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by Thomas Keneally

  Attitudes to smuggling: Hay et al., Albion’s Fatal Tree.

  The Kables’ marriage: Cobley, Sydney Cove 1788; ADB, 2.

  Johnson’s first sermon: Bonwick, Australia’s First Preacher.

  Au Revoir, Monsieur le Comte

  The First Fleet journals listed previously.

  Phillip’s dispatch to Lord Sydney, HRA, Series I (I).

  La Pérouse: ADB, 2.

  Finding an ambassador

  Search for a native: HRA, Series I (I); Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Smith, Bennelong.

  Keith Willey, When the Sky Fell Down: The destruction of the tribes of the Sydney region, 1788-1850s (Sydney 1979).

  Who gave the Eora the smallpox?

  Death of Arabanoo and others: the First Fleet journals of Hunter, White, Collins and Tench; Alan Frost, Botany Bay Mirages (Melbourne 1994); Smith, Bennelong; Willey, When the Sky Fell Down.

  Estimates of Eora deaths: Frost, Botany Bay Mirages; Smith, Bennelong.

  Food and men’s minds

  Food theft: Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Fidlon & Ryan, The Journal and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark; Easty, Memorandum of the Transactions of a Voyage from England to Botany Bay.

  The return of Sirius: Phillip, The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay; Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.


  The weight of prisoners

  Condition of convicts: White, Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales; other First Fleet journals, particularly Collins and Tench; Arthur Phillip, Journal, in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Byrnes, The Blackheath Connection.

  Lady Juliana, and Catherine Heyland case: Rees, The Floating Brothel; Bateson, The Convict Ships.

  The Second Fleet in general: Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies; Oldham, Britain’s Convicts to the Colonies; Michael Flynn, The Second Fleet: Britain’s grim convict armada of 1790 (Sydney 2001); John Nicol, Life and Adventures, 1776-1801, ed. Tim Flannery (Melbourne 1997).


  Cullyhorn: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Gillen, The Founders of Australia; John Cobley, Sydney Cove 1789-1790 (Sydney 1963).

  John Harris and night guard: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.

  A second fleet

  Grenville: Flynn, The Second Fleet; Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, 1.

  Richards and Camden, Calvert and King: Bateson, The Convict Ships; Flynn, The Second Fleet; Byrnes, The Blackheath Connection.

  Recruiting of New South Wales Corps: HRA, Series II; Michael Duffy, Man of Honour:

  John Macarthur—dualist, rebel, founding father (Sydney 2003); MH Ellis, John Macarthur (Sydney 1955); Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  Antipodean Adam

  Ross’s attitude: Ross to Nepean, 10 July 1788, Cobley, Sydney Cove 1788.

  James Ruse: Gillen, The Founders of Australia; ADB, 2.

  Also Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, 1.

  A new Arabanoo

  Bennelong’s capture: William Bradley, A Voyage to New South Wales: The journal of Lieutenant William Bradley, 1786-1792 (Sydney 1961); also on State Library of New South Wales website, and photostat copy Ac 145, ML.

  Bennelong’s reception and Colby: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.


  Increasing problems with food: the First Fleet journals; Frost, Arthur Phillip; Eldershaw, Phillip of Australia; Mackaness, Admiral Arthur Phillip; HRA, Series I (I).

  Mutton birds: Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Fidlon &Ryan, The Journal of Phillip Gidley King.

  Ross: Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, 1.

  The Guardian transport: Bateson, The Convict Ships.

  Conditions in Sydney: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; White, Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales.

  Juliana: The face of shame

  Arrival of Juliana: John Nicol, Life and Adventures; Rees, The Floating Brothel; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Assembly of bulk of Second Fleet and supply situation: Flynn, The Second Fleet; Bateson, The Convict Ships; Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies; Oldham, Britain’s Convicts to the Colonies.

  Troubles on board Neptune, and Hodgetts: Flynn and Bateson as above.

  Neptune’s men

  Macarthur: Duffy, Man of Honour ; Ellis, John Macarthur.

  Duel with Gilbert and correspondence with Nepean: Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  D’Arcy Wentworth: John Ritchie, The Wentworths: Father and Son (Melbourne 1997); John Ritchie, ‘The crimes of D’Arcy Wentworth’, Tasmanian Historical Studies, No. 6 (I), 1998.

  Neptune: The second face of shame

  Conditions aboard: Flynn, The Second Fleet; Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies; Hazel King, Elizabeth Macarthur and Her World (Sydney 1980); Joy N Hughes (ed), The Journal and Letters of Elizabeth Macarthur, 1789-1790 (Sydney n.d.); Duffy, Man of Honour; Ellis, John Macarthur.

  D’Arcy Wentworth and Crowley: Ritchie, The Wentworths.

  Captain Hill’s compassion: Letter, 26 June 1789, HRNSW, I, Part II, and MDD 6821, ML.


  Confirmation of existence

  Arrival of fleet and conditions aboard: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; White, Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  Trail’s behaviour: Flynn, The Second Fleet; Bateson, The Convict Ships.

  Reverend Johnson: Bonwick, Australia’s First Preacher.

  Captain Hill: 26 June 1789, HRNSW, I, Part II and MDD 6821, ML.

  Self-sufficient Adam

  Ruse: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Flynn, The Second Fleet; Janice Ruse Israel, My Mother Reread Me Tenderley:

  The life of James Ruse (Sydney 1988).

  For Sarah Whitelam: John Nicol, Life and Adventures.

  Her subsequent behaviour: Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  The whale and the spear

  The First Fleet journals especially Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Bradley, A Voyage to New South Wales; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.

  Interpretation of spearing: Clendinnen, Dancing with Strangers; Smith, Bennelong; Willey, When the Sky Fell Down.

  On Aboriginal pronunciation: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1, Appendix; Smith, Bennelong.

  Bennelong’s marriages

  Smith, Bennelong; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  McEntire’s enchanted spear

  The Phillip and Tench journals; Smith, Bennelong.

  Carrahdy: Elkin, Aboriginal Men of High Degree.

  Tench’s expedition: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Dawes and Patyegarang: Smith, Bennelong.

  Bennelong’s ritual importance: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1, Appendices on Aboriginal culture.

  Anonymous painter, Port Jackson painter: Natural History Museum, London; John McDonald, Art of Australia Volume 1: Exploration to Federation (Sydney 2008).

  A subtle response

  Dutch snow: Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years
; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Phillip’s business at home: Frost, Arthur Phillip.

  Dispatch, Phillip to Grenville: 25 March 1791, HRA, Series I (I).

  Letter to Banks: Cobley, Sydney Cove 1791-1792.

  Blumenbach: Smith, Bennelong; Gasgoine, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment.


  Into the blue

  Expedition to cross Hawkesbury River: Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Phillip to Banks: Cobley, Sydney Cove 1791-1792.

  Escape: CH Currey, The Transportation, Escape and Pardoning of Mary Bryant (Sydney 1983); Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Recapture, etc: Ingleton, True Patriots All, segment named The Memorandums.

  Phillip on Will Bryant and marriage: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Bligh in Koepang: George Mackaness, The Life of Vice-Admiral William Bligh, R.N., F.R.S.

  (Sydney 1931).

  A third fleet

  Bateson, The Convict Ships; Byrnes, The Blackheath Connection; Oldham, Britain’s Convicts to the Colonies; Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies.

  Legal pursuit of Trail: Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  The Irish on Queen: Kate Johnson & Michael Flynn, ‘The Convicts of the Queen’ in Bob Reece (ed), Exiles from Erin: Convict lives in Ireland and Australia (Dublin 1991); Bob Reece, ‘Irish anticipations of Botany Bay’, Hibernian Chronicle, 12, 1997.

  Defenders: Samuel Clark & James S Donnelly Jr., Irish Peasants: Violence and political unrest, 1780-1914 (Dublin 1983); Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, 1; Thomas Keneally, The Great Shame (Sydney 1999).

  Simeon Lord: ADB, 2.

  Dispatch on Gorgon: Grenville to Phillip, 19 February 1791, HRA, Series I (I).

  National Children: John Molony, The Native-Born: The first white Australians (Melbourne 2000); Portia Robinson, The Hatch and Brood of Time: A study of the first generation of native-born white Australians, 1788-1828 (Melbourne 1985); Ken Macnab and Russel Ward, ‘The nature and nurture of the first generation of native-born Australians’, Australian Historical Studies, 339, 1962.

  King’s marriage: Jonathan King, Philip Gidley King: A biography of the third governor of New South Wales (Sydney 1981).

  Gorgon and arrival in Sydney: Mary Ann Parker, Voyage Round the World in the Gorgon Man of War, annotated Gavin Fry (Sydney 1991).

  Arrival of Great Seal: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  A brand name of crime

  Barrington’s history: Suzanne Rickard (ed), George Barrington’s Voyage to Botany Bay (London 2001); ADB, 1.

  Barrington’s arrival: Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Gentleman go, gentleman stay

  Reluctance to let Phillip go home: Grenville to Phillip, 21 February 1791, HRA, Series I (I).

  Departures: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Ann Yeates: Gillen, The Founders of Australia.

  Phillip’s desire to return: Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Finding China

  Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Catherine Devereaux and James Kelly: ADB, 2; HRA, III.

  Mercantile Dreams

  Richards: Byrnes, The Blackheath Connection.

  Tench’s reconnaissance, and conversation with ‘Chinese travellers’: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Land grants: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Individual convicts visited: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Gillen, The Founders of Australia; Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  Philip Schaeffer: ADB, 2; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Ross’s duel and embarkation: Cobley, Sydney Cove 1791-1792.

  Barangaroo gives birth

  Smith, Bennelong; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.

  Kinship vengeance and Pemulwuy: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 2 and Appendices; Paul W Newbury (ed), Aboriginal Heroes of the Resistance: From Pemulwuy to Mabo (Sydney 1999).

  An end to fleets

  Individual ships: Bateson, The Convict Ships.

  Arrivals: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Grose: ADB, 1; Clark, A History of Australia, 1; Ellis, John Macarthur; Duffy, Man of Honour.

  Dispatch, Phillip to Lord Grenville: HRA, Series I (II).

  Johnson: Bonwick, Australia’s First Preacher.

  The devil with the children

  Captain Edwards: Mackaness, The Life of Vice-Admiral William Bligh.

  Mary Bryant and the Gorgon: Currey, The Transportation, Escape and Pardoning of Mary Bryant.

  Tench and Bryant in Cape Town: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years.

  Death of children: Tench, Sydney’s First Four Years; Fidlon & Ryan, The Journal and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark; Scott, Remarks on a Passage to Botany Bay.

  Bryant in London: Frank Brady, James Boswell (New York 1984); Frederick A Pottle, Boswell and the Girl from Botany Bay (London 1938).

  Oh! Shame, shame!

  Harry Brewer: ADB, 1.

  Richard Atkins: ADB, 1; HRNSW, I; Journal of Richard Atkins During His Residence in New South Wales, 1791-1810, NLA, manuscript.

  Funerals and fishery: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.

  David Burton: John Hunter, Extracts of Letters from Arthur Phillip, Esq., Governor of New South Wales, to Lord Sydney (London 1791).

  Augustus Alt: ADB, 1.

  Further deaths, and arrival of Atlantic: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Phillip in Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea.

  Harvest and Atkins: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; HRNSW, I.

  Drought: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Women and clothing manufacture: Phillip to Nepean in Cobley, Sydney Cove 1791-1792.

  Discounting of notes, etc: Cobley, Sydney Cove 1791-1792.

  Atlantic arrival and inadequacy of rations: Bateson, The Convict Ships; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Journal of Richard Atkins During His Residence in New South Wales, NLA.

  Phillip to Dundas: 2 October 1792, HRA, Series I (I).

  Chapman (visitor) on Phillip: HRNSW, I, Part I.

  A governor longs for home

  Royal Admiral: Bateson, The Convict Ships; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Thomas Watling: ADB, 2; HS Gladstone, Thomas Watling, Limner of Dumfries (Dumfries 1938); Bernard Smith, Place, Taste and Tradition (Sydney 1945); John McDonald, Art of Australia, 1.

  Mary Haydock (Reibey): ADB, 2, under ‘R’; Kay Daniels, Convict Women (Sydney 1998); Robinson, Women of Botany Bay, and The Hatch and Brood of Time.

  Officers take up Britannia: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Ellis, John Macarthur; Duffy, Man of Honour.

  Officers expect land grants: Phillip to Dundas, 4 October 1792, HRA, Series I (I).

  Phillip’s decision to go: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  His report on state of colony: Phillip to Dundas, as above.

  Phillip’s departure: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Spiriting away

  Departure of Bennelong and other Aborigines: Smith, Bennelong; Isadore Brodsky, Bennelong Profile (Sydney 1973).

  Phillip’s journey home and later life: Frost, Arthur Phillip; Eldershaw, Phillip of Australia; Mackaness, Admiral Arthur Phillip.


  After Phillip

  Grose’s methods and the liquor business: HRNSW, I, Part II; Ellis, John Macarthur; Duffy, Man of Honour; Clark, A History of Australia, 1.

  Liquor and gambling amongst convicts: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, 1.

  Individual convicts: Gillen, The Founders of Australia; Flynn, The Second Fleet.

  Crowe, Bellona, marines attempted escape: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Thomas Rose: ADB, 2; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; JF Campbell, ‘The dawn of rural settlement in New South Wales’, JRAHS, 11, 1925.

  Bennelong returns

  Hunter, An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Miriam Estensen, The Life of Matthew Flinders (Sydney 2002); KM Bowden, George Bass, 1771-1803 (Melbourne 1952).

  Pemulwuy: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; Willey, When the Sky Fell Down.

  Earlier trial for murder of Aborigines, culprit Rickerby: HRA, Series I (II).

  Wilson’s story and retrieval of Tarwood: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Grimes: ADB, 1; BT Dowd, ‘Charles Grimes’, JRAHS, 22, 1936.

  Wilson’s further expeditions: Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1.

  Wilson and others: William Joy, The Other Side of the Hill: Two hundred years of Australian exploration (Sydney 1984).


  The Scottish Martyrs: Margarot to Grose, 29 October 1794, HRA, II; M Roe, ‘Maurice Margarot: a radical in two hemispheres, 1792-1815’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 31, 1958.

  Argument between Maurice Margarot and Lieutenant Governor King: Margorot to King, 13 May 1800, HRNSW, IV; the same for Margarot to Undersecretary King.

  Unhingeing a governor

  On Hunter: Hunter, ADB, 1; Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1; GA Wood, ‘Governor Hunter’, JRAHS, 14, 1928; Ellis, John Macarthur ; Duffy, Man of Honour.


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