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Game, Bet, Watch: A Hotwife Discovered

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by Lexi Archer

  Game, Bet, Watch

  A Hotwife Discovered

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2014 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  This novel is based on a previously published work rewritten with all new content.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, December 2014

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  A strange noise woke me up.

  I reached out expecting to feel it wrap around Aubrey's deliciously tight stomach. In my half drunken sleep haze I imagined one of her pajama tank tops riding up just enough that I'd brush my fingers against her stomach and maybe up to one of her amazing tits, or down to that tempting trail down between her legs that she always kept perfectly groomed in a little landing strip that I liked to joke was there to guide my 747 home.

  Only my hand closed around nothing.

  I groped at the sheets for a minute as though that would make Aubrey magically appear out of thin air. Hey, I'll admit that it sounds stupid even as I say it now, but there's a special kind of stupid that comes with being groggy and half sloshed from a night of hitting the local house parties a little too hard.

  I shook my head and tried to remember the evening. It came to me in brief flashes, but never very much and never for very long. Why had I let myself get carried away with the booze like that? My time with Aubrey was precious, these weekends were the only time we got to see each other thanks to my grad school and her job.

  It was a hell of a way to spend the first year of your marriage, but we were making it work. Only I had to go and do stupid things like get too drunk on a Friday night. Friday nights were usually the best. Those were usually the nights where we went at each other like a couple of newlyweds, which I suppose in a way we still were, thanks to a week of pent up sexual energy.

  Except now I had the beginnings of a hangover and no idea where my wife disappeared to.

  That weird noise came again. What the hell was that?

  I pulled myself up and blinked in the darkness. The other half of my small bed was empty, the sheets where Aubrey slept on the weekends were tossed aside. I squinted and looked around the room trying to ignore the way the darkness seemed to swirl around my head even though I was sitting perfectly still on the bed. I decided not to risk flipping my nightstand lamp. Not a chance I was turning a bright light on and risking the headache that might descend on me from a hangover that decided to arrive a few hours early.

  The noise drifted past my ears again, only this time it was followed by a triumphant yell that made me wince. I still couldn't place that noise, but the voice was definitely familiar.


  Another voice said something I couldn't quite make out through my closed bedroom door and the strange but oddly familiar noises started up again.

  Okay then. Time to get up and figure out what the hell was going on.

  The hall outside my bedroom was dark which was a relief. The apartment I shared with Tyler was one of those cheap two story deals with paper thin walls that was the perfect price point for a couple of college students even if it wasn't great for things like privacy or keeping any noise from anywhere in the place from waking you up in the middle of the night.

  Our rooms were at opposite ends of the upstairs hall with a bathroom in between. I figured maybe Aubrey was in the bathroom and stopped to talk to Tyler in his room for a minute, but there was no light coming from either room.

  A glow reflected off the wall next to the stairs. That damned noise drifted up, only this time a memory pierced my drunken haze and I knew exactly what it was. I moved to the stairs intending to go down there and give them a piece of my mind about making enough noise in the middle of the night to wake the dead, or the extremely drunk at any rate.

  But then I heard the whispering.

  I couldn't quite make out what they were saying from my vantage point at the top of the stairs, but something about the way they were keeping their voices low, particularly when they were both well aware of the noise superconducting properties of the apartment walls, made me reconsider the whole storming down there in an angry huff plan.

  "Come on! That was a total cheap shot!" Aubrey shouted.

  Or maybe they weren't trying to keep quiet and I was just being paranoid.

  "It's not a cheap shot if it's in the game," Tyler replied.

  "You hit me right before I hit the finish line!"

  Moving as quietly as possible, which wasn't too difficult since apparently I hadn't bothered to take my socks off when we stumbled home from the last house party of the evening, I crept down the stairs just enough that I could peer out and see what was going on in our living room below.

  "You want to go again?" Tyler asked.

  "You bet your ass. And no cheating this time!"

  "Please. I don't need to cheat to win against you."

  Aubrey sat on the couch with her legs pulled up and a controller in hand staring intently at our flat screen. She was still in the sexy white button down shirt she wore out to the parties earlier, only she had a few more buttons done up now than earlier when we were out on the town. She was also still in a pair of jean shorts so impossibly short that they left nothing to the imagination.

  I loved it when she dressed like that.

  I figured nothing was hotter than seeing some guy eyeing her while we were out at a party and then have her dance up to me with that little smile on her face that said she knew every eye in the room was on her but she didn't give a fuck because she was going home with me. That feeling never failed to make my dick rock hard. Looking at my roommate looking at her in that outfit was already making my cock stir. What can I say? It was hot knowing you were with the hottest girl in the room.

  Tyler sat next to her wearing a pair of gym shorts, a university mascot t-shirt, and a pair of socks. He also had a controller firmly planted in his hands. The cartoony sounds of Sparkle Racers drifted up from our flat panel.


  Victory music echoed through the room. Aubrey pumped her fist in the air and did a little victory wiggle on the couch that caused her body to bounce in just the right way, something that obviously wasn't lost on Tyler as that little wiggle brought her up against him.

  "Told ya you couldn't win without cheating," Aubrey said, poking Tyler in the chest.

  "Oh yeah? Well then I challenge you to a rematch!"

  And to my surprise he reached out and punctuated "you" with a poke right back in the same spot on her, only that same spot was smack dab in between her breasts on Aubrey. Though she either didn't notice or pretended not to.

  My cock twitched. Now this was interesting.

  At least now I knew what pulled her out of the bedroom. Sparkle Racers was easily Aubrey's favorite video game since I introduced it to her when we were both still in undergrad together. Back when we could actually hang out with each other all the time and didn’t have to drive a couple of hours to see each other.

  We met her freshman year, my sophomore and she’d been mopey about being away from our hometown. I was desperate for something to take her mind off of things. I chose well. That game was easily her second favorite thing for us to d
o together in my bedroom, and if Tyler was down in the living room playing it then that sound must've been like a siren call to my sexy and slightly tipsy wife.

  And it's not like there was anything too odd about seeing her sitting next to Tyler like that on the couch in the middle of the night, the poking aside. I'd known Tyler since we roomed together in the dorms a few years back and he'd gotten to know Aubrey since she'd visited me on campus quite a bit that year. And of course now he saw her plenty on the weekends when she drove down and became an unspoken third roommate, though Tyler never seemed to mind having her around.

  I'm sure that having my hot little former cheerleader wife, still in the same perfect shape today that she’d always been, roaming around the apartment in various states of undress or in party outfits that left nothing to the imagination had nothing to do with Tyler's willingness to have her around. No sir, not at all.

  I stayed at my little perch near the top of the stairs, curious about this little scene playing out before me. Our couch was situated at the front of the apartment facing the stairs with the television facing our front door and away from the stairs, but the combination of the darkness in the stairwell and the glow of the TV ruined whatever night vision they might have. I figured I was perfectly safe and hidden sitting there stairs peering down through the rails at their little game.

  "That's not fair," Aubrey said as her fingers worked the controller in a blur and the TV, which I couldn't quite see, beeped out the sound of somebody getting smacked by one of the many weapons that dotted the racetrack in Sparkle Racers.

  "I said that's not fair!" she shouted.

  "If it's in the game it's fair," Tyler said.

  "Oh yeah? Well then take this!"

  I heard the familiar sound of one of the more devious in-game weapons slamming into a cart and Tyler let out a loud groan. Aubrey launched into her little victory dance again and this time there was no mistaking the way Tyler was openly ogling my wife as she bounced this way and that on the couch and occasionally brushed against him.

  Not that I could blame Tyler for looking. I was hypnotized myself.

  Aubrey's shoulder length brown hair flew this way and that reflecting the light of the TV. She had a petite frame, something that came in handy for her back home and while we were at college in her former life as a cheerleader. Hell, I thought she should’ve tried out for the same gig at the local pro team but she didn't have the time for it. Her breasts were perfectly sculpted orbs that seemed to defy gravity except for when she was doing that hypnotic bounce and managed to look amazing no matter what she was wearing. As far as I know I'm the only one who knows firsthand just how amazing those tits looked when they were free of her clothes, but I loved the way they curved up ever so slightly with those light pink nipples poking out and straining for my touch whenever she pulled her shirt off and undid the clasp on her bra setting them free.

  And her ass. We're talking the sort of ass sculpted by hours spent in the gym. An ass that would make a blind man turn his head if he passed her on the street. One of my favorite things in the world was to just walk behind Aubrey and take in the view, or walk behind her on stairs and really take in the view. Another favorite was to give her a playful smack, particularly in the bedroom, and hear the little squeal she always let out.

  So yeah. Guys checking out my wife? I was used to it at this point. I even maybe liked it just a little bit if we were being honest. It was ridiculously hot knowing you were with the hottest girl in the room.

  But Tyler openly checking her out like that? That was new. He was usually pretty circumspect around Aubrey, though now it looked like that only applied when he thought I wasn't around.

  Even more interesting.

  "I told you I was the champion at this game," Aubrey said.

  "That's weird. I always thought Luke was the champ at this game," Tyler said.

  "Yeah? Well I kick his ass all the time so that must make me the champion," Aubrey said.

  "Oh yeah?" Tyler said. "Well if you're so good at this game then why don't we make things interesting?"


  I feel like at this point I should stop and explain something that will make what was about to happen make a whole lot more sense. Tyler wasn't exactly lying when he said that I was the champ of that game. I knew enough about it to introduce it to my wife after all. It was my guilty pleasure and I loved playing it. So much so that I was actually pretty damned good. Good to the point that Tyler refused to play unless we were on the same team going up against someone else.

  Aubrey also wasn't lying when she said she beat me most of the time.

  I'm sure you've heard the old phrase "happy wife, happy life.” Early on playing the game I noticed that Aubrey got really competitive. And when my wife gets competitive she maybe starts taking things a little too seriously. Like getting seriously mad every time she lost. To the point that there were a couple of nights I'm pretty sure I didn't get laid because she was so upset about losing. On the flip side I noticed that she was equally excited when she kicked my ass, and there seemed to be a direct correlation between her kicking my ass and me getting some ass that night.

  I'm sure you can see where this is going.

  When it came to Sparkle Racers I'd adopted a firm policy of "let the wife win." Which meant that while she probably thought she was pretty good and knew what she was doing, in reality she kinda sucked. And I'm sure that was something Tyler recognized as soon as he started playing her. I'd wondered how she was able to win against him at least half the time, and the answer was about to become blatantly obvious as Tyler hatched an ingenious plan that took advantage of that competitive streak I mentioned in all the right ways.

  I leaned forward, very curious as to where this was going. I hardly noticed the slight stirring in my cock as I watched Tyler quite openly look Aubrey up and down again, though she was still too busy looking at the TV to really catch what he was doing. She was leaning forward so that he had an excellent view down the front of her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, that much was obvious from the way her nipples were pressing out against her skimpy tank top, and I knew he was getting an eyeful while he was looking.

  Aubrey turned back towards him and his eyes were forward towards the screen, though there was no way she didn’t catch him staring.

  "Interesting? Like the loser has to take a shot? I think we have some booze up in the cabinet," Aubrey said.

  "I was thinking of something more interesting than that," Tyler said.

  "Well what could you possibly..." Aubrey trailed off as she finally caught him giving her that hungry appraising look. I saw the light go off in her head. She smacked Tyler on the shoulder, but playfully and with a laugh.

  "No way you perv!" she said. "I bet you'd like that!"

  "Oh I would," Tyler said with a shrug. "But you're right. It's an unfair bet for you."

  Aubrey's laugh cut off and she stared at Tyler long and hard. I knew that pigheaded look all too well. Here came that competitiveness I was talking about.

  "What do you mean unfair?"

  "I just figured it would be embarrassing for you sitting there wearing nothing while I'm still in my clothes here," Tyler said.

  Aubrey's eyes narrowed. "And just what is that supposed to mean?"

  "Nothing Aubrey. Don't worry about it. We can play for shots or something if you want," Tyler said.

  "You think you'd win!"

  Tyler raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Oh Aubrey. I don't think I'd win." His tone made it clear that he was certain he'd win. Judging from the thundercloud that descended on Aubrey's face she caught his meaning as well, and didn't care for the implied insult.

  "Fine, we're playing your game," she said.

  "No really Aubrey. You don't have to embarrass yourself," Tyler said halfheartedly.

  That sneaky little bastard. He was playing Aubrey like a fiddle and she didn't even realize it, although I figured the fact that she was probably still a little tipsy from our night out had some
thing to do with it. And rather than getting mad about it I realized that I was more intrigued and maybe just a little turned on by this whole situation. How far would my gorgeous little wife let this go?

  I didn't know, but I had to find out.

  "No. We're doing this. One piece of clothing for one loss," Aubrey said.

  "Are you sure?" Tyler asked.

  "I'm positive. Now prepare to get your ass kicked. And to have your ass hanging out," Aubrey said.

  "Suit yourself," Tyler said.

  The first game ended with Aubrey doing a quick victory dance. Tyler grinned at her and leaned down to pull a sock off and toss it across the room.

  "Hey! That's cheating!" Aubrey said.

  "You keep saying that word," Tyler replied. "But you're the one who said one piece of clothing for one loss."

  "Fine. Next game," Aubrey said.

  This time it was Tyler who won, though the only indication that he came out on top was a lopsided smile as he turned to Aubrey. She stuck her tongue out at him, reached down, and made a big production of peeling off one of her own socks and tossing it across the room to join Tyler's.

  They traded wins and socks for the next two games and finally got to the good stuff. Wait, the good stuff? What was I thinking? This was my wife playing strip video games with my roommate and instead of getting mad I was looking down there with anticipation and thinking of her stripping in front of him was the "good stuff?" I mean I was always a fan of her stripping, but there was something about seeing her exposing herself to my roommate that added a layer of naughtiness to the whole thing. That was turning me on.

  Maybe there was a little more than anticipation judging from the stirring in my cock that had become a full blown throbbing hard-on. The next game started.

  Victory music sounded and Tyler pulled off his gym shorts while Aubrey looked on with barely concealed fascination. I saw her let out a little gasp as his dick sprang free of his shorts and poked straight out, still covered by boxers of course but an impressive size nonetheless, but her visible reaction was a little different.


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