Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire Page 17

by Stephanie Street


  Mila. What am I going to do with you.


  Just let me go, Carlo.


  Show me some respect! I’m your father’s brother.


  I have no father anymore.


  So, that’s how it’s going to be, is it? I hoped things would turn out differently. You’re mother is a good woman and I love your father dearly. But you’ve forced my hand, Mila. Now it’s time to tie up loose ends. And you, Mila, are a loose end.

  Carlo nods to Miles who pulls a gun out of a holster inside his jacket.


  You’ll never get away with this, Carlo.


  I already have.

  Shots fire outside the door to Carlo’s office, drawing everyone’s attention.


  Go see who it is.

  Miles leaves Mila and moves to the door. Before he touches the knob, the door bursts open and Jordan shoots Miles. Miles falls to the ground. Carlo digs through a desk drawer, but Jordan quickly aims and shoots Carlo. Carlo falls back into his chair, unconscious.

  Jordan rushes to Mila and works on her restraints.


  You stubborn woman. You could have gotten yourself killed.


  No, I couldn’t. I knew you would save me.

  Mila kisses Jordan for the first time.

  “Thanks for coming to dinner with me tonight.” Carter put his arm around Harley’s waist as he led her into an exclusive restaurant downtown called Saint Ivory’s.

  Oakley worked there as a waitress before marrying Chris. Since then, they’d all become regulars. The food was delicious, the staff fantastic, but best of all, they catered to celebrities by ensuring their privacy as much as possible. Nothing could be done about the cameras outside the door, but Carter knew the manager, so he used an entrance in the back.

  “Where are we going?” she asked they walked down as back hallway.

  “You’ll see.” He opened a door that led to a set of stairs.

  “Carter, what is this?” She hesitated at the bottom of the stairs.

  He gave her a gentle push to get her moving. “Why are you so suspicious? Come on.”

  Harley put her heeled foot on the first step. “Oh, I wonder why I’m suspicious. The first time you took me on a date, you threw me out of a perfectly good airplane!” Harley took two more stairs and then she felt Carter’s hands settle on her hips.

  “I promise, I won’t make you jump out of any airplanes tonight. Especially, not looking like that.”

  Heat poured into her cheeks. Carter had barely been able to take his eyes off her since she’d opened her door to him earlier. He’d been touching her in some small way all night, like he couldn’t help himself.

  “Oh, wow,” Harley breathed as they reached the top of the stairs. Carter had moved to her side and watched her reaction. “This is beautiful!”

  The stairs emptied onto the roof of the building. In the deep lavender of twilight blanketing the evening, at least several thousand twinkle lights glowed, entwined about a wooden pergola over a table set for two. Dozens of vases filled with fresh flowers surrounded the pergola, their fragrance filling the air.

  “How did you do this?”

  Carter smiled as he pointed to his chest. “Billionaire.”

  Harley narrowed her eyes playfully, but she had to laugh, because of course, he was a billionaire. “Right. I keep forgetting.”

  Carter snorted as he led her to the table. “Literally, no one has ever said that to me before.”

  Harley put her hand on his arm. Carter paused, glancing down at her. “That’s because they didn’t know the real you. The real Carter is much more compelling than billionaire Carter.”

  He smiled and Harley thought he might lean down to kiss her, but he didn’t. Instead, he stood behind one of the chairs and held it out for her.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Carter sat across from her and she was reminded again of how handsome he was. She couldn’t get enough of looking at him. She loved his dusky blonde hair. His blue eyes that always seemed to see right through her. His lean face and full lips she missed tasting.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, watching her intently.

  “You’re very handsome, Carter.”

  His lips curved into a small smirk. “Thank you, Ms. Stone. That might be the best compliment anyone’s ever given me.”

  Harley smiled, remembering she’d said those words to him last weekend.

  “I mean it, Carter. I don’t think I could ever tire of looking at you.”

  Carter’s eyes smoldered as his expression lost all its playfulness. “Harley,” he murmured her name as a warning.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Bragg. But are you ready to order?”

  Carter tore his gaze away from Harley to see their waitress at his elbow. He hadn’t even heard her approach.

  “Hi, Tinsley. How are you?” He’d met the young woman several times, here and at his brother’s house. Tinsley and Oakley had remained friends even though they didn’t work together anymore. “And what’s this ‘Mr. Bragg’ stuff? It’s Carter, remember?”

  Tinsley’s cheeks reddened as she nodded, acknowledging what he said. “I’m doing great. Keeping busy. Have you heard from Oakley lately?” she asked, shooting a quick smile at Harley.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Tinsley. This is Harley, but you probably already knew that.” Everyone knew Harley.

  “Hi, Ms. Stone. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m a huge fan.” Tinsley expressed her pleasure at meeting Harley with respect and without going overboard.

  “Thank you, Tinsley. It’s nice to meet you, too. And please, call me Harley.”

  Tinsley smiled and Carter continued the introduction. “Oakley worked with Tinsley here at Saint Ivory’s before she and Chris were married.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “And Oakley is doing well. You should give her a call. Chris has been taking over for me at the office. I bet she’d appreciate some company.”

  “I’ll do that. Thank you.” Tinsley’s smile encompassed them both. “Do you know what you’d like?”

  “I do, but I’m not sure Harley’s had a chance to look at the menu yet.” Carter looked to Harley.

  “Just bring me a chicken dish, grilled.” Harley picked up the menu and handed it to Tinsley who looked a little worried.

  “Are you sure? I can come back after you’ve had a chance to look.”

  Harley shook her head. “No, it’s alright, I like anything.”

  “Okay, and salad? Dressing? Steamed vegetables or a potato or both?”

  “Light vinaigrette and just the vegetables will be fine, thank you.”

  She turned to Carter. “Your usual?”

  “You know it. Saint Ivory’s has the best steak in town.”

  “Great. I’ll get this started.”

  Tinsley took the steps back down to the kitchen, but Carter’s eyes were only for the woman in front of him. She’d said she could look at him and never tire of it. He knew he felt the same. So, why were they fighting this thing between them? What held her back from him?

  Rising from his chair, Carter held out his hand. “Care to dance, beautiful?”

  Her hand trembled as she placed it in his and he pulled her to her feet. “I didn’t hear the music until you said something.”

  Carter pulled her close, wrapping one arm around her waist and keeping her hand in his with the other, he brought it to his lips.

  The last couple of weeks had been about getting to know one another, but Carter knew Harley, in his heart he knew her and she belonged with him. He regretted every minute they were forced to be apart.

  The moment grew heavy between them as their bodies moved slowly to the soft music. Carter’s heart pounded mercilessly in his chest. Harley brought her hand to rest ov
er it, feeling it’s rhythm. “Harley, I-”

  Carter’s phone rang in his pocket. He swore under his breath. Why hadn’t he turned it on silent? Or turned it off.

  “Who is it?” Harley asked.

  “I don’t know. It can go to voicemail.” The ringing stopped and then started back up again.

  “Carter, I think you should see who it is. What if there’s something wrong? Oakley or Kaden?”

  He hesitated, but only for a second. She was right. Oakley was pregnant. What if there was something wrong with the baby? Or Kaden? The thought twisted his stomach.

  Reaching into his pocket, Carter pulled out his phone.

  “Chris, what is it? Is something wrong?”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Harley held her hand to her throat as she listened to Carter’s side of the conversation with his brother and watched as his expression went from worried to angry to-

  “What? What is it?” He was looking at her.

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know. We’ll head down there right now.” Carter brought the phone back down to his side.

  “Carter what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

  “We have to go.” He tried to take hold of her hand, but Harley pulled away.

  “No! Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

  Carter’s expression was grim. “I think we left your phone in the car. The police have been trying to reach you.”

  Harley gasped. “The police!”

  Carter took her arms in his hands. “Harley, it’s your mom.”

  “What? My mom? She’s in LA.”

  Carter shook his head. “No, honey. She’s not. She’s at Bragg.”

  At Bragg? What was Missy doing at Bragg? She was supposed to be in LA. Troy assured her he deposited Missy at Harley’s home in LA.

  “I’m not sure how she got there,” Carter said as they raced back to Bragg Enterprises. “Chris said Ernest, the night watchman, heard a disturbance and sounded the alarm. He went out to see what was going on, but he couldn’t do anything.” Carter’s eyes slid from the road to meet hers for a split second. “She was too out of control. He was worried she’d hurt him.”

  “What?” She didn’t understand.

  “She had a baseball bat.”

  “A baseball bat?” What in the world had she been thinking?

  “The police are with her. We’ll be there in just a few minutes.” Carter reached for her hand and held it tight, but Harley barely registered the touch.

  Missy went on a rampage with a baseball bat? Why would she do such a thing?

  Once they reached Bragg, Carter pulled up to the parking garage. Police and reporters surrounded the small entrance. When the police realized it was Carter, they opened a barricade and let them through, holding back the media who’d swarmed the car.

  “Oh, my goodness. Carter.” Harley’s eyes widened at the sight before them and Carter’s heart sunk. There was no way this would stay private. Anyone could see what had happened from the street.

  At least ten cars in the garage had a busted out windshield. Glass lay shattered on the ground. Headlights hung from fenders. Car bodies had dents in them from Missy’s fit of hysteria.

  More than a dozen police officers moved around the garage, taking photographs, assessing damage. There were a few civilians as well, probably the owners of the vehicles.

  Carter followed the directions he was being given and parked near the private gate.

  “I’ll come open your door.”

  Carter quickly got out of the car and went around to help Harley from her seat. She was in shock. Carter tucked her under his arm and headed toward the entrance to the Bragg building.

  “Ms. Stone,” it was Officer Bevins. “Mr. Bragg,” he greeted them with a sad smile. “Ms. Stone, we had to restrain your mother. An ambulance took her away a few minutes ago. I’m sorry we couldn’t wait for you. She-” the troubled officer didn’t finish the thought.

  Carter brought Harley closer to his chest as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “What happened?” Carter asked.

  Officer Bevins cleared his throat. “Ms. Stonebridge arrived at the building at around eight-oh-five according to the surveillance cameras. The night watch, saw the disturbance and heard the car alarms sound. He called 9-1-1 and then went to see what was going on.”

  Officer Bevins told them the rest, but it amounted to Missy losing her mind and busting up a dozen cars in the Bragg parking lot while she screamed about Harley ruining her life and taking everything from her. Thankfully, Officer Bevins noticed Harley’s distress and refrained from giving too many details.

  “She’s on her way to the hospital with minor wounds. They’ll hold her there until she’s well enough to leave and then she’ll be transferred to the State.”

  “She’s going to jail?” Harley asked, her voice small and lost.

  Officer Bevins shared a look with Carter. “Yes, Ms. Stone. She’ll be charged for her actions tonight and she’ll undergo a psychiatric evaluation as part of the investigation. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, Officer Bevins.” Carter reached out to shake the man’s hand. “Will Harley be able to see her mother?”

  Officer Bevins shook his head. “I’m sorry. Someone will be in touch.”

  They watched as he walked away.

  “Hey, you guys. You doing alright?” Carter turned to see Chris walking toward them.

  Carter nodded even though it wasn’t true.

  Chris’s compassionate gaze fell on Harley. “Listen, I’ll take care of your car. You guys just go upstairs. Oakley and I will stop by to see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Chris.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you upstairs.”

  Harley let Carter lead her to the elevator. She felt numb.

  She turned into Carter’s chest.

  “I got you.”

  When the elevator door opened again, Carter held her against his side. “Where do you want to go?”

  “With you.”

  He kissed the top of her head and stopped outside his apartment. “Want to go get changed?”

  “Can I borrow some shorts?”


  Carter unlocked the door and Harley just wanted to collapse on his fluffy sectional.

  “This way,” he herded her down the hall to his room and into his bathroom. “I’ll get you something to wear, hang on.” He left her standing in the bathroom and when he came back he held a stack of clothes. Shorts, sweatpants, and a soft t-shirt. Everything smelled like him. Carter leaned over to the shower and started the water.

  “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” He closed the door.

  “We lived in Boulder.” They laid in Carter’s bed. He still wore his suit pants, but he’d stripped down to a white t-shirt. Harley wore the clothes he’d given her. She’d snuggled under the covers, but Carter sat on top, his arm around her shoulders and her head on his chest.

  “When you were little?” he asked, twirling a lock of her hair around on his finger.

  Harley nodded. “We were so poor. Homeless most of the time living out of cars or with Missy’s friends. Nick’s five years older than me. He was always gone at school and Missy would leave me in her closet when she went to work or to hang out with her friends.”

  Carter stilled, shocked by what she’d just told him.

  “It’s why I hate small spaces. And the dark. It was dark in the closet. And hot. She didn’t always remember to give me food or water.”

  “Harley, I-” he stopped. He didn’t even know what to say.

  “It’s okay. I just never thought-,” her breath caught on a sob. “Let’s not talk about it anymore. I just want to rest.”

  Carter nodded, pulling her closer as she cried her self to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Two months later…

  “Harley! We need to go!” Carter knocked on her bathroom door. Again.

  “Carter Bragg, they just called. These things take
time. I’ll be ready in a second.”

  “If we miss the birth of my niece because you had to do your hair, I’m going to scream.”

  Harley whipped open the door to her bathroom to give him a withering glare. “I was not doing my hair. And we’re not going to miss it. Haven’t you watched television? Having a baby takes hours.”

  “Actually, if this was a television show, she’d have the baby in the car on the way to the hospital.” Carter grinned unrepentantly. “Come on. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “You are so annoying,” Harley tossed back at him as she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out of her bedroom. Carter had gotten a frantic call from Chris fifteen minutes earlier. Oakley had gone into labor. Carter’s job was to let Harley know and get them both to the hospital.

  “You’ve been spending too much time with Claire,” Carter said as he locked her door behind them.

  “Claire’s one of us now. You boys are outnumbered four to two.” She pushed the button for the elevator.

  “Kaden counts. And what about Cam’s boyfriend? That would even things up.” Carter wrapped his arms around her and walked her into the elevator. Hopefully, traffic would be light at four in the morning.

  “Ugh. Patrick? I don’t like that guy. He’s so arrogant.” Harley turned in his arms to kiss his lips.

  “Hmm.” Carter hummed against her mouth. “You used to think I was arrogant.”


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