The Walls We Built

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The Walls We Built Page 16

by Kassandra Garrison

  Isn’t Mason doing the same for you? I see the way he talks to you, the way you listen like a dog. We all know who’s running this group and it isn’t you.

  I stood uncomfortably close to Wyatt, unflinchingly glaring up into his dark brown eyes. He wavered in his place, peeking at his posse out of the corner of his eye.

  You don’t know what you’re talking about, Charlotte. Everyone knows who runs this show.

  Yeah, I think we all do.

  The corner of my mouth pulled up in a sly grin as I realized the control I had over Wyatt in that moment. He puffed his chest, attempting to restore the ego I so easily tore down.

  Ezra, do you have no control of your woman?

  I heard Ezra’s chuckle behind me as Wyatt glanced over my shoulder to escape my burning glare.

  I learned a while back not to get on her bad side. Besides, she can handle her own. I’m here more as a fan than anything else.

  Ezra’s humor seemed to skim right over Wyatt’s head as he glanced back down at my amused grin.

  Let’s go guys. These two aren’t worth our time.

  Only half of the jocks followed Wyatt as they left the table, leaving Mason and a handful of his followers behind. I stood with Ezra close behind, his hand grazing my back in reminder of his support. Mason sat watching me, my finger pointing directly at him.

  Mason Andrew Pryor, come here!

  He seemed surprised by my assertiveness as he slowly stood from the table, his eyes never leaving mine. Mason stopped a safe distance away from me, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Yes, Charlotte Elizabeth? How can I help you?

  Hmm, where should I start? Stop trying to talk to me, stop watching me, and stop messing with my boyfriend. Just leave me alone!

  You could have avoided all of this had you just talked to me and not let your boyfriend interfere.

  He was trying to protect me.

  Protect you from what? I’m your brother!

  You might have been that to me a decade ago but I don’t know the boy standing in front of me now. My brother was a sweet, protective, and gentle person who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

  As the tension increased, I felt Ezra’s hand on my elbow in caution. I pulled my arm from his grasp and stepped toward my brother, his eyes guarded as I fearlessly entered his personal space. My glare burned holes in his eyes as I refused to break eye contact regardless of the lack of space between us.

  You. You’re nothing but an obsessive, arrogant, selfish jerk who doesn’t care who he hurts to get his way. I lost my brother ten years ago and you aren’t him.

  My point had been made and the sight of him was starting to make me nauseated. I turned to leave, Ezra’s expression a mixture of protectiveness and sorrow.

  Come on, Ezra. Let’s go.

  From behind me, I heard Mason’s footsteps and felt his hand graze my arm.


  Ezra shook his head in warning as I froze in place, attempting to grab me in my fury. Yet, before he could stop me, I whirled around and punched Mason in the eye. He grabbed his face, cupping his hand over his injured eye.

  I told you never to call me that again.

  The half of his expression still visible was solemn, void of any anger toward my attack. It was the Mason I knew, the compassionate brother who felt my hurt and longed to fix it.

  And as I walked away with Ezra’s hand on my back, I heard the voice of the brother I lost years ago.

  I’m sorry, Charlotte.

  My heart ached deep in my chest as I refused to turn back. For once, I was the one leaving him. Yet, for the first time in my life, I questioned what hurt more: being the one abandoned or the one who left.


  Are you sure you’re okay?

  Ezra had just come from showering in his dorm, his hair still damp and the scent of soap surrounding him. There was something about the aroma of his body wash, its light alluring fragrance reaching deep into my chest. He lay on my bed, watching as I walked out of the bathroom brushing my wet hair.

  Yeah. Just a bit shaken.

  You were amazing. I’ve never seen Wyatt more scared than when you were in his face.

  That was pretty funny, huh?

  I doubt he’s going to mess with us again. That’s for sure.


  I smiled as I shoved the brush into my luggage and checked the bedside table for any overlooked items I might need during summer break.

  I see you packed all your books. I assume you’re bringing a new set with you in the fall.

  You assume correctly. Am I really that predictable?

  In some things.

  Like what?

  Let’s see… your cyclical rotation of books, choice of coffee, and preference to stay in your dorm.

  Man, I sound like an old lady. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been told that.

  You’ve been called an old lady?

  Well, not in those words. But that I have an old soul. I’ve never really fit in because of that reason. I don’t have the same interests as my own age group.

  I like it. Maybe I should start calling you that. My old lady.

  He laughed as I scrunched my nose in distaste, his hand catching mine and pulling me down on the comforter. His arms wrapped around me as I sat on the edge of the bed.

  I’m going to miss you, Char. I wish we could just stay here together. That way, I don’t have to go without seeing you for three months and I wouldn’t have to see my dad. Bonus.

  Suddenly, I stood from the bed and turned to face him. He sat up quickly, unaware of my realization.

  Why don’t you come home with me for the summer?

  Are you serious?

  Totally. We will still be together and you wouldn’t have to go home.

  Don’t you think your dad will be upset if you bring a boy home for three months?

  He’ll probably threaten you a couple times but Cara will be there and she’ll be excited to meet you.

  That is both reassuring and extremely frightening.

  Do you think your parents would be okay with you not coming home?

  Ezra shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, waving away any of my concerns.

  Nah. They don’t really care as long as I call them every once in a while. I’ll just tell them I’m staying at a friend’s house.

  So, we’re doing this then?

  He smiled before standing up and wrapping his arms around me.

  Let’s do it. How do you explain being both thrilled and afraid for your life?

  A relationship.

  I felt the vibration of his laughter as I placed my hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes.

  And you said I was predictable.

  I have learned my lesson, Char. Your nickname will no longer be old lady but something with a little more pizazz. Ace, Spunky… No, but I’m getting close.

  Maybe you should keep thinking.

  First, I’m going to call my parents and let them know.

  He let go of me and pulled his phone out of his pocket, the screen lighting up as he dialed the number.

  Okay, I’ll call my dad and Cara. An advanced notice will give you a greater chance of survival.

  Or allow him time to plan my death.

  Eh, fifty-fifty chance.

  I laughed as he closed the door of the dorm behind him. As I found my phone and called home, I could already hear the dread in my father’s voice and the excitement in Cara’s. This would be a new experience for all of us.


  Turn here.

  I watched as Ezra manipulated the steering wheel to make the right turn onto the uneven country road. The fields around us were covered with short green stalks of corn, a slight breeze causing their leaves to flutter in the sunshine.

  Above us was a clear blue sky, the afternoon sun still high and bright. Ezra and I left the dorms early that morning with our luggage in the back of his Jeep.

  Are you sure they were okay with me staying the
entire summer, Char? I don’t want to impose…

  Really, it’s fine. They were excited to meet you.

  You’re telling me your dad is excited to meet your boyfriend?

  Well, he wasn’t exactly thrilled but he’s just being protective. I’m his baby girl. He just takes a while to warm up to people. Don’t worry.

  Ezra nodded his head as he looked around at the fields surrounding us, one hand on the wheel and the other holding mine over the console. I squeezed his hand and smiled as he glanced over at me, uncertainty written across his face.

  As we continued down the long country road toward my home, I rolled the window down to allow the warm summer air to rush over us. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hung my arm out of the window, feeling the push and pull of the wind against my fingers.

  My soul would forever be connected to this land, to the earth where my feet took their first steps. These fields had been my playground and the wide-open sky, the blank pages in which I dreamed.

  Even the smell coming through the window was a familiar comfort as my chest filled with fluttering joy. I closed my eyes and let the air and sun wash over my face as I listened to the tires against the loose gravel.

  When I opened my eyes and glanced around me, I realized Ezra had been watching me the entire time. My cheeks became hot with a flush of blood under his curious scrutiny.

  Have you been watching me this whole time?


  Well, stop it. Why aren’t you looking around us? There are far more interesting sights to look at than me.

  I don’t think so.

  He took his eyes off me as we approached my family’s house. It was a large single-story home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The siding was white with large front windows and dark green shudders. Though the front porch was small, there was enough room for two rocking chairs on the right side of the door.

  As soon as Ezra parked in the driveway beside the house, I threw the passenger side door open and jumped out onto the blacktop. Ezra walked around the front of the Jeep in his t-shirt and shorts, shoving his keys into his pocket.

  He seemed nervous as I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the back of the house where we would most likely find my dad and Cara.

  We rounded the corner of the house, following the sidewalk circling its perimeter to the back patio. Down the gentle hill, I spotted the hammock, but it was empty.

  The screen door was unlocked at the back of the house so I let myself and Ezra in without knocking. Cara spotted us from the kitchen, her hands covered in suds from the dishwater. Her hair was pulled back and her long summer dress flowed around her. As always, she was beautiful without trying.

  Lottie! I didn’t hear you pull up! Give me a hug, girl. I missed you so much.

  Hey, Cara. I missed you, too.

  She dried her hands on a towel and rounded the corner of the counter with her arms stretched wide. Her smile was contagious as she squeezed me tightly and rubbed my back. As she pulled away, her eyes immediately found Ezra standing behind me.

  Her eyebrows shot up as she gave him a once over then glanced between the two of us grinning.

  And this must be your boyfriend, Ezra? Why didn’t you tell us he was such a handsome young man?

  Did you want me to write a novel for you? I’m sure my dad would love that.

  No, but I would. It’s so nice to meet you, Ezra.

  Cara released her hold of me and walked over to Ezra, giving him a hug despite their lack of familiarity.

  Ezra, this is Cara. My dad’s girlfriend. Cara, this is Ezra Blake.

  Ezra nodded his head as Cara released her hold of him, his hand stretched out in formal greeting. She smiled as she accepted his offer, placing both her hands on each side of his hand.

  Pleased to meet you, ma’am. I hope it’s no trouble for me to stay here this summer.

  Oh, no. It’s wonderful. I was so excited when Lottie called last night and told us you were coming. Can I offer you a drink or a snack?

  No, thank you.

  I frowned when I noticed the silence in the house and the continued absence of my father.

  Where’s Dad?

  He’s in the backroom probably pouting. I told him he couldn’t clean his gun on the dining table when we were expecting company.

  Ezra’s expression was alert, his eyes wide as Cara mentioned my father preparing his gun. I snickered as I walked down the hallway toward the extra room which acted as my dad’s mancave.

  Inside the room was a recliner, a table for his indoor hobbies, and a small television. As I pushed the door open and entered the room, he looked up from his gun, his glasses on the edge of his nose.

  Lottie! Come here, sis. I’m so happy you’re home for the summer. It’s not the same around here without you.

  Hey, dad. It’s good to be home.

  He stood up from the table, pulling his glasses off and wiping his dirty hands with a rag. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest, the beat of his heart against my ear. The familiar scent of my father filled my nose, the comforting combination of sunshine and aftershave.

  Then, he straightened his posture, releasing his hold of me and staring toward the door where Ezra stood. To my surprise, it was Ezra who broke the awkward silence first.

  Mr. Pryor, sir, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Ezra Blake.

  Nice to meet you, Ezra. So, you’re dating my daughter, huh?

  My dad leaned against the table and watched as Ezra glanced between him and the gun nervously. I playfully punched my dad on the arm and walked over to Ezra’s side, pulling him closer toward where my father stood.

  Dad! Ease up, would you? Ezra is a gentleman who respects me. He was brave enough to come spend the summer with his girlfriend’s father so maybe we should treat him like the guest he is.

  Fine. You’ll be sleeping in the room next to mine. I’m a very light sleeper. I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.

  That’s kind of better, I guess. Thanks, Dad.

  My dad sarcastically grinned at me before pushing off his worktable and walking out into the hallway. Ezra’s expression was panicked as he turned to follow my dad toward the bedrooms.

  This was going to be interesting. Never before had I seen my father more protective or Ezra so shaken. If Cara and I worked hard enough, I think we could persuade them to like one another.

  As the guys walked down the hallway to the bedrooms, I ventured back to the kitchen. Cara was pulling a pitcher of sweet tea from the refrigerator, a plate of cookies already on the table.

  She smiled as I turned the corner and sat at the counter to watch her as I had so many times before. Cara seemed content as she set the pitcher on the counter and leaned forward to talk with me.

  I’m assuming it was okay to call you my dad’s girlfriend, right? I mean you two were pretty lovey-dovey when I was home for spring break.

  We don’t have the labels you kids do nowadays but yeah, I guess that’s what you would call it.

  Well, I’m happy for you. I haven’t seen Dad this happy in a long time. You two are perfect for each other.

  Cara grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight, nodding in the direction of the hallway.

  How did your dad react?

  About how we expected him to react. Intimidation and subtle threats.

  He didn’t cock his gun? Well, Henry did better than I thought he would.

  It’s going to be an interesting summer.

  Just then, my dad and Ezra appeared at the end of the hallway, both with a look of discomfort. Cara straightened from her position on the counter and grabbed the pitcher of tea.

  I have cookies and iced tea if anyone wants some. Made the cookies fresh this morning since I knew you were coming today.

  She turned with her hands on her hips when no one in the room moved a muscle. She raised her eyebrows and looked between the two men and then at me, a look of entertainment on her face.

  You’re right, Lottie. This is
going to be fun.

  My dad and Ezra both furrowed their brows in confusion, and possibly disagreement, as they glanced over at one another and then at us. Cara and I laughed as they finally mobilized, choosing seats farthest away from each other at the dining table.

  With a secretive head nod, Cara soothed any worry I may have had about the two getting along. After all, we did have nearly three months of quality time ahead of us.


  My feet padded against the hardwood floor in the hallway as I made my way to the bathroom. It was the morning after our arrival and the house was still quiet save the sound of Cara clinking dishes in the kitchen.

  My dad’s room and the guest room were on the way to the bathroom from my room. Suddenly, the door of the guest room popped open and revealed a tussled, lethargic Ezra, his knuckle rubbing over one of his heavy eyes.


  Morning. You sleep okay?

  If you consider watching the door and waiting for your dad to come for me in the night a good night’s sleep, then yes, I slept marvelously.

  Oh, Ezra. He is not going to kill you. Can you just chill out? Maybe he would be more accepting if you didn’t act so nervous.

  Charlotte, he offered to show me his “private acres” last night when you and Cara went outside after dinner.

  I put my hand over my mouth as giggles threatened to burst from my chest. Watching the two of them so uncomfortable with one another was proving to be very entertaining for Cara and me. Yet, there was a part of me that questioned the why behind their behavior, a part of my mind I was trying to avoid.

  Shh. You’re going to wake your dad up.

  Please. My dad gets up before the rooster. He’s been awake for hours by now.

  How reassuring. Which means he’s several steps ahead of me.

  Rolling my eyes, I continued to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. As the steam poured out of the shower, I glanced through the small window in the bathroom. Outside, Cara stood next to my dad as he sat in one of the yellow metal lawn chairs overlooking the fields and pond.

  My dad shook his head as they spoke to one another, her hand tenderly touching his shoulder. What had upset my father? He was a man not easily bothered. Yet, as I stepped into the shower, I couldn’t shake the dread beginning to creep over me.


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