Page 21
In the next instalment...
Zing. Alice first heard a whizzing noise and then felt a sharp movement of air - way before she saw anything. And then it was all too late. She turned to her Mama sat to her left and watched as the woman’s head hurtled backward. The red circular mess where an eye once was. The blast of brain and skull that hit the wall. Bobby threw himself on top of Mary Lou to protect her from the assault, but he was far too late.
He lay on his dead wife and Alice hit the deck. Nikolay drew his revolver almost before the bullet flew through her Mama, or so Alice thought. His two colleagues dragged him down to the floor. No-one in the room was above window height and there had been no second shot.
“Anyone else hurt?”
One shot, one dead. A professional hit for sure. Worthy of the great Arnold Roach, may he rest in peace. Alice held her piece ready for action and Bobby cradled Mary Lou in his arms, rocking them side-to-side in the first moments of his grief.
Alice glanced at Bobby and looked at Nikolay. Had his gun been out before she heard the zing? Couldn’t be certain of anything right now. Events unfolded around her and she felt completely estranged from the world surrounding her. Despite the body lying near feet, Alice didn’t believe Mama was dead. She saw it was true but it meant nothing to her. Like the world stopped still and she carried on breathing - only she continued to watch events unfold.
Nikolay’s bodyguards edged to a window each and cautiously inched their heads to spot the sniper. Nothing. She watched Nikolay speak to her but heard no words - still trapped in her time-slipped bubble. His mouth moved again but his expression became more aggressive. Angry.
“What just happened?”
“We know nothing of this. My mother’s been killed. You think I’d do that? To my Mama?”
Alice found a pistol lying in her hand, which she must have taken out of her handbag. An unconscious action. She glanced round and noticed Bobby had let go of Mama and also held a revolver. Someone would pay for killing her Mama.
To find out more, go to Leo’s web site.
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Other Books by the Author
The Lagotti Family Series
The Heist (Book 1)
The Getaway (Book 2)
Powder (Book 3)
Mama's Gone (Book 4)
The Girl in the Striped Bikini (Book 5, Short story)
Upcoming Releases
The Case (Due 2019)
Whatever Happened to Ollie Olesworth? (Becky Greene Book 1 - Due 2019)
The Death and Life of Penny Pitstop (Becky Greene Book 2 - Due 2019)
The Bowery Slugger (Alex Cohen Series Book 1 - Due 2020)
About Leopold Borstinski
Leopold Borstinski is an independent author whose past careers have included financial journalism, business management of financial software companies, consulting and product sales and marketing, as well as teaching.
There is nothing he likes better so he does as much nothing as he possibly can. He has travelled extensively in Europe and the US and has visited Asia on several occasions. Leopold holds a Philosophy degree and tries not to drop it too often.
He lives near London and is married with one wife, one child and no pets.
Find out more at LeopoldBorstinski.com.