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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline)

Page 3

by Carson, Tori

Her eyes searched his face. A slow, satisfied smile spread warmly across her lips. “You’re right, Sir. Thank you.”

  He was a lucky man. He sent a silent thanks to the big guy upstairs. Nick knew a blessing when it was handed to him. “I have to know, Laura, how did you stumble upon BDSM?”

  She cocked her head to one side, considering her answer. “Last year, the company acquired an e-publishing firm. I was surprised by the high sales from their erotica section. I checked out a few of their bestselling authors and got hooked.” She shifted positions, watching him intently. “Your card said you were pissed off.”

  “Only that I wasn’t aware of your interest in it. I have no problem at all with the subject. But I think you know that now.”

  “You seem to have taken to it quickly”—after a glance toward the remote she added, “Sir. I suspect my tablet wasn’t your first experience with the subject.”

  He noticed the edge her voice took on with the last sentence. Laura had a jealous streak to rival the Grand Canyon. It was ridiculous. He had no interest in other women, or men for that matter. Still, he tried to respect it. “No, Laura, I’ve been acquainted with the subject for quite some time.” Where to begin? She wasn’t going to like it. “My stepfather had a rather large collection of porn. One summer, Bob and I discovered his stash.” He knew that prim and proper curled eyebrow look of hers. No, she wasn’t happy. “It was an enlightening summer.”

  “I’m sure it was.” Her sarcasm brought a boyish smile to his face.

  Time to let the other shoe drop. He plodded on, “Then about five years ago, we took on DiscipliNation.” This was where he was putting his balls in danger. The waiter brought their food, granting him a few moments to choose his words carefully. He’d been thinking about his confession all afternoon. Technically, he hadn’t done anything wrong. At worst, it was a sin of omission.

  “I remember that. They had some liability issues that worried you. You flew out and personally inspected each of their facilities.”

  Damn, she would remember that. Normally, they rearranged their schedules and went together if one of them had to fly out of town. It hadn’t worked out that time. She’d just been voted into her current position. The company had been in trouble. She’d had to move fast to bring about immediate changes before it was too late. Now they’d firmly re-established their place in the Fortune 500. The board was sitting back congratulating each other on their decision to hand over the reins to his wife.

  “Yes. In addition to the erotic toy division, they own a chain of BDSM and fetish clubs across the country.”

  Nick observed his wife closely. He noted her eyes grew wide, but it was her smile that clenched his gut. It wasn’t a pleasant smile. It wasn’t out and out evil either. It was an ‘I’m going to kill you’ smile. She took a sip of wine. For better or worse, her smile disappeared. She was nodding her head, obviously agreeing to some private thought swirling in her mind. Probably plotting his death.

  “DiscipliNation is an erotic toy manufacturer and owns a BDSM club chain and you didn’t think I would be interested in that piece of information?” Without waiting for an answer, she continued on. “You spent a week touring fetish clubs all across the country and never bothered to clue me in? Yes, Nick, choosing a public restaurant for this conversation was the right choice. A brilliant move, really.”

  “Laura, I know what it sounds like, and it looks bad. Hear me out before you come to the wrong conclusions. If you remember, I tried to get you to come with me. I objected to leaving you home. And before your mind goes there—I did not cheat on you. I would never do that and you know it.”

  He tried to anticipate and address her concerns openly and honestly, but he refused to soften or placate his tone. He’d wanted her to come with him, had even offered to work around her schedule as much as possible. She had refused.

  “I will concede you did ask me to come with you. If I remember correctly, you even offered to charter a private jet to make it easier for me. The timing was horrible. Mom had just entered hospice, the kids were in school”—she shook her head—“work was impossible.”

  Her brittle tone betrayed the pain she tried to keep from him. He hated taking her back to such a rough period in her life. She still struggled with the loss of her mother. In true Laura fashion, she’d juggled it all beautifully, but he knew she didn’t see it that way. She felt like she’d let her mom down, that she could’ve done more. The timing of his business trip couldn’t have been worse.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. She waved her hand dismissively. He knew she needed a few minutes to get control of her emotions. He just hoped she wouldn’t shut down. He knew from experience not to touch her. If he took her in his arms, like he ached to do, she would succumb to the tears. Causing her to cry in public was a sin she wouldn’t forgive easily. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. And waited. Patience was an acquired skill. One he wasn’t fond of, but it was effective.

  “Nick, cheating has different meanings for different people. We learnt that with the Clinton administration. Which definition are you using?”

  “Our definition. Remember the long talks we had during the impeachment hearings?” It was a circus event impossible to forget. Nick had never expected their analytical discussion to hit so close to home.

  She nodded, obviously distracted by other thoughts. “I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me before now?”

  “If you had gone with me, I would have explained the situation and brought you on the tour with me—if you’d wanted to go. That didn’t work out. I had intended to tell you once I got home.”

  “But you came home to a fire storm. My mom’s health took a nosedive and Robert had that trouble with school. I was losing my mind at work and you didn’t want to add to my insanity.”

  He breathed a little easier. She was trying to meet him halfway. “Pretty much. The timing never seemed right.”

  “I’m trying to understand, Nick. I wanted to talk to you about the erotica novels I’d found, but that timing never seemed right either.” She shook her head.

  Nick waited. Her accusing stare told him she wasn’t letting him off the hook just yet.

  “You were away a very long time.”

  It was true, he’d extended the trip. After visiting the clubs, he’d known the potential for lawsuits exceeded his first impression. “Yes, it took longer than I’d anticipated. To fully understand the liability issues I had to see the clubs in action, meet with management, establish training guidelines, safety measures, develop liability waivers, background check procedures and the installation of surveillance equipment. There wasn’t a lot of precedence to go from. I was pretty much winging it. Since then, there have been a couple of lawsuits, but no major payouts. If they had followed the guidelines to the letter, they wouldn’t have paid out a single dime.”

  Nick felt a distinct pain in his chest as Laura’s lips turned upward in a sad version of a smile. God, he’d screwed up. He’d allowed work to become an obsession. He loved Laura, but their only on Saturday, early morning fucks left him with a lot of unspent energy. He’d used work as a release.

  “I’m so glad it’s been profitable.” Her crisp tone dripped with sarcasm.

  Laura would need time to work through his revelation. He wanted her to share her thoughts and feelings, yet he knew from experience that right now all he’d get were bitchy one-liners. “Highly profitable actually. We own several thousand shares. Those eggs sitting so quietly inside you helped pay for Rachel’s college fund.”

  “I’m not happy you kept this from me. I probably understand why, but I don’t like it.”

  “Fair enough. I wish I’d been brought up to date with your…interests as well.”

  She’d known that was coming. He had a point. There were plenty of opportunities she’d let slide out of fear. In one of the books she’d read, the heroine’s husband had dumped her after she had told him what she wanted to try. He was an ass and she was better off without him, but i
t was still worrisome. Was that an adequate excuse for not trusting her husband? No. It wasn’t.

  Still, reading about it wasn’t on the same level as watching it in person! Did she believe him? Had it just been work? He was damn good at his job and yes, she could see him spending night after night in kink clubs analyzing each aspect of the business for liability issues. She wasn’t stupid enough to think he was immune to the action, though.

  It boiled down to trust. Did she trust him not to touch another woman, even when given a no strings attached, never get caught opportunity? If he hadn’t told her, she never would have found out what the trip had entailed. It was a long time ago and she’d had no inkling. Yes, she trusted him. She wasn’t happy. She wanted to break something, preferably over his head, but she did believe him. “I hear you.”

  “I hear you, Sir,” he corrected.

  Could she continue with their weekend knowing he’d been in kink clubs? To think her husband had been in more than one kind of freaked her out. The clubs she’d read about were as foreign to her as another planet.

  She could stay mad and ruin their weekend and maybe their marriage if she thought too long about it, or she could roll with it.

  She gave him a small smile. “I hear you, Sir,” she repeated. “Haven’t I met DiscipliNation’s CEO?” She was trying to place him. If she remembered correctly, he was about six feet tall, buff, but balding. Nick was considerably more handsome. He had stayed trim and worked out several times a week. He looked even sexier now than he had in college, and that was saying something. Laura was willing to admit, at least to herself, that her staying trim had more to do with keeping pace with Nick than it did vanity.

  “Yes, he’s been to most of our corporate functions. I believe you’ve spoken with him several times.”

  “Weren’t you afraid he would rat you out?” she asked boldly.

  His eyebrow rose again and his stern expression sent a shiver down her spine. “That comment was beneath you and disrespectful to me. You implied I did something wrong. I did not. I would not and you know it. Therefore, the purpose for your comment was to dig in the spurs and gain the upper hand. I told you in the card I won’t switch.” He drew the remote control from his pocket. “I think you need a reminder of who is in charge. We’ll start on the second setting. We’ll work our way to the highest setting before you’re allowed to come. Do not disobey me in this, Angel.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered automatically. Dominant Nick turned her brain to mush. Laura wasn’t sure how she felt about that, but she’d save those thoughts for another time. She was dripping wet and, yes, some of it was from the damned eggs, but mostly it was because of Nick.

  “André is pretty business savvy.”

  He casually picked up the conversation as if he hadn’t just put her pussy on a low simmer. Damn him.

  After a few moments, she found that the ability to speak was still within her grasp. “We talked about marketing strategies at the Christmas party. He uses social media in very unique ways. I can see why normal advertising might not be appropriate for his demographic.”

  “The demographics are changing. Soccer moms and middle-aged women are the current push. E.L. James has broken the market wide open.”

  “We’re finding the same thing with our publishing company. The advent of e-readers has allowed a certain anonymity. People can explore a variety of topics without the embarrassment of going through a checkout line at a retail establishment.” The eggs were getting to her. Either that or the idea that she still had to go through another three levels before she found relief. “Can we go to our room now?” At the last minute she added, “Sir?”

  The knowing smile dancing across his lips irritated her. He knew exactly what he was doing to her.

  “Yes, Angel, I think it’s time.”

  In the elevator he increased the eggs to the next level—the low simmer was now at the boiling point. By the time they were safely in their suite, her body was more alive than she’d thought possible. Small pinpoints of fear pricked away at her confidence. All this from two damned eggs? How could she handle the hard stuff if she could feel like this from two small vibrators?

  “You’re thinking too much.” Nick fisted her hair, tipping her head back so their eyes met. “Your brain needs to be on autopilot, Angel. This is about feeling and sensations, not second-guessing. We will find our way, like we’ve done with everything else, together.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Take off your dress, bra and thong. I want free access to your nipples and pussy as you take my cock, balls deep, in your mouth.”

  As she turned to go into the bedroom, he caught her wrist and drew her into the dining room. Taking the chair from the head of the table, he turned it sideways. “No more in the bedroom with the lights dimmed. When I give you an order, you comply immediately. No hesitation.” He set the eggs on the next level. Only one more to go.

  She stood waiting while he took his time getting comfortable in the chair. His elbows rested on the chair arms, his legs stretched slightly and crossed at the ankles. “Okay, Angel, show your Dom those beautiful tits.”

  She cooed softly as the eggs bounced with stronger intensity. She was actually glad to be getting the thong off. Even the slight brushing against her clit was more than she could afford. If he didn’t allow her to come soon, she was going to be in for one hell of a punishment when she disobeyed. Shit, she was in deep—just thinking the word punishment caused her clit to throb.

  Reaching behind her, she slid the zipper down, curled her shoulders and allowed the dress to slide from her body. After stepping out of it, she bent down, picked it up and draped it over the closest chair. Unhooking her bra brought another slight measure of relief until she saw Nick’s outstretched hand demanding she give it to him.

  “Turn around.” He seemed pleased with her immediate response. Taking her bra, he used it to bind her hands behind her back. With his hand on her arm he helped guide her back around. He applied gentle pressure on her shoulder until she was on her knees in front of him. His cock was at her eye level.

  When had he mastered the art of seduction? Her breathing came in short gulps as he slowly undressed. Laura caught a slight tremble of his hand. Was he as on edge as she was? His cock was at full attention and his eyes roamed her body like a starving man at a buffet.

  With his clothes in a pile beside the chair, he sat down, his index fingers steepled under his chin, his gaze steady with hers. “Do you want to suck my cock, Laura?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then ask me.”

  Ask him? Why was asking to give her husband a blow job erotic? Maybe because her mouth was watering from the idea of sliding his cock down her throat. “May I kiss you, Sir?”

  “Kiss me? You mean a sweet peck on the cheek. No, I don’t think so. I’m not feeling sweet right now.”

  “I meant your…cock, Sir.” Her face flamed. She’d never spoken words like that aloud before. Like a sailor, naughty words rumbled around in her head, but her modesty filter kept them contained.

  He reached over and caressed her breasts. Her head tipped back as she enjoyed the contact. Once she relaxed, he pinched them hard. Her eyes flew open and her breath rushed from her body.

  Bastard! She was pretty sure she’d caught a smile cross his face before he closed down his expressions.

  In a lazy ‘I know just what I’m doing to you’ voice, Nick continued to wind her tighter. “No, Laura, my cock doesn’t want a sweet little peck either. It wants to fuck your mouth. It wants to plunge deeper down your throat than it’s ever been before and then watch you swallow every drop of cum it gives you.”

  Chapter Two

  She was going to come. Laura enjoyed taking Nick in her mouth and she’d never shied away from swallowing his semen, but it had never made her hot before either. His dirty talk, describing in detail what he wanted from her, had her stomach clenching. She was too close. The damn eggs were sitting agains
t her G-spot and he was twisting her nipples into a new zip code. It hurt so good. They’d be sore later, but she didn’t care. She’d never felt anything so decadent. “Please stop, I’m going to come, Sir.”

  “No, think about something else. Like telling me, using very explicit language, just what you want to do to my cock.”

  A deep breath, then another and she found her voice. “I want to swirl my tongue around the head as you move in and out of my mouth. You taste both sweet and salty, Sir. It’s a heady combination, you know.”

  She had no idea where her nerve was coming from. Maybe it was the darkening of his eyes and the twitching of his cock. In the books she’d read, the submissive felt powerful. She understood that now and she wanted to bask in it.

  “Very good, Laura. Now ask me.”

  Did his voice sound strained? It was on the tip of her tongue to ask again for permission to come. She knew she was only at level four. He had no intention of letting her come yet. Looking at his cock, she licked her lips. Pre-cum glistened on the head. She craved his taste and wanted to indulge. “Please fuck my mouth, Sir.”

  “Since you asked so nicely,” he purred.

  Laura felt his palm along the base of her head as he guided his cock between her lips. Nick held her stationary as he pumped deeper into her mouth. He timed his thrusts between breaths. She was trembling, struggling not to come.

  “So good, Angel. You please your Master.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair, distracting her just enough to buy her a few more seconds. She didn’t want to disobey him. His commands had a direct line to her pussy. She’d never been this hot, this needy.

  If she failed him would he punish her? Oh God, her clit throbbed at the idea. Knowing Nick, he would take the blame, think he’d set the bar too high, then go easier on her in the future. Forget that. She’d hang on by her fingernails if she had to.

  He grew larger, his body rigid. Pleasure washed through her, knowing he was going to come, elated that she could do that for him.

  Flipping the eggs to level five, he rubbed his hand over her swollen, aching clit, “Come now, Angel,” he demanded, as he filled her throat with his seed.


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