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Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1)

Page 15

by Young, Alexa

  “You think you can get away with that, Ritchie? Expect the police to be around at yours in the next hour!” Marco yells, clutching his nose as blood streams down his hands onto the wooden floor.

  “Why?” Ritchie asks, smiling.

  “For assault, you fucking dick.”

  “I never touched you.” Ritchie shrugs and takes a long sip of his beer.

  “I have a roomful of people who say different,” Marco sneers.

  “We never saw anything, did you?” I say, grinning. Everyone looks around and they all shake their heads in agreement as Marco’s face turns redder by the minute. He’s hated in these parts, so I’m not surprised by the loyalty from everyone.

  “This isn’t over.” Marco points over at me then Ritchie. We both laugh harder with everyone else joining in. He’s a complete joke. He finally flounces out and the whole room erupts even more. Ritchie walks over and we high-five.

  He always has my back.

  His hand is starting to swell, so Jodie brings over some ice. She’s worked here long enough to know the drill.

  My eyes flick over to the clock and there’s five minutes to go. “I can’t wait to bring in the New Year with you, firecracker. This year with you and the little one is going to make my life complete. I love you, baby, with all my heart.”

  Her eyes soften at my words. “I know, Dray, I feel the same. Thank you for choosing me, for coming home with me.”

  “Always, baby, always. Now, we’ve got to make these final minutes count before bringing in the New Year.”

  “Then we better start now.” Her lips crash against mine and it’s fucking beautiful. We kiss like we’re each other’s lifelines. I pull her into me; I just want to lose myself. Fuck New Year, I need to be buried inside her already.

  Ritchie pulls us apart. I’m about to punch him when I see the clock counting down. We chant the countdown together with Luce in my arms. I don’t think any New Year could ever be more perfect than this one.

  When the clock strikes twelve, Big Ben can be heard from the TV’s on all sides of the bar. I kiss Luce once more before we grab and link each other’s hands, bringing in another new year with ‘Auld Lang Syne’. We sing our hearts out, laughing at the parts we don’t know. I look around and see smiles on faces of friends I truly love, friends who have become the world to me.

  Finally, my eyes fall on Luce beside me, smiling. She looks beautiful, and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store. This year, I become a husband and a father. I couldn’t be any prouder of where my life is right now. Money can buy you everything you need, but it doesn’t buy true happiness. As I stand in a room filled with loved ones, I know I’m well and truly blessed.

  When the song finishes, Ritchie walks over and pats me on the back. He’s the older brother I never had. I know he’s proud of me for keeping my cool, but I’m fucking glad he stood in for me to watch the smile wiped off that bastard’s face. I grin just at the thought of it.

  After Ritchie, Laurie follows and kisses me on the cheek. “Proud of you. I think you’re truly growing up.”

  “Oh, don’t say that. I don’t want to act my age just yet.” I wink.

  She shoves me playfully then hugs Luce before walking back over to Ritchie. She wraps her arms around him as they lose themselves in a kiss. I turn to Luce, who’s been watching us, smiling. I pull her into me and rest my mouth by her ear.

  “This is our year, firecracker. It’s going to be a good one, I can just tell.”

  “I think so, too.” She smiles as I capture her mouth with mine as we bring in the New Year. One that has me excited for the first time in a long while.

  It’s going to be perfect.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Hurry up, firecracker, we’re going to be late.” I check my watch for the millionth time. I’m antsy, but I can’t help it. Today is the day we find out whether we’re having a boy or a girl, and the excitement is killing me. I just want to know.

  “We still have thirty minutes, Dray,” Luce huffs, rushing through to grab the iron.

  “It takes us fifteen minutes to get there. And why are you ironing? The other top was fine.”

  She stands there contemplating in just a bra and trousers. Her bump is getting bigger now, and I can’t keep my hands off it.

  “Fine.” She storms over and shoves the iron into my hands. Two minutes later, she’s out wearing the previous top. She slips on her boots and jacket and we’re good to go. She goes to walk past me, but I grab her, pulling her in as I kiss her slowly. She pulls away, gasping slightly.

  “I thought we didn’t have time.” She giggles, sticking out her tongue playfully.

  “There’s always time for that. Come on, the sooner we get there the sooner we know.

  “God, you’re like a kid at Christmas.” She shakes her head while smiling, but she’s just as eager. I grab her hand and we head out the door, ready to find out what our little bundle of joy will be.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re sitting outside. We get called in and Luce climbs onto the bed and lifts her top. We sit and stare at each other as the technician sets the equipment up. I hold her hand, caressing her knuckles with my thumb.

  This is it.

  “So, let’s see how baby is doing today.” The technician smiles, squirting the gel over Luce’s stomach. Within seconds, the heartbeat fills the room.

  It’s the most glorious sound in the world.

  We sit and smile as the technician talks us through it all, telling us everything is looking good. We both give a sigh of relief together.

  Our baby is perfect.

  “And now would you like to know the sex?” she asks.

  “Yes,” we both say in unison and laugh. We’re not one for surprises; we’d go mad waiting. Sitting in anticipation, she scrutinises the screen for several seconds before she turns to us and smiles.

  “You’re having a girl.”

  A girl.

  Luce bursts into floods of tears and buries her head into my shoulder. I smile in delight. I know she said she’d be happy with either, but she secretly wanted a girl.

  I couldn’t be happier. I’m already picturing pulling out a shotgun when she turns sixteen. If she looks anything like Luce, I’ll have a problem on my hands.

  But my own little girl.

  Shit, I’m filling up.

  I swipe away a tear discretely, but Luce catches me and smiles.

  “We’re having a girl, Dray.”

  “I know, baby, I can’t believe it.”

  “Are you happy?” she asks hesitantly. She thinks I want a boy and hell, maybe next time, but for my firstborn, a daughter is fan-fucking-tastic.

  “Baby, I’m over the moon. She will want for nothing, but I’m warning you now she’ll be a daddy’s girl.”

  “Well, I know that already.”

  I think it was a given.

  “Well, I’ll let you get cleaned up. Would you like some pictures printed off?” the technician asks.

  “Please,” we both say together again and laugh. I can’t wait to hold her in my arms.

  Fuck. I’m going to cry.

  “Dray, are you okay?” Luce asks, concerned.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little dust blew into my eye, that’s all.” I turn and swipe my eyes with my fingers.

  Luce wipes herself clean and slips her top back down then comes to hug me. We stand there lost in the moment until she pulls away and smiles.

  “We’re having a girl,” she whispers.

  I cup her face and kiss her softly.

  Best. Day. Ever.

  * * *

  Thirty minutes later, I drop Luce off at work. I can already see the ladies inside are bursting with excitement. I don’t need to be part of the screaming and jumping around, so I kiss her and let her walk into the madness. When I pull up at the gym not long after, it’s buzzing with customers so I’m a happy bunny.

  I head to my office, but I soon get lynched by the ladies.

� Sophie asks.

  “Shouldn’t you be behind the smoothie bar? And the rest of you ladies, back to work,” I bark, but they take no notice.

  “Oh, shut up, Grinch, and tell us.” They all grin, eyes wide with excitement.

  “We’re having a girl,” I finally say. I’ve teased them enough.

  “Oh, my god.” Sophie squeals and hugs me, followed closely by Laura and Roxanne.

  “Yeah, I know.” I wave them away. I think I might be deaf now.

  “Dray, you’re going to be a dad with a baby girl. God, you’ll have your work cut out there.” Roxanne winks with delight.

  They’re regular piss-takers.

  “I know. I’m about to put my gun application form in as we speak,” I joke. Though part of me is seriously considering it.

  They laugh as I head up to the office. Ritchie’s there on the phone. I nod as I hang my jacket and walk over to pour myself a coffee. He quickly finishes the call and looks at me in wonder.

  “What?” I ask in amusement.

  “Just fucking tell me, knobhead,” he snaps, not in the mood for my antics.

  “Might I remind you that I am the boss and you shouldn’t be speaking to me like that?”

  “Dray.” He shoots me a look and I know I’m pushing his buttons, so I decide to relent.

  “It’s a girl.”

  “Oh, God, you’re gonna—”

  “Have my work cut out? I know, heard it all from those piss-takers downstairs,” I growl. Is this going to be the bloody response every time?

  “Okay, calm down, sheesh. But that’s brilliant, man. Call Laurie. She’s been bugging me all morning, and I said you would call as soon as you came in.”

  I put the phone on speaker and dial her mobile number, and she answers in two rings. Ritch and I look at each other in amusement. I don’t say anything, just sit there in silence.

  “Hello—Dray? You there?”

  We sit for a few more seconds then burst into laughter; patience is not her strong point.

  “Just tell me already,” she huffs. She’s as bad as Ritch.

  “It’s a girl,” I reply, smiling. Our eardrums are almost pierced by her squeal. Jesus, what is it with girls fucking squealing whenever they’re happy?

  “Oh, my God! A girl, oh, I can’t believe it.”

  “Neither can we.”

  I’ll be wearing this smile all day.

  “I just…” She starts to sob and Ritchie rolls his eyes.

  “Baby, don’t cry,” he says, trying to disguise his chuckling.

  “Don’t laugh at me, Ritch, this is huge. Dray is going to be a daddy.”

  “I know, baby,” Ritchie adds, grinning.

  We hear voices in the background before Laurie returns. “I’ve got to go, crisis in the kitchen, but congratulations, Dray. I’ll be over later to hug you both and talk nurseries. I’ve seen a few things online that I’m going to buy.”

  “Laurie, it’s their baby, not ours,” Ritchie half-growls, looking miffed.

  Cheers, Ritch.

  I shoot him a dirty look and he shrugs.


  “Stop being a complete and total tightwad, Ritchie. This is our god-daughter. I’m warning you now, I’ll be maxing the card out on this little girl.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Ritchie fumes, and I laugh.

  “Language, Ritchie. I’m so happy for you, Dray. Speak to you later.”

  I hang up the phone and smile over at Ritchie. He grimaces back.

  “Oh, shut it Ebenezer. I pay you more than enough.”

  “Oh, fuck off.”

  That guy does not like to be parted from his money. He storms out the office, but not before he hears my mocking laughter.

  * * *

  I walk through the door, and Luce’s pleading eyes meet mine. Laurie has her laptop on her knee and is currently talking nursery décor. I walk over and pull Luce up then kiss her.

  “Hey, Laurie.”

  She looks up and smiles, throwing her laptop aside, and tackles me into a hug. I chuckle at her enthusiasm. She really is getting way too excited about this. Ritchie doesn’t talk about wanting kids, it’s not something we really discuss, but looking at Laurie, I think they are definitely on the cards.

  “So happy for you both! I was just showing Luce what I’ve ordered so far. Everything is neutral, so it will go with any colour. Have you thought what the main colour of the nursery will be yet? I’ve seen some other things I want to buy, too.”

  Fucking hell, she’s in shopping mode.

  This is something I don’t have to worry about with Luce. She’s not a mad shopper, so to see Laurie act like this is scary. No wonder Ritchie freaked out earlier. I might have to top his wages up to make up for the constant purchase withdrawals.

  “Laurie, honey, we only found out today. Give us a chance to breathe first before we decide.” I shoot her a wink to take the sting out of my response. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but dear God, I just want a bite to eat and to spend the evening with my fiancée.

  She frowns slightly. “Sorry. I’m being over-the-top, aren’t I? Ritchie warns me about taking over, I should listen to him more.”

  Shit, now I feel bad.

  “Come here. We love your enthusiasm and thank you for all your ideas and gifts. Just give us a few days and we’ll let you know.” I pull her into a hug.

  “Okay, but let me know if I’m taking over.”

  “We will, I promise.” I kiss her on her forehead and smile.

  Her eyes widen in alarm. “Shit, is that the time? I need to be getting back to the restaurant. They gave me forty minutes, and it’s been an hour.”

  “Yeah, as the head chef, they kind of need you.” I smirk, and she bats me playfully. She kisses us both again and heads out the door. She’s a right little whirlwind when she gets going, and it’s hard to keep up. We both drop down onto the sofa, just enjoying a few moments of silence.

  “Wow, she’s—”

  “Excited and over-the-top, I know,” I conclude.

  “I’m glad you saved me when you did,” Luce says, snuggling into my side. She looks exhausted. I can only imagine after all the attention she’s had at work then coming home to be snowballed by Laurie.

  “I’ll save you anytime.” I grab her feet and begin to massage them. She groans in delight, as she’s been on them all day.

  “Can we order in? I’m too tired to cook.” She sighs, looking beat.

  “Sure, the usual?”

  “Do you have to ask?” She grins as I grab my phone and place the order.

  “Can you believe it, Dray, a girl.” Her eyes light up in delight.

  “I know, and she’s going to be beautiful.” I place my hand on her belly as hers covers mine. We sit there in silence, just taking it all in.

  “What time did they say the pizza would be here?” Luce asks. She’s not going to be happy. I’m going to have to come up with a great distraction plan to keep her preoccupied for the next thirty minutes.

  “It’s going to be a while,” I say as she scowls. I chuckle at her expression; she’s even less patient since she got pregnant.

  “It’s okay, baby, I have other means of keeping your mind off the time.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She raises her eyebrows in intrigue. She doesn’t really need to ask; from the look in her eyes, she knows what I have in mind.

  “Mmmm, just lie back and enjoy.” Her eyes widen and fill with lust when I pull down her trousers and underwear, discarding them on the floor.

  “What are you going to do?” she asks, giggling. I pull both legs apart, exposing her pussy, which is already wet. She gasps when I place both legs over my shoulders, positioning my mouth so it’s hovering over where she needs me the most.

  “Well, baby, I’m hungry right now, but it sure isn’t for pizza.” I chuckle when she groans as I begin to completely undo her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “We’re not going to Vegas, Ritchie, so get that out of your head. We
’re staying local. I know it’s my stag party, but I’m having a baby, so those carefree days of partying are gone. I’m not having Luce worrying if I’m going to get plastered and do something stupid to jeopardise what we have.”

  Ritchie shoots me a pissed-off look, but he knows I’m talking sense. The last trip to Vegas ended with us all being locked up, fucking countless women and losing a shitload of money. I have responsibilities now. Hell, I don’t even want a fucking stag party. All I want to do is get married to Luce, but I can see the boys aren’t going to let me off that easily.

  “Well, how about a night out in London? We could go to the Grosvenor, gamble to the early hours and have a few drinks.”

  “That would be better,” I concede. The guys are going to be pissed. I think they expected great things when they learnt I was getting hitched, but this stag night is for me. I’m not letting them get their way.

  “I’ll let Jack, Charlie and Tom know, but expect some ribbing. They’re not going to be happy we’re not leaving the country.”

  “Tell them if they want a trip to Vegas then they can fucking pay for it themselves, tight bastards,” I growl.

  Now, I’m pissed.

  “Okay, I’ll relay those exact words back to them.” Ritchie smirks. He can’t wait to let them know; he loves to stir the shit.

  The fucker.

  Luce’s name flashes up on my mobile, so I signal for Ritchie to leave. I need to speak to her in private.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey,” she replies before sighing.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, immediately concerned. It’s not about the baby else she’d be in complete panic mode. She sounds deflated.

  “I just got off the phone with Sam. She’s complaining about her dress, says she’s tried it on and it’s not her colour. Everything has been bought and paid for and ties in with the same wedding theme colour. I’ve told her it’s impossible to change two weeks from the wedding, yet she’s still kicking up a fuss saying she’s not wearing it.”

  Motherfucking bitch.


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