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Steamy Dorm

Page 2

by Kristine Robinson

  Eli hurried to the back of the store, where there were two racks of notebooks and binders. He filled his arms up with everything that he might need and then hurried up to the counter. He paid for these items and gave the woman behind the counter his class schedule, which she used to retrieve a pile of heavy textbooks from a room in the back.

  Eli left the store with his arms heavy, as he juggled his haul. He considered that maybe he should have made two separate trips. Eli was cantering along at a brisk pace, and not paying very much attention to where he was going. His head was down, as he watched his staggered pile, ensuring that none of his items fell.

  This was when he felt his body slam into a hard and unyielding wall of a person. He yelped and his body flew backwards, impaling itself upon the hard sidewalk.

  “Oh gosh! Are you okay?”

  Eli glanced up to see the tallest female that he'd ever laid eyes on. She was at least six foot two. Her skin was pale and covered in freckles. They were bright orange and matched her wavy shoulder-length hair.

  He was mortified. Not only had he run straight into a girl, but the girl was so much larger than him that he was the one who had suffered bodily injury. Not that he would have wanted her to be harmed, but it was embarrassing to be knocked to the ground by a girl.

  “Here, let me help you,” the girl said.

  Her face was blazing bright red. It was the color of a ripe cherry.

  She knelt and started to collect Eli's books and scattered papers.

  “No, that's alright!” Eli blurted.

  In the periphery of his vision, Eli could see people staring and groups of students chuckling at his expense. He snatched up his belongings and darted to his feet, ignoring the sharp cry of pain that came from his right ankle.

  “Wait a second!” the girl cried out.

  But Eli was already on his feet running. He scurried through campus and hurried up to his dorm. He barged into his new bedroom, chest heaving.

  Rayna was laying across her bed, inspecting what appeared to be a class schedule.

  “Hey,” she said, looking up at him in alarm. “What's going on with you? Did something happen?”

  Eli shook his head, still panting.

  “No,” he said. “Found all my classes. Got my books. I'm good.”

  Rayna frowned.

  “O...okay,” she said.

  Her eyes were wide with concern, but still she went back to her schedule, giving Eli some much needed space.

  Eli sat down on his bed, staring down out of the window. He pulled a tattered paperback from his bag, wrapped the covers around himself and began to read.

  Eli was still curled up away from the door, with the covers over his head, when he heard the bedroom door open and someone scurry in.

  “Hey Donna,” Rayna said. “Did you get everything you needed?”

  “Yeah,” a female voice responded. “I got a couple of shower caddys and some soap at the bookstore. Can't believe we forgot to pack those. But something weird and embarrassing happened right after I left the bookstore.”


  “Well, I knocked this guy over and his books went everywhere. I tried to help him pick everything up, but he just like bolted.”

  Eli stiffened. This couldn't be the girl that he's just slammed into. What could the odds be of something like that happening?

  “That's weird,” Rayna remarked.

  “Yeah,” the other girl replied. “I felt really bad for knocking him over. I know that I'm basically a giant, so that couldn't have felt too great. He ate shit pretty hard too. His whole body smacked into the sidewalk. I just really hope he didn't hit his head. It happened so fast. I didn't get a chance to ask him before he sprinted off.”

  “Hey Eli,” Rayna called. “Are you awake?”

  Eli thought about feigning sleep, but decided it would be better to just get the unpleasantness over with. He flipped the blanket off and turned to the door to face the newcomer.

  The girl's eyes widened and her cheeks, once more, became red and splotchy as heat flooded into her face.

  “Oh...uh..hi,” the girl stammered. “I'm Donna. I'm really sorry that I knocked you over.”

  “Wait a second..” Rayna said, looking back and forth to each of their embarrassed faces. “Donna, this is the guy that you knocked over?”

  “Yeah,” Donna mumbled. “I really am sorry. Did you hit your head when you fell?”

  “No,” Eli muttered. “I'm fine. Besides, I'm actually the one that ran into you.”

  Rayna laughed.

  “Wow, dude. You're doing a lot of running today. You ran into her. You ran away from her. No wonder you were so out of breath when you got back here!”

  Eli smiled awkwardly.

  “Nice to meet you, Donna. I'm sorry that I ran off. That was kind of rude. I was just mad at myself for running into you. I didn't mean to just sprint off, but there were so many people standing around watching...”

  Donna rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah, I saw that too,” she said. “People are such jerks. But they were just being lame. Don't let them bug you. It was a just a silly accident. We're not gonna let it ruin our first day on campus right?”

  Eli smiled, glad that he had such friendly and direct roommates.

  “Right,” he agreed.

  Donna sat down on the bed next to Rayna and the three of them began to chat. Eli found himself opening up more than he had that afternoon. They became so enraptured in their conversation that they didn't even notice as the light began to din, and they were still conversing animatedly, as night fell across the campus.

  Chapter Two

  “Come on, Eli!” Rayna pressed. “You keep saying that you're going to hang out with me and Donna but you never do. We've been on campus over a week, and the only time that you chill with us is when we're up in the dorm.”

  “I don't know,” Eli faltered. “I don't even know anything about basketball.”

  “That's fine!” Rayna insisted. “Donna and I just want you there for support. Come on. Please? You're pretty much the only friend that either one of has made since we got here. We need someone in the bleachers cheering us on!”

  Rayna watched Eli's face, as he thought it over. He was handsome as far as guys went. His hair was jet black and his skin nicely tanned. His nose was large, but in a way that appeared distinguished, rather than obtrusive. If Rayna was attracted to men, she imagined that Eli was exactly the sort of man that she would find attractive.

  As it was, they were only friends, but ever since she and Donna had arrived on campus, they'd found companionship with Eli. He was shy and reserved, but kind and a great listener. Rayna got the feeling that Eli was sheltered, but that didn't bother her. She actually found it a bit endearing.

  “Alright,” he said, finally. “I'll go, but I doubt that I'm gonna be able to follow the game.”

  “I don't care!” Rayna laughed. “It's just gonna be so nice to see a familiar face out there in the stands. There's nobody coming to see either me or Donna. My family wanted to come, but both my parents have to work tonight.”

  Donna bounded into the room. She was wearing her basketball uniform and had tied her vivid red hair up into a high ponytail.

  “Hurry up, Ray!” she chided. “You're not even dressed. Are you seriously gonna make us late for our first game?”

  Rayna grinned at her.

  “Eli is gonna come watch our game!”


  Donna smiled softly at Eli. The corners of her full lips turned up ever so slightly. It was really her eyes that did the smiling. They seemed to catch the light and toss it back out.

  “Thanks, Eli,” she murmured. “It's going to be so nice to have you there with us.”

  Eli flushed and looked down at his hands.

  “Yeah, not a problem,” he muttered. “I'm glad to be there for you both.”

  Then Eli looked up again and his eyes met Donna's.

  Something passed between them.

/>   Rayna frowned. She couldn't smother the feelings of envy that were rising in her chest.


  Eli sat up in the bleachers, trying his best to follow the game. He had never learned very much about sports, not even during his Rumspringa. He did gather that one of the game's goals was to shoot the orange ball into the hoop. There were two hoops and he wasn't exactly sure why the women seemed to be alternating between them.

  As the horde of women rushed back and forth across the basketball court, dribbling and passing, there was one player in particular that Eli just couldn't keep his eyes off of. Donna really was something out there on the court. It was obvious to Eli that she wasn't one of the best players. That title would probably go to Rayna. She seemed to be making most of the shots into the basket, and the other team seemed very concerned with crowding around her and trying to keep the ball from reaching her.

  Still, there was something about Donna that Eli found captivating. She was quick and lithe. Her red eyebrows furrowed in concentration and her bright ponytail waved and flickered over her shoulders as she darted here and there. Her legs were long and shapely. Eli watched the nylon fabric of her basketball shorts swish against her thighs, as she ran and jumped.

  Eli's heart thudded in his chest and he felt his mouth go dry. This was an absolutely alien sensation. He had never felt this before. He was attracted to Donna. He didn't think that he had ever felt such an overwhelming physical attraction for a female. He gripped the bleacher beneath him, as he felt his body long for her.


  The game had been long and tiresome, but as she always did after a game, Donna felt fulfilled and exhausted, but in a way that was wonderfully pleasing. She had originally started playing basketball because of Rayna. They'd been friends for ages. Closer than friends. The bond between them was immeasurable.

  Rayna had talked Donna into playing basketball back in their Junior year of high school. Donna had quickly grown to love it, but she knew that she wouldn't ever be as good as Rayna. The thought didn't really bother her though. She actually loved watching Rayna shine. Rayna was a born star. Even if Donna did possess more natural talent, she didn't think that she would want to be at the center of the limelight, as Rayna was. Even with her middle of the road skills, she felt herself pulling back often, and reigning herself in. She didn't want to stand out too much. She just wanted to blend in.

  Especially after all of the drama that had occurred with her parents over the summer. She just wanted to fade into the background and be low-key for awhile. She wanted a normal life.


  The party after the game was a little much. Rayna knew that she should be enjoying it. She was the star player of the team, after all. But she just didn't feel like partying tonight. She was really in more of a mood to just go home. She just wanted to lay down in her bed and Netflix and chill.

  Still, she made the rounds through the party. Donna remained by her side for the first few minutes of the party, but then the two of them saw Eli sitting on a sofa and looking quite out of place.

  “I'm gonna go see if Eli's okay,” Donna said.

  Rayna watched, with those same heavy feelings of jealousy, as Donna darted over to

  Eli's side and bent low to murmur into his ear.

  Rayna and Donna had begun dating only a few months ago. They had known each other for most of their lives, but their relationship had only transitioned into something romantic very recently. Rayna had come out, telling her friends and family that she was a lesbian. Her family had been nervous and confused at first, but in the end they'd decided to be supportive. Rayna felt lucky to have them. Shortly after coming out, Donna had come to Rayna and confessed her feelings.

  “I've never thought of myself as a lesbian,” Donna had admitted. “But I've always felt very strongly for you. I've always been able to talk to you, when I couldn't go to anyone else. I'm not sure where this is going to go, but can we give this a try Rayna? Can I be your girlfriend?”

  Rayna had accepted Donna's proposal, but had been later alarmed to find out that Donna had envisioned a secret relationship. Donna's father was a very wealthy and successful politician. Donna had grown up with her life plastered across tabloids and all over the internet. Rayna knew that Donna was right to be fearful of a public same-sex relationship. Even if her father wasn't such a high-profile figure, there would have been issues. Donna's family was very conservative and old-fashioned. They definitely wouldn't approve.

  Still, keeping their relationship secret made Rayna nervous. And now their new friend and roommate was looking at Donna with unmistakable desire in his eyes. Donna hadn't even been sure that she was gay. Maybe it would only take the interest of a sweet and attractive male to break Donna of the notion that she wanted to be with Rayna.

  Rayna stressed continuously as she drifted through the party, stopping here and there to make small talk, and congratulate different players on their contributions to the game. Rayna found Donna and Eli outside, looking very cozy underneath an old, gnarled Hemlock.

  Rayna approached them, with a frown creeping across her features.

  “Hey guys,” she said. “What's going on here?”

  She tried to keep her tone jovial, but she heard the hint of accusation in her own voice.

  “Not much,” Donna said. “Eli and me were just making plans to go to the movies later this week.”

  Rayna felt her eyebrows ascend.

  “Huh,” she said. And then making an effort to remain easy-going, she said, “What movie are you guys going to see?”

  It was a terrible effort for her to keep the smile on her face, as Donna prattled on about their plans and Eli watched Donna with utter fascination. He was watching Donna as if she were the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen.

  Chapter Three

  It was three days later when Rayna finally worked up the nerve to talk to Donna. She'd been watching Eli fuss and stress about going to the movie with Donna. It was obvious to Rayna that Eli thought this was a date. Rayna had to know that Donna wasn't under the same impression. The two were planning to go to the movies that very night. Rayna knew that it was now or never.

  She caught Donna by the elbow as she bustled into the living area.

  “We need to talk,” Rayna said briskly.

  “O-kay,” Donna faltered. “Can I just put my stuff down first?”


  Donna deposited her backpack and purse on the floor and then followed Rayna out into the hallway.

  “What's going on?”

  “It's Eli,” Rayna said. “You are aware that he thinks you two are going on a date tonight, right?”

  Donna clicked her tongue.

  “Come on Rayna. That's ridiculous. We're just going as friends. Eli knows that I was just being nice. He always seems so out of place and shy. I just wanted to be friendly and try to help him feel a little more comfortable.”

  Rayna shook her head and rolled her eyes.

  “I don't think that you and Eli are on the same page,” she said. “He's been trying to pick his best outfit, running a comb through his hair and parting it different ways. He even asked me for advice on what to say to girls. He asked if he should hold the door for a girl, or if that might be too condescending. He likes you. A lot. I see it when he looks at you. And he thinks that he's taking the girl that he likes out on a date. I think that it's important to talk to him before he gets his feelings crushed.”

  Donna nodded seriously.

  “Okay,” she said. “Let's go talk to him now. We'll tell him everything.”


  Eli listened to Rayna and Donna with a mixture of sadness, confusion, and relief. As they talked, he sat on his bed and stared up at the two of them, with eyes wide. These two girls were dating. Each other. Eli had never met
homosexuals before. He'd never really had to decide what he thought about it. It had always been a sort of abstract sin. Something that someone was doing somewhere. The Bible explicitly condemned this behavior, but Eli hadn't ever thought that he would have to worry about it. Except that now he did. His two closest friends, his only friends on campus, were lesbians. He didn't want to divert directly to judgment. He kept his mouth shut and let the two of them talk, as he tried to figure out how he felt.

  He knew that he was relieved to be spared to trial of a date. Dating was done very differently in the Amish community and Eli had only a vague idea of how courtship was conducted among the English. He was also confused. These girls played sports, but other than that they weren't incredibly masculine. He had always thought that homosexual women all dressed and acted like men.

  Then, lastly, Eli felt sadness. He was not only attracted to Donna physically, but also emotionally. She was sweet and gentle. She was always batting her eyelashes and speaking in low, soothing tones. It seemed that her natural intonation was almost always a sultry murmur. She worried incessantly about others. She loved animals and wanted to be a zoologist. Eli was quickly becoming obsessed with everything about her. But now he was being told that that he and Donna would not ever happen. She was taken. She was taken by a woman. She wasn't ever going to be interested in him.

  “I'm sorry that we didn't just tell you sooner,” Donna said. “I think that we're both so used to keeping our relationship a secret. My parents would probably disown me if they knew that I was dating a woman. That's why we came to this small college instead of aiming for bigger, more prestigious schools like our parents wanted us to. So, we haven't been dating that long, but we're doing it in secret. We're not ready to make our relationship public.”


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