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Love On the Rocks

Page 5

by E. E. Marino

  Keela shrugged, and Kristi laughed at her. Keela was nervous, but she knew that was good because that meant she liked the guy.

  Keela turned back to see her friend with a far-off gaze. Keela smirked and stood in front of Kristi.

  “Earth to Kristi.” Kristi was snapped back into reality by Keela waving her hand in front her face. “Where’d you go just now? Perhaps down to Nicky naked town?” Keela smirked, knowing that her friends weren’t fooling anyone, only themselves.

  Kristi rolled her eyes and turned back to the closet. “No, I was just overwhelmed by the lack of heels in your closet.” She picked up a few pairs of flip-flops and waved them in front of Keela. “How is it you have so many flip-flops, sneakers, and cowboy boots, but no heels?” She grimaced as she stuck her head out of the closet.

  “Hey! I’m a bartender, not a runway model, and I haven’t dated anyone in years, so what the fuck do I need heels for?” Keela sniped, flicking her ashes into the ashtray.

  Kristi groaned. “Okay, well, maybe I can give you some heels, but I think I may have a decent date outfit for you.” She pulled out a black halter-top and a pair of ripped jeans. “You can cuff the jeans into a cute ankle Capri so it will show off some heels.”

  “Well, I like the outfit, but why do I have to wear heels? We’re just going to get food.” Kristi sighed as Keela switched into a strapless bra and began stepping into the jeans.

  “To make your butt look good.” She smirked and cocked an eyebrow. “Plus, I know you like some freaky sex, so you can wear them in bed. Just that.”

  Keela rolled her eyes and flipped her off as she ran out of the room to get a pair of heels. Keela shrugged on the halter-top and sat in front of the mirror to do her makeup. Kristi had blown out her hair, so it was soft and had nice volume. Keela had to admit she looked seriously hot with this hair. She kept her makeup simple with natural browns and highlighted her eyes with black eyeliner.

  As she continued painting her face, she heard her cell ring. Picking it up, she read Unknown Number. Weird, she thought as she answered it and pressed it to her ear. “Hello?” She heard no response, only breathing. This was beginning to freak her out. “Hello? Listen, whoever is doing this, this is not funny anymore. You’ve had your fun. Now cut this shit out.” She heard a click as the other person hung up. Calming her nerves, she continued applying her makeup. The calls had been continuing all week, and if she was honest with herself, it was beginning to freak her out.

  She finished her look with a clear lip plumper gloss as Kristi came in carrying a pair of vaguely familiar zebra print heels.

  “Oh, my God, you bitch. Those are mine.” Keela yelped as she snatched the heels away. Kristi laughed as Keela cradled the shoes like a newborn child. They had been her favorite back in the day when she used to date, with a comfortable three-inch heel and a peep toe to show off her freshly pedicured feet.

  Kristi smirked and seated herself delicately on Keela’s bed. “You lent them to me and never asked for them back.”

  Keela flipped her off again, and Kristi laughed and returned the gesture. Putting on the heels, Keela took a step back to admire herself in the full-length mirror.

  “You look great.” Keela heard a hitch in her friend’s voice from behind her.

  Just as Keela grabbed a black wristlet for cash, cigarettes, and phone, there was a knock on the door, and Kristi all but sprinted out of the room.

  Alone in her room, Keela took a deep breath and stared at the reflection in the mirror. “He is not Ryan. He is not Ryan. Don’t let it get to you tonight. You deserve to have a nice date.”

  “Keela! Aaron is here,” sang Kristi down the hall. Keela made a mental note to kick her ass later.

  Walking out into the living room, she all but stopped dead in her tracks. There was Aaron, in another terrific pair of tight denim jeans, which made her want to pinch his ass, and a black short-sleeved button-up linen shirt. He had a chain around his tanned neck, which, if she had to guess, were probably his dog tags. The guy seriously oozed sex, and Keela knew she was a goner.

  “Hi,” she croaked out, sounding pathetic.

  “Hey, gorgeous, you look great.” His deep blue eyes were laced with lust as he smirked at her.


  She was incredibly gorgeous tonight in a great pair of “fuck me” heels. Zebra print, nice. He stared at the shoes, instantly causing his thoughts to get very filthy very quickly.

  She caught him staring and gave him a beautiful smile, causing him to blush like a silly teenager in love. “Ready to go?”

  He grabbed her hand and led her out to his Harley.

  “I hope this is okay. I don’t have a car yet.” He scratched the back of his head with his free hand. “I know it’s not ideal—”

  Keela cut him off with a finger to his lips, which made him feel so hot.

  “I love Harleys, so this is the perfect way to start our date off.”

  He gently took her hand and kissed her palm before turning away and grabbing an extra helmet for her. He placed her bag in the holding container of the bike and pulled out two leather jackets. He helped her into the jacket and buckled her helmet before putting on his own jacket. He then helped her onto the bike.


  The gentleness in his care of her was not lost on her. Ryan certainly never treated me so sweetly. She smiled at him brightly.

  He went to put his helmet on and paused.

  “Are you okay?” she asked as he looked at her.

  He smiled and leaned down to her. “I’m fine, cowgirl. I was just thinking that if I put this helmet on right now, I won’t be able to do this first.” With that, he captured her lips in a brief but hot kiss that left both of them breathless. Ending the kiss, he took a step back and put his helmet on. “It’s hard to kiss when two people are wearing helmets.” He winked, got on the bike, and reeved it up.

  The vibration of the bike and the heat from Aaron’s body, plus the taste of his lips still on hers, was enough to cause Keela’s clit to swell and get her to the point right before she had an orgasm. Keela tightened her hold on Aaron as he leaned back slightly into her embrace, never taking his eyes off the road. For the twenty-five-minute ride they had, she was in absolute heaven.

  Keela was in deep thought as they rode to their destination. Here is a man, a sexier-than-life man, who is gentle, sweet, and seems to really like me for me. Maybe I can do this. Maybe I can take a leap of faith as long as Aaron is there to jump with me.


  * * * *

  They pulled up to a small restaurant in Greenport, and Aaron parked the bike. He slid off the bike with ease and then, with his hands around her waist, helped Keela off the bike. Her legs were slightly wobbly from the intense arousal she was feeling.

  “You okay, cowgirl?” he asked as she took off the helmet.

  The second his was off Keela grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and smashed his lips to hers.

  Aaron wasted little time as his arms automatically wrapped around her waist, and he gently but passionately pushed Keela up against a nearby tree. Keela sucked on his bottom lip, and he let out a groan. He pulled away from her lips and began trailing kisses down her neck as he rocked his pelvis slightly, causing Keela to feel the bulging, hard cock beneath his jeans. The scratchy feel of his stubble and the pressure of his jean-clad cock against her caused Keela to moan with lust. Finally, giving into a desire she had since she met him, Keela snaked her hands down his back and grabbed a handful of his ass. She moaned at the firmness of it.

  Aaron finally came to his senses and emitted a low chuckle. Aaron nipped her pulse point on her neck before pulling away.

  “Holy shit, Keela.” He looked at her with lust-filled eyes as he adjusted himself in his jeans. “You are sexy as hell, you little minx, you know that?” Keela blushed at his praise as she slipped off the jacket, his eyes never leaving her. “Do you realize, little missy, I almost fucked you up against that tree?”

  Keela licked her lips
as her mouth suddenly went dry. He watched her turn to the bike as she folded up the jacket and placed it in the holder and got her wristlet.

  Keela felt strong arms wrap around her waist and hot breath on her ear as he nibbled on her earlobe.

  “You like that idea, don’t you? Maybe later we can go somewhere quiet, and I can really lavish some attention on you.”

  Aaron locked up his bike, discarded his jacket, and led her by the hand into the restaurant. It was a small, hole-in-the-wall restaurant, which she loved, with a mellow atmosphere. They sat down and ordered a beer each and placed an order for steaks and veggies and fell into an easy conversation. They talked about his military life and her family, and despite her initial hesitation, Keela found herself laughing and at ease with a man for the first time in years.

  When the food finally came, Aaron leaned forward and gently brushed her fingers with his thumb. “Keela, I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to ruin this fun time we’re having.”

  Keela smiled and gently squeezed his hand. “I know I keep a lot of things close to the vest, but I’m very comfortable with you, if you haven’t picked up on that yet, so I don’t mind.”

  Keela swallowed a gulp of beer as Aaron took a deep breath. “Why don’t you date? You’re a beautiful woman. You’re funny, strong, and a sexy little minx.” He winked at her as Keela blushed. “So why don’t you date? Did your ex mean that much to you?”

  Keela looked down at her plate, trying to find the words to explain. Aaron kept rubbing her hand gently. Looking up, she swallowed the bile that rose in her throat and looked Aaron in the eyes. In them, she saw understanding and encouragement; Keela knew she could do this.

  “I met Ryan my senior year of high school, and we both went to Suffolk together for culinary. He was handsome, smart, and had big dreams of being a famous wine connoisseur and owning his own restaurant in the city. When we were kids, it seemed like we had the same goals and mutual respect for one another. I guess you could say he was my first love, but even when I was with him, I never felt like I could be me, ya know? I got my first tattoo when I was eighteen, and he would always tell me how much he hated tattoos and how I should never get another one if I wanted to stay with him.”

  Keela paused and took a sip of beer as her mouth suddenly went dry. “I conformed to what he liked because he was my boyfriend and I loved him, but as you can see, I’m not one to conform. When Ryan and I graduated culinary school, Nicky approached me about coming on board at his restaurant as head bartender and manager. I had a dual major in culinary arts and restaurant management, so this was right up my alley. I was so excited because I love Long Island and wanted to stay here. Ryan, however, couldn’t see success here and tried to get me to go to the city with him to work. When I said no, it caused a strain, but we were still planning for a future, looking at houses for us to settle down in. When I was twenty-three, I came home one night to our new house and found he had taken all of the valuable possessions we owned and his clothes and moved out. The bank loan was in my name because I had the better credit, so I was safe there until I found out he had wiped our bank account clean. Most of that money was mine because he was only working part-time in the city as a sommelier, whereas I had a full-time job that paid well.”

  When the tears started to fall down her face, Keela felt Aaron move his chair beside her and wrap an arm around her. He tilted her chin up, gently kissed away the tears that ran down her face, and began rubbing her back, giving her comfort as she continued.

  “I finally got a hold of him an hour later, where he proceeded to tell me that I was trash and nothing but a common bartender going nowhere in life and that Amber, the hostess where he worked and the boss’ daughter, was more of a sophisticated choice over ugly trash like me. After years of being together, and me saving every penny to own a home and save for my future, everything was gone. I had lost everything and almost my house until Kristi and Nicky moved in a week later to become my roommates and help pay for the house. It took me a long time to crawl out of that hole he left me in, but I did, and I decided then and there that I would never make myself vulnerable like that ever again.”

  Keela looked up at Aaron to see clouds of rage in his eyes but also admiration as he looked at her. Could he actually admire me? “That’s why I’ve never dated. I never want to feel like I can’t be me or feel like I have to protect my things. Most guys don’t want a girl like me.”

  “Well, fuck them, Keela,” he said with that same look in his eyes. “That guy was an asshole, and he treated you like garbage. One of the things that makes me crazy about you is your confidence in just being you. You’re this tough little woman.” When Keela laughed, Aaron leaned in and kissed her temple as he ran his fingers through her hair. “You are, by far, the toughest, sexiest chick I’ve ever met, and what that guy did to you was unforgiveable.”

  Aaron slid his chair back over to his side. “I promise you we’re not all like that, and I really hope you’ll give me a chance to treat you like the special lady you are.”

  Keela had to smile at him. “I’m seeing that. Just from how you’ve been with me so far I can tell you have a great heart.”

  They both smiled at each other and continued with the meal. They left with his arm around her. Keela leaned into him and inhaled his smell. Pine and motor oil. He smelled so manly and hot. He was sex on a stick, and she wanted to just enjoy every bite of him.

  After getting back on the bike, the couple made their way back to her house.

  * * * *

  Unknown to the pair, two sets of eyes were spying on them from within the house. Kristi sat cross-legged on the ledge of the bay window, with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s in her hand and a spoon hanging out of her mouth while Nicky peered from behind her, leaning on the wall.

  “Come on, you two, do something,” said Kristi with the spoon full of Chunky Monkey in her mouth, muffling the sound. “Kiss, grope, hell, screw in our front yard. I don’t care. Do something!”

  Nicky smirked and sipped his beer as he looked at Kristi, who was so engrossed in Keela and Aaron she missed Nicky’s look of longing. Nicky knew he had it bad for his roommate, but he also knew he’d never have her again because she didn’t want it. He tried to forget their fling, but it consumed him every time he looked at her. He envisioned her beneath him with her hair spread out around her face like a halo. Even now, Kristi had a messy ponytail, had ice cream on her face, and wore her My Little Pony PJ pants, and Nicky still thought she was the most beautiful girl.

  “Nicky! Nicky! Look, they’re going to kiss.”

  Nicky was snapped back from his thoughts as Kristi tugged on his shirt, directing him back to Keela’s and Aaron’s silhouettes.

  * * * *

  Aaron stared deeply into Keela eyes. Finally, he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. The warm touch of his hand caused Keela to shiver with desire.

  “Do you want to come in my hot tub?”

  He quirked an eyebrow, and she had to laugh. “You’ve got a hot tub?”

  Aaron began tracing a finger along Keela’s collarbone to her shoulder and back, his finger leaving a trail of hot skin as he did.

  “I do. You want to go in?”

  Before she could even think, Keela found herself being picking up and flung over Aaron’s shoulder. “Aaron!” Keela laughed as he turned to let her open the door to the house upside down and ran into the house once it was open.

  * * * *

  Aaron and Keela were so involved with each other they didn’t see Kristi and Nicky high-five each other and watch as Aaron ran down the hall to Keela’s room carrying a laughing Keela the whole way.

  They saw Keela laughing so hard they swore she had tears in her eyes. Nicky cocked an eyebrow at Kristi, who was beaming with happiness for her friend. They knew it would be a damn good night.

  Chapter 7

  I don’t know who to thank for where I am standing right now, but I would offer them a sacrificial lamb or some shit because this i
s beyond my wildest expectations, Aaron thought as he reflected on the sight before him.

  Currently, he was standing in Keela’s room, which was the master bedroom of her house and had its own bathroom, where the hot tub was. Aaron watched her perfect ass, which was high up in the air as she bent over the tub to get it ready for the two of them. Staring at the gorgeous woman in front of him, he began to feel his cock strain against the zipper of his jeans.

  Dinner had made Aaron see Keela in a new light, and if he had been attracted to her before, he was head over heels for her now. Aaron understood now her hesitation, her anxiety, but he’d had no idea how strong she was. The girl was frankly awesome. Aaron was simply so amazed and turned on by the girl.

  Aaron felt something hit him in the head and cover his eyes. Pulling the fabric off, Aaron noticed it was Keela’s black shirt. When he looked up, he nearly came in his jeans. There stood Keela in nothing but a thong and strapless bra, leaning against the door with her arms crossed. “Daydreaming there, Army man?”

  Aaron licked his lips as he stared at the goddess before him. Her breasts were pushing against the fabric of the bra as if begging to be released, and her already wet thong showed the outline of her pussy. Aaron drank in the sight before him and then, in two strides, had her pinned against the door of her bathroom. Grabbing her perfect ass, he lifted her up as Keela wrapped her legs around his waist, causing his cock to rub against her. When Aaron heard Keela moan, he attacked her neck.

  “Why” kiss “would I” kiss “need to” kiss “daydream?” Aaron sucked on her pulse point, and she sank her nails into his shoulder. Aaron kissed his way up to her lips and kissed her hard. Aaron felt her hands start to unbutton his shirt, and he let her pull it off and drop it to the floor. “I have a dream girl right here, so why would I need fantasy?”

  She kissed him hungrily as he carried her to the hot hub and gently placed her on her feet. Together, they quickly rid the other of their remaining clothes before hopping into the tub. Aaron immediately pulled her onto his lap and began nuzzling her neck and palming her tits. Keela moaned and straddled his waist, allowing him to rub his cock against her clit, which caused a moan from both.


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