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Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1)

Page 6

by Young, Alexa

  Chapter Nine

  I slam down the phone and sigh; it’s been the morning from Hell. Can nobody do their fucking jobs properly? Ritchie walks in and senses my mood.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, looking concerned.

  “Fucking new suppliers. This is why I hate changing.” This is all I need right now, more bullshit to clear up.

  “You knew we had to mix it up. Customers get bored,” Ritchie replies, trying to diffuse the situation, but I’m too pissed.

  “Well, how fucking hard is it to get an order right?” I snarl.

  “Calm down, man, it’s just a couple of extra boxes. They'll send the others on as soon as they can.” He shakes his head and goes to walk off, but I’m in no mood for his snide comments.

  “Oh, fuck off.”

  He spins round and stares at me, looking surprised. “Seriously, what is wrong?”

  The fact I have blue balls after seeing Luce in a towel again might have something to do with my present mood. At this rate, they’re about to drop off.

  “Nothing, I’m just sick of time-wasters, that’s all.” I don’t need him digging any deeper and finding out about Luce’s new living arrangement.

  “There’s something more than that. What are you not telling me? How’s things going with Diane?” His eyes hold mine, searching for answers.


  “Fine,” I mutter, grabbing some invoices and pretending to look over them. Anything to avoid him asking any more questions.

  But that’s not Ritchie’s style.

  “Last time I asked, you were all smitten and texting. What’s happened in the last few days to change this?” He scrutinises my face, and I frown. He’s going to continue digging. I’m not going to get away with hiding this much longer.

  “Nothing, we’ve just been busy with other things,” I answer to get him off my case. Today is not the day for him to kick off.

  “You’re always busy, but the texting still continued. I’m going to ring Diane, because there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “Just leave it, Ritchie,” I snap. I don’t want to discuss this anymore.

  His eyes narrow. “You are hiding something.”

  “Fine, I have Luce staying with me.” He wanted the truth so he got the truth.

  “What the fuck?” he barks.

  “Her flat got flooded. What else could I do?” I offer as a way of explanation.

  His face falls, and I see sympathy there in his eyes. “Shit, how the hell did that happen?”

  “That pothead upstairs fell asleep running his bath. It came through the ceiling and flooded all her bedroom.” I lean back in my chair and rub my hands down my face at the prospect of what Luce has got to go through. This will hit her hard.

  “Shit, is she covered insurance-wise?”

  “Yeah, I made sure she was. Furniture and carpets can be replaced, but a lot of things that meant the world to her are damaged.” I sigh.

  “Fuck, I bet she’s devastated.”

  “I’m trying to get Tony to do his magic. The diary took the worst of the impact but with it being leather, it shielded most of the water. The ends were all wet, but hopefully the letters can be dried without too much smudging so they’re still readable.”

  “That’s good, man, but what does Diane think about all this? Is she fine with a girl staying over? How long will it be?”

  I shrug as I have no clue. I’m not in any rush for her to leave, and that thought leaves me slightly uneasy. “Could be months. I haven’t told Diane yet.”


  “It was one fucking date. It’s not like we’re married,” I fume, pissed at his reaction.

  “You need to tell her.”

  Tell me something I don’t already know.

  “And I will, but I’ve been too preoccupied with Luce. It’s taken a lot out of her. She needs me right now and I have to be there for her.”

  She’s my only priority at the moment.

  “I know, Dray, but it’s not that easy, is it?”

  My eyes drop down to my desk. He’s right; he knows me so well. “I wish it was,” I mutter.

  “Luce can come stay at ours if it’s going to be too much for you,” Ritch offers. I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to help, but it only fills me with rage at the thought of her leaving.

  “No.” That is not fucking happening.

  “See, this is what I’m talking about.” He throws his hands up in the air and storms off.


  He spins to face me. “You, letting her get into your head. You’re back to square one. At least have the guts to call it off with Diane. Fuck, Laurie is going to have your balls over this.”

  “Don’t tell her anything, please. I just need to get my head ‘round this. I like Diane, I do, it’s just Luce. I can’t help it. But I will speak to Diane and tell her.”

  “You better, and trust me, I’ll be checking in on you.”

  “Fuck's sake, you’re not my fucking mother, you know.” He’s really starting to piss me off now. I’ve heard him loud and clear.

  “Someone has to keep you on the straight and narrow.”

  I squint in complete annoyance. “Is there anything you want or just more fucking advice, 'cause I’ve had my fill for the day.”

  “Here, sign off on these invoices and I’m done.”

  “Fine.” I snatch them from his hand and sign each one. Ritchie takes off without a second glance. Yep, he’s pissed, and Laurie will be worse. I need to get my head straight 'cause I can’t fucking think at the moment.

  I grab my jacket and head for the door. Being here is just making it worse; I can feel Ritchie’s angry glare from the other end of the gym. I can’t take much more.

  I head out on my bike to the usual place. It’s where I go to think, to get some breathing space. I’d always go there as a child, when times were bad.

  I don’t know what to do.

  Luce owns my heart, no matter how hard I try to move on. Just being around her makes my body come alive. I live for the moments we share together. She owns me body and soul, but the one big kicker is she doesn’t feel the same.


  How do I move on?

  I like Diane. It has the potential to be more, but would it ever come close to what I feel for Luce? I’ve known her for eighteen years—love like that doesn’t come around often. But I have to be practical and not let a chance like this slip away.

  I have to get over Luce.

  Maybe being around her every day will have the opposite effect. Maybe she’ll slowly annoy the hell out of me with all her little traits. It’s the only thing I can come up with now. I’m sticking with Diane. Hell, I have a lot of making up to do. I text Ritchie telling him I’m going to keep seeing Diane, and he tells me I’ve picked the right option.

  I guess he’s right.

  So why is my heart telling me different?

  Chapter Ten

  One week into Luce moving in and I’m going stir-crazy. I stay out the majority of the time to avoid her. It’s the best plan I can come up with while putting Operation Get Over Luce into action. I know she can sense something is wrong, but my excuse seems viable—work and training. It’s the best I can come up with.

  I’ve started to hang out more at Ritchie’s, much to Laurie’s delight. Things are going well with Diane; we’ve texted and I sent a huge bouquet of roses out of guilt. Mainly for all the times I’ve thought about Luce when I should have been thinking about her. Tonight, we’re going out for a meal. Luce is working late, so I’ll have the place to myself to get ready and go out without the Spanish inquisition.

  I grab a quick shower and dress. I go with the trousers, shirt and tie option, as we’re going to Laurie’s restaurant which is strictly formal. Plus, I want to make a good impression. I stand back and look at myself in the mirror.

  I am looking sharp.

  I put on some cologne and turn the music off only to hear the front door close.

/>   Shit.

  So much for a lucky escape.

  “Dray, I got us a film tonight. I even picked the one you wanted. See, I am selfless after all. I picked up pizza, as well—”

  She stops dead when I walk out.

  Fuck, this is awkward.

  “Hey, firecracker, thought you were working late.”

  “I was, but Lisa told me she’d do the last two hours as it was quiet. Are you going out?” She looks completely shocked. I guess she’s used to me always being available, whenever, wherever.

  I nod, while fastening my cufflinks. “Yeah, I’m meeting Diane. We’re going for a meal and a few drinks.”

  “Okay.” Her face drops slightly before she catches herself and fake-smiles back. “Hope you have a lovely time.”

  “But you bought pizza.”

  Now I feel like shit.

  “It’s fine.” She waves me off. “I can leave it for you to heat up later when you get back. That’s if you are coming—”

  “That would be great.” I smile reassuringly.

  What the hell can I say?

  I don’t know how this night will go.


  A large part of me wants to veg on the sofa and kick back with a great film and Luce’s company, but it’s a temporary stop gap and I need something more.

  I curse inwardly. I can’t believe I’m about to blow her off. I feel myself begin to sway.

  Maybe I could cancel?

  One time wouldn’t hurt.

  Then the phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s a text from Diane telling me she can’t wait to see me tonight.

  So I guess I’m going.

  “Bye, firecracker. Let me know if the film is good.” I pull her into a hug and kiss her hair. I breathe her in one more time before I wrench myself away to go meet Diane.

  * * *

  “Well, grey is definitely your colour.” Diane winks, standing up.

  I could not get a taxi for love or money. I didn’t want to drive, so thank God Ritchie was a backup. After telling him where I was heading, he soon stopped complaining long enough to pick me up. I hate not being on time; it just looks sloppy.

  “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t get a taxi.” I lean in and kiss her cheek. She smells gorgeous. I breathe her in and my cock stirs slightly.

  That’s a good sign.

  She’s wearing a rich, deep purple, body-hugging dress, and this time her hair is pulled up.

  I like it. Sexy secretary look.

  Fuck me, my cock stirs again.

  “So, how was your day?” she asks between sipping her wine.

  “Long, but at least I get to spend the evening with you.”

  She smiles shyly at my comment. She’s normally very confident, but I like that I saw a weakness in her, how she dropped her guard. “I’ve been looking forward to it, too. It’s nice to have good company, even if you are a United supporter.”

  “You had to get your dig in there.” A smile creeps over my face when she shoots me a cheeky wink.

  “I couldn’t help myself.”

  I pick up the wine already at the table; she chose a good one. I fill my glass and we clink them together. Shortly after, the waiter takes our order.

  “So, when are you going to invite me round to yours? Laurie says your penthouse suite is amazing. I’m a typical girl, and I’m ready to snoop,” she says grinning. I can tell by her face she’s joking, but I’m not a fool. I know meeting at our homes is next, but with Luce there, it could cause problems. I’m not quite ready to tell her about my new lodger. Well, not just yet. But I have to be upfront; it’s the least I can do.

  “I’m helping a friend out at the moment. She’s staying over after her flat got flooded.” I keep it vague as possible. There’s no reason to add that we’ve been best friends for eighteen years and I’ve secretly been in love with her just yet.

  “Oh, no, is she okay? I can’t think of anything worse. Was there much damage?”

  “She’s fine. Most of the damage is repairable, but some of her sentimental family heirlooms got damaged. She was really close to her grandma, and she has all her letters she sent to her grandpa during the war, diaries of when they met. They are all deeply special to her, so she’s distraught she might never get to read them again.”

  Diane’s face falls slightly. “Oh, wow. Those things you can never replace. No wonder she’s upset.”

  “I have a guy I know who works in restoring artefacts. He’s used to dealing with this sort of thing. Luckily, the leather case of the diary helped to keep the majority of the water away from the letters.”

  “Well, aren’t you a sweetheart.” She smiles, and I blush at her words.


  I never blush.

  “I’m just helping a friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids,” I add as an explanation. I’m not one to take compliments; normally, it’s insults from Luce.

  “Ahh, so you go way back.”

  “Yeah.” I leave it there. I don’t want to say anything else.

  “I can just imagine you as a child. I bet you broke all the teenage girls’ hearts.”

  “Hmmm, something like that.”

  I’m not up for discussing my reputation as a ladies’ man. Even back then, I only had to click my fingers and the girls would come running. It was something that gave me a thrill at first, to have that much power over someone. But over time, it had grown old.



  Shit. I’ve totally spaced out.

  “Sorry, I just—”

  “You were caught up in a memory,” she says, smiling.

  “Something like that.”

  Please don’t ask what.

  “So, Ritchie tells me you’re putting together plans to open another gym.”

  I nod and smile, happy for a change in conversation. But at that precise moment, the waiter walks over with our food, and I am starving. I’ve spent most of the day on the phone, forgoing a proper meal, so I need to make up for it. The size of the steak on my plate will more than adequately deal with my hunger. I look over to Diane’s; she’s chosen the monkfish with salad. It looks appetizing, but right now, I need meat.

  I’m such a man.

  I carve the steak and my mouth waters. I take a bite, savouring the succulent taste before swallowing then take a sip of my wine.

  “Yeah, we’re looking at different cities for where would be best. Ritchie is researching land and the areas surrounding them. We don’t want to be building in areas that are already adequately filled with gyms.

  “Ahh, but yours are something else. Did you know I’m a member?” She raises a brow teasingly as I stare in surprise. Her body is hot, so I’m not shocked, but I’ve never seen her inside my gym before.

  Trust me, I would have noticed.

  “No, how come I’ve never seen you there?”

  “I tend to do the early morning workouts. I’m usually there from six and work out for an hour before work.”

  “Wow, you’re keen.” Our gyms are open from five, but it’s usually after seven that people really start to trickle in.

  “Well, it’s something I have to do, else I’d still be in bed.”

  My eyes heat at her words. I’m pretty sure she isn’t too blind to notice. I swipe my tongue over my bottom lip as she bites her own.


  How did the air turn electric with just the mention of her bed?

  My dick certainly reacts to her words. I sip my wine and try to contain myself. I don’t need a full-blown hard-on in the middle of a fancy restaurant. We chat some more and finish our meals. The evening has taken on a different tone now, the flirty banter replaced with something else.

  Our plates are collected, and I pour the remainder of the bottle into Diane’s glass as she smiles in gratitude. I hand her the dessert menu but she declines it.

  “I would only have to put in extra hours at the gym.”

  I place down the menu and pick up my wine. We chat some m
ore, and it’s only then I begin to notice the time. It’s past ten. I see Diane stifle a yawn then blush.


  “I’m that boring, huh?” I add teasingly.

  “No, just gym session at six and all that. Normally, I’m curled up in bed right now.”

  I signal to the waiter to pay. Diane shoots me a look and goes to reach for her clutch bag. I quickly take her hand in mine.

  “This is my treat.”

  She frowns slightly. “No, let me pay something—”

  “You hardly ate anything, plus Laurie would kick my arse. You don’t want that happening, do you? Help a guy out and just accept it.” I shoot her a wink, and she sighs in defeat and nods.

  “Well, it was a nice gesture, but I’m paying next time,” she insists, giving me a look saying not to mess with her. She obviously doesn’t know me that well.

  “We’ll see.”

  “So, there will be a next time?” I see a flicker of insecurity in her eyes as they search mine.

  “Of course.” I smile reassuringly.

  I definitely want to see her again.

  “Great.” We stand and make our way towards the exit. She threads her fingers through mine, and I give her a squeeze to tell her I appreciate the gesture. There are taxi’s parked up outside so we walk towards the first, but then she turns and bites her lip.

  “You know, I don’t normally do this, but if you—”

  “I can’t tonight, sorry.”

  Her face falls as her cheeks heat. I see a flash of embarrassment cross her face. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. God, I’m cringing at how forward I was just then.”

  I pull her into me. “Hey, it’s fine.”

  “No, God. Trust me to—”

  Before she has time to apologise further, my lips meet hers. I silence her and we lose ourselves in the kiss. Her tongue caresses mine in the most tantalising way.

  I’m a goner.


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