Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire Page 18

by Stephanie Street

  “I still kind of do, but we’ve humbled you a little bit.”

  The elevator door opened and they hurried to Carter’s car. “What are the odds Oakley would go into labor when we don’t have to work the next day?”

  Harley held her thumb and forefinger about a millimeter apart.

  Carter laughed. “Exactly.” They had a week off before they began filming again for their second movie. He’d really started to like being an actor and had a feeling he wouldn’t want to go back to working in an office when it was all said and done.

  “What’s our guess on a name?” He asked as they got into the car. People kept asking Chris and Oakley what they were going to name the baby, so they’d started a jar. Anyone who asked had to write their guess on a piece of paper that got put in a jar. They were going to read them before Chris and Oakley revealed the name they had actually chosen and see if anyone came close.

  “I don’t know what yours is, you didn’t tell me.”

  “I know I didn’t tell you because you didn’t tell me.” He pulled the car out of the parking garage and headed toward the hospital.

  “I’m not going to tell you, either, Mr. Twenty Guesses in the Jar.”

  “That’s a ridiculous name.” He reached out to hold her hand.

  Four months. They’d been dating for about four months. As each month came to an end, Harley renewed their one month deal with a kiss, but Carter had been hoping for something a little more permanent. They’d spent almost every waking moment together since Oakley’s mom had vandalized cars in the parking garage at Bragg Enterprises and been admitted to psychiatric hospital. Although, there were a few notable exceptions.

  Carter had encouraged Harley to go to counseling. They’d talked a lot about some of the difficult things she’d endured as a child at the hands of her alcoholic mother, but Carter worried she needed to talk to a professional. She’d begun going to bi-weekly sessions about a month prior. She didn’t discuss it with him too much, but he could tell after every visit she seemed lighter, like weights were being slowly lifted off her shoulders.

  He was proud of her. He loved her. And he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He knew what being without her meant. Heartache. Misery. Loneliness. He never wanted to go through that again if he could help it.

  He’d even stopped going to the MMA gym as much. He still went and he enjoyed it, but he didn’t feel the need to go. He was happy with his life. With his Harley.

  The hospital wasn’t far and traffic was light that time of day. Carter and Harley hurried up to the labor and delivery floor and found it already crowded with their friends and family.

  “Hey, what took you guys so long?” Cam hugged Harley and pushed Carter’s arm.

  “Chris called me thirty minutes ago,” Carter defended himself.

  “Well, she’s already dilated to an eight,” a familiar voice said and Carter turned, his mouth gaping open, to see his parents, both of them, standing just inside the waiting room.

  “You’re here,” he said, stating the obvious.

  “Of course we’re here. Our first grandchild is about to be born,” his mother smiled and Carter only hoped they had come for the right reasons.

  Change brewed in the Bragg family since Chris started working with Martin. Carter knew Chris, Oakley, and Kaden had been to dinner with his parents on a few different occasions. Things were still tense, but in Carter’s humble opinion, moving in the right direction.

  “It’s good to see you.” Carter kissed his mother’s cheek and shook hands with his dad before turning to include Harley. “You guys haven’t met Harley yet. Harley, my parents, Karen and Martin. Mom, Dad, this is Harley Stone.”

  “We know who she is, Carter. For heaven’s sake, do you think we live under a rock.” Karen gave him a look before turning to smile at Harley. “It’s nice to meet you, Harley. How’s the movie coming along?”

  “Good. Great. Thank you. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  They all turned to Martin who had yet to say anything.

  Martin’s eyes narrowed at Harley. “So, you’re the reason my son decided to become a movie star.”


  “No, it’s okay.” Harley took a step closer to Carter’s father. “Yes, I am.”

  Carter watched with astonishment as his father’s lips twitched with apparent amusement. “Well, then I guess he’s as smart as I always believed. Come along, Karen. Let’s see if this hospital has any decent coffee.”

  “What just happened?” Carter asked, staring after them.

  “I don’t know, but I think it’s great they’re here.” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I think it’s great you’re here,” Carter murmured, loving having her close.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  For the next hour or so family and friends came and went from the waiting room. Oakley’s parents, Jerry and Mercy, along with Oakley’s brother and sister, Rafe and Lucy, were there. Carter’s parents. Cam. Kaden sat between Jerry and Mercy, his little head bobbing as he tried to stay awake while watching a show on someone’s phone.

  At around five-thirty, Mercy went back to see how things were going. She returned a few minutes later to let them know Oakley had started pushing.

  Carter wasn’t sure he wanted to know that many details, but he was glad to know his niece would be born any minute now.

  Claire showed up soon after with a couple of trays filled with steaming cups of coffee which she passed around.

  “You two might have to share,” she told Carter as she brought the last cup over.

  “Thanks, Claire. I don’t mind sharing.” Carter passed the cup to Harley, who’s eyes drooped.

  “Oh, I needed this,” Harley groaned as she took a sip.

  “How’s it going in there?” Claire asked, taking a seat across from them.

  “She’s pushing,” Carter answered with a shudder, sincerely thankful to be a man right then. He saw Mercy sneak back to the delivery room and hoped she’d return with news the baby had been born.

  “How are things going at the office,” Harley asked Claire who’d been helping Chris take care of Carter’s big accounts and keep things running.

  “Busy,” was all she said. “I should be going since every one is here.” Claire stood to leave.

  “Are you sure? I don’t think anyone will mind if you take the morning off.” Carter rose as well.

  But Claire shook her head. “No, I’ll go. I don’t mind. Tell Chris and Oakley congratulations. I brought a gift. It’s over by the door with all the flowers.”

  “That was sweet of you, Claire,” Harley said, getting to her feet as well. “And thanks for the coffee. That hit the spot.”

  “You’re welcome.” Claire smiled. “Okay, well, I’ll see you all later.”

  “What’s her story, do you think?” Harley asked as they sank back down into the uncomfortable waiting room chairs.

  “What makes you think she has a story?” Carter picked up a magazine featuring her on the front. “Check out this beautiful lady.” He pointed to her picture.

  Harley’s lips pinched. “Seriously. What do you know about her?”

  “Who? Her?” He held up the magazine again.

  “No, you dummy.” She took the magazine and whacked him with it. “Claire.”

  Carter sighed. “Babe, not everyone wants their story told. Claire’s a private person. I’ve never pried into her life, so I can’t tell you anything.”


  “Oh, no,” Carter groaned. “I can hear the wheels spinning in your head from here!”

  Harley laughed. “You are no fun!”

  Carter turned to her with a devilish grin. “Oh, I don’t know. I think I can be pretty fun sometimes.”

  Harley scrambled to get away from him but not too much, she liked getting caught as much as he liked catching her.

  “She’s here!” Mercy shouted and Carter dropped his arms to grab Harley’s hand.

  “She’s here and she’s perfect. Mom and baby are doing just fine. Dad and baby are having some skin to skin time. They’re just so precious.” Mercy’s eyes filled with tears as she turned to her husband who was just as emotional.

  “Skin to skin?” Carter whispered to Harley.

  “I’ve read about it. It’s where they have mom and dad hold the baby after birth against their bare skin. It’s supposed to be really good for them.”

  Carter’s throat clogged as a tender thought entered his mind. One that included him and Harley and a baby of their own. A family of their own.

  Carter looked around the waiting room, everyone was preoccupied talking about the baby and how long it would be before they were all able to see her. Carter was content to wait.

  He couldn’t, however, wait to talk to Harley for one more minute.

  Pulling on her hand, Carter dragged her away from everyone else into a quiet corner of the hall. It was still early and the hospital was just beginning to wake up.

  “Carter, what are you doing?” Harley asked, laughing as he pulled her into his chest.

  “Harley, I love you,” he said simply because that’s how he felt. Simply in love with Harley Stone.

  Her face softened as she gazed into his eyes. “Carter, I love you, too.” It wasn’t the first time they’d uttered those words to each other, but still, he never tired of hearing them.

  “I want to do that,” he pointed in the general direction of the labor and delivery rooms, “with you.”

  “What?” Harley’s brow creased before her eyes widened. “You want to have a baby? Carter-”

  “No,” he shook his head. “I mean, yes.” He stopped to take a breath, then he took her face in his hands. “Harley, I love you and I want us to be a family. I want you to be my family. We can have kids if we want, or whatever we decide. I just know I want you.”

  Harley’s eyes misted. “Carter, what are you saying?” she asked, her voice filled with emotion.

  “Will you marry me?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Are you serious?”

  Carter nodded. “Yes. A million, no, a billion times, yes. I want to marry you. Since the day I met you I wanted you for my own. Please, Harley. Please, say you want me, too.”

  Harley stared into his eyes while Carter watched with wonder as they filled with the sweetest emotions. “Yes, Carter Bragg. I want you, too.”

  Carter’s shoulders sagged as he swept her into his arms. “I love you,” he said again just before his lips touched hers. She belonged to him. He belonged to her.

  Carter and Harley slowly made their way back into the waiting room. They decided to wait to tell their families about their engagement until they’d all had a chance to be excited about the new baby. Their news could wait.

  A few minutes after they returned, Chris came through the waiting room door, a tiny pink bundle cradled in his large hands. Immediately, everyone rose to their feet and the waiting room quieted except for the tiny, sweet sounds coming from the pink blankets.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Mary Hazel Bragg, after my Aunt Mary and Oakley’s grandma Hazel.” Chris held up a slip of paper. “And Carter guessed it!”

  “Yes!” Carter pumped his fist in the air, before reaching for Harley’s hand and praying one day, he would be the one to bring a perfect little boy or girl to meet her family for the first time.

  He couldn’t wait.

  The end.

  Author’s Note

  I’m honored that you would take the time to read Carter and Harley’s story. If you enjoyed Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire, I would sincerely appreciate a review on Amazon. Author’s love to hear from readers! Plus, it helps others to find my books. Please, if you have a complaint about an aspect of the book’s formatting or editing, contact me at [email protected] as opposed to leaving a negative review. I am always working to improve where necessary and those negative comments remain even when authors update to make corrections.



  Just a little aside about Carter and Harley. Whew, what a ride. I felt that way when I was writing their story. I know this one is quite a bit more emotional than Chris and Oakley’s love story. I didn’t anticipate all of Harley’s heartbreak. As an author, sometimes you feel like a vessel for telling a story that already exists. That must sound strange but that’s exactly how it happens. Don’t worry, things will lighten back up in Book #3 when Cam gets her story!

  Happy reading!!

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  Contemporary Novels by Stephanie Street

  Clean Billionaire Romance

  Marrying the Football Billionaire

  Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

  Contemporary Romance

  Chasing Paris

  Young Adult Novels by Stephanie Street

  Young Adult Novels

  The Perks of Dating You (Perks Book 1)

  The Perks of Hating You (Perks Book 2)

  The Perks of Kissing You (Perks Book 3

  The Perks of Waiting for You (Perks Book 4)

  Dating: One on One (Eastridge Heights Basketball 1)

  Dating: On the Rebound (Eastridge Heights Basketball 2)

  Dating: For the Block (Eastridge Heights Basketball 3)

  Dating: For the Assist (Eastridge Heights Basketball Book 4)

  Save Me

  Us at the Beach




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