The Walls We Built

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The Walls We Built Page 15

by Kassandra Garrison

  It wasn’t you. Mason made me angry and I reflexively push people away when I get hurt. But I also needed to talk to my dad about some stuff that was bothering me.

  Like what?

  There were certain statements Mason made about my dad in our conversation and I needed to know the truth.

  Ezra’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as we continued walking around the courtyard, his arm still around my waist despite the heat. He listened intently as I recounted the conversation with my dad.

  When I was finished with the tale of my horrible spring break, he let out a long whistle and shook his head.

  Yeah, I feel bad complaining about my spring break knowing how badly yours went. I wish I would have called or texted you. I should not have been so spiteful.

  It’s okay. You didn’t know. And it’s not like I was texting you either. We were both stupid.

  Never again. I’m never letting you go.

  He squeezed my waist tighter as he playfully pulled me closer to him. With a gentle kiss on my forehead, Ezra cleared my mind of the painful last month and filled it with new images of our future: laughter and kissing and spring breaks spent together.


  Over the next few weeks, Ezra and I were inseparable. Before class, after class, on the weekends, we were unavoidably with one another. Sophie seemed surprised at first by our reunion, doubtlessly disappointed by her loss of a single friend.

  Yet, as she feigned disgust in our sappy behavior, I could see she was covering up her own loneliness, doubtlessly wishing Nathan would set down his pride with a grand gesture of affection. But he didn’t. Ezra seemed to think Nathan was waiting for the exact same thing from her.

  On one night in particular, Ezra and I were watching a movie on my bed. Being a romantic comedy, he didn’t seem entirely involved in the premise of the film. During a slower part in the movie, Ezra leaned over from his place on the wall and kissed me on the lips, running his thumb along my jaw.

  Suddenly, Sophie burst in the room and threw her purse down on the floor beside her bed.

  Put your clothes back on because I’m coming in. Like it or not.

  Ezra pulled away from me, his laidback expression a mixture of surprise and amusement. She had her hands on her hips as she looked over at us angrily. The fire in her eyes was intense as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Ezra was the first to cut through the tension in the room.

  What’s going on, Soph?

  First of all, I’m sweating my junk off out there. Did Mother Nature lose track of the time? It’s May! And secondly, your roommate is the biggest jerk ever.

  Okay, TMI. And what did Nathan do or not do that made you angry?

  It was entertaining seeing the two interact. Ezra had obviously learned that calm reasoning was the way to deal with a hysterical Sophie. And she had no shame in telling him off. Knowing one another since kindergarten, they fought like brother and sister.

  I made plans for us to talk tonight over coffee and he stood me up.

  Uh, Soph…

  He could have at least texted me or told me no in the first place!


  As Ezra attempted to explain Nathan’s absence, Sophie refused to let him get a word in between her own. Finally, in the midst of her ranting, she realized he was trying to talk.


  Yeah, um, Nathan is sick. He’s been throwing up all day and is passed out on his bed now. If I had known you had plans together, I would have told you sooner.

  Oh. Well, don’t I look like the jerk now.

  Yes, you do. But what’s new?

  Shut up, Ezra.

  She sighed as she sat down on the edge of her bed and pulled her shoes off dramatically. Honestly, everything Sophie did was exaggerated and somehow, she grew on you. Or persuaded you to love her anyway.

  Ezra turned his attention back to me and kissed me softly on the lips. He slid toward the edge of the bed and slipped his shoes back on.

  It’s getting late anyway. I’m going to check on Nathan and then hit the sack. It was a pleasure as always, Soph. Char, I’ll see you in the morning.

  I smiled and nodded, watching him leave before shutting my laptop. Standing up, I walked toward the bathroom to get ready for bed. Sophie appeared behind me in the mirror, untangling the bobby pins from her hair.

  You guys seem happy.

  Yeah, we really are.

  She was oddly quiet as she finished with her hair and moved onto her teeth. Now finished washing my face, I accepted the tube of toothpaste from her outstretched hand and began brushing my teeth. Despite the foam and toothbrush, Sophie managed to continue talking.

  I miss Nathan.

  Yeah, everyone knows that.

  I shouldn’t have been angry about a stupid seven-month anniversary.

  Just tell him how you feel.

  I’m going to tell him tomorrow before the game.

  In anticipation of the end of the school year, the university had been hosting an event every weekend until the end of the month. The first event had been a small concert and the second, a movie night in the lawn of the courtyard. This weekend was a softball tournament and picnic.

  I waited for her to finish spitting into the sink before I took my own turn. As we both walked out of the bathroom toward the bedroom, I shut the light off behind me. For over an hour, Sophie and I lay facing one another in our beds, talking softly until sleep silenced us.


  You want to swing through the hit. Like this.

  Ezra’s strong arms were overlapping mine as he guided me through the swing of the bat. I smiled as he kissed my neck, forgetting about the bat altogether.

  Is this just an excuse to hold and kiss me?


  Grabbing my waist, he turned me around and tossed the bat toward the fence. His smile gleamed in the sunlight, the brim of his hat casting a shadow on the upper half of his face. The t-shirt and athletic shorts he wore smelled like detergent as he pulled me tightly against him, the sunlight kissing the swell of his biceps.

  I can’t help it. This is the last weekend I get to see you before summer break. I want to hold you as much as possible. Plus, you look so cute dressed in your workout clothes.

  Are you kidding?

  I glanced down at the army green tank top and black yoga capris I had chosen quickly that morning.

  No, I think we should exercise together more often. Then again, you look beautiful in anything.

  Suck up. What do you want?


  He pulled me close to him and kissed me gently, deepening in passion as I pushed myself up on my tiptoes. From behind the fence, we heard a gagging noise and pulled apart.

  We glanced over to the dugout, finding a group of guys arriving for the game. In their midst was Wyatt and Mason, both chuckling under their breath at their own childish noises. It was no surprise Wyatt was the one to call across the field.

  Man, Ezra, you sure are getting around lately!

  Ezra sighed and looked back down at me cautiously as I released my hold of him. He seemed to be waiting for my reaction as the jocks continued to taunt us. I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the opening of the fence where I could see Sophie and Nathan waiting for us now. When I glanced up, there was a content grin flashing across Ezra’s face.

  Hey guys. You ready for the game?

  Sophie turned her head away from Nathan with a smile on her face. Now close enough to read their expressions, I noticed the absence of the tension and hatred which had been present for the past weeks.

  Hold on a second. Are you guys back together?

  They glanced toward one another out of the corner of their eyes, both displaying sheepish expressions.

  We talked back at the dorm this morning and decided to give it another shot. But this time, we are going to take it slow. While I am going to attempt being less high-maintenance, Nathan has apologized for not respecting what I find important in life.

�s great, guys! I’m so happy for you!

  Nathan blushed before standing and stretching his arms in front of him. Sophie giggled at his embarrassment and pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  I heard those jerks teasing you guys. Are you ready to kick some butt?

  Ezra looked over at the jocks and then back at Nathan before nodding and fixing his hat, vengeance burning in his eyes.

  You bet I am.

  Sophie stood up from the bench and nodded at Ezra.

  Ezra is our secret weapon. Been playing baseball since grade school. One of the top players every year.

  I turned to look at Ezra. Sophie had mentioned he played baseball in the past but I had no idea the amount of skill he possessed.

  Why didn’t you play this year? The university has a baseball team. Their season starts in the spring.

  I don’t know. It’s the first year my dad didn’t force me to play. He was more concerned with my studies this year.

  Do you like to play?

  I was never given a choice. I don’t hate it but when you’re forced into something, it kind of takes the fun away, you know?

  Yeah, I get it.

  Ezra raised his eyes from the ground toward me as I observed him knowingly. Yet another way his father controlled his son’s life. Just then, the tournament coordinator began the event, organizing the times each team played.

  Sophie, Nathan, Ezra, and I joined a handful of our friends to compose our team. Of course, Mason, Wyatt, and the rest of their posse grouped together. In total, there were four teams with each group playing twice. The winners of the first games would play one another for the grand prize.

  Our team played first with Wyatt’s group loudly awaiting their turn in the dugout. Although Nathan was not feeling his best after the previous day’s stomach bug, he was a born athlete. Yet, Ezra was indeed very skilled at the game. I found myself watching him more than the softball as he ran and leapt, skillfully throwing and catching the ball.

  As he swung the bat, my eyes ran along his broad shoulders, the bulge of his forearms, and his lean legs as he propelled himself forward from the plate.

  It was if the sport was in his blood, a reflex with which he was innately born. Without much help from myself or Sophie, our team won the game and a spot in the championships. As we walked off the field, we could hear the mocking of Wyatt’s posse from the opposite dugout. Children.

  Ezra and I sat next to one another and unhappily watched the jocks win their first round. While I frowned at every chest bump and butt slap, Ezra studied how they played, their style as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

  As our rivals cheered in victory, Ezra stood appearing prepared for battle. He stretched his arms against his chest and adjusted his ballcap. His expression was filled with determination, confidence, and, above all else, revenge.


  Mason and Wyatt were huddled near home plate as our players took their positions. With the same attitude he had conveyed since Ezra and I reunited, Mason glared our way as he mumbled to his partner.

  Ezra pulled me toward him on the pitcher’s mound but instead of a kiss as I had expected, he whispered in my ear.

  Keep your eye on the ball. If they hit it at you, just move out of the way. It’s not worth hurting yourself.

  You think they’re going to aim at us?

  He nodded his head in confirmation and positioned his ballcap, readying for the first pitch. With a reassuring smile and final squeeze, Ezra nudged me toward my position as short stop.

  Mason was already on home plate, taking practice swings as he watched us converse. He smiled as Ezra squared up for the pitch. The first swing was a strike as the ball struck hard against the inside of the catcher’s mitt. However, Mason wasn’t fazed as he continued to stare down the pitcher.

  His second swing was successful in making contact as the ball flew straight for Ezra’s head. But Ezra was prepared, catching the ball in his mitt without flinching. Mason threw his bat down on the ground as he joined the others in the dugout, Ezra grinning as he returned eye contact.

  The entire game continued with the same amount of intensity. Our rivals continued to play dirty, tripping and aiming at our players during each inning. Unfortunately, the coordinator of the tournament, a student worker, was more interested in their phone than the game and failed to call them out on their foul plays.

  In the last inning, our team was up by two and on defense. If our opponents failed to score, we would be the victors. With two players on base and two outs, Wyatt approached home base. His arrogance reminded me of the gag reflex present in my throat as he paraded to the batter’s box.

  Once again, Ezra seemed unphased by his opponents’ unmerited egotism as he stood ready on the pitcher’s mound. Wyatt managed to hit the ball on the first throw as the crack of the bat resounded across the field.

  My heart pounded in my throat as I found the ball flying straight toward me. It was odd how the ball and our surroundings suddenly seemed to move in slow motion.

  All eyes were on me as I decided my next move. In that fraction of a second, I saw the faces of Ezra, Sophie, Wyatt, and Mason. Oddly enough, of the four, Wyatt was the only person void of concern.

  It was in my fury and desire for retribution that I swallowed my fear. Instead of moving out of the way as Ezra had advised me, I stood my ground with my mitt raised before me.

  As I felt the hard strike of the ball in my mitt and tightened my grasp in the firm leather, Wyatt’s wicked grin fell from his face. I looked down at the ball in my mitt and smiled as my team ran toward me.

  Ezra was the first to reach me as he sprinted across the field and swept me off my feet. He smiled wide as he spun in a circle with me in his arms, our teammates now jumping beside us.

  Char, you did it! We won!

  As our team cheered in victory and accepted our tiny trophy from the indifferent tournament coordinator, Wyatt returned to his teammates in the dugout. Ezra placed me on my feet to high five the others as I watched the other team.

  Wyatt marched toward his angry friends, greeted first by Mason. But it was not a pat on the back or consolation nudge. No, Mason shoved Wyatt as he yelled in his face. Wyatt pushed him back and pointed in my direction, throwing his hat toward the bench in the dugout.



  Sophie prodded my arm as she attempted to get my attention. I pulled my eyes from the confrontation in our competitor’s dugout and smiled at her.

  I said let’s go to the picnic before all the good food is gone.

  Yeah, let’s go.

  Sophie ran over to where Nathan stood with another team member, grabbing his hand and murmuring in his ear. He nodded before finishing his conversation.

  To my right, Ezra separated himself from a small group, smiling as he approached me. He pulled his hat off and pushed his damp hair away from his forehead.

  Hey there, MVP. No one told me you could catch like that.

  Yeah, I’m full of surprises.

  You certainly are.

  I opened my arms as he approached me, his eyes twinkling in happiness.

  How’s that revenge taste, Ezra?

  He bent down to kiss me tenderly on the lips. When he pulled away, he stared deeply into my eyes.


  Sophie hollered at us from across the field where she and the rest of the team were exiting through the fence. Mason and his posse were already gone, likely not entertained by our victory dance.

  Come on, love birds! I’m starving!

  Hand in hand, we walked through campus, away from the baseball diamond and toward the courtyard where the picnic was being held. The smell of charcoal wafted over us as we neared the large lawn and tables.

  Mmm, I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now. That smells amazing.

  Together, the four of us found an available picnic table with our food in hand. Hotdogs, chips, watermelon, and iced tea littered the table as we laughed over clumsy mistakes we m
ade during the softball tournament.

  While Sophie and Nathan ventured to different groups, Ezra sat on top of the table sipping his iced tea. I looked up at him and smiled as we talked, his leg radiating heat to my arm.

  Suddenly, Bethany came up and stood between his legs with her hands on his knees. He pushed her hands off and frowned at her.

  Hey, Ezra. Good game today. Maybe we could go back to my dorm and celebrate.

  How much are they paying you this time, Bethany?

  I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  Ezra pointed toward the table of boys who were poorly hiding their interest in the conversation.

  Whatever they’re paying you, I’ll double it if you leave me alone. Forever.

  They’re paying me twenty.

  Fine. Here you go.

  He pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and handed her forty dollars before she immediately walked away. The table of boys failed to get her attention as she folded the bills and placed them in the pocket of her shorts.

  Ezra’s eyes were burning with anger as he glanced down at me. He shook his head as he picked his cup back up from the table, staring down at the grass in front of him.

  As I listened to Mason and Wyatt snickering from their table, I set my cup down hard against the wooden tabletop and stood. Ezra watched me warily as I pulled my legs from beneath the table and turned toward the group of jocks.

  I felt his hand grab my elbow as I began walking straight toward their table, Mason and Wyatt both watching as Ezra attempted to stop me.

  Char, stop. They’re not worth it. I’m fine. We’re fine. Let’s just go.

  No. I’m sick of this.

  Slowing my pace as I reached the boys, I stood with my hands clenched by my side, the anger causing my body to tremble.

  Stop messing with Ezra. Now.

  Wyatt stood from the table and faced me, glancing back at Ezra with a cocky smirk.

  Oh, Ezra. Is your little girlfriend fighting your battles now?


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