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Storm Princess

Page 14

by M. Garnet

  Nothing is easy in our universe. Nim stepped forward as his movement was confused as he first waded then strode on the deck. His vibration was loud.

  "I will fight for a choice."

  The double voice answered with a question. "You have a death wish? You will fight a double star and think you will last beyond the first touch?"

  "No." Nim was shouting in his own way. "I will fight the son."

  All eyes turned to the floating green-clad figure. For me, my heart quit beating and air did not come to my lungs. This was the one person in my entire life that I have given my adoration to completely.

  Nim roared again. "Have him remove that protection of green he wears and meet me as a fighter. Our contest will make the decision."

  I watched Quilliam move forward between the two stars and Nim.

  "What are the results of the fight?"

  Nim looked up at all his people lining the railings. "You will not win so we will not go back to start over. When I win, we will take our chances in the blackness of deep space. We will still be alive and have our technology and our best scientists and techs. We will work to find a way to return. We will fight and conquer."

  I wanted to scream again. I wanted to shout no, but I just leaned on the railing, gripping it until my fingers lost blood.

  Quilliam floated down in front of Nim and stood on the metal plates that were once again dry. "You misjudge me, warrior. You forget who my fathers are."

  I watch with fear as the green glow dissipated and Quilliam stood, tall and beautiful dressed all in black. Nim sent out a sonar blast intending to knock the young male with a long braid off his feet. Instead, there was a ruffling of his black clothes and the long braid shifted and then nothing.

  Quilliam had not moved as he raised that one palm upward with a soft smile on his stunning face. Finally, the soft smile changed to a frown as his body moved swiftly into a turn so fast the eye saw only a black whirl. The wind pushed Nim back a couple of steps as Quilliam stopped before his opponent with his one hand still held out.

  "Let's stop now, Nim. Choose what is right for your people. Go home and start over in the waters of a world that will welcome you and let you fight to live, not to destroy."

  There was a noise from Nim that came over my neckpiece as a loud, “Aaah”. It was all the noise he made as he took a couple of long steps and then jumped, feet first at the head of Quilliam. In the speed of both males, it was difficult to see, but I guessed that Quilliam just ducked. The result of Nim's attack was that he sailed over Quilliam and fell on his back on the metal deck some distance past.

  The one thing I did see was the deep raw scratch that Nim put on the floor. He had extended some long claws from his naked feet and hands. I had not seen when Nim had taken off the soft boots that went with his uniform. Also, I had never seen or felt the claws on Nim or any of the other individuals I came in contact with of his race. So, this is what the fighters used in close contact.

  Nim was on his feet immediately. He spun and flipped in the air, grabbing a chain above and swung in the air as high as the first railing. His intent was to drop onto his opponent. Unfortunately for Nim, at the second his body would squash the male standing with a hand out, the male was suddenly no longer there.

  Nim slammed with a loud grunt again against the metal of his own ship. This time, Nim was a little slower getting up. A fall from that height onto his back had to hurt something in his body.

  "I will accept a fair agreement. Let your people here, lining this area vote as to their choice. A damaging or death fight is not the way to preserve your breed."

  Nim roared again. "It is our way. I am their Leader. I will die for them. Fight in the proper manner and strike me."

  Quilliam lowered his hand and looked up at the two small bright stars. It was a long moment then he looked down at Nim.

  "Nim, we fight in a different manner. We use what weapons have been given to us just as you use those great talons that were given you eons ago in the depths of the oceans to help you feed. Call this off, I will concede."

  Nim actually scratched his chest with one hand. "We never quit in a fight unless one bows down in submission. Submit and I will have you placed in a cell beside the female from your world. If not, I will now take your life as I don't like your way of fighting."

  I did notice that there was no cheering from those around me. It was as if they were all thinking about all that had happened and what they had heard. Perhaps some of these individuals were tired of the fighting and conquering. Maybe they didn't like the idea of deep dark space and finally running out of swimming water.

  Evidently after that short time, Nim felt he had enough. This time, he just approached his nemesis straight on with steady steps. Quilliam waited, I thought it was that he thought Nim would jump or hop or lift a leg.

  Instead, Nim just slashed out with one hand and ripped big tears across the male in front of him. The black shirt ripped easily and so did the skin beneath. Heavy rushes of blood began to move down, dropping off the young male's body.

  Without hesitation, Quilliam rose up and was instantly behind Nim. Nim was confused for only a short time, and then turned to face his opponent. Nim slashed out again, but this time, his dangerous talons met that held out flat palm.

  There was a screech that blasted my ears and I saw those around me flinch. Nim was stepping back, clutching one hand next to his chest by his other arm.

  My eyes, like everyone else in this ugly landing area, saw the end of Nim's hand that included his talons lying on the metal. At last, Nim went down on his knees in submission.

  Before Quilliam could speak, three new individuals walked forward. I thought, at first, they were there to help Nim. Instead, the lead male went past Nim and stood before the adversary.

  "Your action has now made me the Leader of our family and ship. I am Orn."

  The stars did not move and the floor stayed dry. Quilliam was the one who spoke. "I do not wish to fight another. This is done."

  Quilliam's eyes became green again and he floated up near the two stars. The double voice could now be heard.

  "We are taking your hostages at this time and returning them to their homes."

  This was where I was yanked away from the interesting sight in front of me and I found myself in the middle of my suite, facing the window I loved. I just sank down on the carpet and took in the sweet smell of this room and this storm planet.

  I now smelled myself and I really needed a shower as well as a meal. I was just wrapping myself in a robe as I left the shower when I heard Set screaming and she came running through the rooms.

  "Princess, you are saved. You are back. Praise our lords." At that moment she met me as I was in the bathing room doorway, almost knocking me over. She had her hands around me, crying and mumbling into my robe.

  "Easy, my child. I am fine." I gently disentangled us and led her out as she wiped her cheeks. I could still hear her voice.

  "What can I do for you? I can dry your hair and brush it. I can get your clothes. I will let Coro know you are safe, he will bring us fungus to eat."

  I laughed. "Set, I am very hungry. Maybe you could fix something easy and quick. Then you could tell me about Marshall Bower and if I can talk to him."

  Set began running to the kitchen area, talking very loud. "I will get you a snack for right now and then I will run down and get real hot food from the cafeteria. I will also send word to the Marshall. He will want to be here immediately and get your protection staff back in place."

  I heard as much as I wanted. Even though she still rattled on, I just shut out the words and moved over to sit on the pile of cushions. I needed to watch the ocean. There wasn't any storm, but the graceful dark waters moved in deep waves. There were some boats and a couple of low flying airships accompanied by flocks of long-winged birds.

  I was home, a home I felt deeper than any other world I had ever lived on or the one I have been born on with my mother.

  Chapter Twent

  Set put out a generous array of fruit and sweets and hot chocolate for me before she got ready to leave. Then she was off to find Bower and to go to the kitchens of the cafeteria to find me some hot food.

  There was no noise in my rooms except for the air from the filters and the creak of the rock from within the mountain. I chewed on a piece of dried fruit, letting my sore stomach relax and enjoy something to ease the acid that churned behind the bruises. I heard the door and was surprised Set was back so soon. I waited, watching the soft rolling waves.

  There was a figure beside me who went down on knees to face my side.

  "The King sent me to you." Marshall Bower's voice was a whisper.

  I turned to stare into his green eyes. "The King has returned?" I heard my own voice in a soft whisper.

  Bower held out his hand to almost touch my face. "He appeared above us in a green circle." His voice was firmer but still soft.

  "We were all working on outfitting the skip ships with additional armament and then he floated down. He announced the war was over, and then the green disappeared. He stood on a wing of one ship and told Commander Sachim to prepare Threads to help some damaged planets. Suddenly, he looked over at me and instructed me to return alone to your suite. He said you would need some comfort."

  I wanted to move my cheek into his close-held hand but resisted. "He sent no extra guards?"

  Bower shook his head. "I found his words strange, but I am not one to question the King. I left immediately to work my way through the press of soldiers and worshipers to get up here as fast as possible. I was afraid you were injured. Are you hurt?"

  At last, he touched my cheek. It was something I needed, the touch of another that felt real and warm and a friend. After all my fears, after seeing all the anger and the fights, I just leaned into the hand, letting it wrap around the side of my face.

  "I am fine, Bower. I have some bruises that will fade in time. Other than that I was rescued by the King and his two fathers from the dreadful males who wanted only to fight and kill."

  Bower slid down to sit on a pillow beside me, not taking his hand away. "Can I get you a healer? Is there anything I should do?"

  My husband who I could not have--had sent this male with the soft green eyes to comfort me. I needed comfort so I whispered to him. "You can make them better by kissing each one."

  I opened my robe and let him see the bruises on my stomach and my lower pubes. I watched his face as he looked down slowly and gazed at my bareness.

  "Are you sure? You are a Royal Princess and I am just a lowly soldier."

  He sat and stared at me as if I were something precious. Little did he know that I was worthless, I was just produce. I was a product of the King of Questes and now an unwanted wife of the King of GigasVnee.

  "Bower, those are just titles made up by individuals. What we are here, alone are a male and female. Yes, I am sure."

  I stood up not bothering to pull the robe closed. I reached for that special hand and pulled him up to me, noticing that his eyes were still on the opening of my robe. So, my bruises and discoloration had not turned him away.

  "Will you come with me to my bedroom so we do not have Set's prying eyes on us when she returns?" I walked backward, not dropping his hand.

  He didn't answer, stumbling over pillows, as he seemed totally mesmerized by the center of my bared body peeking through the gap of the robe. He had such a large strong male shape, yet he let me lead him like a child.

  I walked backward, excited to let him stare at my bruised skin. As we passed through the high door of the bedroom he seemed to become aware and he stopped and pushed the door closed. He leaned against it just looking all the way down to my toes. There he stopped as if finding something to fascinate and investigate.

  I moved back to him, reaching around him to push the lock in place. Having that excuse, I just leaned against him and waited for his eyes to find my face.

  "Bower, I know all the moves, but never have been with a man. The sad part is that I am able to breed. We must be careful, but do you know of moves that will prevent conception?" I hated to ask or even think of anything, but the warmth from his long legs that I felt with only his own clothes between us was getting me excited.

  I was hurt to hear a deep chuckle from his chest. I stepped back with a frown to look at his face with confusion. Had I misjudged the kiss?

  He reached out and took my shoulders in his calloused hand, pushing me back until my knees hit the edge of the bed.

  "Sit there and I will end up with you, naked. Then you will have an answer to what we can do for each other." His voice was low but rough and he began to remove his clothes.

  I sat down in confusion watching him struggle to get out of his uniform. It took him a bit, as there was so much to take off. The tall boots went to his knees, and there were the many belts and straps that held his weapons, sword, and identifications.

  I couldn't help it; this moment of romance had turned into some humor as he struggled out of a jacket, a vest, and a shirt. He slid off the tight pants and under all of that was a form fitting neck to ankle light gray garment.

  He was actually rolling it down off his muscular body and now I found a stirring of heat to see the muscle move and form as he worked off that clinging cover. At last, he had to sit on the floor and pull up one leg at a time to roll the bulky suit off his feet.

  The legs showed such interesting muscle movement in the low lights and I moved on the bed. But, when he pulled his other leg up, I could see his entire male genitals. A male organ pushed in excitement, standing upward proudly, and then I gasped. Below, the sack that held the two balls was damaged.

  The guide stood up, not ashamed, head up and shoulders back, his strong important organ pointing at me. I had seen so many pictures from my tutors and many nude males through cracks in walls. He had some damage.

  My voice struggled but I needed to speak. "You were injured."

  "In my first training battle. I got a medal and scars. I also can't produce children, but as you can see, I can still have an interest in fulfilling the act of…er…well." At this point, he just blushed and raised his hands.

  I smiled and thanked the fact that there were gods out there and I was not referring to twins. My smile grew along with his blush as he stepped to me to lean over me on my gargantuan bed. Now I know why they gave me this large playpen.

  I put my arms up around his neck and he lifted me back to the middle of the bed, climbing in with me. My robe was pulled off of me and I let go of him to slide my arms out of the restraining material.

  For the first time in my life, since when a baby with my nursing maid, I was naked and in touch with another naked body. At that moment, I wasn't thinking of sex or anything, but the reality of touching another individual from top to bottom. I was alive.

  Everything changed when Bower lowered his head and his mouth closed over mine. A kiss yes, but different and deeper and better. It was a kiss that was the introduction as to why we were naked in my bed.

  I knew on one side that it was a natural process of need and want for Bower. For me, it was something totally different. I couldn't turn my mind off even though my whole body was being awakened.

  Even when my maids had dressed me, they were really careful to keep away from me, to not touch me if they could help it. There were times they used long hooks or wore gloves. For me to feel the heat of a hand for more than just a fleeting touch was all I had wanted in my entire life. Here I lay, pressed deep in a soft bed, feeling the heat from the long muscles wrapped around the male body who was kissing me.

  I shut my mind to everything the tutors had said and just let my body feel his. He had hair. I could feel the exciting silky feel of hair on his legs as they rubbed against mine. I pulled my legs back and forth to memorize that feel and to recognize the build of him.

  He slid one of those legs between mine and I thought I would explode. His extended thigh brought feelings that made me squirm to get my hi
ps closer to him. It felt like all the blood in my body wanted to move to touch him.

  Both of us were breathing heavy, he drew his lips away from mine as he traced his tongue along my chin toward my neck. He worked me up, not my mind, but my body as one of his large hands softly encircled a breast. It felt so good I pushed upward into that calloused palm. The slight roughness on the tip made my breast draw tight and took my breath away.

  No one told me you didn't breathe when making love. No one told me I had so much feeling in my breasts. I could feel his chest pressing the other breast tight and the gentle massage he gave the one he was actually looking at was as if he found something precious.

  It was the next move that he did that brought air back into my lungs. He dipped his head down and took the tight nub at the center of that breast that he held deep into his hot mouth. His mouth seemed to singe my breast and then he used his tongue and my mind was gone.

  The rest of the time with our love I learned my body and his. I learned the difference between having sex and making love. I touched him, his small nipples, and his rolling stomach and then…in a sense of bravery…I felt the iron covered with velvet that was his male member. A rod that he inserted into me that brought new sensations that weren't in the books or on the units.

  Bower's body found places in my body that made me feel I was going to die and I was willing to do it, as my whole being with all my toes to my scalp went tight and then loose and everything went into an eruption with colors behind my eyes and no thoughts in my mind.

  I suddenly became aware again, my heart beating so loud I could feel it against my ribs. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Bower with his head propped up on an elbow as he smiled at me.

  I slowly saw the world around me. The area between my legs was covered with wet and when I moved my legs and recalled at one time he had my legs apart and up high. I smile back at him. I never felt better.

  "I hope I didn't hurt you. This was your first. I'm sorry; I should have taken it slower."

  I shook my head. "You should not have changed anything. I never in my whole life experienced anything better."


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