By the Grace of the Gods: Volume 1

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By the Grace of the Gods: Volume 1 Page 22

by Roy

“I looked it up, and it would basically take a miracle for this to happen. Look.”

  Lulutia waved her hand airily, summoning a parchment before the other two gods.

  “...Whoa, wouldn’t it take a tremendous effort to do this intentionally?”

  “Gather the waste and remains of plant and animal material together in one location, then select slimes that favor that material. Germs mixed into the ash and soil added to reduce odor also come into play. The minimum conditions needed for an environment where waste can easily break down and return to the ground. But even then, there’s still a higher chance of evolution into a different species. I doubt Ryoma planned this intentionally either.”

  “If it hadn’t been a scavenger, what would it have turned into?”

  “Wouldn’t there be a higher chance of a sludge slime or sewage slime? There are some places where advanced slimes like that live like normal.”

  “There’s also a possibility of the virus slime. There’s a lot of bacteria and pathogens too, after all. I can think of a few more as well...”

  The conclusion the three gods arrived at was that the chance of a new species being born was extremely minuscule.

  “It doesn’t look like he’s realized how rare that is himself... But he looks like he’s having fun.”

  “Shall we tell him if he ever obtains the oracle skill?”

  “Well, in his case, I’m sure he could be happy no matter the slime.”

  The three gods laughed together at the pleasant conversation.

  However, several months later.

  “Hey, Gain, Lulutia.”

  “Hmm... Another new species has been born, huh?”

  “Not that it’s a problem — if anything, it’s a joyous occasion, but... Was this always such a common occurrence?”

  The gods were peering at the new cleaner slime had been born under Ryoma’s care.

  “A slime that mainly consumes skin matter, body fluids, and waste products of living creatures... There are some monsters that rely on other living creatures to survive, the cleaner slime sounds similar to those.”

  “Natural slimes dissolve everything, and they die before they can do that.”

  “I was surprised before with the scavenger slimes, but for another new species to be discovered in such a short time...”

  “Hey Gain, didn’t you tweak Ryoma’s luck a little when we were transferring him here? Could it be because of that?”

  “I did fiddle with it a little, but only so that the misfortune the Earth god bestowed upon him wasn’t brought to this side. There shouldn’t be any clearly unreasonable acts of bad luck anymore, but I didn’t bless him with the fortune to miraculously discover new species one after another.”

  “I see... Then maybe he’s just lucky.”

  “Lucky... I wonder if that’s true? Look over there.”

  “Huh? Ah... bandits.”

  “At this rate, they’ll reach his area in a day or two.”

  “Didn’t he encounter bandits two months ago too?”

  “It seems like his luck sways heavily from lucky to unlucky...”

  “It’s curious, but bandit encounters are a plausible form of bad luck. And those bandits wouldn’t be a problem for him anyway.”

  At the end of further discussion, the gods decided to continue their days of observation. Until the day Ryoma eventually visited the church...

  Inside the Storage Room

  Forest of Gana. In the storage room of the house that was carved from the cliff, Eliaria, two maids, and four escorts were helping Ryoma pack for their departure tomorrow.

  “Master Ryoma. There is a large number of garments, what do you wish to do about them?”

  “Some are in a state beyond repair, would you like to use them as spare rags?”

  They’ve really been worn down beyond use... I guess they can be thrown, Ryoma thought.

  “...Feed them to the slimes.”

  “Understood. Then I’ll place them with the other items for disposal.”


  “There’s so much stuff here, huh. Is this really all from bandits?”

  Hughes looked at the various bags piled in the storage room and asked. The number of bags at the end of his gaze far surpassed the odd ten or twenty.

  “It was over three years.”

  “Are bandits really so frequent here that you could gather this much?”

  “...Probably, because of the water nearby.”

  “The convenient camping location must be one reason. And it’s well known around here that this forest is comparatively safe. While no one would normally venture this far without reason, if it were bandits trying to avoid attention, then...”

  “They may prefer to choose this route.”

  “So that’s why there’s so many items...”

  “Hmm... I’m more surprised that Ryoma defeated this many bandits...”

  “Was mostly... ambush. Have hidden exit in house.”

  “No, but even still.”

  “Camil. That doesn’t matter anymore. No matter the method, Ryoma really defeated them and survived until now. What’s more important right now is to keep your hands moving, everyone!”

  “I understand. ...But there really is a lot of stuff...”

  “I try not to waste... the things I hunt...”

  Like he said, Ryoma didn’t throw away anything from the bandits he defeated, instead abandoning them in the storage room. Even the leather bags he had no use for he would try to feed to his slimes if possible.

  “Indeed, that is most important.”

  At those words, Jill ruffled Ryoma’s head once before returning to his work with everyone else.

  Furthermore, it should be noted that despite the volume of belongings implying a large number of bandits had been defeated, no one had noticed that there wasn’t even a single grave...

  Behind the Adventurer’s Guild

  The night Ryoma registered at the Adventurer’s Guild, the guild employees had gathered on the first floor for their end of day meeting.

  “And so, this is the last thing on the list.”

  Directing the meeting was the guildmaster. Worgan looked around the room full of employees and addressed them all at large.

  “I’m sure some of you are already aware. This afternoon, Duke Jamil, the duke of this area, visited with his family. While he was here, a child named Ryoma Takebayashi registered with the guild. I’d like you all to keep an eye out for him.”

  “May I ask a question? What specifically do you want us to keep an eye out for?”

  “Report everything to me, no matter how trivial. You may treat him as a normal adventurer. There’s no reason to show him favoritism.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. It’s just that he grew up isolated in the forest. If he looks like he’s having trouble adjusting to life in the village, help him out an indirect manner. Also, one more thing. If you see anyone in the guild giving him trouble, stop them immediately. Say whatever you need to say, just make sure you don’t get in harm’s way. If it can’t be solved with words... stay your hand.”

  Worgan’s words contradicted themselves, so an employee voiced their confusion.

  “Does that mean we don’t have to stop any physical fights...?”

  “If fists start to fly then there’s nothing to be done. If it comes to that, I want you to come to me immediately, even if you have to set your work aside. Don’t just ask any nearby adventurers for assistance. Anyone who rushes it will just cause more damage.”

  Worgan continued sternly.

  “The kid named Ryoma is fairly skilled, despite being 11 years old. He passed the exam I set up with full marks. Both the regular exam, and my personal test.”

  The employees stirred faintly. It wasn’t that uncommon for the practical exam to be passed immediately after registration. Even if someone was newly registered, those who worked in professions such as hunters and soldiers already had the combat skills needed.

; However, obtaining full marks was a different case. On top of that, the non-regulated exam that Worgan tested of his own volition was an important lesson for prospective adventurers. But the meddling of the guildmaster who wholeheartedly believed that failure was the best teacher — based on his own experience — was annoying for those on the receiving end.

  “Is the boy really that strong?”

  “There’s no doubting that he’s strong. It’s just... I can’t see a limit to him. He looks like a regular, ridiculously fragile kid, but the way he held himself and moved around during the exam was something else. It was different from those guys I sometimes see relying on their own talents, more like the result of training... and years of it at that... I just don’t know. He’s a mystery. His appearance, ability, and aura just don’t match up. No matter how low I round my estimates, he definitely has the combat ability of rank C or above.

  “Well, at least he seems to have a gentle personality, though that makes him more difficult to understand... At any rate, just treat him has a normal adventurer for the most part. But if anyone picks a fight with him, they’ll be the ones in danger. If any of you try to intervene, you may get hurt too. That’s why you should always come get me first. If you have to rely on an adventurer, make it one rank B or higher. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Good! Managers, make sure everyone in your teams are aware of this. Those who are off today can be informed tomorrow. ...And that’s all for today! Go home or go drinking, whichever it is, you’re dismissed!”

  “Thank you!”

  “Good work today!”

  “Thank you for your work today!”

  The employees all exchanged farewells with each other as they gathered their belongings and left the guild behind them.

  ■ ■ ■

  The next day. One employee was visiting the guildmaster’s office.

  “Excuse me. I’ve brought the documents.”

  “Thanks, leave them over there.”

  “Understood. Also...”

  “Hmm? Did something happen?”

  “I just saw the Ryoma boy you mentioned earlier accepting a job.”

  “Oh, already? What job was it?”

  “A cleaning job somewhere, I think.”

  “Huh? Cleaning?”

  “Yes, that’s what he was talking about.”

  “I see... I wonder why he chose cleaning of all things?”

  “Maybe he wanted to pick something easy for his first job?”

  “He is a calm kind of person, so that might be it. But with all his abilities and experience living in the forest, I thought he would go for monster extermination or gathering herbs...”

  “Shall I bring the worker in charge here?”

  “No, there’s no need for that. Could you pass on a message to send him here when he comes back to give his report? I’ll ask him myself.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Thus, several hours later, Worgan met with Ryoma once again. He was yet to know that the new job he introduced would bring forth a shocking incident involving the whole town, and extra work to go with it...

  Efforts Unknown

  One day at the Adventurer’s Guild.

  “How’s the outcome so far? Anything leaked outside yet?”

  “Nothing yet.”

  “What about the old lady from the Merchant’s Guild? Did you deliver the antidote information Jeff brought?”

  “I sent a messenger, but they haven’t returned yet.”

  In the guildmaster’s office, Worgan was talking to one of the employees with a strained face. That was understandable. They were right in the middle of a situation where one wrong move could cause the whole town to fall into chaos. And that situation had been handed to a single young adventurer who had volunteered himself to stop the chaos. Unable to visit the scene directly, they could only spend their time waiting in torment.

  “Guildmaster, the Merchant’s—”

  “Send them in!”

  Worgan didn’t bother listening to the whole sentence before giving permission for the female employee to come inside and give her report.

  “What did the old lady say? Did you confirm the antidote exists?”

  “Yes! The guildmaster over there and two of the employees in charge of medicines confirmed it. There’s no mistaking that was the recipe for the Idake virus antidote! The Merchant’s Guild is immediately rounding up their medicine brewers to prepare some antidotes in case anyone is infected!”

  “I see! Did they say exactly how long it would take?”

  “The brewers will be ready to work today, but the recipe requires at least one day to complete. It seems like the remedy uses some complex processes, so much that the guildmaster commented on how impressive it was to know such a recipe. ...Not only that, but she was worried at how an adventurer knowledgeable about antidotes coincidentally found a rare disease before an outbreak. She questioned the possibility of it being an inside job.”

  “...Well, that old lady hasn’t met Ryoma directly yet, after all. Her concerns are valid, but there’s no possibility of that happening. I just can’t see that kid as the type to do something so wicked. It isn’t worth the risk just to earn points with the guild either. He didn’t seem like the calculating type, but he should be able to figure that out. ...If she’s bothered by it, she can meet him at some point and talk to him herself. As long as it’s after all this mess is over, I won’t intervene. Sorry, but please pass that last part on back to her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “It doesn’t really matter, does it? That old lady would be able to make up as many excuses as she needs to meet him, she hasn’t lived so long just for show. Once she meets him herself, she’ll realize she was just overthinking it. You told her the duke’s family backed him too, right? Even that old hag wouldn’t try anything rash with that knowledge. She’s always twisting things to her own convenience, it’d be nice to teach that senior citizen to worry a little too.”

  “It sounds like your personal matters have gotten mixed in there...”

  “Our guildmaster is no good at negotiating, after all.”

  “...Getting back to the topic. For now, treatment is being prepared. Please make a list of adventurers in this town that have a decent level of disease resistance. Ryoma is the only one dealing with the disposal right now, but he’s controlling a large number of slimes and using his magic at the same time. Who knows how long he’ll last by himself... If Ryoma is rendered unable to continue, we’ll have to swap in other people. Keep paying attention to the gossip and information circulating through the town. As soon as this gets out, it’ll be chaos. Other than that... the public toilets in town have been sealed, right?”

  “Yes, we’ve told them they’re being cleaned. The plan is to check them as soon as they’ve been cleaned, then reopen them if there are no issues.”

  “Good, please continue doing that. We have to give it our all and make sure this situation stays a secret, too.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Just like the squad on the scene of the disposal, they were also working hard to maintain the town’s peace where they could.

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  By the Grace of the Gods: Volume 1

  by Roy

  Translated by Mana Z.

  Edited by Nathan Redmond

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Roy

  Illustrations Copyright © 2017 Ririnra

  Cover illustration by Ririnra

  All rights reserved.

  Original Japanese e
dition published in 2017 by Hobby Japan

  This English edition is published by arrangement with Hobby Japan, Tokyo

  English translation © 2020 J-Novel Club LLC

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: February 2020




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