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Steamy Dorm

Page 4

by Kristine Robinson

  When they parted, Donna took a step back and looked down at Eli with a heaving chest.

  “That was wonderful,” she panted. “I've never had a man kiss me like that before. It was different from kissing Rayna. Not better, just different. Wow....really...really wow..”

  Eli's chest swelled, as he watched the reaction that he's had on Donna. He had never known that kissing a woman would feel this way. Seeing the way he'd affected her and given her pleasure, it made him feel strong and capable in a way that he never had before.

  “I did okay, then?” Eli asked.

  Donna giggled.

  “That was more than okay,” she breathed. “That was incredible. You are a very good kisser.”

  Eli smiled.

  “You are too,” he murmured.

  They went upstairs then and into their dorm module. Several of their roommates were watching a movie in the living area, and two of the guys from the room next to theirs were mixing batter in the kitchen.

  “What are you guys making?” Eli asked. “Brownies?”

  The two men looked at each other and burst into a series of unrestrained laughter.

  Donna rolled her eyes and smirked.

  “They're making brownies that you definitely don't want to eat. Trust me. Hey, let's just go to the room. I'll bet Rayna wants to know how everything went.”

  But Rayna wasn't in the room.

  Eli closed the bedroom door and Donna picked up a slip of paper laying on Rayna's bed.

  “She's staying over at the Tillinghast dorm,” Donna said. “She says she has a project to work on for Biology and her partner invited her to just crash in her dorm.”

  “Oh,” Eli said.

  He felt suddenly awkward. What was the protocol here? Was the date now over? Or did it continue since they were alone together? He shuffled from one foot to the other and tugged at the bottom of his button-up shirt. He edged his way past Donna and sat down on his bed.

  Donna placed the note back on Rayna's bed and turned to Eli with a mischievous look dancing in her eyes.

  “Since Rayna won't be back tonight, maybe we could finish what we started outside?”

  Eli felt his eyes widen.

  “What do you mean?”

  Donna stepped over to his bed and plunked herself down. She thrust her lips against his once more, only this time she used her tongue to part his lips. Eli groaned as Donna's tongue entered his mouth and began to dart her and there, sliding against his own tongue.

  “Oh!” Donna gasped, pulling away from him. She glanced down at Eli's lap.

  “Wow...what's going on down here?”

  Eli looked down and felt his face became hot. There was a large bulge in his pants. He had some idea of what this was. This had happened to him several times the summer that he was fourteen. His father had told him to ignore it and that it would go away. The bulge was always very unpleasant, but his father was right. It did always go away eventually.

  “Sorry,” Eli started. “I don't know why...”

  Eli stopped short, as Donna grasped at the bulge and squeezed gently through the fabric of his jeans.

  “” Eli groaned.

  Donna unbuttoned his pants and slid them lower on Eli's hips. She fumbled with his boxer shorts and pulled his manhood free. Eli was shocked by what was happening, but he also didn't want it to stop. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. Donna continued to squeeze and tug in an ever-increasing rhythm. She then dipped her head and took Eli into her mouth. Eli clamped a hand over his mouth to keep from whimpering. It was a horribly feminine gesture, but he felt that he really couldn't control himself right now. There was far too much sensation flooding though the lower half of his body. It was heady and delirious and luscious.

  After awhile, Donna released Eli from her mouth and stood. She untied the strings of her romper from behind her neck and her entire outfit dropped to the floor. She wore no bra or underwear. Eli didn't think he's everything seen anything so beautiful in his life. Her body was muscled, but also soft and curved. He took all of her in with his eyes. He wanted to drink her up with his eyeballs, as if she were a cocktail. The swell of her breasts and the tight rounded cheeks of her bottom. He felt that he wanted to do something with her, but he wasn't quite sure what.

  But Eli didn't have to figure it out. Donna climbed on top of him then, and she made him a man.


  Rayna was glad that Donna was happy, and she liked and trusted Eli, but she still couldn't shake her jealousy. She knew that Donna couldn't help the way that she felt for Eli. The only choices that Rayna had were to support the relationship and keep Donna for herself as well. Or let Donna try to ignore her feelings and end up going behind her back. Even if she didn't do that, Donna would be thinking about Eli. Rayna was much more comfortable just having everything out in the open. It was preferable this way, even if she did have to get used to the envy that their whispers and caresses were causing.

  Donna seemed to be sensitive to Rayna's feelings and she had started asking Eli to come home later, giving her and Rayna some time alone together. Rayna was moved that Donna was making an effort to ensure that their relationship was not neglected.

  One morning, Rayna was laying in bed reading and drinking her coffee. She had practiced for five straight hours in the gym yesterday. She had found the basketball court completely empty, and since her afternoon class had been canceled, she had taken full advantage and gotten a long and vigorous workout in. Then she had stayed over her Biology partner's dorm, and the two of them had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, finishing up their project and preparing for the extensive lab that would be a part of their final. Now she was exhausted and had decided that she'd earned a long, lazy morning in bed.

  Donna had left for a run, and would be going straight to her Chemistry class after. Eli was home, but had been hanging out in the living room watching TV and typing up a paper on his laptop.

  It was around ten-thirty that Eli came into the room and sat heavily upon the edge of Rayna's bed. Rayna set her book down and looked at him quizzically.

  “Hey Eli, what's going on?”

  Eli took a deep breath. He gripped his knees and stared down down at the floor.

  “I've got to tell you something, Rayna. It's sort of serious. I don't even know how to start..”

  Rayna sat up, pulling her knees beneath her.

  “Eli, this sounds serious. What's wrong?”

  Eli sighed.

  “I think...that I've done something very bad. See, when you were out yesterday, me and Donna, we just started kissing. It felt really good. Like really great. And my body felt really strange, like every single nerve was firing off at once. And then...we had sex.”

  “Whoa! You did?”

  Eli brought his head up and down slowly.

  “I know,” Eli said. “This is terrible. I've hurt you and I've done something terribly immoral.”

  Rayna shook her head.

  “No, Eli, I'm not upset. I mean, I thought that I would be if something like this happened. But the fact that you came to me, even thinking that I was going to be upset, well that shows me that I really can trust you.”

  Eli's turned his head and his eyes met Rayna's. They were sparkling with tears.

  “You really don't hate me?” he whispered.

  “No,” Rayna reassured him. “I'm actually really excited for you. This was your first time, right?”

  “First time what?”

  “Having sex.”

  “Well...yeah,” Eli stammered. “Of course it was my first time. I mean I'm not married.”

  Rayna's eyes widened and she let loose a long peal of laughter.

  Eli stared at her in bewilderment.

  “Eli, do you think that people only have sex when they're married?”

  “Well...yeah..people have sex on their wedding nights and only with their spouse.”

  “Geez!” Rayna cried.
“You're dating a woman, who is simultaneously dating another woman, and yet you're under the impression that people can only have sex within the confines of wedlock. You really are naive.”

  Seeing the look of sheer confusion on Eli's face, Rayna continued.

  “Plenty of people have sex before their married, in fact most people do. Me and Donna have had sex bunches of times.”

  “Really? I'm not a terrible person?”

  Rayna placed a hand on Eli's face and tilted her face close to his.

  “No,” she whispered. “You're a fine person. More than fine...”

  She darted forward a planted a soft kiss on his cheek. She gasped and pulled away, as the bristles of his beard tickled her lips.

  “I've, uh...I've got to class...” she cried out, as she hurried from the room.

  She hurried into the bathroom, where she stood gripping the edges of the vanity. She met her own eyes in mirror. Her pupils were dilated with excitement. And with desire.


  Eli sat on the edge of the bed, trying to process what had just happened. He had truly thought that what had occurred was wrong. He'd felt so horribly guilty for having sex before marriage. But Rayna had assured him that it wasn't a big deal. She hadn't seemed shocked by his announcement at all. Eli made the decision then that he had to leave behind all of his Amish values. He had decided to become a part of the English world. It was time that he truly immersed himself in it, and let go of the confines that had been imposed on his mind. It wasn't the English world anymore. It was just the world.


  It was that very night that Rayna brought a new proposal to Donna and Eli. They were in their room studying. Eli was sprawled across his bed, with his back to the window, and Donna was lounging in her desk chair, with a Science textbook splayed open on her lap.

  “Hey guys,” Rayna said.

  She greeted them with a little wave. Eli smiled and Donna tilted her head to the left.

  “Is something up, Ray?” Donna asked. “You look a little weird.”

  “There is something that I wanted to talk to you both about.”

  Rayna took a seat on her bed, gave a nervous cough, and then continued.

  “I'm really happy that the two of you are getting along so well. I'm happy that your relationship is progressing and that Eli was able to have sex for the first time. But here's the thing...I guess..I was just wondering if maybe I could join the party too?”

  Rayna looked up sheepishly.

  Donna was looking at her with surprise.

  Rayna turned to see how Eli was taking her words, but she could read only confusion on his face. She wasn't sure if he knew what she meant.

  “Eli,” she said. “I like you. I've never had feelings for a man before, but I have feelings for you. Do you think that you might like to date Donna and me?”

  Eli's mouth popped open.

  “Well....I do like hanging out with you, and I think that you're beautiful...Donna? What do you think?”

  But Donna was grinning widely.

  “I would love that!” she cried. “Then none of this would be so awkward. I think that it might be kind of tricky, trying to pull off a three-person couple, but I think it would be really fun to give it a try. I really care about both of you, and I'm already dating you both. Now if the two of you were dating each other, it would just be one big group of love and caring.”

  “I agree!” Eli said enthusiastically. “I mean, it's not like anything that I've ever heard of, but you're both wonderful, intelligent, gorgeous women. I can't think of anything better than having a chance to care about each of you and get to know you both a lot better.”

  Rayna blinked slowly at Eli.

  “Does that mean that we can kiss now?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Eli said.

  He crossed the room and sat down on Rayna's bed.

  Rayna whimpered with anticipation and pleasure as his firm lips met hers.

  Donna leaned back in her chair and watched them, a soft smile playing across her lips.

  Rayna placed her hands on Eli's hard chest and moved in closer to him. He brought a hand around her waist and lifted her, bringing her up over onto his lap.

  Rayna squealed and allowed herself to be placed there. She felt a hard bulge beneath her bottom and she squirmed against it, enjoying the way Eli closed his eyes and began to breathe a bit heavier. She continued to move and press against his hard member. She pushed him backwards onto the bed, and he allowed himself to be pushed. Once he was laying down, Rayna unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down. She scooted between his legs and took him into her mouth. She tucked her lips around her teeth and began to suck as hard and fast as she could. She pulled him in and out, giving him the fastest and wettest oral service that she'd ever given. She could feel his body bucking and tensing beneath her and she reveled in the power that she had over him. She could feel a pool of hot, wetness beginning to form between her legs.

  Rayna felt a pair of soft, but strong hands around her waist then. It was Donna, gently urging her to lift her hips. With her mouth still stretched around Eli's bulge, Rayna came up onto her knees, keeping her head in Eli's lap. Rayna felt Donna hook her fingers under the waistband of her nylon shorts and pull them free. Rayna shivered as the cool dorm air, hit her exposed buttocks and privates. Rayna bucked as Donna shoved a finger into her. She normally didn't like to be touched so roughly, and without notice, but somehow, right now, this was perfect.

  Rayna felt her woman's center tense, contracting and crushing against Donna's finger. Donna began to move her finger, pulling it in and out and curving it upward to hit Rayna in her most elusive of places. Rayna's body trembled under Donna's attentions.

  She continued to suck and taste Eli, drinking in his musky and masculine flavor. Eli was starting to lose it. Small amounts of male liquid were being released with each swirl of Rayna's tongue, around the tip of his hard bulge.

  Donna inserted a second finger and Rayna whimpered, with her mouth still full of Eli. Rayna increased her attentions to Eli, as the attentions from Donna increased. Rayna bucked her hips and began to suck even harder. She was trying to suck the pleasure out of Eli, and bring it to a head. She wanted to be the one to bring him release. Eli groaned and tensed beneath her, and Rayna could feel that he was getting close. She slowed a bit, drawing her tongue languidly around his shaft.

  “That's it,” Eli groaned. “That is it. You are freaking incredible.”

  His voice was husky and affected, as if he hardly meant to speak.

  After several long seconds of purposeful slowness, Rayna quickened again, and as soon as she did so, Eli cried out in climax.

  Rayna released him from her mouth and lay panting against his knees. Eli's face was flushed and sated. Rayna, however, was still approaching her own release. Donna was still furiously moving inside of her and Rayna bucked against her hands. Rayna's breathing was sharp and ragged.

  “Come on, baby,” Donna urged. “I want to see you get there...Do it for me!”

  And as she said this, Donna gave Rayna a sharp slap on the bottom.

  Rayna cried out. There was something about the contradiction that was exactly what she needed to bring her even closer to release. Donna's hands were quick and sure inside of her, as Donna gave her another sharp slap, this time in the very center of her bottom, her hand striking both of her cheeks.

  Rayna looked up into Eli's eyes. His lips were parted in excitement and his breathing becoming quick and heated again.

  “Do it,” Eli murmured. “I want to look you in the eyes when you get there.”

  That was all that Rayna needed. Donna's fingers still pulsated inside of her, and Eli's eyes were deep and pensive, holding hers captive. Rayna screamed as she reached the peak of her pleasure. Her body exploded in several different places, ripples of pleasure searing through her body.

collapsed between Eli's legs, panting and dizzy.

  As Rayna struggled to collect herself, basking in her orgasm, Eli started to stroke her hair and Donna gave her a soft, little pat on the rear end.

  “That was so amazing,” Rayna whispered.

  Donna planted a soft kiss on Rayna's lower back.

  “You're amazing,” she said. “You both are. I'm just so happy that I get to keep the both of you.”

  Chapter Six

  “I can't believe that this is happening!” Donna moaned.

  She slumped and placed her forehead down on the table.

  Over a month had passed since they'd made the agreement to try dating as a group of three. They were all growing very close and had fallen into a comfortable sort of rhythm. Donna was finding that Eli fit easily into the dynamic that she and Rayna had been building for years. Everything between the three of them was just easy, and falling into a relationship pattern hadn't been nearly as difficult as they'd thought it would be. Even with three people, Donna felt that she now believed in soul mates. And she had met both of hers.

  But now there was a problem. Her father was coming to visit. He had called earlier in the day and said that he would be there by dinner. He was passing through and offered to take Donna out to dinner, to give them a chance to catch up. Donna had tried to get out of it. She had made up a story about having plans with her new boyfriend. That, of course, had gotten her into worse trouble. Now he wanted to take both Donna and her boyfriend to dinner.

  “It's going to be alright,” Rayna said, patting Donna gently on the arm.

  “But I can't bring you with me, Rayna,” Donna sighed. “I hate having to hide you, but my father would never speak to me again if he knew that I was dating a woman.”

  “It's okay,” Rayna reassured her. “I'm not upset. Eli is polite and kind and your dad will love him. Just bring Eli. Don't tell him about us. Everything will be fine.”

  Donna chewed her lip and nodded, but she really wasn't so sure.



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