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Weekend Surrender

Page 12

by Lori King

  The angle of their bodies meant he was pressing against her G-spot with every thrust, and she felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks. The fire inside of her was too big and too hot for her to control it, so she let it go. She gave it to him, submitting to his pounding body, and letting him steal her soul.

  When he finally gave in to his own climax she screamed out his name, hearing it ringing in her ears long after her voice was spent. She was barely awake when Parker settled her under the covers on his bed, and left her for a moment to clean up. A warm cloth wiped away the stickiness of her own passion, before he spooned his large body behind her, wrapping her in a cocoon of warm man. She sighed with pleasure as his comfort soaked into her skin, right before sleep swallowed her.

  Chapter Twelve

  When the morning sun woke her up, Rachel found herself pinned between Sawyer and Hudson in Parker’s bed. She could feel Sawyer’s heart beating under her cheek, and Hudson’s warm breath tickling the tiny hairs on her neck. Amazingly she was very comfy spooning with the two of them.

  A small stretch proved she had some unusually sore muscles, but the memories of how each muscle was used made the pain bearable. Her tentative movements seemed to rouse certain baser instincts in her men, as she felt Hudson’s cock twitch against her backside, and Sawyer’s slow breathing caught and held for a moment. His gorgeous brown eyes fluttered open and met hers almost instantly.

  “Morning, baby,” he murmured in a rough sexy sleepy voice.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry, I don’t even remember you two getting into the bed last night.” She shivered as Hudson pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck, and his morning whiskers scratched her sensitive skin.

  “You were sleeping pretty good. We figured Parker wore your ass out.”

  “In more ways than one,” she responded, snickering and stretching again, arching her back so her ass rubbed against Hudson’s groin.

  Hudson’s groan made her pussy cream and her blood heat. “Oh, honey, you are asking for trouble this morning.”

  “Really? What kind of trouble do you have in mind, cowboy?”

  Sawyer beat Hudson to it, by turning to face her, and bent as though to kiss her. Without a thought, she threw her hand up to block her mouth, and laughed. “No way, Jose! Not with morning breath. Excuse me, fellas, while I go brush my teeth.”

  Sawyer stared down at her like she had just told him she was leaving their bed to enter a convent. “Are you kidding?”

  When she shook her head in the negative, Hudson started to laugh. “After spending the whole weekend having sex with not one, but all four of us, you are still worried about morning breath?”

  Feeling embarrassed and now slightly irritated, she shoved at Sawyer’s chest until he backed up a few inches, and she was able to crawl over him and climb out of the bed. As she hurried toward the bathroom door, she had to bite her lip to resist responding when she heard Hudson say, “Well at least we get the reward of watching her walk around naked. Hurry back, Rach, I want to finish what we started.”

  Several minutes later she was feeling fresh breathed and horny. After a dozen orgasms in the last thirty-six hours, she should be curled up in the fetal position nearly comatose, but instead she was invigorated. How many times over the years had she doubted her feminine appeal? This whole ménage weekend might be temporary, but it was still one hell of an ego boost.

  Exiting the bathroom, she found Hudson still reclining on the bed where she left him, but Sawyer was curiously absent. Noting her frown, Hudson was quick to fill in the blanks. “He went to get something to eat for you. He’ll be right back. In the mean time…”

  She grinned back when he wriggled his eyebrows playfully, and then launched herself across the room and on to the bed. His yelp of surprise was drowned out by her giggles as she bounced on the mattress and then climbed over him until she was straddling him with her hands pressed to his wide chest. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

  “Whoa! Who are you and what did you do with my quiet and sedate Rachel?” he asked, with a teasing wink.

  “I locked her in the bathroom. I figured you should meet the wild and crazy side before the weekend was out.”

  “Oh? So she's not the same girl who had her finger up my ass yesterday? And not the same girl who accepted our invitation to share our beds for the weekend then?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes at his continued teasing, “Do you want to fuck or talk about my multi-faceted personality?”

  A grunt was his response, but his eyes flashed with irritation. “Actually, I want to fuck you and talk to you. Is that so bad? Why are you so afraid to talk to me, Rach? Afraid I might find out more about you and still like you?”

  She stared down at him in shock. Was he serious? She was naked and sitting on top of him with his semi-erect cock cradled against her already damp pussy, and he wanted to have a relationship talk. This was unbelievable. Pushing off him, she walked wordlessly to Parker’s dresser and dug through the drawers until she found a t-shirt to pull on. Once she was covered, she spun back to him and gave him her coldest glare.

  “Look, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least I’m not living in some sort of fairytale land where everyone accepts everyone else and lives happily ever after. I get it, Hudson, you want a relationship, and to be honest I appreciate that you’re so transparent, but let me be crystal-clear. I can’t be what you four want. I promised you the weekend, and we only have a few hours left. We can either spend it having dirty raunchy sex and making fantastic memories, or you can just give me the word and I’ll get my shit and go.”

  “Is that all this is to you, Rachel?” Parker’s voice was as strong and powerful as ever, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes when she turned to face him in the doorway. He was hurt. Behind him, Sawyer and Rogan were watching the scene solemnly. All four men were waiting for her answer. How much more fucked up could this get?

  “What do you want me to say, Parker? I didn’t come out here with hearts and flowers in my eyes.” She stiffened her spine, but when his chocolate brown eyes shuttered and he flinched as if she had physically hit him, she regretted her words. “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. You guys are just so damn overwhelming. I want you all so much. I’ve wanted you for years…but just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for you. I wouldn’t go on a week-long ice cream binge just because I craved it.”

  She waited several heartbeats as they all continued to stare at her. A range of emotions flitted through the four men’s faces. Hurt, anger, frustration, but there was still desire. She could still feel their desire through it all, burning through her skin and branding her soul.

  A silent conversation seemed to happen in the blink of an eye between the brothers, and suddenly Parker was holding his hand out to her. “Rachel, come here.”

  She went without a second thought. It was like a soldier running for cover when bullets were flying. She knew no matter what happened Parker would protect her from whatever was to come. He was her safe place. Holding his hand, and standing just inches in front of him, she stared at the line of dark hair that sprinkled the center of his chest. His fingers came up and tipped her chin so she had to look up at him.

  “Rachel, I’m done playing games. You knew from the beginning we were hoping this would turn into more than just a weekend fling. The sex has been amazing, but we want more. Every time one of us tries to get close to you, you throw up a wall and deflect us. Even in sex, you haven’t let us love you yet. You’ve fucked us, but you’re too scared to make love to us. This is it. Make your choice. You can either go to the kitchen, have breakfast while I get dressed, and then I will drive you home, or you let us take you back to that bed and make love to you. All four of us. If you choose the first option, know that it will be over. We will not pursue you once you leave this house. But, if you choose the second option, you must open yourself up to us. At least give us a chance to show you how much we…” his breath caught as h
e broke off for a second, “give us that much, please?”

  It could have been moments or it could have been an hour. Rachel was captivated by the seriousness of Parker’s words, and the emotions that swirled in the depths of his dark gaze. He was offering her an out, but she wasn’t sure she was strong enough to take it. The temptation to let them make love to her was just too big.

  She heard herself whisper, “Make love to me.”

  A spark of fire seemed to pass from Parker to her as he bent forward and brought his lips just millimeters from hers before whispering back, “With pleasure, sunshine.”

  Rachel only knew Parker’s lips for the next few moments as he nearly swallowed her whole, devouring her, and claiming her in the same viciously passionate kiss. There were hands on her body, and the slight feeling of weightlessness before the cold sheet brushed her skin and her head dipped into a pillow.

  All at once, hot palms skimmed over her thighs, callused fingertips slid up under her t-shirt to pinch her nipples, and her hair was tugged possessively to tip her head back and bare her throat for seeking lips.

  There was no escaping the sensual onslaught as they took control and made love to her body. No skin went untouched, or unkissed, and she felt like she was spinning in a vortex of debauchery. Fingers dipped between her thighs, teasing her clit and spreading her juices to her asshole before disappearing. Her focus was torn between the four brothers and she finally just closed her eyes and let go. She relaxed into their hands, letting them have their way with her, letting them take complete control of her need and her desire. This was what they wanted, and if she was honest with herself, she wanted it too.

  In her head she heard the racing of her own heartbeat drumming rhythmically through her veins. She heard herself whimpering, and moaning, and even begging for their touch, but she wasn’t conscious of any of it. A cloud of passion seemed to take over her, and she let her doubts and questions disappear into the haze.

  When one of the brothers spread her knees with his hands, and two others reached to hold her open, she gasped, only to find the fourth brother waiting to capture her breath with his own lips. Rogan. That’s whose lips possessed hers. She could taste him, and smell the scent that was Rogan alone. A brush of whiskers against her perineum told her it was Hudson’s tongue dancing merrily across her labia and clit. He caught her swollen bud between his lips and gently sucked on it, making her cunt spasm and her stomach tighten.

  His fingers slid into her channel curling upward to find that deliciously secret spot that sent her exploding into orgasm, but before she could find her climax he eased back, and another set of fingers was brushing her exposed asshole. One of the brothers was teasing her ass, while Hudson continued to eat her pussy, and Parker made love to her mouth. When a hard cock was pressed into her clenching fist, she lost track again so caught up in the whirlwind of heated desire she couldn’t focus on who was where or how many hands touched her and teased her.

  Fingers were slipping in and out of her body with no resistance, and her breasts were swollen and aching. She needed to be filled completely so she could come.

  “Please!” she heard herself begging, but the brothers only seemed more driven to keep her on the edge. They tormented her body, gifting her with all of the delicious attention any woman could ever want, and none of the release.

  A rustle of the bed sheets was the only hint of the movements around her as they traded places and duties, taking turns tasting her everywhere. She kept trying to open her eyes and focus on them long enough to note who was where, but her mind seemed determined to avoid it, and even when open her vision was cloudy. Four tongues, four mouths, eight hands, four cocks, all touching her at once, and then disappearing only to reappear in a new territory. Mindlessly she babbled and pleaded in whispers and wails, until one of them broke.

  Out of nowhere she felt her body being lifted and she was draped over the top of Sawyer. She would know the grip on her hips anywhere. Her cowboy grinned up at her when she cracked her swollen eyes open and managed to focus her vision on him.

  “Come on, cowgirl, giddyup.” He lifted her hips, lining his cock up with her pussy, and she heard herself cry out his name as he pulled her down onto him. Never before had she climaxed upon contact, but she couldn’t have stopped it this time if she had wanted to. Her body shuddered and bucked on top of him like she was really riding a bull, and he patiently waited her out.

  It briefly crossed her mind that his brothers must have quite the view, before she felt one of them spreading some sort of lube over her back hole with his fingers. She must have jumped at the renewed contact because Rogan’s voice murmured to her.

  “Shhh….it’s alright, love. Just relax and let me in.” The thick curved head of his cock pushed against her asshole, and she had to force her body to relax and press back against him. When he finally breached the tight ring of muscles, she felt a sigh of relief ripple through him to her and continue through Sawyer. Connected intimately, the threesome began a very slow gentle rocking motion. Neither man seemed in a hurry to reach their release, and since she had already orgasmed once, she had a little ways to go to build back up to another.

  Once they were in a steady rhythm, a warm hand on her jaw brought her face up to look at Hudson and Parker who waited next to her with their hard cocks jutting out from their gorgeous bodies. It should be a sin to look that good naked, she thought as her mouth watered for a taste of the pre-cum glittering on Hudon’s cockhead.

  She kept one hand braced on Sawyer’s chest, and reached out with the other to grasp Hudson’s cock and bring it to her lips. Licking away the drop of moisture made him groan, and she felt warm pleasure fill her chest. Sucking him in deep she steadied herself so he could thrust in and out of her mouth without disrupting the fucking that was going on. A few moments passed and she felt his cock thicken just before he pulled away from her with a curse.

  Parker quickly replaced Hudson in her mouth, and began his own version of a fucking rhythm. He was more powerful, more demanding, more raw… Just more. Somehow the change in patterns was the spark to set off fireworks in her belly again, and she began to wriggle on the two cocks that impaled her. Sensing her coming climax, Sawyer and Rogan sped up their movements while Parker pulled away from her.

  “No!” she reached out for him, and he dropped to his knees next to her, gripping her jaw in his hand so their noses were nearly touching.

  “Yes, Rachel. Come for me, love.”

  Just like that, his words ricocheted through her body and her climax exploded. Fireworks flamed behind her eyelids, and molten heat filled her veins. Rogan let out a loud grunt and slammed his cock into her body. She could feel him jerking inside of her as he filled the condom with semen. The flames had barely began to subside when her pulsing body clenched around Sawyer’s cock as he too came. His body arched violently up off the bed, lifting the weight of her body and Rogan some as he had his own brilliant orgasm.

  They all slumped there for a few moments trying to catch their breath. The emotion of the moment was absolutely turning her world upside down. Trying to determine what happened next, she felt her brain begin to spin.

  “No. Rachel, don’t do that. You promised to let us in, sunshine, and I’m not in yet.” Parker reached over and tugged her from between his two brothers, pulling her up onto her knees in front of him, and wrapping one arm around her slim waist, while his other hand delved into the tangle of her hair.

  She had no sense of Sawyer and Rogan moving from the bed, but suddenly Hudson was behind her, pressing against her, and rubbing his hard cock between her ass cheeks. She whimpered and he froze. Realizing he mistook her whimper as a rejection, she wiggled her ass a little until his erection was grinding against her sensitive asshole.

  Parker lifted her, forcing her legs to wrap around his lean hips so he would have easier access to her dripping cunt, and then he moved both hands to cup her ass cheeks, spreading her wide for his brother. Her eyes widened as Hudson eased inside of h
er, and with every precious inch he pushed in, she saw the flames of lust grown in Parker’s eyes. By the time Hudson was balls deep inside of Rachel’s ass, she wasn’t sure she would be able to handle Parker’s need it was so great, but he once again surprised her by tenderly kissing her lips and slowly pushing into her pussy. It took Parker longer to sink into her than it had Hudson, and by the time he was all the way inside of her, her head was thrown back on Hudson’s shoulder and she was babbling out the mantra, “yes, oh God, please, oh yes.”

  Once again she was carried up the mountain of passion on the wings of desire as they drove her to heights she couldn’t have imagined possible for her exhausted body. In the end she must have blacked out, because she could have sworn she heard whispers of “I love you” in her ears as she drifted off into nothingness.


  Rachel woke up alone in Parker’s bed. Her body physically hurt, but that wasn’t the worst of her pain. What hurt the most was the wound she knew was going to scar her heart when she left the Brooks brothers behind.

  She was in love with them. No doubt about it. Parker’s plan had backfired. Instead of making this easier for them all, it was actually going to make it that much harder.

  Her bag lay on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed, and she sat staring at it for several long moments remembering the ease at which Parker was able to obtain her submission and how much she actually enjoyed giving it to him. In the back of her mind a scared little voice reminded her that with trust came heartbreak, and the fantasy time had ended.

  Rising from the bed, she dressed quickly, and made her way down the hallway. She could hear the men laughing and chatting in the kitchen as they waited for her to rise and join them. Their light-hearted banter nearly maimed her as she paused just inside the living room, debating what her next move would be.

  She couldn’t walk in there and pretend as if everything had changed. There was still the small matter of how illegal this kind of relationship was, and how unacceptable it was to pretty much all of society. She may say out loud she didn’t care what people thought, but she still had a career to think about.


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