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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

Page 14

by Stephanie Street

  “We’ll get a good workout on the stairs.”

  “That’s a lot of stairs. Just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Chris.”

  Once he disconnected the call, Carter made his way into the bathroom. He knew there were some new toothbrushes he could use, however, he wished he could run next door to get some clean clothes. He desperately wanted a shower.

  Making do with just brushing his teeth, Carter found some blankets and spare pillows in the closet and carried them out to the sofa. He made sure to leave a light on in the room before he settled onto the sofa, finally allowing himself to relax.

  “No. Mama.”

  “Please. Don’t leave me in here!”

  “Harley! Wake up!”

  Who was that? It sounded like Carter.

  She was thirsty. And hot. And so, so afraid.

  “Harley, baby, wake up. It’s me, Carter.”

  Carter? What was he doing there?

  Harley tried to force her eyes open.

  “That’s it. Come on. It’s just a dream.”

  No. Not a dream. A memory. Reality. Just not one she’d lived in a long, long time. So, why wouldn’t it just go away?

  Strong arms and his familiar scent enveloped her, lifting her effortlessly. When she finally could get her eyes to open and focus, all she could see was Carter’s bare chest and arms.

  “That’s it. I’m here. I won’t leave you,” he murmured.

  “I’m sorry.” She felt so embarrassed. Not many people knew about her nightmares, her fears. Nick. Her mother. Of course. Troy, just because he was with her so much. One of her friends from high school, and only because Harley had a sleepover at her house. Once.

  She’d learned her lesson after that. Don’t let anyone get too close. How could she have forgotten?


  Even as he held her she knew she would push him away. Tomorrow. Just like she’d done the first time he kissed her. Only this time, the pain would be so much worse. The loss so much more devastating. But she had to do it. For him.

  He didn’t know it now, he thought he did, but he’d only seen a little of how broken she was. She wasn’t worthy of him. For some reason, God let her be born unloveable. She was just grateful for her beauty that made it so she could work and earn money, just like Missy said.

  It’s a good thing you’re so beautiful, Harley.

  Yes, it was a good thing, because she had nothing else to offer. They’d both be better off if she let Carter go now than if she let herself fall in love before he realized how flawed she really was. He’d only leave her later.

  But not now. Now, she would hold him. And she’d have this memory to battle with all the others. Something sweet to hold onto.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again, pressing her lips to his skin.

  Carter lifted her chin. “Don’t be sorry. Don’t ever be sorry.”

  “You’ll hold me?” she asked.

  “I won’t let go,” he said just before his lips crashed into hers.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Carter woke the next morning to an empty bed as usual, but this time, it wasn’t his own. Rolling onto his back, he rubbed his hands over his face and tried not to feel disappointed. After falling asleep with Harley in his arms, Carter had looked forward to waking up the same way.

  Throwing back the covers, Carter sat up on the edge of the bed still in his jeans. His shirt lay in a heap beside the sofa where he’d tossed it the night before. Standing, he stretched before reaching for his shirt and tugging it over his head. He picked up his phone and checked the time. He was supposed to be on set in thirty minutes.

  But first, where was Harley?

  Carter pocketed his phone and wallet and slipped into his shoes. He glanced at the blankets and pillows he’d used briefly the night before. He didn’t have time to deal with them. He’d call his housekeeper later and ask her to take care of it for him.

  The apartment was quiet. Carter walked into the kitchen with a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Right away he saw a piece of paper folded in half standing like a tent with his name on the front.


  I wanted to get an early start so I called my driver.

  Thank you for everything,


  Carter balled up the paper and tossed it into the trash bin beside the refrigerator. She’d left him.

  “Good morning.”

  Harley jumped a good couple of inches, pressing her hand to her heart. “Carter! Goodness, you startled me.”

  “I’m sorry.” And he was. After seeing her so frightened the night before, the last thing he wanted was to scare her. “I didn’t hear you get up,” he murmured quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear their conversation.

  Harley must have had the same thought because her eyes darted around quickly before settling back on him. “I didn’t want to wake you. It was my fault you didn’t get much sleep-” she cut herself off, her cheeks turning a becoming shade of red as she realized what she implied. “Anyway, I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Carter stepped closer, bringing his body in contact with hers. “I wouldn’t have minded. And I think we were both to blame for how little sleep we got. But I didn’t mind that, either.” He’d held her and kissed her and while he’d wanted so much more, for so many reasons, last night hadn’t been the time.

  “Carter,” she admonished, putting her hand on his chest to keep him from getting any closer.

  So, that was it.

  Carter clasped her hand where it lay almost over his heart, holding it lightly, tenderly.

  “Is this how it’s going to be, Harley? After everything.” Not about to play fair, Carter brought his nose to her ear and inhaled her flower scent. “You are so beautiful.”

  Her body went rigid beside his. “I’m sorry, Carter.” She pulled her hand from his and picked up a sheaf of papers on a nearby desk. “We should get to work.”


  Mila marches into the tattoo parlor. The sign on the door says ‘CLOSED’. Jordan stands behind the desk shuffling through some stacks of papers.


  What is wrong with you? Why do you work in a tattoo parlor if you don’t have tattoos?


  Who says I don’t have tattoos?


  I don’t see any.


  That means I don’t have any?


  Stop following me.


  I don’t think so.


  What is your problem? Why do you care? You don’t even know me.


  Oh, yeah? And who’s fault is that?


  I don’t know what you mean.


  You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can figure it out.


  You don’t know what this is, what’s happening. It’s dangerous. You could get hurt. Or killed.

  Jordan walks out from behind the desk and grips Mila’s shoulders.


  You think just because of who your dad is or what your family does, I can’t want you? Those two things are not related, Mila.


  You don’t know what you’re saying...


  Says who? You? Well, guess what, sweetheart? You ain’t in charge here. I am. I’ll follow you and I won’t quit following you until you give up this stupid idea of yours to bring down Carlo. At least, not without me.

  Jordan yanks Mila into his chest. He leans forward to kiss her, but she stops him.


  No one’s in charge of me.


  And if that ain’t the best part.

  “I won’t give up this time, Harley.”

  “Cut!” Stephen shouted. “Mila, her name is Mila. And you weren’t supposed to kiss her!”

  Carter nodded, but his eyes never left Harley’s. “I know.”

sp; For the next week, Carter stayed true to his word; he didn’t give up. He never pressured her, but every moment they were together, he let her know in small ways he still wanted her. He brought her hot chocolate from the bakery down the street from Bragg. She mentioned she liked Italian food and the next day, he ordered lunch from the most amazing restaurant for the entire cast and crew. One morning as she got into the elevator with Troy, Harley found a sticky note with the words ‘open me’ printed in Carter’s precise handwriting. When she lifted the note, she found a small latch that opened a panel in the elevator. Harley opened the panel and almost cried. Inside the compartment were water bottles, a flashlight, and some bars.

  The man was relentless.

  It didn’t help matters any that Mila and Jordan were falling madly in love. The script dialogue couldn’t have been more appropriately written to mirror Harley’s exact feelings. Mila denied her attraction for Jordan who refused to let her put herself in danger and kept showing up wherever she went to keep her safe. Carter’s ad-libs only made things worse. He spoke every line directly to her heart. Stephen loved it. Harley was certain he believed Carter a raw talent he’d discovered, but the truth of it was Carter didn’t pretend. Everything about him was real.

  By Saturday, Harley wasn’t sure she could take anymore. All she wanted was to curl up in her apartment and not leave for the next forty-eight hours but instead, she had to attend a party. She’d forgotten all about it and would have begged off once she remembered, but it was Kaden’s birthday. She couldn’t and wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  The only problem? Carter.

  In fact, at that very moment, she rode in his car, surrounded by his scent, and wishing very much for an aggressive stomach bug to hit and give her an excuse to get out of the whole thing. Because he was getting to her. The man was sweet. Thoughtful. Generous. Kind. Hilarious. Oh, he made her laugh when all she wanted to do was be angry with him. Hate him. Because that would be so much easier than falling for him. Who was she kidding? She’d fallen a long time ago.

  Carter reached across the console and quickly squeezed her hand where it lay in her lap before releasing it again.

  “I miss you.”

  Harley closed her eyes. What was he doing to her? Why couldn’t he just let it alone?

  “We see each other every day.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why? Because you pushed me away without any explanation? Or because you don’t feel the way I feel? Or because you do and you’re just too scared to admit it?”

  Hot tears stung her eyes. He didn’t understand! She did this for him. “Don’t. Please.”

  His hands gripped the steering wheel as he pulled into Chris and Oakley’s driveway. “Don’t what? Don’t love you? Because it’s a little too late for that!”


  Did he just say he loved her?

  Feeling stunned, Harley watched as he stormed out of the car leaving her to stew.

  She opened her car door and got out to find Cam standing close by frowning after Carter.

  “What’s wrong with him?” she asked.


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  It was nothing short of torture to be so close to Harley and not be with her. Carter wanted nothing more than to be by her side as he navigated his nephew’s birthday party, but it wasn’t to be. Instead, he brooded.

  Something bumped his shoulder. Glancing over, he saw it was Claire.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” Carter was genuinely happy to see his assistant. So much so that he turned and wrapped her in a bear hug.

  “I’m here for a birthday party, Carter. Why are you hugging me?” She was so prickly.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.” He released her and smiled his first smile of the day. Well, that wasn’t true. He smiled when he wished Kaden happy birthday. He even meant it.

  Claire snorted as she straightened her glasses he’d knocked askew when he hugged her. “It’s only been a few weeks, Carter.”

  He could have sworn it was longer. After this week, he half wanted to leave the movie making business and go back to the office.

  “You look exactly the same,” he commented and she did. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her outside office hours and she’d dressed exactly the same. Drab.

  Claire lifted her hand to her hair which had been pulled back into its usual severe bun. “You expected me to look different?” she asked, annoyed.

  “No, well, yes. It’s the weekend. We’re at a party. Don’t you ever let loose? Wear something that isn’t work clothes? Let your hair down?”

  “What’s wrong with my hair?”

  Carter shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong with your hair. But wouldn’t it be nice to wear it down every once in a while?”

  “No. It gets in the way.” She said the words in her usual no-nonsense tone, but Carter thought he might have heard a slight tremble, too. Had he hurt her feelings?

  “I’m sorry. I’m just messing with you.” He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a side hug. Better to let her think he was teasing her.

  “Well, why don’t you go annoy someone else?”

  “Hmm. Like who? The choices are limited today.” Carter pretended to look over the party guests. “Chris would punch me. Oakley would banish me to the kitchen and make me do dishes or something equally horrifying.”

  Claire snorted. “Have you ever done dishes in your life?”

  “Hmm. Maybe once or twice in college. But just what I needed to use right then.”

  “What about Oakley’s friend? What’s her name?”

  “Cam.” Carter pretended to shudder. Cam had taken Harley under her wing since they’d arrived. He swore it was like the two were attached at the hip. “She’s out of my league. Messing with her is almost as dangerous as teasing you.”

  “Yet, here you are.”

  Carter grinned again. “Yes, well, I sign your paycheck. It gives me a small measure of security that you won’t murder me.”

  “Hmm. Not as much as you think,” she said with a little laugh that terrified him.

  “You frighten me, Claire Hedges,” he told her in all seriousness.

  “Good. What about that one?” She tipped her head and Carter followed the direction of it straight to Harley.

  He grunted. “She’s had enough of me.”

  Claire made a noise in her throat. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

  Carter stood up straight and stared at his assistant. “What does that mean?”

  She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose again and looked up at him. “Well, since you’ve come over to stand beside me, especially after that obnoxious hug, she’s glanced our way once about every five to ten seconds.”

  Carter’s head automatically turned toward Harley in order to verify Claire’s claim.

  “No! Don’t look, you numbskull.” She yanked on his arm.

  “How am I supposed to know you’re right if you won’t let me look for myself?”

  “Why would I lie to you?” Her eyes turned speculative. “She’s the one, isn’t she? Last year. The reason you turned into a grizzly bear and I had to sic my brother on you to get you out of it? It was her?”

  Carter scowled at her for being so perceptive. “No-” Claire glared at him. “Alright, yes. But it doesn’t matter. She rejected me then and she rejected me again.”

  “For someone so bright, you sure are stupid.”

  “You think I’m bright?” That was a surprise. Claire constantly told him he was an idiot.

  “I think you’re being such a man right now. Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you and the blonde, but whatever it is, it isn’t over yet. I’m going to go get some cake. Do not follow me.” She pointed her finger at him in warning.

  Carter put up his hands. “I’m staying right here.”

  Claire rolled her eyes as she began to walk away. “If you were smart, you�
��d go over there.” She moved her finger from pointing at him to pointing at Harley.

  What did Claire know?

  Carter had been trying all week to show Harley how he felt about her without being a jerk about it. He wasn’t about to force himself on her. It had been a miserable five days since he’d woken up alone in her bed. The worst part about everything? He didn’t know why. She’d pushed him away twice now. He should learn to just leave her alone. But he couldn’t.

  What he’d told her in the car was true. He did love her and he wanted a chance to prove it to her, to show her how things could be for them if she would just try.

  That was it.

  Carter knew what he needed to do.

  And he wasn’t going to wait to do it.

  Feeling determined, Carter marched over to where Harley sat with Cam and Oakley by the pool. Guests milled around the backyard playing games, relaxing in lawn chairs, and swimming. Little kids ran amok with Kaden as their leader. More junk food had been consumed in the last two hours than Carter had ever witnessed before. But as far as he was concerned, this party was over.


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