Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 14

by Kristine Robinson

  “So that’s why you run a dance studio for mentally disabled children?” Nicola was moved by her openness.

  “Those who can’t do, teach or something like that,” Teri smiled faintly. “Those kids deserve a chance to have fun, though – you don’t have to be the best to enjoy dancing.”

  “Do you still enjoy it?”

  “The dancing? Not really, it brings back too many painful memories. But I love working with the kids and watching them have fun. But I’m afraid the studio is falling apart and I might soon have to get ‘a real career’ as my dad always called it. After the miscarriage they wanted nothing to do with me – I was a disgrace to the family. My mom was convinced I did it all on purpose to spite her – she’s one of those. It took three years of waitressing and sleeping on a friend’s couch for me to save enough to open the studio and we’ve been managing fine. But the tough economic climate has caused a lot of support to dry up…”

  “Well, I’m excited to see what you will do with the new place,” Nicola smiled – for the first time.

  “New place? What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m giving you the grant, Miss Alexander.”

  “You are? Really? Despite my idiotic email and stupid display?” her face was beaming.

  “Yes, but under one condition – I want to oversee the renovations myself and be involved with your new plans. I’m not just going to throw money at this.” She had to find a way to spend more time with this energetic creature. She didn’t know why but she found herself drawn to Teri.

  “Of course – of course!” Teri felt like jumping up and hugging the woman across for her but somehow doubted the gesture would be received favorably.

  Little did she know…


  “Okay everyone, that’s it for today – great class! Remember to practice what we’ve learned,” Teri smiled at the group of excited youngsters. “Do it with me – arms up and roll those hips!” she slowly demonstrated again the giggling ensemble mimicked her movements awkwardly. “There you go! Tomorrow we’ll try it with an extra skip, so you better bring your dancing shoes,” she joked and they all laughed merrily as they left the room, a couple stopping for a last hug on their way out. She happily obliged, sweeping them up in her arms before sending them on their way.

  “You’re quite good with them,” the voice in the back of the room said.

  “Well, I’m usually better but when strangers walk in mid-class, I get a bit self-conscious,” Teri smiled as she started picking up the assortment of hula-hoops and other props scattered around the studio.

  “Nothing to get nervous about – besides, I wanted to see what I was getting myself into,” Nicola said, bending down to help with the clean-up. She was dressed more relaxed this time around in long black pants and a button-down men’s shirt.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’ve got much better things to do,” Teri smiled, taking the discarded ribbons from Nicola.

  “What? Like take my dog to the psychologist?” she grinned.

  “Oh god, don’t remind me,” Teri blushed. “I’ll never forgive myself for that email.”

  “It’s okay, it’s quite amusing to me now. Besides, seeing what a handful this lot is, I can understand how you got so worked up,” she helped move the chairs to the back. “You have such patience – I would have gone crazy ages ago.”

  “I know what it feels like to have nowhere to turn. Just because these kids are mentally disabled doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to have fun, to live their lives. The parents often don’t understand. That’s why I’m here, to give them the escape no one ever offered me.”

  “So who’s giving you that escape now?”

  “Ha! Who has time for an escape?” Teri smiled, turning off the lights as they walked out.

  "Well, what are you doing now?"

  “Packing up obviously.”

  “You’ve done that. What are you doing now?” Nicola insisted. The large clock in the foyer read 19:45.

  “I’ll probably go home, throw a frozen meal in the microwave and fall asleep halfway through an episode of Sherlock,” Teri admitted, trying to keep busy. Nicola’s presence still made her a tad nervous.

  “That hardly sounds like an escape, come – let’s go for dinner,” Nicola offered.

  “That’s very kind of you, but I can’t take any more of your time,” she politely declined as she locked the door behind them.

  “Hey, I could use the company. Eating out alone every night gets boring. Besides, we have ‘business’ to discuss,” Nicola insisted and Teri shrugged, giving in. She couldn’t think of a good excuse. She didn’t really want to either. There was something about Nicola that she just couldn’t figure out – but wanted to.

  “Sure, but nowhere fancy this time – I was way underdressed last time.”

  “Nonsense, but fine, you can choose,” Nicola suggested as they got into her car. This time the mood was far more relaxed than the first time Teri found herself in the passenger seat of the fancy sports model.

  Teri suggested a relaxed Mexican joint not too far away and Nicola happily obliged.

  “How’s your uncle, by the way?” Teri asked after filling up her glass again from the bottle of red between them. It was late enough in the day to justify ordering wine instead of sparkling water.

  “He’s not getting any better I’m afraid,” Nicola sighed. “There’s nothing wrong with his sense of humor but his body seems to be getting weaker by the day. I don’t know what I would do without him, really,” she admitted.

  “What about your parents? Where do they fit in?” Teri continued, finally finding herself warming up to this stranger who at first seemed like the ice queen herself.

  "I guess we have a bit in common on that front. They always had the perfect vision of me completing my MBA and becoming a big-shot businessman like my dad. All they wanted was a son to take over the company business, but instead, they got stuck with me," Nicola paused, emptying the rest of the bottle into her glass and waving the waiter over for a replacement.

  “But you’re a successful business woman though, why were they upset?”

  “Well, now I am – yes. But only because my uncle was willing to invest in my ideas. When I decided to drop out of university at the tender age of 19 to pursue my life’s dream, they thought I had gotten mad or that ‘some boy’ had gotten into my head. But that degree was so pointless – it wasn’t going to help me. I tried to explain it to them but they immediately cut me off financially, hoping to control me the only way they knew how – with money. But I was determined. I don’t think my mom has ever forgiven her brother for lending me the money, but that man saved my life. I knew it could work, but I had no credit rating and the banks wouldn’t come near me. I learned early on not to rely on them (or their money) anymore.”

  “Looks like you managed just fine on your own,” Teri smiled.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “To being strong, independent women!” Teri raised her glass and they repeated the toast, merrily gulping down the smooth, red liquid.

  “Some stronger than others hey. I saw you lift those kids, haha,” Nicola joked as she refilled their glasses.

  “Well, who said a woman needed a man to do her lifting for her?”

  “Definitely not me, ever.”

  “Any man would be lucky to let a woman like you have them do their lifting,” Teri smiled. The comment should’ve seemed inappropriate, but it didn’t.

  “Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment. Especially considering who it’s coming from!” Nicola didn’t seem to mind the shift in tone either.

  “Ha! I’m not that terrible. I believe the word is ‘fierce’. It’s a good quality to have, you know.”

  “Well it looks good on you, so keeping doing what you’re doing.”

  Despite herself, Teri found herself enjoying the night out as the ‘ice queen’ slowly thawed in the atmosphere of greasy Mexican food and medium-bodied
(mostly cheap) wine.


  It was much later than either party realized by the time Nicola finally asked for the bill. They had gotten so lost in conversation, recounting their tales of disappointed parents and unfortunate relationships that the clock's arms had snuck to almost 11 pm.

  “Where do you live?” Nicola asked as they walked out of the restaurant.

  “Not too far from the studio – I’ll walk,” Teri said. “I always walk.”

  “Don’t be silly – it’s late and we’re still some blocks away. I’ll take you back.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t inconvenience you any further. You wouldn’t even let me pay for my share of dinner…” Teri protested, starting off down the street.

  “It’s on my way, either way, come on,” Nicola insisted, grabbing Teri’s arm and steering her back to the car.

  “Yes, ma’am!” Teri laughed. She was somewhat tipsy and didn’t feel like arguing. “Good luck getting out of that parking, though,” she commented, eyeing the tight space between vehicles.

  “Oh I don’t need luck; that’s a piece of cake,” Nicola boasted, skillfully maneuvering the car out of the small parking.

  “Jeez woman – is there anything you can’t do!?” Teri clapped enthusiastically.

  “Well, actually… I can’t dance,” Nicola admitted, much to Teri’s shock.

  “Are you serious? Dancing?! But everyone knows how to dance. How do you not know?”

  "I guess it's never been high on the priority list and now it's just too late – so I just avoid those kinds of events," Nicola shrugged.

  “That’s it – turn here, we’re going to the studio,” Teri announced.

  “I thought you lived the other way?”

  “I do, but tonight’s the night that you learn how to dance. Nobody should have to go through life without dancing,” Teri was adamant.

  "You're crazy, I'm not going to learn to dance – not now," Nicola exclaimed, driving towards the studio in any way.

  “Why not? I run a dance studio – one that you’re investing quite some money in, I might add – so this makes perfect sense.”

  “Come on, Teri, let me take you home,” Nicola said as they pulled up to the studio, still hesitant.

  “My treat – come on. You’ve done enough for me. This is literally the one thing I can for you and it will make me feel less bad about accepting your charity. So, if you’d be so kind to get that ass into my office!” she giggled, fishing the keys out of her messy bag.

  Nicola followed her up the stairs and into the studio, discarding her shoes in a pile with Teri’s. This was silly, why was she even here? But she couldn’t help but follow Teri. She would’ve followed her anywhere at this point, she wasn’t ready for the night to end.

  With the simple click of a few buttons, the room filled with music. Teri gripped Nicola firmly around her waist in a very professional manner. They both burst out laughing, but Teri regained her composure, counting the beats in her head before gently urging the taller woman’s body to move alongside hers. The embrace felt natural, warm, Teri thought but tried to refocus her mind to the beat instead.

  “It’s no use, I have two left feet,” Nicola complained as she stepped on Teri’s toes again, stumbling.

  “There is no such thing. Just close your eyes and feel what my body is doing; just let me guide you… One two, three. One two three,” Teri demonstrated the paces again, steering Nicola over the smooth wooden surface of the studio as she counted to the beat, face only inches from her ‘student’. As they two-stepped into an awkward turn, Teri’s hand slipped over the firm behind she had noticed since day one already, she couldn’t help herself. Nicola didn’t say anything; she didn’t push her away.

  They moved somewhat gracefully for a few paces before Nicola tripped, falling into Teri who steadily caught her, hand accidentally brushing over the taller woman’s right breast in the process. They just stood there for a moment, holding each other close, dance paces now forgotten.

  The music had stopped and the only sound was their heavy breathing as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes, searching – unsure for what exactly.

  Teri could feel her heartbeat quicken in her chest as Nicola instinctively closed the gap between them, pulling her closer for a passionate kiss that felt like it lasted for a lifetime. At that point their bodies had taken over, pushing confused minds to an overwhelmed stand-still.

  Teri let her hands slip down to the perfect ass again, squeezing the firm flesh tightly as her mouth devoured the lips beneath her. Nicola had one arm hooked behind Teri’s neck, while the other grabbed the thin waist even closer to her.

  Gasping for breath, Teri finally opened her eyes slowly and looked at Nicola. She smiled and brought her mouth back to the seductive lips that tasted faintly of wine, her hands playing all over the back of the tall woman in her embrace. This was not how she saw this evening play out but now that it was happening, it felt so right; she didn’t want to let go. Her whole body tensed in lust as the explored each other’s bodies over the clothes that hid them– a feeling she hadn’t felt to this extent in years.

  Nicola had somehow expected Teri to pull away but she reciprocated instead. She knew it wasn't very professional but she didn't care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the music, but for the first time in a very long time, she felt alive.

  Nicola slipped her hand down Teri’s spine, over her well-rounded behind, tracing the athletic spine with her fingers as they got lost in a moment. They didn’t once break their passionate kiss, hungry mouths consuming one another.

  …But a door slammed suddenly, bringing them back to reality!

  The night cleaner looked at them awkwardly and the two quickly pulled away from one another and composed themselves, leaving the room in a hurry as they instantly sobered up.

  Teri’s heart was still racing though. She could feel Nicola’s lingering touch on her body, her taste in her mouth. But the spell was broken.

  Nicola insisted on sticking to the plan and dropping Teri off at home. The short drive commenced in silence and Teri hastily disappeared up the steps without so much as another word or any acknowledgment of the moment they shared in the studio.

  But it was the only thing on either woman’s mind.


  As soon as Nicola opened her eyes the next morning, all she could think about was Teri and the kiss they shared the night before. It was more than just a kiss, though. The woman who at first filled her with a feeling of pity, and maybe a tad of annoyance, now seemed to have a different effect on her altogether.

  The memory brought back the lust from the night before, consuming her as her whole body ached for Teri’s touch again. She had never been good at suppressing feelings.

  Nicola reached under the covers and slid her hand into her panties, toying with the yearning flesh under the duvet. Her other hand squeezed her left breast firmly under her shirt as she quickly fastened the movements of her right hand – almost absentmindedly.

  First slowly, then faster, she drew little circles over her most sensitive part. Nicola closed her eyes and she could still smell Teri’s presence, feel her firm hands on her behind. She quickened the movements of her hand, reaching down with her other hand as well to slip a finger into the moist flesh, longing with every fiber of her being for it to have been the athletic hands of the feisty blonde at the dance studio instead.

  Her knees bent, legs apart, she kicked off her panties under the duvet for better reach and whole body arched towards her touch as she massaged the moist flesh below.

  She reached over to her bedside drawer and pulled out her purple vibrator, hand never stopping its rehearsed curves around the bud of desire between her legs. She moved her hand up and down, spreading the warm liquid over her whole sex before plunging the silicone deep inside her.

  She put it on the randomized setting that vibrated softly between her thighs as she shoved the ribbed purple vibrator in and out, rocking her
hips in rhythm with the gentle hum, toes digging into the mattress.

  Nicola threw the covers off her and got on all fours to better reach. With her behind in the air, she carried on moving her hips over the vibrating piece of equipment, never stopping the quickening caress of her most sensitive spot that was getting ever more sensitive.

  Her eyes remained closed as she tumbled deeper into her sexual fantasy, her whole body erupting with need.

  She was panting heavily as her body eventually tensed in climax and she collapsed back on the bed, spent, throwing the vibrator to the floor. She didn’t need it anymore.

  For a moment she just lay there, exhausted, content with a smile on her face.

  But Teri was still on her mind. She had hoped relieving her body of the pen- up sexual tension would purge the dance teacher from her mind, but it seemed no such luck.

  This couldn’t happen, Nicola decided firmly. Girls like Teri only meant drama and she was nowhere near ready for such a big commitment in her life right now. She enjoyed her freedom way too much to get caught up with someone so sentimental. She was already getting too attached. It must have been the alcohol – there was no other logical explanation.


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