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CHRIS (MC Bear Mates Book 6)

Page 11

by Becca Fanning

  “Why would I know, Jessie?” she snarled. “I wouldn’t bother locking the fucking door if I knew she had a goddamn key. Who the fuck do you think I’m locking out?”

  The outrage she felt made her lightheaded. The wooziness hit her and she leaned against the wall to try to stop it, to try to contain it.

  With a shiver, she whispered, “Get the fuck out of my room.”

  “I wanted to ask if it was true,” Jessie said, pouting as she curled a finger around a long strand of golden blond hair. She looked like Goldilocks from the fairy-tale. That is if Goldilocks had been one of the bears.

  “If what was true?” she snapped, digging her nails into her palms to try to gain some control of the situation.

  “If you were mated to Chris.”

  She clenched her jaw. “Does it matter if I am?”

  Jessie frowned. “Why are you being such a bitch? I thought being mated would calm you the hell down, take that stick out of your ass.”

  “You’re contradicting yourself,” she told the younger woman flatly. “Why ask me if I’m truly mated if you assume my character will have suddenly gone one-eighty?”

  Jessie flushed. “All right, I wanted gossip.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” she sneered. “Get out. Now you’ve stirred some shit, you’ll have something to report back at least.”

  “Don’t be like that, Ava,” Jessie retorted. “I didn’t mean anything bad by it. Hell, I’m glad you’re mated. At least one of us can be happy in this fucking place.”

  The bitterness in Jessie’s tone had Ava freezing. She’d always assumed Mundo and Christie’s youngest was content with her life at the clubhouse.

  Jessie must have sensed her surprise because she huffed. “Yeah, that comes as a shock to you, too. Why? Do I seem happy here? I’m bored out of my fucking mind.”

  “At least you get to leave to work at the store.”

  “Great. That’s just what I always wanted. You think I didn’t want to go to college, too? You think it doesn’t suck balls that we are both stuck here, waiting to get old, and not allowed to enjoy this time with the friends they forced us to make when we went to school with humans?” Jessie scampered off the bed. “It isn’t all about you, Ava. We’ve both been screwed, but at least you’re free now. Even if you are a bitch, I’m glad you’re out of it now.”

  Before Ava could do more than gawk at Jessie, she stormed off, slamming the door behind her.

  Still feeling shaken by the revelation that her mom had access to her room and had done for only God knew how long, she moved toward the bed and on knees that quaked, sank down into the plush mattress.

  Resting her elbows on her knees, she tried to suck in enough air to clear her head of the fog of rage that had fallen upon her but no amount of cleansing breaths were working their magic.

  The level of the breach was more than she could handle at that moment.

  Why did her parents feel they had the right to invade every single aspect of her life?

  Was that how it would be when she and Chris were here? Would Annette just pop in whenever she damn well wanted?

  It didn’t matter that Annette had never unlocked the door while Ava was inside. It was the fact she had the key at fucking all.

  Ava wasn’t allowed one moment of privacy, and she really wasn’t sure if she could cope starting mated life in this kind of environment.

  Sucking in a sharp breath when her phone buzzed and made her jump, she leaned back and dug in her pocket.

  Seeing Chris’s number, she answered, “I’ll be down in five minutes.”

  “Okay, babe,” he told her easily, then, after a second, murmured, “Are you okay? Your voice is weird.”

  “I’m fine. See you in a minute.”

  She cut the call before he could ask anything else, and knowing him—even with the distance he’d pushed between them—she knew he’d come up to see her if her voice had really sounded different over the line.

  That was the last thing she needed.

  After meeting with the other MC, they could broach this conversation and what it meant for them going forward. Because all Ava knew was, she couldn’t stay in this clubhouse another fucking night.

  Chris frowned down at his cell and then shot Mundo a look when he murmured from the window, “The bikes are just coming down the drive.”

  The Council room was on the second floor, so at Mundo’s words, they trudged out and into the corridor, heading toward the front door where they’d be meeting the other MC on their territory.

  Mars would stand on the gate line and Spyder outside the line, demarcating their land.

  Petty shit, but then this MC crap was. Chris had outgrown it a long time ago, and said pettiness never ceased to piss him off when it came time to deal with other riders. On the rare occasion that happened now, anyway. A prospect, Tad, opened the gates at Mars’ nod when five bikes pulled to a halt outside them. As they climbed off their rides, Mars approached.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing trying to take my baby girl hostage?”

  Spyder, the slick son of a bitch, just murmured, “And hi to you too, Mars. Long time no see.”

  For a second, the atmosphere seemed to vibrate with the Prez’s rage. Chris felt it slice through the air like an invisible volcano that was erupting as they stood there. His fists curled and his shoulders tensed. His body was one whole mass of rage.

  The Council stood by, waiting to see if they’d have to jump in and save the lunatic’s ass.

  Spider’s Venom deserved no pity but the last thing they needed was more bloodshed. Mars had left that life behind a long time ago, and no one wanted to drag the MC back into those days.

  If Mars attacked, it would be an all-out war between the MCs, and that was never a good thing.

  So, why the fucker was trying to provoke the Prez when he had to know that would be the end result, Chris didn’t know. Unless all-out war was exactly what he wanted.

  The thought bore further contemplation but before Mars could say a word, the front door to the clubhouse slammed open. They all twisted around to see who was coming, and though Chris expected to see Ava, who he saw was Jessie.

  She had a huge pout on her face and looked as though she’d been crying if the red patches on her cheeks were anything to go by.

  As was usually her way, she didn’t seem to read the tension in the air. Either it didn’t register or she simply didn’t give a fuck as she strode forward toward her father and threw herself into his arms.

  Mundo stared aghast at his youngest, then shot an apologetic look at Mars whose rage had yet to settle. “Jessie, I need you to go inside.” Why he hadn’t said that before, Chris didn’t know. But then, Jessie had appeared out of nowhere and with a speed that was common among She Bears, had suddenly appeared in front of her father, demanding comfort.

  “Why is Ava always such a bitch to me?” she whined.

  “Jessie, we can talk about this later,” Mundo spat. “Jesus Christ, can’t you see we’re busy!”

  “Everyone’s always too busy for me!” she growled, flinging herself away from her father and folding her arms against her chest in a move that seemed more self-comforting than childish.

  She turned her head, saw the open gates and the bikes parked there, and her mouth dropped open. Why the hell she hadn’t seen them before, Chris really didn’t know. Nor did he care. He just wanted her out of there.

  If Spider’s Venom wanted to cause trouble, the last thing they needed was one of the cubs in harm’s way.

  That was, of course, until the Goddesses threw their hand into the mix.

  A stillness, different to the one that had settled upon them all like a throbbing blanket, appeared as Spyder and Jessie’s gazes clashed.

  “Who..? What...?” Jessie murmured dazedly as she stared at the bikers on the other side of the clubhouse gate.

  “Hell no,” Mundo roared, jerking the stillness and shredding it to pieces as he reached for his daughter
and grabbed her to him. He frog marched her to the door and shoved her inside, ignoring her struggles and holding the door closed as she tried to get out.

  The Council scowled at his behavior, then Mars turned to Spyder. “What the fuck just happened?”

  The arrogant man of moments before had been replaced with one who looked like his world had been rocked.

  He recognized the feeling. He had felt it when Ava had hit puberty, had felt it every single fucking time he’d clapped eyes on her, until it had almost been comforting when she’d become reclusive and he’d seen less of her.

  “Fucking hell,” he breathed, the realization stunning him like nothing else could. “He and Jessie are mates.”

  Chapter 8

  Ava pulled on fresh jeans and a shirt and headed down to the front door. When she got there, Jessie was slamming her fists against it, crying and screeching in a way Ava hadn’t seen since the girl had finally left the terrible twos behind.

  “What the hell’s going on?” she snapped, not giving a fuck when Jessie turned on her with a snarl worthy of any She Bear.

  “They won’t let me out.”

  “They’re having a meeting with a rival MC, Jessie. For fuck’s sake, they’re trying to keep you safe.”

  “Safe?” Jessie shrieked, hysteria lacing the word. “From my mate?”

  “Your mate?” Ava shook her head. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “My mate. He’s out there.”

  Frowning, she rushed down the stairs and grabbed a hold of the younger woman as Jessie started to bang the door again. “Jessie!” she yelled. “That’s not going to get you anywhere.”

  Ava knew Jessie was a pain in the ass, but she was a smart one. The very fact she hadn’t remembered they had about four other exits to the property was a tale in and of itself.

  She really believed her mate was outside this door.

  “Why don’t you use the back door?” she said softly, surmising that someone was holding this one shut and not wanting to forewarn them.

  She’d been denied her mate for too long not to try and facilitate someone else’s bond.

  Jessie blinked at her, huge green eyes drowning in tears that glimmered like diamonds.

  “The back door?” she whispered dazedly, watching shakily as Ava nodded.

  “Go on, I’ll keep on banging so they think it’s you.”

  Jessie’s bottom lip quivered when Ava lifted her fist and started slamming it into the door. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “No worries. Just hurry.”

  It was an odd twist of fate that male Shifters tended to be heavier, meaning they lumbered about. Females were swifter. Sleeker. When Jessie ran down the hall, she was practically a blur she ran so fast, and Ava was relieved when barely a minute later, she heard Jessie’s voice outside.

  Immediately trying to open the door, she found it would budge at last, and as she stepped outside, saw that Mundo was rushing down the stairs to the clubhouse and toward his daughter who had approached the demarcation line that was the gate.

  Kiko and her dad were holding Jessie back, stopping her from getting to, Ava could only assume, Spyder.

  Well, didn’t this change every damn thing?

  The handsome bastard looked like he’d swallowed a golf ball. Astonishment took away that sneering arrogance that spoke of his ease in the world and his knowledge of his own power of attraction. He looked younger, and if she hazarded a guess, frightened.

  She could well understand, then, astonishment laced her, because female Shifter’s mates were always male Shifters.

  But she hadn’t scented an animal on him yesterday, and she’d had plenty of opportunity to pick up the taint. Plus, with her attacking him, his own beast should have come out to party. Instead, it hadn’t. He’d stood there cowering in the face of her She Bear’s rage like the rest of his men.

  Rushing over to Chris’s side, she demanded, “What the hell’s going on?”

  He shot her a look that said he was as stunned as she by this fucked up turn of events. “She rushed out here bitching about you, then went insane when she saw the other MC.”

  “She says one of them is her mate. It has to be Spyder by the looks of him. He looks shit scared.”

  Chris snickered. “He looks like he did yesterday when you were looming over him in your fur.”

  She shot him a grin, and was stunned by her ability to smile at something that had so horrified her yesterday. “He kinda does.”

  “No kinda about it.” He snorted. “He looks like he’s about to crap himself.”

  “Wouldn’t you if Jessie was your mate and not me?”

  His eyes twinkled at her hushed tone. “Now that’s mean.”

  “Mean, my ass. She’s a pain in the butt.” Ava pursed her lips. “She’ll have to move in with them, won’t she? Mundo and Christie won’t like that.”

  Chris grimaced. “Jesus, that’s going to kill them. If they are mates, that is.”

  It was Ava’s turn to snort. “Look at her, Chris. The girl’s trying to rip my father’s arms off and he’s the strongest man in the MC.”

  “My manhood is feeling diminished,” he said with a pout, then flexed his arm. “I’m strong.”

  She rolled her eyes but chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

  He winked, then reached for her hand and grasped her fingers with his.

  “He’s my mate,” Jessie screeched, and this time the shriek was so loud, the heavy thump of boots came and it was with no surprise that a cavalcade of bikers rushed out.

  “Get back in,” Mars roared, and it was almost amusing how the ‘soldiers’ turned tail and retreated; immediately obeying their Prez.

  She wasn’t sure if that was a sign of weakness or not in the face of the other MC but considering one of their own was undoubtedly mated to the leader of Spider’s Venom, she figured they no longer had all that much to worry about.

  “Kind of kills two birds with one stone, I guess,” she murmured softly, and watched with amusement as Chris blinked at her in surprise.

  “I wasn’t sure how you’d be taking all this.”

  “Figured I’d go She Bear ape shit on you, huh?” She smirked. “Oh ye of little faith.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

  “Only people who aren’t sarcastic say that.”

  “Gee, ya think?”

  “Ava!” Her father’s roar jerked her from the conversation she was having and enjoying with her mate.

  “You bellowed?” she grumbled as she strode forward.

  “Try to talk sense into Jessie, for Goddess’s sake. She’s hurting herself more than she is us.”

  Ava eyed Jessie and had to admit the girl was making a real fuss. Without further ado, she jerked her hand back and slapped her square on the cheek.

  Now, she’d be a liar if she didn’t admit to enjoying it very, very much. She’d be even more of a liar if she didn’t confess that the slap was something she’d been dreaming of for many, many years. Still, it was necessary. Jessie was hysterical. It was almost embarrassing if yesterday her version of hysteria hadn’t involved her killing three men.

  In comparison, this was actually a really nice reaction.

  Grimacing at her train of thought, she huffed. “Jessie, calm the hell down. Do you really want your mate to see you like this?”

  She was panting like she’d been running a marathon, and considering the exertion she’d been using in fighting Ava’s dad and Kiko, two hell as holy strong Bears in their prime, it was no wonder.

  She shivered at the lack of sympathy on Ava’s face. “I can feel him.”

  “I know,” she retorted. “Nice, isn’t it?”

  “Understatement, much?” Jessie growled, making Ava laugh.

  “I wanted you to convince her she wasn’t mated to that bastard, not talk her into it, Ava,” her dad complained.

  “How can I talk her out of something that was ordained by the Goddesses?” Ava sn
apped. “Open your eyes, Dad. Jessie doesn’t work up this kind of sweat to go shoe shopping, for fuck’s sake. You really think she’d be reacting like this if she wasn’t feeling something very, very real?”

  Mars’ jaw flexed at her snark. “He’s the enemy.”

  “No, he’s not. Not yet,” she clarified.

  “He tried to abduct you.”

  “And he, as well as his MC, paid the price for that stupid mistake.”

  Jessie blinked at her, big wounded eyes that probably worked on everyone else but Ava. Ovaries negated the look. “He tried to abduct you?”

  She nodded. “Yesterday. Means of leverage to negotiate with the MC.”

  “Why?” she howled, and Ava was quick enough to turn and see Spyder’s reaction—he winced, horrified that she knew what he’d done, or tried to do to Ava.

  “It was a mistake,” he said hoarsely, holding his hands out like no one else was there, like they were the only ones in the yard.

  “What the fuck, Prez?” One of the guys with him snarled, looking astonished at Spyder’s loose tongue.

  The Prez didn’t seem to care though. He held out his hands, palms up, and stated, “I need help. My MC needs help.”

  “Why not just come to us?” Jessie demanded, more tears in those green orbs of hers.

  If the sight didn’t make Ava roll her eyes, she’d have been touched.

  As it stood, they worked like clockwork with Spyder.

  “Because you wouldn’t have listened. This MC is known for being hard asses, especially when it comes to illegal shit now you’ve gone legit.”

  “Why did you need our help?” Mars demanded, starting to try to take control of the situation.

  “Let her go to him, Dad,” Ava said softly. “It won’t do any harm.”

  “He’ll take her away, and not only is she too young, he tried to put you in danger. Neither of them are going anywhere,” he retorted, then, sucking in a deep breath stated, “You can come into the clubhouse, Spyder. You, and one other rider. That’s it. I promise you sanctuary whilst you’re here. It seems that you and Jessie believe you’re mated, and that needs to be discussed with her parents as she’s underage.”


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