kissing to leveling up in a video game?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “If the shoe fits,” I responded by recycling the argument the twins just had downstairs. Myra laughed and playfully slapped my chest before getting serious again.

  “I’m carrying another man’s baby.”

  “No. You’re carrying your baby. That kid is going to need a dad in his life. I’m applying for the job.”

  “Yeah? What are your qualifications?” She teasingly asked me.

  “I look dead sexy carrying a baby around. Remember the doctor’s office? Admit it, you wanted to jump my bone and get pregnant all over again when you watched me showing off my potential dad skills.”

  “You are unbelievable!”

  “Unbelievably sexy, baby. We just went over this. Do try to keep up, Pretty Momma.”

  Chapter 25 - Myra

  Pretty Momma was a new endearment, and I felt myself blushing as Rabbit used it. My knees quaked with nervousness as butterflies tumbled around my stomach. Wait. No. That wasn’t butterflies. It was my baby. “He’s moving.” I told Rabbit.

  “Do you think I can feel him yet?” He asked. Instead of answering, I placed his hand on my belly and we both waited. “Maybe he’s shy?” Rabbit questioned just as I felt another jolt. The way his eyes lit up, I knew he felt it too. “Our boy just tried to beat me up for touching his mom.”

  I laughed and the baby kicked again. “Maybe, he just likes to hear your voice and he’s rewarding you by making his presence known.”

  “It has to be that one, definitely. I’m too awesome to be kicked away.”

  “You really are,” came out of my mouth in a dreamy tone, completely without my permission.

  “Now you’ve done it!” Rabbit announced.

  “Done what?”

  “You just admitted that I’m awesome. There’s no giving me back now.”

  What was I supposed to say to that? If I was being honest with myself, I didn’t want to give him back. “I don’t want to,” I whispered in his ear before nibbling there on his earlobe. It was completely out of character for me to initiate things with a man. I had rarely done it when I’d been with Blaze, and if I was honest with myself, that was probably a tiny part of a problem as a couple. Thinking back on things like that also made me realize that I hadn’t done it because I never felt the need to. He didn’t inspire that reaction from me. Rabbit did though. I was tired of fighting myself and holding back with him.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” Rabbit asked me, his voice a gruff whisper against my neck as I leaned back just slightly so that I could see his eyes. The black of his pupils had already begun to swallow up any color that would have been visible. Instead of answering with words, I leaned in and gently nipped his bottom lip with my teeth before licking over it lightly, and that’s about the time Rabbit lost control. “I’m going to take that as a ‘yes’, but I’m going to need you to spell it out for me in words. Is this what you want, Myra? Are you ready for this? For me?”

  “I’m more than ready,” I hissed against his mouth as his lips met mine in an almost brutal claim. Rabbit pulled me so that I was straddling his lap, facing him as his hands palmed my ass.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this,” Rabbit said as he started to tug my shirt up over my stomach. I reached down and grabbed hold of the hem, afraid for him to lift it. “I’ve seen your belly before, Myra.”

  “That was different,” I muttered while refusing to look him in the eye. Rabbit reached up and dragged my chin upward so that I was forced to meet his gaze.

  “No. You are a beautiful woman,” he told me. “I won’t allow you to do this, because it’s completely unnecessary with me. The fact that you’re growing a human in here,” he started as he gently ran a hand across my belly, under my shirt. “This means that you are doing something so amazing, that’s difficult to even conceptualize. You are gorgeous. You fucking glow like this, and this belly you have, that is you bringing life into the world. It only makes you more attractive, not less.” He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he swiftly lifted the shirt free of my body and dropped his hand back to unclasp the bra as well. Once that was gone, he just stared for a moment. “This body,” he hissed out before he leaned in and stole a quick kiss. “This should be in a museum, because it is pure perfection.”

  Shit! If I hadn’t already been in love with the man, I would have fallen hard and fast right there in his lap as his eyes roved over me with hunger in them and his words sewed the broken pieces of my heart back together. “Rabbit,” I whimpered against his lips.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I get that you’re enjoying the view, but I need you,” I told him as I helped him off with his shirt too. He pulled me close, our bodies squished together, chest to chest, as he kissed me deeply while his hands went to work on my body. One was gently massaging my breast, while the other was being less than gentle with my ass cheek. I groaned in appreciation for all the attention he was showing me, while also making myself busy getting his belt undone, then the buttons and zipper of his jeans.

  “Babe, I’m not even kidding when I say if you touch my dick, I might detonate early,” his husky request made me remove my eyes from his gorgeous body and instead meet his eyes. “I really don’t want to embarrass myself here,” he added.

  “It’s okay, you already embarrassed yourself the night we met,” I chuckled as I told him that.

  He quickly picked me up and flipped me so that I was on my back on the bed and he was towering over me, his pants undone and the gorgeous golden brown treasure trail that led into his unfastened pants taunted me. “You’re going to pay for that, I told you, it was cold outside.” That response only made me giggle louder.

  “Aww poor Rabbit,” I laughed as I leaned up and playfully nipped at his collarbone. The quick, hissed intake of air on his part told me he enjoyed the little nibbles on his skin. My Rabbit was super sensitive. I pulled him closer so that I could get to his nipples and offered up the same treatment there.

  “Totally forgiven,” he hummed out.

  I laughed again. “Already? You’re way too easy!”

  Rabbit lifted my legs so that my feet touched the edge of the bed, and then he quickly did away with the sweatpants I’d been lounging in. My panties went with them, all in one fell swoop. Rabbit’s grin widened as he glanced down, dropped my clothes to the floor and then winked at me. “Oh, baby, I will never have to worry about being cold again!”

  “Huh?” I mumbled out in a complete lusty haze. Then the infuriating man ran his hands up my legs. “Oh God!” I groaned, and not in a pleasantly sexed up way either.

  “Yeah, these babies should keep me nice and warm for the winter. Why have you been holding out on me Myra?” My giggle was less humorous then and more the nervous kind of ‘oh shit’ laughter.

  “Seriously? I didn’t think I’d need to shave my damn legs, and the bump is starting to make it a chore, so…” I started explaining, but stopped the minute his hands reached the apex of my thighs and then without any hesitation, he dove in and licked me right up my middle. And let’s be honest, if I hadn’t gotten around to shaving my legs, there were other things not being shaved too. I was slightly mortified that he wasn’t seeing me polished and primed for our very first time, but what else could I do?

  “Why are you worried about it?” Rabbit asked, completely serious before he leaned in and took another swipe at me. I hope he didn’t expect me to answer, because my lady bits hadn’t seen any action in far too long, and they hadn’t seen any mouth action in a ridiculously long time. “I prefer my women to look like women instead of little girls.” Another swipe of his tongue. “Then again, this is my first time with a woman going full sasquatch.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Rabbit!” I managed to get out before I just grabbed his head and shoved him down where I needed him now. Forget my embarrassment, I wasn’t going to let him come up for air ever again, then
he’d never be able to talk about my mortifying level of body hair. Yeah. That sounded like the perfect plan until the bastard started laughing against my pussy. “Holy shit!” The words hissed out of my mouth. I’d never had someone laugh while down there before and the vibrations certainly kicked things up a notch. Rabbit mumbled something, but it was incoherent since his face was smooshed into my nether region.

  “Yes!” I hissed out as he started doing something amazing with his tongue, it was almost like he was writing his name, right there, on my pussy, with his tongue. “Rabbit,” I moaned his name as I loosened my hold on his head, fisting his hair in my fingers instead. I’d been secretly dying to run my hands through his gorgeous, wavy, golden brown tresses since I met him, but definitely since that night he did a strip tease for me at the club. His tongue slid down from my clit to penetrate me as his thumb took over making sure my clit stayed stimulated. “Fuck! Rabbit!” I was panting as he managed to coax an orgasm from me, surprising both of us with the intensity of the thing. “Raaaabbit!” His name was a long moan on my lips before he slowed his efforts and crawled his way up my body, moving my boneless form further up the bed as he did.

  “You taste divine,” he complimented before leaning in to suck my bottom lip between his own. We kissed so slowly and languidly that I damn near had another orgasm just for the sheer joy of the moment. I’d never been tended to that way before, so reverently, as if he cherished every single touch and taste.

  “I don’t even know your name,” I whispered when he finally pulled away from my lips. “How have I not even thought of that before now?”

  He grinned at me again before swiping away all the leftover moisture from his mouth. “I have news for you little momma, you were just moaning my name loud enough for the whole clubhouse to hear you.”

  I smacked his chest playfully. “I was not, and that’s your road name. You’ve never actually told me your given name.”

  “Nathaniel Hastings,” he was quick to tell me before leaning in and giving me another kiss. “Great to meet ya!”

  I laughed at that.

  “Are you ready for more?” He asked as he leaned down and placed sweet little open mouthed kisses along my jaw, my neck, shoulder, collar bone, and then across the top of each breast.

  “Yes, I need you,” I told him. There was no way we were calling this done. He’d already had his face down there, so there was nothing left to hide.

  “Good, now tell me, what’s going to be the most comfortable for you right now?” His hand was caressing my thigh while the other slowly teased my nipple. He remained propped up on an elbow while hovering over my body with his own and I had to admit I liked the feel of him there, but I wasn’t sure how comfortable it would be for long. Lying on my back felt weird if I stayed in that position too long.

  “How about this?” He asked as he lifted up and gently turned me over. Rabbit reached past me and grabbed some pillows to stuff underneath of me to take some of the weight from my belly. I actually let out a low moan as it also took some pressure off of my hips, oddly enough. “I take it that was a yes?”

  “Yeah, definitely,” I told him as I glanced back over my shoulder and watched him roll a condom down his length. “Nathaniel,” I tested his name on my lips. “Or Nate?” I asked.

  “Rabbit,” he growled. “No one has called me Nate or Nathaniel in a very long time,” he told me before he ran his fingers down the length of my back only to smack my ass before plunging himself inside of me.

  “Rabbit,” I grunted as the force of his movement pushed me forward, face down into the sheets. He didn’t leave me there like that though. Instead, Rabbit leaned over my back, grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked just hard enough for the tiny bite of pain to register before his other hand moved under me and pinched my still-sensitive clit. “Oh God!” I hissed out as my body seemed to move of it’s own volition. Up and up and up until my back was plastered to Rabbit’s front and we were both sitting upright on our knees with him still inside of me. He used the grip on my hair to turn my head slightly, then leaned in and kissed me. His tongue fucked my mouth at the same pace his cock moved inside of me. Slow, languid strokes mixed with primal, rutting thrusts until he let go of my hair and ran his hands down my arms. Rabbit grabbed hold of my wrists and placed them on the bed in front of me.

  “Hold steady baby,” he called out to me as he then grabbed hold of my hips and started hammering into me with a force I had never known before. The slapping of our bodies became a symphony of noise in the room. I didn’t listen to Rabbit though. Instead, as his pace increased, so did my desire to come again. I thought that I might actually come just from him fucking me, which would have been a first, but instead, I took things into my own hands and slid one of my palms down the sheets until I made my way between my legs and started stimulating my clit while he fucked the absolute hell out of me.

  “Mmm,” he moaned as he leaned in further. “You playing with yourself, baby? One of these days, you’re going to let me watch you do that, but for now, let’s get you there, because I’m not going to last this time.” Rabbit then reached up and pinched one of my nipples, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger at the same rate I strummed my own clit. As he stroked in and out of me with desperate movements, I tipped over the edge, almost over-stimulated to the point where the world blacked out and faded for just a second before the contractions brought on by my orgasm had me panting.

  “Myra, God, so fucking good!” Rabbit grunted to me as he found his own release thanks in part to my orgasm milking his cock. “Jesus, woman,” he huffed as he slowly maneuvered us to where we were lying on our sides with the pillows in front of my belly and Rabbit playing the part of big spoon to my little one. “You’re perfect,” he whispered in my ear before kissing my temple. “Fuck! I don’t want to move, but I need to go deal with this condom,” he finally groaned as he slowly released his hold on me and moved to get up. Rabbit was kind enough through the fleece blanket he had at the end of his bed over me when he saw that I shivered in the wake of his absence. Losing his body heat as the sweat on my own body cooled, left me slightly chilled, so I was grateful for his thoughtfulness.

  When Rabbit came back to bed, I watched as he rounded the bed, and came back in behind me. His warmth up next to my body caused me to make a noise of absolute delight as his fingers trailed through my semi-damp hair. “I like that noise you keep making,” he murmured in my ear as he placed a sweet kiss there. “You keep doing it and we’re going to be down for round two.”

  “I’m okay with that,” I told him as I rolled over so that we could face one another.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  I shook my head in response and then smiled at him. “It was perfect.”

  “That’s good,” he told me as he held me tighter to him. “Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt me either. There was a minute there when I thought maybe, I might die being smothered by the sweetest fucking pussy on the planet, but there was just enough air getting through…”

  I laughed so loudly that I actually snorted for a minute. “Oh God! Just shut up now!” I hissed at him as I buried my heated face into his chest.

  “No, it was all good, because I think the hair on your legs worked to pull me back out just enough so that I could get some much needed oxygen before we took you over the top.”

  The giggles and mortification levels were both off the charts as a banging at the door startled me. “If she’s laughing at it, you’re doing it wrong! We can always send you to another chapter so you don’t embarrass us further.” The disembodied voice from the other side of the door was laughing as it spoke. I didn’t recognize who it was, but apparently Rabbit did.

  “Fuck off, T. You’re not even an important word in your trio.”

  I laughed again because he was referring to the guys calling Whiskey, Tango, and Foxtrot, WTF or What the Fuck whenever they were together as a unit. Tango being the “the” in the equation did actually seem to be the least impor
tant when you looked at it like that. Though, I’d bet money Liza would disagree.

  “That’s just rude, Rabbit. When you’re done embarrassing yourself, Spinner requested your presence downstairs. Seems pretty important, so might want to hustle.” He tapped the door and I thought he was gone but then he called out, “Sorry, Myra, we’re not all like that.”

  “Fuck, A guy can’t just catch a break around here,” Rabbit muttered as he shook his head. I ran my fingers over his back in a comforting gesture.

  I laughed at the man. “That’s what you get for the leg hair comments,” I told him before I slid out of bed and grabbed his hands in mine. “Come on, I’m pretty sure your brother can wait long enough for me to help clean you up in the shower.”

  “You have the best ideas, little momma.”

  “I think you like that about me.”

  “Your best idea ever was when you picked up a naked bunny on the side of the road.”

  Once again, I found myself laughing. “I didn’t exactly pick you up.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. We both know the truth.” He motioned to my very naked, sexed up, pregnant body. “Obviously, you liked what you saw.

  Lord help me! I did.

  Chapter 26 - Rabbit

  After getting cleaned up and dressed again, I took Myra downstairs with me. Everyone’s eyes immediately locked onto my hand intertwined with hers. As I glanced around at everyone, only some of them were smiling about the fact that Myra and I had obviously sealed the damn deal. Children. Gossiping ass bitches. As I turned closer to where my brother was standing, I finally noticed why the rest of the crowd seemed to be a bit on edge. Chastity was still in the clubhouse for some odd reason.

  “What’s going on now?” I asked.

  “My sister failed to mention the extra someone who needed the club’s protection,” Cherry stated sadly as she glanced over to a little infant carrier.


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