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Kingdom of 7 Sovereigns: Wolf

Page 16

by R. C. Reigh

  For being such a little thing, gods, she could be scary when she wanted to. I smiled and held my hands up in surrender.

  "I know, and I'm sorry."

  As I apologized, her composure softened a bit. She must have been expecting me to put up a fight.

  "You have an odd and angry way of showing your concern, Cora, but I appreciate it," I told her.

  "Yeah, well, you're an idiot,”she jabbed before motioning me to follow her. "I didn't want to be informal with you in front of Celeste. I could stand out here all night and lecture you, but the princesses are waiting for you." She followed the herald inside and waited at parade rest as he announced me. Still annoyed by my actions, her eyes shot daggers at me as I passed.

  "Princess Amelia, Lady Celeste," I greeted as I made my way toward them. Even though Celeste was, in fact, a princess, the Fae did not use the term in their culture to refer to themselves.

  "Prince Daneatious," Amelia greeted me before stepping forward and taking my wrist. With the gentlest touch, she began tenderly unwrapping the bandage.

  "From what I observed earlier, I am quite concerned about the condition of the wound,” she spoke directly to Lady Celeste.

  I said nothing, happy instead to watch her in quiet awe.

  There was no sense of hesitance in her touch. I couldn't help but wonder if her forward behavior was because she was finally feeling comfortable around me or if it was out of a healer's need to set straight to the task at hand. Either way, I was elated to see that she didn't seem the least bit intimidated by me any longer.

  "Yes," Lady Celeste replied, her dark springy ringlets fell around her face as she studied the bite. "It may very well be infected. We will need to use magic to pull the venom from the wound. Then, we will apply a salve to help it heal. I've brought most of the ingredients. I will get set up over there, and then we can begin."

  "Thank you," Amelia replied as she pulled the last bit of bandages from my arm. I felt a little guilty for not having registered a word they had been saying about my injury. I'd been too wrapped up in Amelia's touch to function properly. Her hazel eyes fluttered up to mine, and a light blush flushed her cheeks.

  "We will do our best not to let it hurt too much," she said sweetly, but there was a hint of nervousness in her tone.

  "I heal fast," I assured her. "Well, not with this injury apparently, but in general." Why did I always sound like a blundering fool when I talked to her? "No need to worry, princess. I can take a little pain."

  She nodded, as if not surprised by my answer in the least.

  After a few more minutes, she stole another peek at me again from under those long lashes before quickly looking down again and biting the inside of her lip. If she only knew what that did to me. She had a habit of biting her lip when she was nervous, and it never failed to send my pulse up a few notches.

  "Uh, I have something for you," I said before I lost all hope of finding my nerve. With my free hand, I carefully pulled a crushed green velvet drawstring pouch containing the amulet I had commissioned for her several weeks ago from my pocket. "I know that you sent it back before, but I thought it might help with this." I gestured to my arm.

  "Dane, I don't know what to say." Amelia's expression turned conflicted.

  "You don't have to say anything. Just give it a try." I shrugged and held out hope that she wouldn't reject me, yet again, in front of everyone. She hesitated as she dragged her bottom lip under her teeth, and then finally nodded. A winning smile flashed across my face in response to her reply, but that smile quickly fell away when I lifted my arms to put it around her neck. An excruciating pain radiated all the way up to my shoulder. My forearm didn't even allow me the strength to work the clasp.

  As I winced through the pain, I found myself starting to believe that Amelia had been right all along. This may be more severe than I had originally thought. In my peripheral, I saw Cora's signature eye roll before she huffed and stepped toward us.

  "I'll do it." She held out her hand for the necklace, and I placed it in her tiny palm.

  "Thank you," I replied as she positioned herself behind Amelia.

  "Don't thank me. I'll do whatever it takes to get that sword arm back in action," she huffed, but I knew that Cora's frustration showed just how much she cared.

  She reached up over Amelia's head and, as she worked the clasp, I heard her mumble something along the lines of ‘can't believe he's such an idiot’ under her breath. Amelia chuckled. Apparently, she'd heard it too.

  Once secured around her neck, the princess looked up at me, and her fingers reached up to softly touch the amulet.

  "Thank you." She smiled sweetly before she turned and made her way over to Celeste for instruction on preparing the salve.

  They each passed small vials of coriander, stardust, and various potions to one another before taking turns carefully adding ingredients to the concoction. After a few moments, both princesses returned to me with their supplies.

  "Please come sit," Lady Celeste instructed, motioning to a chair she had set near the center of the room.

  Amelia carried the salve over and set it on the side table. She placed an empty bowl beneath my arm and settled down onto a footrest next to the chair which gave her the best access to my injury. Amelia listened attentively to Celeste's instruction while I calmly observed the interaction between the two of them.

  "You'll need to cut the wound open with this," Lady Celeste directed as she handed Amelia a sharp, sterile dagger. "Then, immediately start the incantation we practiced earlier. You don't want to give him time to heal, or you will have to start all over."

  Amelia nodded.

  Clenching the dagger in her hand, she gave me a hesitant glance. I extended my arm out toward her, assuring her it was ok. Her throat bobbed once before she carefully brought the steel tip down into the bite. With a motion that was both surprisingly gentle and accurate, she quickly sliced through the wound. I winced only slightly as the gash was opened, but she still mouthed an apologetic sorry.

  She took a deep breath and prepared herself. Her hands floated above the wound, and her lips moved softly as she murmured soundless words. After a few brief moments, she began to pull the venom out with her magic. I watched her work with her eyes closed tight in concentration.

  She was simply beautiful.

  After a moment, a steady trickle of reddish-black ooze leaked from the cut and drained into the bowl Amelia had placed. As the last of the venom dripped into the bowl, the pressure in my arm dissipated, and the throbbing began to slowly subside.

  A hint of nervousness rushed over me as Amelia began to gently clean the wound. I could hardly believe that she was touching me. As she worked, I couldn't help but hold on to any hope that she would look up and give me even the tiniest sign her feelings might be changing, even in the slightest bit.


  I watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as I bandaged his arm. I was doing anything to avoid looking into those honey eyes that were so intently focused on me. His pleasant scent made me reminiscent of the arctic woods, and it was more than a little distracting this close.

  Celeste and her emissaries had already started packing up their belongings now that the task was complete.

  "There, you're all set." I patted the middle of his warm hard chest twice to let him know I was done.

  Still avoiding his gaze, I gathered some of the healing items. When I rose to start gathering up the materials we had used, he did the same.

  "Is there anything I can do to help you?" he asked as if unsure what to do next.

  "I think we have it handled," I replied.

  Honestly, I was a bit astounded that the mighty wolf prince would offer to do anything that most royalty would see as so beneath him, but these days he seemed to be doing his best to surprise me.

  "You should just take it slow until the wound has healed," I instructed as he carefully pulled his sleeve back down over the bandage.

  "I'm sure it will be as goo
d as new in no time,” he replied as Lady Celeste and her entourage approached, prepared to take their leave.

  "Thank you, Lady Celeste, for all of your guidance." I rose to bid her farewell.

  "Of course. You did well." She patted my arm. "I will see you later this week for our practice."

  While Prince Dane thanked the Fae princess for her help and they exchanged farewells, I began busying myself with cleaning the dagger I had used to slice him open. I still couldn't believe I had done that. It both scared and excited me; more so the latter.

  I was so wrapped up in what I was doing that I didn't notice when Cora and the prince's emissaries followed Celeste out into the hallway, leaving Dane and I alone together. Suddenly aware of my awkward situation, I tried to keep myself busy with tidying up.

  "Amelia," his voice was soft as he took a step toward me.

  I reached for the bowl on the side table.

  "Really, don't worry about cleaning up. I have a whole staff to do it."

  I chanced a quick glance up at him. He was standing right in front of me now. He towered over me, but not in the way he had in the past. His presence was still just as commanding, but not threatening in any way. There was a calmness about him, and that aggressive energy he seemed to always radiate at different frequencies was all but nonexistent.

  I quickly looked away as he took the bowl from my hands and set it back onto the table.

  To stifle my nervous exhale, I raked my teeth over my lip and began to wring my hands together.

  Dane reached down and lightly clasped my left hand in his palm, sending a sudden tingling sensation to my fingers and toes. I could have pulled away, but I didn't.

  He gently hooked a finger under my chin and tilted my face upward toward his. When I finally met his eyes, he smiled warmly at me. There was no anger or frustration there, just kindness.

  My heart was thundering like a team of runaway horses when his hand slowly traced along my jawline. The feel of his skin against mine was awaking something within me, and instinctively I tilted into the touch. He stopped when he reached my ear and tucked a strand of my hair behind it.

  Our eyes locked on one another he leaned forward ever so slightly, and I bit my lip. A surge of flutters erupted in my chest as my gaze shifted to his lips and back again. My breath hitched when his lips parted.

  "Thank you," he stated with a sincerity I had never witnessed in him before.

  Then, before I even knew what was happening, he nodded his head in respectful farewell and turned away, leaving me absolutely reeling.


  With the flick of my wrist, the stack of books soared across the room and shelved themselves into their places. With a deep sigh, I rose from my chair and stalked the perimeter of my consortium, wrought with boredom.

  I hadn't seen my shadow of a dragonling in nearly three weeks, not since the night of the attacks during the fall tournament. In his absence, I'd had so much success that I was far ahead on my active plots.

  Thus, everything had halted to a complete standstill.

  My hand mindlessly toyed with my necklace, sliding the pendant back and forth on its long golden chain. The only excitement in the suddenly mundane mood at the Bastion had been the scandal that had occurred the evening prior.

  A handful of the Fae nobles from Heinez had snuck out of the Bastion and into Laramidia. Unfortunately for them, fun and frivolity wasn't the only thing waiting for them amongst the night life of the capital's streets. Rumor has it that they narrowly escaped with their lives.

  An idea popped into my head. Perhaps I should consult my father. Maybe he would have more details on the events that transpired in Laramidia, or at least another task for me to complete. I took the steps up to my quarters.

  When I reached the scrying mirror I sent a pulse out to call for him, but after a few minutes my call went unanswered. It meant he must be traveling. I was disappointed. Sure, he'd get back to me later, but I needed amusement now.

  I plopped down onto the chase, disrupting the silken pillows.

  Perhaps it was time for me to entertain the idea of a relationship. Like my father had said, this was to be a journey, not a jaunt, and I had an image to portray. It would only be for the visual appeal, of course. I still needed to be seen as the misunderstood daughter of the nefarious sorcerer. What better way to come across as just another teenage girl than to fawn over a boyfriend?

  Maybe I could break up a happy couple or two along the way, shredding alliances in the process.

  I had my choice of the boys. Well, except for the wolf Prince, Dane of Carpathia, due to his whole Fated-ness and all. Although, he thought I didn't know about that. Of course, I did. I wasn't a fool. Not that it mattered. I wasn't really all that interested in him, and I was soon to be owed a favor from him anyway. I'd cash it in when the time seemed fit.

  Now, to figure out where a relationship would be the most beneficial. Where didn't I already have a liaison?

  The humans were far too easy to manipulate for me to waste my time.

  Werewolf? Maybe.

  Dragon? Well, there's an interesting thought, and I was only too sure my little pet would be oh-so willing to help me there. That was, if he ever decided to show up again. I'd have to put that on the back burner for now. Although, I had to admit the idea of dating one of his brothers to spite him for his little disappearing act was quite entertaining. Nevertheless, it was still probably a bad idea to aggravate the willing pawn I already had.

  Fae it is, then. Now, just who will the lucky boy be?

  As far as the Fae go, there were two options: Heinez and Lorenia. My father had an aversion to targeting the Lorenian princes or their sister, Lady Celeste, for any reason whatsoever, likely due to an old soft spot he once harbored for their mother, Queen Diya. He'd given me an absurd directive to avoid the Lorenian royalty if at all possible, which made my choice rather easy.

  Heinez it was.

  Unfortunately, their prince would probably be leaving the Bastion, if he hadn't left already, to face an inquiry over the incident with the wounded students. He had not been involved as far as I knew, but he was their leader here at the Bastion, and I was certain he was going to be in some deep trouble back home. That meant it could be quite some time before he returned.

  I didn't like the idea of waiting too long, so one of his lords would just have to do.

  And I knew just the one.

  With a self-satisfied smirk, I quickly waved to my quill and it went to work. Within moments the note flew out of the balcony, and I had found myself a new project.


  A surge of my magic pressed against Kessara's. She grinned at me.

  "You're getting stronger,” she said as she began to withdraw her own force back within herself.

  In other words, she was conceding to a stalemate. I knew she could easily take our duel to the next level, but she had seemed more interested in putting on a show for someone this evening. The sound of applause drew my attention to the only spectator in the Dome.

  "You two were fantastic out there!" Lazarus, the son of a Fae lord from Heinez, complimented us as he approached from where he had been watching on the sidelines.

  Kessara's eyes immediately roamed over him like he was her favorite dessert.

  I still wasn't sure why she had invited him to join us, but she certainly seemed to have a sudden interest in impressing him. I could only hope he knew what he was getting himself into with Kessara. She was way out of his league, and while Kessara and I had an amicable relationship, I knew very well that she dabbled in dealmaking that often ventured into the less than on the straight and narrow.

  I could only wonder what her end game was with the now-temporary leader of the Heinez.

  Lazarus was attractive enough as far as Fae go, tall and symmetrically featured, but not anywhere near Kessara's class in the looks department. Then again, with looks like hers, who was?

  He tucked his almost shoulder-length sandy colored hair behind hi
s pointed ears as she sauntered toward him. A haughty grin was plastered across his face.

  "You're quite enticing, Lady Kessara. I hope you will give me a chance to learn more about your magic next time we meet,” he complimented her when she reached him.

  I was quickly getting that I'm-the-third-chariot-wheel feeling again. It was about time to bow out and give them some space.

  "It seems the two of you have quite a bit to talk about." I nodded toward the exit. "I will catch up with you later, Kessara."

  "Nonsense, Cora. This is our sparring time. I merely invited Lazarus here to catch a glimpse of what we are capable of."

  She flipped her long silky dark hair and shot one of her gorgeous smiles at him. He basked in her attention with an entirely smitten expression on his face.

  "Give us a few minutes, and then we'll go for another round?" she added, looking back at me.

  “Alright," I nodded and left them to their flirting.

  Something was up. Kessara had never given a single boy at the school a second glance. Well, that wasn't true. The youngest dragon prince always seemed to grab her attention when we saw him about the Bastion. I wasn't sure if there was something else going on there, maybe a battle of wits or wills. She did a great job of keeping things under her sleeve, but whatever it was. . . there was certainly something.

  A few moments later, Kessara was headed back in my direction.

  "So, what was that all about?" I asked as I took a swig of my canteen.

  She looked over toward Lazarus's figure before he disappeared through the doors. She gave something akin to a dispassionate shrug and started removing her gloves.

  "Lazarus has shown some interest and he asked me to the winter formal. I'm considering it." She tossed her gloves in her bag and grabbed her own water.


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