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Weekend Surrender

Page 2

by Lori King

  That sobered his brothers, and soothed his frustration. They were all in agreement. She was the perfect woman to handle the four Brooks brothers. Since they were teenagers, they had been sharing women amongst them for sex. Sometimes one woman for every two brothers, and occasionally one for all four of them, but never one to keep. Now they had a chance, and it looked like it was about to be washed away with a bottle of Tequila.

  “Let’s go. If she wants to drink, dance, and play pool, she’s going to have more company than she ever imagined. And if she wants to go home with someone, it will be us,” Parker said, and the other three brothers nodded in agreement.

  They headed into the bar, and Rogan’s eyes scanned the room looking for a waterfall of brown curls on top of a delicious curvy body. Sawyer spotted her first, leaning against the bar chatting with a local ranch hand. She had her arms crossed under her small breasts pushing them up and out, much to Rogan’s dismay and delight. She was in full throttle flirt mode, and he wanted to shut it down immediately.

  Walking across the bar as a unit they surrounded her, with Hudson slipping in between her and the drooling cowboy she had been chatting with, and Parker and Sawyer on her right.

  “Hey!” she yelped in surprise as Rogan’s arms went around her waist, and he pulled her back up against his chest. The bare skin of her belly was soft and warm, and he knew he would never forget that moment. She felt so perfect in his arms, and her fresh scent flooded his brain.

  “Hey there, sexy. I hear you said hi to my brothers but didn’t stick around to say hello to me. I’m hurt,” he said with a playful pout, and she rolled her eyes giggling.

  “Is that the story they told? I don’t quite remember it that way. I seem to recall Parker threatening me, then Hudson delaying me from my plans, Sawyer bossing me around, and finally Parker playing daddy, and manhandling me,” she said with a sigh, but he nearly groaned out loud when she settled more firmly into him instead of pulling away.

  “I haven’t even started manhandling you yet, sunshine. Although I would be happy to play with you anytime, but I prefer to be called Parker over daddy,” Parker said, and her eyes grew wide. She stared into the mirror over the bar at the four men surrounding her.

  Rogan wondered what was going through her pretty little head when her eyes glazed over slightly, and her heart rate increased. She shook her head as though to clear her thoughts and frowned.

  “Guys, you’re seriously cramping my style. No man is going to want to get close to me with all four of you hanging around,” she said in a pleading tone.

  “Good,” Sawyer muttered under his breath, and Rogan grinned.

  “That’s the idea,” Hudson said, and Rachel’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head.


  “Rachel, we get it. You just broke up with Mitch, and you’re trying to prove something. To yourself, or to him, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we don’t want you playing the field. We want you to come home with us,” Rogan said, bending to kiss the top of her head lightly. She stared into his mirror image in shock, but her body was pulsing in his arms. Whether she admitted it or not, she wanted them.

  “Come on, stop playing around, guys,” she said with a toss of her hair.

  Silence reigned for a few heartbeats, and then Parker slid his hand up her arm until he was gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Rachel, think about it. Four men who want to please you, and give you more orgasms than you can imagine.”

  She snorted in disbelief still staring into Parker’s eyes. “Would you stop teasing me? It’s really rather rude.”

  Rogan could see Parker’s jaw clench in frustration. Parker hated being denied. Rachel was going to learn the hard way about his Alpha male nature if she kept it up. He knew he had to interfere before the two of them began spitting fire at each other.

  “So what exactly is your plan for the evening, Rach?” Rogan said softly, regaining her attention.

  She blinked, and her tongue darted out to lick her full lips. Rogan wanted to capture those lips with his own, and worship them with his tongue. He wondered if she had any idea how many fantasies she had created in his brain with that quick little unconscious gesture. Her almost bare back was still pressed against his abdomen, and he knew she could feel his erection through his jeans. Just to tease her, he lightly grazed his thumb over the delicate jewel hanging from her navel. Her sharp intake of breath told him he was successful.

  “I’m going to finish my drink, and then I suppose I’m going to ask some lonely cowboy to dance with me,” she said, gripping her glass tighter in her hands. She didn’t push him away from her, so Rogan continued to trace his finger over the petal soft skin of her belly.

  “You have four lonely cowboys right here, ask away,” Sawyer said with a grin.

  She shook her head slightly, and blinked rapidly. “What is going on? You guys have barely spoken to me for nearly a year, and all of a sudden you want me to participate in some sort of raunchy gang bang?”

  “You weren’t exactly on the market, honey, but now that you cut that douche bag Mitch loose, you’re fair game,” Hudson said softly, and Rogan could see his brother’s hand stroking up and down Rachel’s exposed thigh. A shiver went through her body, and her breathing sped up.

  “Fair game? So now I’m a prize. Like a stuffed animal at the carnival? Really, guys this isn’t funny.” Her gorgeous brown eyes were snapping with irritation now, and her cheeks were flushed pink. Rogan had to steel his own nerves not to flip her over his lap for thinking so lowly of herself.

  “Rach, you’re a prize alright, but I wouldn’t compare you to stuffed animal. More like a gold medal for an athlete. Of course, I would prefer to not have to compete, but if you need to dance, then let’s dance,” he said, as he spun her bar stool around so she was facing him, and pulled her up off the seat.

  He didn’t give her time to argue or agree. He just pulled her along with him toward the dance floor. The sound of Toby Keith’s husky baritone voice filled Rogan’s ears, as he pulled her compact little body against his big frame. Her head fit perfectly under his chin, and her pert breasts pressed tightly against his ribs. He let his hands settle on the curve of her lower back, and the rise of her ass, and he began to sway the two of them to the music.

  After several moments Rachel tipped her head to look up at him warily. Doing so gave him an unimpeded view straight down the open collar of her shirt, and into her cleavage. His cock thickened in his jeans, and his mouth grew wet thinking about licking his way down to that sensitive crevice.

  “Rogan? I’m not sure what’s going on, but I don’t need babysitters. I’m a big girl, and I came here tonight to have a good time. I don’t want anyone feeling obligated to take care of me,” she said with a determined tilt to her sharp little chin.

  Rogan chuckled, and dropped a quick kiss on her upturned lips, drawing a startled gasp from her. “Rachel, obligated is the last thing I feel toward you right now. I can guess what you came here to do, and I’m offering our services. If you look to your left you’ll see my brothers watching us closely, waiting for their turn to hold you tonight. That should be enough to prove we aren’t playing with you.”

  She turned her head, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. Rogan thought for a moment that she even stopped breathing, until she turned confused eyes back to him, and he realized they were shimmering with tears.

  “I don’t like being the butt of the joke,” she whispered, and he growled low in his throat in exasperation.

  “Damn it, woman, we’re not fucking playing with you,” he snapped, and she stepped backwards instinctively moving away from his angry words. He gripped her wrists, and pulled her along with him until they stood before his three brothers, who looked at him questioningly. “She doesn’t believe we actually want her. She thinks we’re playing a joke on her.”

  “Fuck that!”

  “Are you kidding me?”



  Rachel could feel the hot blush that stole up her cheeks and down her throat to her chest. Her heart skipped a beat as they all turned glares of disbelief on her. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath, and she could feel her body becoming hot and tingly surrounded by their four muscular bodies.

  “I just don’t get it, why now?” she finally managed to choke out.

  “We told you, you broke up with Mitch,” Hudson said, with a shrug of his shoulders. “We may have a reputation, but we aren’t home wreckers. You and Mitchy-boy were pretty tight for a while, and we weren’t trying to ruin your life.”

  “So if I had been single earlier—” she was trying hard to wrap her brain around it. This was the Brooks brothers. The four hottest men in town, and they were asking her to have a group sex orgy with them. It was beyond comprehension.

  Rogan interrupted her musings, “We agreed to give you some time to get over your break up, but then you showed up at the bar looking hot as sin, and twice as dangerous, and…shit…woman you’re giving half the men at the bar wet dreams to last them the next decade.”

  “Why are you out here displaying your body for strangers, Rachel?” Parker asked. Of the four of them, he intimidated her the most. There was something about his cool controlled demeanor that exuded power, and made her want to drop to her knees at his feet and beg him to touch her. Honestly, with Hudson on her left, Rogan behind her, Parker on her right, and Sawyer in front of her, she was in the perfect position to drop to her knees. The dirty thought rang in her brain making her pussy clench.

  “Because I was hoping a stranger might bite,” she answered with the automatic bratty tone she knew got under Parker’s skin.

  “Oh, I promise you I’ll bite, baby,” Sawyer said with a playful grin, and before she could react, he bent down and took her ear lobe between his teeth biting gently.

  She moaned and her knees buckled at the erotic sensation. Sawyers arms wrapped around her, holding her up and cupping her ass at the same time he pressed a gentle kiss to her neck just below her ear.

  “Shit, baby, if you react like that when it’s just your ear in my mouth, I wonder how you’ll react when I bite your pretty little nipples,” he murmured, and white hot fire shot through Rachel’s body straight to her clit.

  Her hands came up to rest against his chest, and she tipped her head back to look up at him with slightly blurry vision. “They’re very sensitive,” she whispered, and then instantly realized she had spoken out loud, when three identical groans sounded from around her. Sawyer’s sensuous lips spread into a wide smile.

  “Good, I can’t wait to taste them,” he responded, his words making her tremble in his arms.

  “Come home with us, Rachel,” Rogan said from just over her shoulder, and she turned her wide eyes in his direction.

  She stared into his dark brown eyes, not exactly sure what she was looking for but knowing this decision was going to alter her life monumentally.

  “Let us take you home, and make you ours,” Sawyer said, running his hands in sexy circles over her ass cheeks. He pressed her tighter to his body, and she could feel the bulge under his zipper against her belly. His words were a heavy weight in her brain though, and she froze.

  “For tonight?” she asked, and she waited as the four men had a silent exchange between them.

  “Trust us. Give us at least the weekend, Rachel,” Hudson said softly, and she felt her heart jump again.

  “You guys are crazy,” she said quietly, hearing the doubt and fear in her own voice.

  “Yep, probably but, sexy lady, we aren’t joking,” Rogan said, moved up against her back. Sawyer pulled his arms back and Rogan’s hands came around her middle until his thumbs were stroking over the soft undersides of her breasts. She moaned while he ground his hard cock against the small of her back.

  “And what if I decline?” She turned her head to the side so she could see Parker close the gap between them. She could feel Hudson’s body against her other side, and her brain grew fuzzy from their proximity. Being surrounded by all four of them, in the middle of the town’s hottest bar, was not how she had envisioned tonight going, but she couldn’t deny her physical response to them. Her eyes were fastened on Parker’s as he reached up to grip her chin in his hand.

  “Then we walk away, and you go back to playing bar tease,” Parker said, letting his anger harden his tone.

  “I didn’t say I was declining, but a girl’s got to know all of her choices. What exactly happens at the end of the weekend?” she asked with a small smile at his upset.

  “You get to decide that on Sunday. Hopefully you will have fallen madly in love with all of us, and want to stay at the ranch forever,” Hudson said playfully, and Rachel jerked her head around to glare at him. How could he joke about love and forever? That was ridiculous. It was just sex, and that was all it would ever be.

  “Cut that shit out. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. Here’s the deal, I won’t lie and say I’m not intrigued by your offer, but I don’t want false promises. If you want sex, I can do sex. Hell, I can’t even pretend I don’t want to have sex with you,” she paused, swallowing hard, “I will willingly spend the weekend with you—with all of you—on one condition.” She met Sawyer’s hot gaze as she tipped her head back. The back of her head rested against Rogan’s hard chest, and she could feel his breath on her temple.

  “Name it.”

  “Sunday night we all walk away friends. No harm no foul. We act as if nothing ever happened, and no one gets hurt. Sex is all I want right now guys. I’m not in the market for more, and no matter what you might say right now, you don’t want more,” she said with a small shake of her head. She felt apprehensive, but determined.

  Chapter Three

  Rogan’s heart nearly stopped in his chest. She was agreeing to spend the weekend with them. Finally, after several years of masturbating to his fantasies of her, he was going to not only get her in his bed, but he was going to get to share her with his brothers. His cock throbbed at the mental images flooding his brain. Tamping down his lust, he listened to the rest of her speech. He could hear the nerves in her tone, as she laid out her conditions. He hated that she would doubt their desire for her, or put limitations on the possibility of a relationship, but Rogan had never admired her more. She was a spitfire, and she would give them hell, but damn it was going to be fun convincing her that she was wrong.

  Parker looked up meeting Rogan’s gaze, and nodded. Hudson and Sawyer both grunted in agreement, and then Rachel nodded her acceptance. Rogan couldn’t help it, a huge grin burst over his face, and he spun her around into his arms. Before she could react, he pressed tightly against her smaller frame and took her mouth in a desperately hot kiss. Hopefully by Sunday night, she would understand their desire for her wasn’t in a one night stand, but in a lifetime.

  Breaking off the kiss, he turned and started dragging her to the door, uncaring that multiple people stopped to stare at them. He knew one of his brothers would pay her tab, and all he could think about right now was getting her out of this bar, and out of town. He wasn’t willing to give her time to back out of this, he wanted to sink into her hot pussy as quickly as possible, and that meant getting her naked.

  Reaching their trucks, he turned back to her. “Give me your keys,” he said more harshly than he had intended and she paled a little. Freezing he brought her hands up to his lips and kissed her knuckles while he met her wary eyes, “I’m sorry, sexy, but I don’t want to take the chance on you changing your mind. I just figured I would drive you and your truck back to your place, so you can grab a change of clothes…then again you probably won’t be needing many clothes between now and Sunday night.”

  “You aren’t driving my baby,” she said with a shake of her head, and a laugh. “I don’t let anyone drive my truck.”

  “Fine, you drive, but I’m going with you,” he said with a sigh of relief. There was no way he would pursue an argument right now. He wasn’t
going to take a chance on her backing out.

  The moment she turned on the truck, the sounds of Chris Young singing “Getting You Home” overwhelmed the closed cab around them.

  The words fit Rogan’s thoughts at the moment, and he smirked at her. The pink blush on her cheeks told him she was thinking the same thing. A ripple of pleasure went through his body, and he settled back into the seat with a grin on his face. The ride to Rachel’s place was quick. Her body language told him that she was nervous, but she continued to amaze him by pushing aside her reservations. She sighed with relief when they pulled into her driveway.

  Rogan grinned at the image of Rachel’s tiny figure in the driver’s seat of her big silver pickup. She drove it like she did everything, with single-minded stubbornness, and with her whole heart and soul. Secretly he hoped she would apply the same vigor to a relationship with the four of them, but for now all he was promised was a weekend of wickedly sinful sex, and his cock throbbed for it.

  His brothers had followed them to Rachel’s place, and quickly met them as they were getting out of the truck. Parker walked her to the door while the other three followed along. Rogan almost laughed out loud at the irritation gracing her beautiful visage when Parker took her key from her hand and unlocked her door.

  “I’m a big girl, Parker—” she snapped, but the words broke off when Parker grabbed her by the back of the neck and tugged her face closer to his.

  “I’m not doing it for you because I don’t think you can handle it, sunshine. I want to take care of you. You deserve to be treated like a beautiful woman should be,” he said firmly in a deeper more demanding tone. Rogan had to bite his tongue not to laugh out loud as Rachel’s jaw went slack, and her eyes glazed over.

  Parker kissed her mouth, and Rogan could see his tongue dart out to run over her pretty pink lips, before he pulled away, and physically turned her toward the interior of the house. She jumped when Parker lightly slapped her ass, and her frown said it all. Seeming to think better of starting a fight, she turned and took off down the hallway.


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