By the Grace of the Gods: Volume 1

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By the Grace of the Gods: Volume 1 Page 21

by Roy

  “I’m almost in my forties; not many places will be able to swallow a career change at my age. What about you, Tabuchi? You’re still in your twenties, right? If we’re talking experience, then I’ve already taught you everything I can. If you can handle the workload here, then you’d do well wherever you go.”

  “Yeah, well, eventually.”

  “In my opinion, the sooner you move, the better. Don’t expect this company to get any better.”

  “...They failed once before, right?”

  “The fact you’re here right now puts you in a similar place, no?”

  A sigh could be heard in the quiet room.

  “That’s how it is, so I suggest you change jobs soon. Your body is frail, so do it before it’s too late.”

  “I’m not frail, boss-man. You’re just too ripped. But I’ll consider it. By the way... I bought something this morning.”

  “Hmm...?! They made a novelization of The Pact of the Dying Boy and the Demon?!”

  “You liked this one, right? You can have it for half-price.”

  “Aren’t you going to read it?”

  “It sounded good story-wise, but the art isn’t my thing.”

  “I see. I’ll take it, then.”

  The middle-aged man immediately handed the money over, and carefully stashed the light novel away in his bag. That was the kind of person Takebayashi Ryoma was.

  ■ ■ ■

  That night.

  Today must be my lucky day.

  Work had finished before the last train for once, and there was a newly bought book in his bag. That was enough for him to feel happiness as he headed to the station, when the train arrived just as he stepped onto the platform.


  Slight blessings like that helped Takebayashi arrive home earlier than usual, where he called out to the suspicious figure lurking in front of his apartment.

  “Good evening.”

  “Hmm?! Oh, it’s you, Takebayashi.”

  “Long time no see, sir.”

  Takebayashi was relieved to see the suspicious figure actually had the familiar face of his landlord.

  The other party was similarly relieved.

  “Good grief. With a figure like that, you shouldn’t be sneaking up on people from behind without a sound. I thought I’d have a heart attack.”

  It’s not like I was sneaking on purpose... Despite thinking that, it wouldn’t be funny if it had actually happened to the elderly man, so he apologized.

  “What are you doing out here at this hour? And are you drunk?”

  “Mm... I drank a little, but I’m not drunk. It’s just a little hard to go home like this... Ah! Ow-ow-ow...”

  “Are you all right?!”

  “No worries. I pulled my back a little at lunch today. Didn’t something similar happen before?”

  “Huh? Come to think of it, yes. Around 2 or 3 years ago. You had fallen down the stairs while cleaning, and I passed by on my way home. Oh, right. Instead of standing around outside, would you like to come inside?”

  The landlord wasn’t wearing his work clothes and had a convenience store bag with drinks and snacks in hand. Combined with the fact he said he didn’t want to go home, it was clear that something had happened, so Takebayashi invited him to his place instead.

  “...I suppose I’ll take you up on that.”

  The landlord looked a little apologetic, but he had nowhere else to go.

  “Please do.”

  “Pardon the intrusion, then.”

  The two of them headed to the living room, where tea was prepared and placed between them.


  “Did something happen?”

  “I was pruning the trees when I fell from the ladder. Unfortunately, my son witnessed it... and now he won’t stop yammering about the elderly. The issue was brought up at dinner, and I snapped a bit.”

  “So you left the house like that, huh.”

  “And that wasn’t all, that damn kid of mine... Just because he’s raking it in at that IT company that’s been booming recently, he’s started to stick his nose in my business, too. Something about how this form of asset management was ancient. Where does he think the money that raised him came from? It’s true that there are many vacant rooms, but it’s not a simple matter of evicting the tenants and turning it into a parking lot. He doesn’t know anything about this work... Ow-ow-ow...”

  He sounds like he’s in a lot of pain.

  Takebayashi watched his landlord complain and noticed his pain. He went to the refrigerator and took out a small container.

  “Sir. This is an ointment for bruises, please use it.”

  “That kid — hmm? Is that the one you gave me before?”

  What a sharp memory.

  He certainly recalled giving the landlord this ointment last time he fell from the stairs.

  “That’s right. You remembered this too?”

  “I remember the pain was completely gone the next day. My memory hasn’t failed me yet. ...If you don’t mind, then.”


  Takebayashi offered the ointment, which the landlord took and rubbed generously onto his injury. Partway through that, the landlord opened his mouth.

  “Where did you buy this medicine?”

  “This isn’t for sale, it’s a home remedy. Bruises are a daily occurrence for anyone who practices martial arts, so this is a recipe passed down in my family for generations.”

  “I see. Ah, it’s just that my grandchild comes home injured pretty much every day.”

  “You had a grandchild?”

  “In elementary school. He’s a mischievous boy. A handful to deal with, but that’s what makes him cute. You’re getting on in years too, Takebayashi. Have you considered marriage? You must have a girlfriend, no?”

  “Unfortunately, I’m too preoccupied with my work and hobbies. I reached this age before I even knew it.”

  “Has no one ever propositioned you? ...Appearances aside, you have a good personality. And you’re in the same line of work as my son, right? Surely you’re enough of a social climber to know a broad or two.”

  “Unfortunately, I haven’t had any opportunities to meet new people. And I doubt my income is as good as your son’s. I’m just an underling, nothing in management. Living alone just barely gives me the leeway to save a little.”

  “How about an arranged marriage? My wife is good at those things.”

  “I’m grateful for the offer... but even if you gave me the opportunity, I’m too busy with work.”

  “Really? Well, it’s easier being single in some aspects, too.”

  “How so?”

  “The first thing that comes to mind right now is... wills? My son also said it, but I know I’m getting on in years. I could drop dead at any moment. Because of that, I worry about how much I can leave behind for them. I have multiple children, so I worry about how to split it. When I hear about family wars over inheritances, I worry and think about donating it all elsewhere. Well, that’s just some of it.”

  “I certainly don’t have experiences with such worries.”

  “But I suppose you won’t get the happiness of having children that way. That’s right, Takebayashi. How about you buy this building instead?”


  Takebayashi faltered at the sudden words. While he didn’t voice them out loud, his head was full of questions.

  “Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean...”

  “I’m asking you to buy this apartment building, is what I’m saying. You don’t have to worry about the money. A run-down building like this isn’t worth much to begin with. I’ll pass it to you as cheap as possible. You’re at the age to have your own house now anyway. Secure a room for your retirement, then lease out the others. That way, you can get an income. I can introduce an agent that can help you get set up in that aspect.”

  “Please wait a minute, this is too sudden. From what you said before, isn’t this apartment building part of
your inheritance too?”

  Hearing that, the landlord huffed through his nose and took a can of beer from the bag.

  “Pah! My sons have their own jobs. It’d be one thing if it was in the city, but they don’t need this run-down thing at the outskirts of town. Like I said earlier, if I left this in my will it’d just be demolished for a parking lot. They don’t have any interest in my work. I don’t care about that. My sons have their own lives. However... if my sons inherit everything and decide to make it a parking lot, all you residents may be evicted. Even if they end up paying an eviction fee, if that’s more beneficial for the future my sons may do it. They’ve got connections to good lawyers, too. While there are tenant laws to protect you, legal battles are a tremendous effort. It can’t possibly be nice to be chased out... but if you buy it from me, my sons can’t touch it. If I released the property through a legal contract and receive payment, my sons wouldn’t be able to object.”

  “But still... why me? I’m sorry, but I didn’t think we had a deep enough relationship until now for this.”

  “That may be true, but I know what kind of person you are.”

  The landlord looked around the room as he spoke.

  “Takebayashi, you’ve lived here for quite a while. I’ve watched you throughout that time, as your landlord... You’ve aged quite a bit. You were a young man in your twenties when you first moved in.”

  “...You called me Ryoma back then.”

  “Yes, yes. Now your face looks too rough for that. Yet you’ve remained living in this run-down apartment long enough to grow that old. At least out of the current residents, you’ve been here the longest. But that means you know this place more than anyone else, no? You help with the gardens and cleaning the building of your own free will. And from what I can see you keep your room in good condition, too. I don’t think you’d have a problem with managing the building.”

  “Of course I’d look after my room, and the other maintenance was around the area I train...”

  “I don’t care about the reason. No matter how modestly you word it, your actions speak for themselves. What’s done has been done. And you can do it. That’s enough for me. And I called you the longest-running resident here, but the others don’t speak badly of you either. I was talking to the boy downstairs just the other day. He said you’re always fixing his toys for him.”

  “...Ah, that boy.”

  It all began when Takebayashi stayed at the company several nights in a row working overtime and ended up coming home in the middle of the day for some reason. He found a boy crying on the stairs up to his room, and after calling out to him he found out the boy dropped his toy off the stairs and broke it, so he fixed it with what was lying around his room. Ever since, Takebayashi would sometimes come home to a broken toy and letter hanging from his doorknob.

  “You’ve been fixing things for him whenever he asks, right? I wouldn’t ask just anyone of this either. But if I was going to sell the building, I’d want it to go to someone who would take care of the building and the residents too. How about it?”

  Takebayashi looked at the determined face of his landlord and felt even more troubled. After a moment of silence, the words he offered were...

  “I’m very grateful for the offer, but I cannot answer right now. I am very fond of this place, but I’m not very knowledgeable about real estate so I don’t know what would be a reasonable price. I understand what you said about eviction, but I’d require a fair amount of cash if I were to purchase it. But most importantly, deciding on the spur of the moment isn’t good for either of us. It’s a very tempting offer, but answering immediately wouldn’t be prudent.”

  “...Well, I suppose that’s right.”

  “I don’t know about the future, but... this building is still one of your assets right now, and something valuable for your family to inherit. That’s why whether you sell it or leave it, I think it’d be best for you to think it over one more time. So that you won’t regret anything.”

  “I didn’t think it was a bad idea.”

  “‘There’s happiness you can’t experience without children...’ If you love your kids enough to say that, then please give it a little more thought.”

  “...All right. It was something I blurted out on the spot. I’ll think it over.”

  “Yes, that would be for the best.”

  As he was feeling relief over getting through that situation, the landlord left his empty can on the table and stood up with a struggle, favoring his sore back.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “It’s about time I headed home. Sorry for dropping by so late.”

  “I don’t mind that, but where will you go...?”

  “Home. They’re probably still awake, so I’ll try talking to them for a bit. I’m suddenly feeling in the mood to do that. Now that I have a little booze in me, it’s perfect.”

  “Then I’ll walk with you.”

  “I can go home on my own. Do you know what they call you around here? The person who’s never around. I appreciate the concern, but you relax at home.”

  Firmly rejected, Takebayashi saw him off at the door instead.

  “Sorry for making you listen to me complain, and thanks for the medicine.”

  “No, no, it was nothing. Ah, you forgot your things! Wait a moment.”

  “Oh, it’s fine. I have my wallet, it’s just the drink and snacks, right? Please enjoy them yourself.”


  “Consider it payment for the medicine and trouble. Now excuse me.”

  “Thank you very much. Take care.”

  “Please give what I said some thought. I’ll go talk to them first, but depending on how it goes I may seriously end up selling to you.”

  Once his departing figure had left his view, Takebayashi quietly closed the door. He looked at the clock to see it was still an earlier time than he usually came home.

  “It’d be nice to drink at home once in a while. Tomorrow’s breakfast can be whatever’s about to expire... and I’ll make a little extra dinner for breakfast, too. Something easy to reheat would be ideal...”

  As he recalled the contents of his fridge to make a menu plan, his body moved about cleaning and doing the laundry. Cleaning, laundry, cooking. Takebayashi completed everything efficiently, working on one task as he planned out the next in his head. It was a skill he had developed through his long years of living alone.

  Thus, he completed his housework, meal, and even bathed, leaving nothing else for the day.

  “Now... I can relax and read!”

  He began reading the light novel he’d bought today with the free time he had saved, and the night grew later and later.

  That was good... I should tell Tabuchi to give it another shot...

  That was how Takebayashi thoroughly enjoyed the most meager of happiness, a satisfied expression on his face as he fell asleep. In some ways unfortunate, and in other ways fortunate.

  Unknowing of the future he was stepping towards...


  If you’re reading this right now, then you might be someone who has purchased By the Grace of the Gods Vol. 1 and read it until the end. Thank you very much for reading my work. You may have borrowed it from someone instead of buying it, but I am nevertheless grateful that you read it up to here.

  This novel originally began on a website called Shousetsuka ni Narou. In 2014, with no writing experience nor knowledge, I used the site as a reader. Having moved overseas, I was struggling with language barriers and cultural differences; the passing of time leaving me estranged from my friends and feeling lonely. When I look back on it now, I could have just used Facebook or some other kind of social media. However, I didn’t use anything like that and, for some reason, submitted works to Shousetsuka ni Narou instead.

  I hope I get some comments. Will I be able to reply to them properly in Japanese? That was how I saw my work as a means of communication. Of course, I had an interest in novels back then, but at the time
I truly just started this out of curiosity. It was just a hobby.

  But as I continued writing, the desire to write something my supportive readers would enjoy grew. Four years later, on this day, my devotion to writing is vastly different to back then. My trial and error may have backfired numerous times, but the readers gave me advice and support that ultimately led to this, my first novelization.

  I would never have been able to continue writing or publish a novel without everyone’s support. I am truly grateful to everyone who has supported me and given me advice. I will continue to create a work that will live up to everyone’s support. That is what I feel as I write towards the future.

  So please continue giving me that support.

  Bonus Short Stories

  The Observing Gods

  One day in the divine realm...

  “Gain! Kufo! Look at this!”

  “What’s wrong, Lulutia?”

  “Has something that urgent come up...?”

  “Is Ryoma finally leaving for town?”

  “No! It is about Ryoma, but not that! Just look!”

  “Just what are you on about...”

  Gain and Kufo peered down at the world below, dubious of Lulutia’s menacing look.

  “...I don’t see anything different?”

  “He’s just staring at slimes as usual.”

  “Look closely at the slime.”

  “Hmm? Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen that color before. I guess it evolved into an advanced species.”

  “Oh, so that’s why he’s observing it so closely. What did it evolve into? ...Huh? Gain, I’ve never seen this species name before.”

  “What? ...You’re right. Scavenger slime... did such a species exist in this world?”

  “...I just confirmed it, there’s no precedent.”

  “Which makes it a new species?!”

  “Wow! It’s been a long time since a new species of slime appeared.”

  “In exchange for being the weakest living creature, these monsters have high adaptability to their surroundings. They existed long before mankind, so pretty much all the evolutions should have happened by now.”


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