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A Mail-Order Destiny

Page 10

by Janelle Daniels

  A soft laugh escaped him. "You're never going to listen to a word I say, are you? It won't matter if we've been married one year or fifty."

  Willow's heart thundered. "Are we getting married?"

  He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I sure hope so. I don't want to live my life without you."

  "You're going to have to ask."

  "Will you marry me?" he asked seriously.

  A puff of amusement left her lips. "I didn't mean now. I just meant when all this was done. To make it official."

  He leaned forward and brushed a kiss against her lips. "I don't want to wait to make it official. I love you with all my heart, and I want everyone to know you're mine. Marry me, Willow. Say you'll be my wife, that we'll never be apart. You can boss me around and ignore anything I have to say if you disagree with me. I value you. I respect you. I want you as my wife, lover, mother of my children, companion, but mostly, as my partner. I could wait for a fancy dinner, or to have a ring to give you, or any of the other things that are supposed to go with this moment, but the plain fact is, everything we need is here." He tapped the center of his chest. "I will love you even after the last breath leaves my body."

  "Rhys." Willow breathed out his name, overwhelmed by his words. Every word of his declaration shone through his eyes, and she couldn't deny him, didn't want to. Her hands went to the back of his head, and she held him there. "Yes. I'll marry you."

  His smile lit up his eyes, and it filled her mind as she closed her eyes and welcomed his kiss. Pure bliss flowed through her, filling every inch of her soul

  They held each other, kissing and basking in the moment until they finally pulled apart and just stood there in each other's arms.

  He kissed the top of her head. "I know there are things to figure out about how we'll live, but as long as you're willing to travel with me a few times a year, we can stay here."

  She pulled away, surprised. "Here? In Promise Creek?" He nodded. "But what about your business?"

  "I can handle it from here, and I have excellent employees. We will have to leave sometimes, but the railway makes it easy, and we won't have to be gone long."

  "That's more than I ever expected." She brushed her lips against his. "Thank you. It means so much to me."

  "It's just as well anyway, Abby isn't going to leave." He gave an aggrieved sigh, and Willow laughed.

  "I'm glad you've finally figured that out. What about your mother?"

  "I'll see if she wants to live here as well, but I have a feeling she'll stay where she is. She’s comfortable there, she has her life and her friends. I don't want to take that from her."

  "You're an amazing man."

  He leaned down and nuzzled her. "I'm your man."

  Shivers skated along her skin. "I don't think I'll ever get used to you doing that." Her words came out more like a moan.

  "I don't want you to, sweetheart. Not ever."

  Willow tapped her heels on the marble flooring in the dining room. "I wonder how much longer it's going to take."

  "Perhaps all night." Abby shrugged. "Hopefully not longer than that."

  They'd refused to leave town, but Rhys had insisted they stay in the dining room while they set a trap. He felt they'd be safest there, but Willow silently disagreed. Nowhere was safe right now. And since they didn't want to tip anyone off, she'd sent Jared away like she always had once she was safely tucked into the hotel. If she suddenly asked him to stay with her, it would have been suspicious. "I don't get why we can't be there with him," she grumbled, even though she knew exactly why they shouldn't be. They could get in the way, or be used against Rhys. She just hated waiting.

  "The person is desperate. I don't think it'll be much longer. Whoever it is needs money, and it'll be so much easier to get it behind a locked door to Rhys' office than a bank vault."

  But that was the whole point. Gossip had spread through the hotel like wildfire that morning, once Rhys told a few people about his find. Whoever was after it already knew it would be kept in his office until tomorrow, she could practically guarantee it. The person they were looking for worked at the hotel. They'd had access to too many places to think otherwise.

  And with the knowledge Rhys would deposit the treasure tomorrow, this was the small window someone had to take advantage of it.

  Rhys had made a large show of leaving the hotel for a meeting, when in fact, he was hiding in the library next to the office. He'd drilled a small hole in the wall, enough so it wouldn't be noticed, but they'd still be able see through. Right now, both he and the sheriff lie in wait—as she sipped tea.

  She placed her cup down with a sound of disgust. "I should be there with him."

  Abby reached across the table and took her hand. "I know what you mean, but it's better this way. He would only be distracted, trying to take care of you."

  She realized that, but she didn't like it. "I just hope he doesn’t think this sort of thing is always going to happen in the future."

  Abby squeezed her hand. "I highly doubt that. I'm so pleased for you two." When she'd found out about their engagement, Abby had squealed with delight and hugged both of them. "It'll be wonderful to have a sister."

  "And even more wonderful to have Rhys stop pushing you to leave?" Her lips twisted in amusement.

  "That too." She grinned.

  They chatted for another hour until she thought she would go mad. When Jared approached her, relief filled her. He must need something, and she was ready to do anything but sit here. "Is something wrong?"

  He tipped his hat. "Sorry to bother you, Miss Packer. Mr. Winthrop has asked for you, and wanted me to escort you to him."

  Willow frowned. "He did? What about Abby?"

  "She's to remain here."

  Willow looked to Abby who shrugged. "He probably just needs to tell you something. Might as well hurry, so you can come back here and keep me company." She said it a little too sweetly.

  Willow rolled her eyes and stood. "I'll be back in a minute." She smiled at Jared. "Thank you."

  He gestured for her to lead on, and she wove through the hotel before stepping toward the library. "I'll just be a moment," she said, glancing over her shoulder at Jared.

  "I'll be right here when you're ready to return," he assured her.

  She opened the door and stepped into the room before closing it. Both Rhys and Sawyer jumped. "Is everything all right?" she asked.

  Rhys came over to her. "Yes, but I was just going to ask you the same thing. Are you okay?"

  "Yes." She drew out the word, confused. "Has there been any progress?"

  He shook his head. "No. You'll be the first to know if there is."

  "All right. Well, what can I do for you?"

  He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed softly. "Stay with Abby. I need to know you're both safe. Please. I'll come to you if anything happens."

  Willow frowned and pulled out of his arms. "Wait. I'm confused. Did you not ask me to come to you?"

  He shook his head. "No. Last we spoke, we agreed to have you stay in the dining room."

  Willow's stomach did a sickening turn. "So, you didn't ask Jared to bring me here? You didn't need to talk to me?"

  Rhys' gaze darted to Sawyer, and Sawyer looked through the hole in the wall and cursed before running past them. "He's in the office!"

  Rhys took off after him. "Stay here!" he yelled back to her.

  Willow didn't think of arguing, she was too shocked over the revelation. She couldn't believe it. It had been him all the while. Her own guard. It was incredible to think of all the times he'd been away from here, causing trouble, hurting people. She'd never suspected him for a moment.

  At least they now knew who it was. She was sure Sawyer and Rhys had already captured him by now. She sighed and moved toward a chair, but before she sat, the door behind her opened. "Did you catch him alread—"

  A hand clamped over her mouth. Her eyes widened, and she screamed, the sound completely muffled by the hand. She
was jerked against a hard, heaving body, and panic swirled through her.

  "Scream again and I'll kill you."

  Jared's voice filtered through her brain, his lips close to her ear, and his breath on her neck sent a shiver of revulsion through her.

  "Do you understand me?" he asked one more time, allowing her to nod. "Good. Where is the treasure? It wasn't in the box in the office, so where is he hiding it? Tell me, and I'll let you go. Betray me, and you'll die."

  She knew he meant it, too. She'd been around enough rough men to know when one was dangerous. It was something she'd sensed about him, but she'd put the worry out of her mind because he'd been there to protect her. It had been the same with Juliette's former bodyguard and now husband. How wrong they'd all been.

  She nodded one last time, and he removed his hand before turning her roughly in his arms. "Tell me."

  "It's…it's in the office. It's just back in the ground where he found it. The box was a ruse."

  Jared considered her answer. "Show me where." He pulled a gun out of his holster, and cocked it. "But don't get any ideas. Rhys and that idiot sheriff are outside looking for me. They won't be able to get to you."

  Rhys' voice entered the conversation. "You sure about that?"

  Jared spun in the blink of an eye, taking her with him as a human shield. "I'm surprised you realized I circled back," he sneered. "Thought a hobnob like you wouldn't notice."

  Rhys shrugged and stepped farther into the room. "Guess I must have some brains." He looked at Willow then, gauging whether she was injured or not. "Jared, the sheriff now knows it was you. The attack, the poisoning, the sabotage. All of it. You haven't done anything worth hanging. Let her go and turn yourself in. I'll put in a good word for you."

  Bitter laughter spewed from his lips. "How perfectly pleasant of you. But no, thanks. I'd rather have the money and be on my way. Now—" he held the gun up to Willow's head "—she's going to show me where it is, and then I'll be out of here. If you let us go and she gives me the treasure, I'll release her once I'm safely away."

  Rhys shook his head. "No. You're not leaving this room with her. If you want the treasure, then take me hostage. I'll give it to you. Willow doesn't need to be a part of this."

  Jared seemed to debate a moment, before shrugging and moving the gun to Rhys. "Doesn't matter to me who I have at the other end of this, as long as I get what I want." He pushed Willow away from him, and she tumbled into the chair.

  Rhys' eyes narrowed, but he didn't glance at her. "Why did you do it all, anyway? What was the point of the sabotage?"

  Jared snorted. "If you haven't figured it out, maybe you aren't as smart as you think."

  "Was it always about the treasure?"

  "What else? The sabotage was to throw you off my trail. I knew you'd suspect one of your employees and would never look in my direction. Plus, while you were busy chasing down those leads, it gave me time to search your rooms without getting caught."

  "That's why you locked us in the office the other night?"

  Jared shrugged. "It gave me a chance to look around more. I thought it would hold you a lot longer, though." He glared at the room. "Mold pit, if I've ever seen one," he said before looking back at Rhys. "Enough stalling. Get moving." Rhys had his hands up and took a slow step backward.

  Anger filled Willow until all she saw was a red haze. Jared was threatening the man she loved. It was inexcusable. He thought he could hurt them and take something that didn't belong to him. Her jaw clenched, and she watched as Rhys took another few steps.

  "That's right. Nice and easy," Jared taunted. He glanced at Willow, and she made show of cowering away from him. He snorted. "Knew you were just like the other women. Weak."

  It took every ounce of willpower she possessed to wait the five seconds needed until he dismissed her again and stepped toward Rhys.

  Then she attacked.

  She launched herself at him, aiming for the gun, knowing if she could set it off course, it wouldn't hit Rhys, even if Jared pulled the trigger. The weapon didn't go off, but it was still in his hand. She screamed, plowing into him again.

  He cursed and backhanded her, sending her flying to the floor. Before she bounded back to her feet, Rhys was yelling and on top of Jared, pummeling him.

  The gun skidded across the floor, and her feet slipped from under her as she lunged for it. She fumbled it in her hand, but brought it back up as the men struggled, trying to gain dominance.

  "Stop! I will shoot you, Jared, if you make another move." She leaned forward and said ominously, "And you know I can. You've seen me shooting with Belle."

  Rhys held him down, but Jared still looked spitting mad. He bucked furiously.

  She would have cocked the gun to make her point, but the weapon was already primed and ready. Her eyes narrowed. "Don't test me."

  Sheriff Morrison stepped through the door then. "I think you should listen to the woman, Jared. You know how temperamental they can be."

  He winked at Willow, and, for the first time in a while, she wanted to laugh as relief coursed through her. Everything was going to be okay, and she wasn't going to have to shoot anyone today.

  His gun in his hand, he nodded for Rhys to get off Jared. "You only get one chance at this, so don't mess up. No sudden movements now. You're under arrest."

  Though he'd tried to hurt them, Jared didn't appear to be a fool. He did exactly as the sheriff asked and was taken into custody quietly.

  When it was safe to do so, Rhys moved to her and took her into his arms. She shook, allowing herself to finally process what had happened.

  He shushed her and held her tight. "Everything is all right now. It's over."

  She knew it was, knew the accidents at the hotel, the injuries, the break-ins, they were done, but it seemed almost too good to be true.

  He kissed her forehead, and she sighed into his chest, loving the feel of him, loving being against him. Just loving him. "I love you, Rhys. I couldn't have borne it, if something had happened to you."

  "I know. But everyone is fine. Even Jared, and I didn't expect that, earlier. Now, we can look forward to the rest of our lives and leave this behind."

  A kernel of doubt seeded in her heart, and she pulled away to look at him. "You still want to get married, right?"

  His mouth opened a moment before he spoke. "Of course. I love you. Why do you doubt?"

  "This situation was intense. I didn't know if you'd feel the same way now that it's over."

  He cradled her face and kissed her gently. "Never, ever doubt my love for you. It doesn't matter what we go through, what we face, that will never change. You still want to marry me, right?"

  The tremor of doubt in his voice made all her concerns vanish. "Of course. I don't think you could get away from me, now. You're stuck with me." She said it teasingly, and was pleased to see a twinkle in his eye. "I hope you enjoy having a businesswoman for a wife."

  He scooped her in his arms, and she squealed as he cradled her to his chest. "I couldn't think of anything better."

  When his lips met hers, her life had never seemed sweeter.


  Willow knocked on Rhys' office door. They'd been married a year, and while it had been a whirlwind, it had been every bit as wonderful as she'd imagined marriage to be. He'd asked to see her, but she couldn't wait to tell him her news. She held in a nervous giggle as she cradled her flat, corseted stomach. She would have to start letting her stays out soon.

  She couldn't wait.

  "Come in."

  She opened the door, and Rhys was already around his desk and coming toward her. "I told you, you don't have to knock." He laughed and scooped her in his arms, before kissing the breath out of her.

  Willow held on, enjoying the storm. Enjoying him.

  He nipped at her lips at the end, and there was heat in his eyes. "I wish we were back in our rooms."

  Willow chuckled and shook her head. "If we were home, we wouldn't get anything done the rest of the day

  He spun her around and crowded her up against his desk. "Oh, we'd get something done, all right. In fact, let's do something now."

  She laughed as he pressed his lips to hers and lay her down on the desk. He ravished her mouth, loving her with every inch of his body, until she'd almost forgotten what she'd come to tell him.

  He broke from her lips and trailed kisses down her neck to her collar bone. "Rhys, there's something I need to tell you."


  She bit her lip, amused he was so thoroughly distracted. "I wanted to tell you I'll need to order new dresses soon. Several new dresses. I'd like some from back east, if possible. I think the women around here would enjoy some new ideas."

  "Anything you want. A million dresses."

  She laughed then and reached down to cup his chin, raising it to eye level. "Thank you, love. But don't you want to know why I need more?" she asked sweetly.

  Some of the heat left his eyes as he processed her words. "It is odd, but I assumed you wanted more. Did something happen to your wardrobe?" He frowned.

  She shook her head. "Not at all. They're gorgeous. I'm just certain none of my dresses will fit much longer." She arched a brow at his silence.

  His jaw went slack as his gaze darted to her waist. "Are you saying…"

  "Yes." She nodded, tears springing to her eyes as joy filled his. "We're having a baby."

  He whooped and scooped her off the desk. "A baby? Are you absolutely certain?"

  She giggled. "Yes. I'm positive."

  His mouth fused to hers then, his kiss filled with excitement. He couldn't seem to get enough, and she finally laughed through the kiss. "I'm glad you're so happy about it."

  He squeezed her, not caring about her teasing. "I'm more than happy, I'm thrilled. I've wanted this for so long."

  So had she. She ran her hands through his hair. "You're going to be a wonderful father."


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