Book Read Free


Page 11

by R. Lynn

  “Atlanticus is not lost, it is sleeping,” Phoebe whispered.

  “How can a city sleep?” Sollara raised her eyebrows in reaction to the foolishness of what Phoebe had said.

  “A great magic protected Atlanticus and the portal to the Fates. When the Descendants threatened to take the life of the Fates, the great magic activated and hid the city from all eyes. They say it rests at the bottom of the ocean, and only the gateway can awaken it from slumber,” she recited as she accentuated the words she wanted Sollara to hear.

  “So you are telling me that some magic force-field is hiding a city. I thought such notions only happened in science fiction novels.” The words spewed out of her mouth before she had time to think them over.

  Much to Sollara’s relief, Phoebe did not get angry. In fact, she reacted quite unexpectedly. She began to laugh; she threw back her head and laughed with unrestrained freedom. “Sweetheart, if that is the case, then you are the star of a science fiction story. If only you knew what awaits you,” Phoebe teased, as she regained her composure enough to speak.

  “Oh thank you. Your humor helps me feel so much better.” Sollara rolled her eyes in mockery and a small smile found its place on her face again.

  “So why did you leave Atlanticus anyway?” Sollara hoped the humor in their conversation would not make her question seem intrusive.

  “Because I ate an Elemental,” she said. Phoebe’s forthrightness took Sollara by surprise.

  “Oh! Well, let’s not get in a habit of that.”

  After a moment of silence, Sollara could not resist asking some of the questions that now swirled around in her mind. “Why did you eat an Elemental in the first place?”

  “I was foolish in my youth and eternal beauty consumed my thoughts. I didn't realize the consequences of my actions until it was too late. The Fates held the Elementals in esteem higher than other Atlantians, and any action of bloodlust toward another Atlantian was punishable by death. Your mother took pity on me and spared my life, so instead of public hanging, I was banished from Atlanticus. That is how I eventually came to know Sugoi and Mari, as we both felt left behind in a sense,” she confessed.

  “I was wondering why Sugoi and Mari talked of you as an ally. That is how I came to know how you became a Dark One.”

  “I have had many years to realize the errors of my ways. Patronage with Sugoi and Mari is far behind me. Fret not Sollara, and let us keep our minds on what lies ahead, not behind.”

  Sollara was about to respond to Phoebe when her stomach rudely interrupted.

  “Sounds like someone is getting hungry,” she laughed. “Let's get you something to eat.”

  Without argument Sollara gingerly got out of bed and stretched after her long slumber. She rummaged through her unpacked bags and put on one of the pairs of sweat pants that she had bought in Spain, threw on a white tee shirt, and pulled her hair in a ponytail. As soon as she was satisfied with her appearance, liking the simplicity of the outfit, she followed after Phoebe to the kitchen.

  When they rounded the corner of the first hallway, Sollara saw Kai. He was in a side room sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. The very sight of him froze her in place and made her forget about her hunger pains.

  “Phoebe, Kai’s back! I’m going to go talk to him,” Sollara called to her.

  “No, Sollara wait...” she turned and yelled. But her words did not register with Sollara. Without thinking she reached out her hand to touch him. Instantly he reacted by pulling away from her.


  “Go away!”

  “I just wanted to see how you are dealing with everything. It has been a...”

  “Are you deaf? I said go away!”

  They had had their disagreements, but this wasn't the Kai Sollara was used to. She stood frozen in shock before him.

  When he realized she wasn’t leaving, he tried another tactic. “You took my mother away from me. My whole life I thought she didn't love me, that she abandoned my father and me. When I was eight, my father committed suicide because he could not bear not having her with us. Because of you I spent my whole life in pain. Then I saw you in the field and something drew me to you— Stupid mistake! I wish I’d never met you. I wish you were the one Mari killed!” With that he got up and left Sollara stunned, mouth open and tears welling.

  His words had pierced straight to her heart. The pain was so immense she thought her very soul would split in two. Collapsing onto the couch, she breathed deeply, trying to calm her heart and keep her sanity.

  “Why does this hurt so much?” she cried, dissolving into sobs. From everything she had experienced so far including Asima’s death and discovering about the parents she never knew, the fact that Kai wished she had died hurt the most? It was something she had often considered herself. She wished she could have taken Asima’s place. But for some reason Kai wished the same, and this came close to destroying her spirit.

  After what seemed a lifetime, she remembered Asima’s words. All she had was her soul. She couldn’t depend on anything or anyone else. So, remembering the promise she had made, the one to stop letting fantasies control her and to not settle for anything but respect and true love from a man, she wiped her eyes dry and found the strength to steady her breathing.

  Then Sollara invoked Bonnie’s power and locked away all feelings she had for Kai, consigning them into a forgotten corner of her heart.


  That night, sleep came easily to Sollara. She was exhausted though her mind subconsciously worked overtime, replaying all the information she had been given. When the fresh day came and she awoke in her new room, she was excited to meet her roommate, begin settling down and starting a normal routine again. Although she had hated the routine of the Deep Kingdom, she was certain that this new life would bring new routine, new distractions. And those distractions would be a welcome addition.

  It had been the first morning for as long as she could remember where she did not go to the in-between. In fact, as soon as she awoke she got out of bed and started getting ready. Phoebe and Coeus had decided to room her with a young SOD. They said it would be beneficial to her getting in touch with her blood lust routes. Her roommate’s name was Hannah; she was of medium height with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and abnormally pale skin. They had met briefly the night before as Sollara was getting ready for bed.

  Sollara tiptoed around the room, trying not to wake her as she prepared for the morning. Every now and again she would steal a look in Hannah’s direction to ensure she was still asleep. She thought it was unusual that an SOD needed sleep. She had been under the impression that they never slept. But she had now seen Hannah sleep soundly. When Hannah peeked out of the corner of her eye, Sollara realized she had been staring and blushed in embarrassment.

  “I’m awake!” Hannah beamed as she sat up in bed.

  Sollara nodded and turned back to the task of getting ready. She heard Hannah sigh and slump back into bed. It made her wonder if she was being rude, so she decided to stop avoiding conversation and talk to Hannah.

  “You sleep? I thought your kind didn’t need to,” she half asked, half told.

  “Well, we only need to sleep if we are not drinking blood on a regular basis.” She sat back up and smiled at Sollara. “Do you have any other questions? I am sure we are all so weird to you!”

  “I don’t think so, but if I can think of any I will ask,” Sollara replied, and then she turned towards their shared bathroom.

  “Whatcha doing?” Hannah asked.

  “Getting ready for the day.” Sollara thought it would be obvious, but from Hannah’s frown she realized her actions were confusing her roommate.

  “But classes don’t start for another ten hours. And other than a rugby game, there is nothing planned today.” Hannah watched Sollara to see her reaction. When she saw Sollara’s face drop, Hannah tried to cheer her up. “I could take you around, show you the campus and the library, and later you can come to the game with me.”
br />   “Really?” Sollara smiled at the prospect of seeing the library. “I would really appreciate that. Thanks Hannah!” Sollara instantly warmed to Hannah’s personality. She knew she could manage to be her friend.

  The tour went by quickly, but Hannah had to practically force Sollara to leave the library to go to the rugby game with her. Since Sollara did not have any other friends, she gave in and went. She did not want her love for books to undermine any personal growth she had made with Hannah.

  It was exactly like a regular rugby game, but instead of using a normal ball like one would expect, they used a ten-pound medicine ball. Needless to say, it became quite a show. Mostly the boys played, and the rest of the students stood on the sidelines. Sollara soon discovered that the spectators had a dual purpose, first to cheer for their favorite players as they took off toward the goal line, and second to act as a barricade when players came crashing in their direction. This way no cars, buildings, or trees would get damaged during the game. Phoebe was in attendance, and when it was finished she pulled Sollara aside.

  “Sollara, I am worried about you. Classes start tonight, and I want to make sure you are ready to focus,” she said as her eyes scanned Sollara’s face. “You will also need to start supplementing your diet with blood, as you will be learning your gifts soon. I know that was a concern for you.”

  “Seriously Phoebe, I am fine. Put me in a room of humans, and I will ask you where I line up for the blood buffet.”

  Phoebe didn’t find Sollara’s attempt at humor amusing and instead looked at her with concern. She could sense Sollara’s emotional withdrawal and wondered if it had anything to do with Kai.

  “Phoebe, I am fine, really. I am a whole new Sollara— eager to explore the world. A Sollara who does not give a fig about anyone, or anything— especially drinking a little blood.” Deep inside a voice nagged at Sollara that hiding from pain would not end her problems. But she shoved it back down. If Kai didn’t get close to her, he couldn’t abandon her or hurt her ever again.

  “Bonnie, can you escort Sollara to class? I want to make sure she doesn’t get lost,” Phoebe yelled over her shoulder.

  Sollara was certain her true intentions were to make sure she was supervised. And she wasn’t wrong; Phoebe was worried she might try something stupid.

  Bonnie took Sollara’s hand and pulled her toward the main building. “So, how did you get along with your new roommate?”

  “The best way I can describe her is… like a humming bird. She doesn’t walk, doesn't glide, but buzzes everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Every turn I take, every couch I sit on, she quickly finds herself next to me. If I had a penny for every time she asks Whatcha doing? Well then I would have at least fifty cents, and I have only known her for twenty-four hours.” Sollara was thankful to have someone unemotional like Bonnie to talk to.

  Bonnie led her to the far end of the manor. She opened a small door, and much to Sollara’s surprise, a large auditorium was on the other side. “You will be required to come here before classes each evening. This is where you will be briefed on the night's lessons,” she explained.

  “Thanks Bonnie,” Sollara said as she entered the room. She was looking forward to the distraction that her first class would bring. With careful consideration, Sollara chose a seat at the back. It was her attempt to avoid Kai and maintain a low profile, which was something she had found to be a challenge. In the Deep Kingdom she was normal. But at this school her hair stood out in a crowd.

  “Hey red,” Josiah smirked as he nudged her arm and took the chair next to her.

  Josiah was a good friend of Hannah's, and seeing him Sollara assumed Hannah would soon appear. And she was right.

  “Hey Sollara, whatcha doing?”

  “Fifty-one cents,” Sollara mumbled.

  “What’s that?” Hannah asked.

  Sollara couldn’t be sure if Hannah had honestly not heard her, or if she was just pretending not to hear. Looking up at her roommate, Sollara offered a half smile. “Hi Hannah.”

  Hannah and Josiah spent the next few minutes rambling on about the morning’s rugby game. And Sollara took it as an opportunity to close her eyes and rest. When Hannah nudged her, she sat up in time to see her nod toward the front of the auditorium. Following Hannah’s gaze, she caught sight of Kai entering the room. His eyes met her stare, and immediately he looked away.

  She watched him for a while as he took his seat in the second row next to a couple of girls.

  The one closest to him turned to her friend and loudly whispered, “I am so going to get with this guy… he’s hot.” The other one, indiscreetly, looked over her friend at him and giggled. They didn't make any attempt to whisper it quietly because Sollara and Hannah heard them from eight rows back. She hated how their body language screamed of their availability and how easy a conquest they would be. Noticing the extra attention he was receiving, Kai shifted uncomfortably in his seat and smiled at one of the girls.

  It didn’t surprise Sollara at all. Kai was one of the best looking guys in the school. And after today, everyone knew him. During the rugby game a player got injured and Kai was somehow pulled in as a replacement. Sollara had worked extra hard to avoid looking at him. But as he single-handedly dominated the opposing team, she didn’t really have an option. That is when she told Hannah about their situation, and that is why Hannah was trying to protect her from him now.

  Josiah was the captain of the losing team, and Sollara found him gravitating toward her. She assumed it was because they both shared a common distaste for Kai. At least this is what she hoped.

  Some of Josiah's teammates started crowding around them. They were taking in Sollara with a look that read she was fresh prey. It made her feel uncomfortable. But since she was new in learning how people interact, she brushed those thoughts aside.

  One of them sat in the seat in front of her and turned around to offer her a wink. Confusion as to what it meant caused Sollara to turn and look behind her, thinking it was intended for someone else.

  “No girlie, that was definitely directed at you,” he chuckled.

  “Oh,” she said coldly, wanting to signal that she wasn't flattered nor did she want to continue the conversation.

  “Hard to get I see. I dig that... We have enough easy girls in this school as it is. I'm Andrew by the way,” he said as he extended his hand to her.

  She had tried to distance herself from the conversation. It bothered her that he seemed to think of her as a target. A frustration took control of her resolve, and instead of returning his gesture, she stared at his hand and said, “Nice to meet you Andrew. I’m Unavailable.”

  “Are you proud of yourself for that?” Hannah said as she nudged Sollara’s side with her elbow.

  In fact, Sollara was proud, but she tried to hide her grin. She had never been strong-willed with a man before. But since her renewed promise to herself, she decided that she was going to take control. And doing so had felt great.

  “Hi Andrew.” Hannah cooed. “Don't mind her; she’s new. And where she came from, people weren't really friendly. Her name is Sollara.” She turned and stuck her tongue out at Sollara and giggled in victory.

  “Thanks Hannah,” Sollara grumbled under her breath, as the feeling of control fast began to slip out of her grasp.

  “Pouting won't keep me away; it just makes me want you more,” Andrew teased as he turned around to listen to the teacher who was so desperately trying to get the group’s attention.

  When his back was to her, she took the opportunity to study him. He was not bad looking. He was tall and muscular, but Sollara was beginning to see that pattern in almost all the SOD boys at the school. Out of the corner of her eye, she managed to see a huge grin on Hannah’s face. She sighed. She understood that Hannah thought Kai had hurt her, and the only way to fix her was by having a new boyfriend. The thought of which Sollara managed to appreciate. She knew Hannah didn’t realize how accustomed to being alone she felt. In truth, it was one of the only feel
ings that she could control. Even having a girl for a friend was beginning to try Sollara’s patience.


  The teacher addressing the group was soft spoken, and Sollara had to concentrate to single out his voice over everyone else’s. She managed to catch that the new students would have combat training with a senior student teacher in the gym. She was looking forward to that class; she knew she needed to kick off steam, and punching someone might help.

  The idea of school was looking better and better. Truthfully, she would like anything that allowed her to avoid one-on-one tutoring. She had had enough of that back at the Deep Kingdom. Now she was excited about experiencing how normal people went to school. Well, almost normal people.

  The bell rang dismissing the students to their classes. Instead of leaving like the other students, Andrew turned to Sollara with a look of mischief on his face.

  “Hey, Unavailable, can I carry your bag to class?” He winked.

  “You don’t look like a first-year student, so why would you be taking first-year combat training?” She asked as she tried to calm her nerves.

  “Oh, girlie, I’m not taking the class. I’m teaching it.” He grabbed her bag, offered another wink, and headed for the door.

  “This is going to be a long night,” Sollara mumbled to herself.

  “Wait up!” she yelled as she ran to catch up with him. He turned and raised his eyebrows in question. “It really bothers me when men feel it necessary to carry my bag. Do I really look that weak?”

  He didn’t answer but smiled and continued on his way to class. She threw up her hands in defeat and hurried after him toward the gymnasium. Their class was small; it consisted of five students. Sollara, Kai, the two girls who where flirting with him from earlier, and another guy she had not yet met.


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