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Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1)

Page 8

by Young, Alexa

  I barely know the girl.

  “But you do like her.”


  “Yes, I like her.”

  “You would tell me if I was ever in the way, wouldn’t you, Dray?” Her eyes hold mine for a few seconds before dropping back down. I hate the insecurities she has. How could she ever think that? I treasured every moment we spent together.

  “How the fuck are you in the way?”

  “Well, I’m staying at your home. If you need me to leave when Diane returns, I can go. I’m sure I can find a sofa for a few nights until the flat is finished.”

  Her words incense me. “Firecracker, you’re going nowhere till that flat is back to normal. You’re not bedding down on anyone’s sofa when there’s a spare room at mine. I’ll always have a room for you to stay. You’re one of the most important people in my life, do you know that?”

  She smiles shyly. “The same applies to you, too.”

  “So, quit talking about leaving me.” I feel sick at the thought. I was getting into a routine of seeing Luce every day. The penthouse had become more of a home since she moved in.

  “Okay, fine, but the minute you get tired of me, throw me out. I never want to be someone who overstays their welcome. Promise me you’ll do that?”

  I chuckle at her straight face. She really is too fucking cute. “Okay, fine.” But in my heart, that day would never come. I’d want her to stay forever if I could. I loved her toothbrush standing next to mine. Hell, I loved the way her toiletry shit took up all my shelves.

  I was seriously losing it.

  “Good. I want us to be best friends for life, and friends tell each other the truth.”

  Well, not everything.

  If she only knew.

  “Quit talking about leaving and hug me already.” I grab her and pull her tight against me. She squirms as I tickle her, but her laughter is like pure Heaven, so I continue till she’s panting and short of breath. I pull her closer and press my lips against her forehead before whispering, “Best friends for life.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  A loud crack of thunder stuns me from my thoughts. I look out into the dark night sky and count until I see the lightning appear. It’s the one thing I love to watch, but it scares the living daylights out of Luce. It’s after eleven, and I’ve been working late these last few nights ever since the picnic. My mind is a mess right now. My willpower is deteriorating; no matter how much I fight against, Luce still sucks me back in.

  I switch off the computer and head home. Luce should be asleep by now, so I should be able to sneak in and shower then go straight to bed.

  The penthouse is in darkness when I walk through the door. I stop in my tracks when a loud clap of thunder rumbles above.

  I hit the shower, and I’m in and out in two minutes. I’m too exhausted and right now, my bed is calling me. I practically crawl between the freshly changed sheets, burying my head in the cotton. Thank fuck for Aileen, my cleaner who comes twice a week. I don’t know what I’d do without her.



  My eyes spring open.

  I barely hear anything above the driving rain hammering against the glass, but I swear I heard a voice.

  My mistake.

  I close my eyes, about to drift off again.


  This time, it’s louder. There’s no mistaking Luce’s loud whisper. I sit bolt upright before my blurred vision finally comes into focus. Luce is standing in just a t-shirt.

  Actually, it’s my t-shirt.

  What the fuck?

  “Luce, what’s wrong?” I ask, rubbing my face, confused.

  She runs over and dives into the bed beside me. “Dray, I’m scared. The thunder woke me up. Where have you been? I’ve waited all evening for you to come home. I got us a DVD and a pizza.”

  Fuck. Film night.

  “Sorry, firecracker, I just had a few things I needed to do at the office.”

  “But you’ve worked late nearly all week. Surely nothing is that pressing you have to stay all night?”

  “It’s the new gym. I was waiting for the architect to fax me over his drawings. We’ve already vetoed one idea, so I was wanting to see what he would come up with.” It was partially true, except he sent them at six. But it’s the best excuse I can come up with.

  “I feel like I never see you anymore.” She sighs, biting her lip.

  And now I feel bad.

  “I’m here now. I’ll come home early tomorrow, and we can watch it then.”

  She smiles in response, but it’s soon wiped off her face the moment another clap of thunder scares the life out of us. She leaps on me, burying her head in my neck as she clings to me. Ever since I’ve known her, she’s had this phobia. If anything, it seems to be getting worse.

  “Hey,” I soothe her hair as she grips even tighter. She’s shaking so hard right now. My fingers trail up and down her back as I softly hum to distract her from the chaos raging outside.

  She snuggles deeper into me and her feet tangle with mine. She couldn’t possibly get any closer if she tried.

  This is my Heaven and Hell, all in one with a nice little bow.

  I breathe in her hair; her scent is my favourite of all. I want to lie and hold her, savour every moment till she wakes, but right now my body won’t let me. My eyes droop even further; I couldn’t fight against it if I tried. In the end, I give in and fall asleep holding the girl I love in my arms.

  * * *

  My eyes quickly open, and for a second, I wonder what this heat is pressed against me. My eyes flash over to see Luce curled next to me. She wrinkles her nose right on cue, and I smile watching her sleep.

  She looks beautiful.

  I want to kiss her, to roll her over and sink deep inside her.

  And immediately, my fucking cock stirs.

  I sigh and take her in for a few more seconds. She moves slightly, and I know that’s my exit before she sees the tent pole rising in my boxers.

  Time for a cold shower.

  Thirty minutes later, I’m showered, dressed and making breakfast. I decided to make Luce a cooked breakfast. I whisk the eggs, placing the bacon and sausage under the grill. I put the coffee on and wait for the scent to waft and entice her through.

  “Mmmm, what are you cooking?” she mumbles minutes later in-between rubbing her eyes.

  I smile as I stir the scrambled eggs. Her timing is perfect. She scoots herself onto a stool as I break from the eggs to hand her the coffee.

  “Oh, that’s good.” She moans softly between sips. Her noises send me over the edge.

  I need to focus.

  I don’t have time for another shower.

  I load up her plate and hand it over. I put a few pieces on mine but forgo the toast, adding more eggs.

  “This is just what I need. I haven’t slept that well in a long time.”

  I have to agree; holding her in my arms was the best cure for insomnia. I’m usually someone who wakes every couple of hours, but I slept like a baby the whole night.

  “Mmmm, I slept like a log,” I add between mouthfuls.

  “Maybe we should be sleeping companions?” she suggests.

  I almost choke on my egg. I cough and splutter as Luce leaps up, slapping my back several times to dislodge the food. But it’s more than that I’m choking on.

  “Dray, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Fine,” I say between coughs. I don’t want her guessing my choking is due to her off-the-cuff remark.

  I finally manage to compose myself. I’m pretty sure the comment was spoken in jest, but right now it’s all I can think of. Luce in my bed every night. It would be fucking Heaven pressed against her, breathing in her scent.

  My cock is in complete agreement.


  Think of something fast.

  “So what time are you due in work?”

  Lame, I know.

  “In an hour. Do you want me to bring you some cupcakes hom
e, your favourite strawberry and cream?”

  “As tempting as they are, firecracker, I think I need to cut down on your treats. I’m going to be working out all day long. I’m losing my definition already.”

  She hits me in the stomach, and I’m totally unprepared.


  “Shit. I nearly broke my hand. Trust me, you’re rock-hard,” she whines, nursing her injury.

  “Warn a guy when you’re about to punch,” I mutter, groaning.

  “I thought the whole point of boxing is relying on your reflexes to judge where the next punch is coming from?”

  “It is. You fancy sparring together?” I suggest, winking.

  “Nah, I’d be bad at it.”

  “Come on, I’ll give you a quick session,” I cajole, standing up, ready to begin.

  “I don’t want to, Dray.” She rises to leave, but I’m not giving up that easily.

  “Hit me and see how I defend myself. This would be good for self-defence, learning all the basic moves to protect yourself.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, my God, what’s that over there?”

  “What?” My eyes flick over to where she’s pointing, but it’s too late; I’ve fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Within seconds, her fist connects with my nose and a flash of blinding pain fills me. I reel back in complete agony and shock from her unprepared attack. I stagger backwards before regaining my balance, then feel a small trickle of blood.

  “Oh, my God, Dray. I’m sorry, so sorry.” She springs into action, grabbing a towel to stem the bleeding.

  I’m kind of shocked.

  I never thought Luce had it in her.

  “It’s fine,” I say, taking the towel as the blood begins to soak into the cotton. She grabs some ice from the fridge, placing a few pieces into the tea towel. She starts to hand me it, but I bat her hand away. I’m fine, had way worse. Just not from the girl I’m in love with.

  Her eyes are filled with remorse. I can see she feels bad for inflicting this on me. “Dray…”

  I grab her and hug her hard. She immediately melts into me, tucking her head under my chin.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers into my chest.

  “I know.” I kiss her hair and rub her back till she relaxes. “But fuck, firecracker, I don’t have to worry about you handling yourself. You have one mean right hook on you, that’s for sure.”

  “Well, my dad always said he wanted to teach me how to throw a punch. I guess he taught me well.”

  “Didn’t he just.” I kiss her hand, and she flinches slightly. I place the ice on her knuckles; I can see they’re already beginning to swell.

  “Ow,” she whines, holding the ice pack in place.

  “I need to get to work. Man, am I going to take some shit about this.” I wince as I touch my nose lightly. Jeez, it fucking hurts like a bitch. But I won’t tell Luce, she feels bad enough already.

  “I need to go finish getting ready,” I say, walking off.

  Today is going to suck.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “What the hell happened to you?” Ritchie asks the moment I walk through the office door.

  “Oh, don’t ask,” I mutter, pouring some coffee. It’s not even nine and I’m ready for this day to be over.

  “You been pissing someone off?” He eyes me, waiting for an answer.

  “No more than usual.” I snort, taking a sip of coffee.

  Ritchie continues staring. There’s a part of me that wants to keep him in the dark, but if he finds out through Luce, it will be ten times worse.

  “It was Luce,” I finally admit, ready for the jokes to begin.


  “Luce hit me in the face,” I repeat.

  He reels back in surprise. “What the hell? Were you fighting?”

  “No—we were sparring, and she distracted me then punched me in the nose.” I touch it and flinch from the pain.

  God, it fucking hurts.

  “Fucking hell, must have been some punch. It looks awful.” He moves closer to get a better look, which pisses me off even more.

  “Thanks for pointing that out, Ritchie. Not like I don’t own a mirror.” I throw my hands up in irritation. I don’t need the reminder.

  “I was just saying.”

  “Yeah, well, now you’ve had your piss take, so fuck off already.”

  I can’t be on with him right now.

  “Fine,” he huffs, slamming the door behind him. I know he’s about to fill everyone else in downstairs.


  I take a sip of my coffee then scrub my hands down my face, contemplating taking off for the day to avoid being the butt of everyone’s joke. I think this day can’t get any worse, but then my mobile rings, proving me wrong. My face drops the moment I see it’s Diane.


  I consider not answering, but then I’d feel even shittier. I click and accept the call, not even knowing what I’m about to say.

  “Hey, Diane,” I say, closing my eyes, trying to keep my voice breezy.

  “Hey, Dray, I haven’t called at a bad time have I?”


  “No, it’s fine. How are you?” I continue, turning the conversation back to her.

  “I’m okay, busy with work, but what’s new. How are things with you?”

  “Same old, same old.”

  “So, when are you thinking of coming up to Glasgow to see me? Maybe we could make a weekend of it? I have Saturday off next week, so that would be perfect if you could get the time off.”


  I’m not too dumb to know what the weekend means. But it’s not what I want. The night spent with Luce only proves my feelings for her are even stronger. Diane is amazing, but she’s not Luce.

  “Dray? Are you still there?” she asks, a slight concerned tone to her voice.

  I shake my head.

  I need to get a grip.

  “Yeah, I am, sorry.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  Don’t ask.

  “Diane, it’s just…”

  “Are you breaking up with me?” she jests. She thinks it’s a joke, but it’s not.

  “I think I have to,” I finally say.

  “What—why?” There’s a slight quiver to her voice, and my heart sinks.

  I’m a total prick.

  “I’m just not in a great place with my head at the moment, and it would be wrong to string you along. You’re such a great girl that—”

  “Dray, it’s fine. It’s kind of hard to start something while I’m here, anyway. Let’s just leave it. Maybe somewhere down the line we can pick it back up?” she suggests.



  I’m a coward, a complete coward.


  “Oh, God, I’ve to go. I’ve just remembered I have a last-minute appointment. Crap, I’m going to be late if I don’t go now. Bye, Dray.” Her voice is back to being bright and breezy; she’s totally misread my words. The line goes dead before I’d barely uttered a reply.

  What the hell just happened?

  I hadn’t set her straight on the fact it wasn’t something I’d ever consider way down the line.

  Jesus, what is wrong with me?

  The woman is funny, smart and sexy as hell. I think I need another punch to the head to knock some sense into me.

  I head off downstairs to grab some lunch, suddenly wishing I’d gone out instead when I notice a sea of smirking faces.

  “That looks nasty, boss.” Steve sniggers, walking past. I blatantly ignore him else he’ll feel my fist in his face. Joe on the smoothie counter grins as I walk over before he quickly pours my usual. My look of anger is enough for him to stay mute. I grab a salad and a fruit tray and head back, but there’s always got to be one joker.

  “You been walking into a wall, Dray?” Martin asks, chuckling. I freeze in response to his words. I’m pissed and in no mood for jokes. Ritchie looks over as I give him the death glare. He knows he
should have kept his mouth shut. I walk over to a smirking Martin and watch the smile drop from his face.

  “Any more comments like that and you’ll be walking out with your P45, you got that? That goes for the rest of you.” My eyes scan the room as everyone scurries off, pretending to be busy. I walk off, feeling brighter now I’ve instilled some fear into them.

  I slam the door hard behind me and start to eat. I have a meeting with a potential buyer, so I need the energy to focus. Ritchie walks in, immediately killing my mood further.

  “What the fuck is up with you, Dray. It was a joke. You need to lighten up.” He shakes his head in disgust.

  “I’m the fucking boss. I’m not letting them little piss-takers down there lord it over me. You should have kept your mouth shut.” I point at him in anger.

  Fucking shit-stirrer.

  “Oh, fucking grow a sense of humour,” he barks.

  “Oh, fuck off and get out.”

  “Gladly, you moody bastard. I don’t know why I bother with you, Dray.” He storms off towards the door.

  “Because I pay your fucking wages,” I add bitterly.

  He turns round and sneers at me. “Trust me, I could find a job in a second.”

  “Well, do that then.”

  I’m being petty, but I’m too pissed to care.

  “Oh, and Laurie made lasagne. I was going to give you a piece, but you can fucking enjoy your salad instead.” He gives me the middle finger before walking out.

  I leap up and race by him, shoving him aside, going full-pelt towards the kitchen. He’s soon hot on my heels. I grab the dish from the fridge, holding it aloft. I have a couple of inches on Ritch and laugh as he tries to jump and get it.

  “I swear to god, Dray, if you break that dish, Laurie will kill me.” His eyes widen in alarm as I laugh in his face.

  He really is pussy-whipped.

  “Then let me have a piece and I won’t.” I narrow my eyes, waiting for a response.

  “Motherfucker, you don’t deserve it, but deal,” he growls, shaking his head.

  I hand him the plates and sit as he spoons two portions onto them. He pops the first into the microwave and a delicious smell soon overtakes the kitchen. I’d take Laurie’s lasagne over other food any day.


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