Book Read Free

Steamy Dorm

Page 16

by Kristine Robinson

  “I’m sorry,” Nicola mumbled when they finally came up for air, resting her head against Teri’s, gently stroking her hair. “I really am.”

  “I missed you,” Teri admitted, leaning in for another kiss and wrapping her arms tightly around the confused older woman.

  "I've missed you too – so much more than I thought. I've been an idiot. Let me make it up to you. Let me take you to dinner tonight. We'll get all dressed up, do it properly – everything," Nicola whispered, still holding her close, relieved to have her back.

  “Okay,” Teri agreed. “But only if you let me pay this time,” she smiled.

  “Are you going to lock that door in the meantime or what?” Nicola grinned as she moved her embrace to Teri’s breasts, playfully.

  “Nicola – there are kids here!” Teri scolded dramatically before bursting out in laughter.

  “Teachers are allowed to have fun too,” Nicola said simply, bending down to bite Teri’s neck seductively, a move that instantly weakened the teacher in question’s knees.

  She slid her hand to the door as she kissed Nicola deeply, locking the door as instructed.

  Teri pushed Nicola away from the door with a strength that caught the tall woman in her embrace unexpectedly. She kissed her fervently as she pushed her even further back – back until her thighs caught the desk onto which Teri subsequently pressed her down.

  The desk was covered in papers and scatterings of forgotten tasks, but neither noticed as Teri climbed on top of Nicola, knees digging into the hard, wooden surface, without ever breaking the kiss.

  There was a knock on the door. “Teri – you have one of the parents here to see you,” the temp’s voice broke through the door. She sounded confused – probably because she wasn’t used to the door being locked.

  Teri broke away from Nicola’s mouth only for long enough to answer, her voice shaky as the woman below her zealously massaged her breasts, distracting her from even the basic task of speaking proper English. “I’m sorry, I’m in a very important meeting…”

  Nicola laughed as soon as she said that and Teri playfully slapped her arm. “Shh!” she whispered. “Behave, damn it!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” the confused temp said from the other side of the door.

  “Please reschedule… And cancel the rest of my day. I’m very, very busy,” she winked at the woman still pinned down between her strong thighs on the desk that was supposed to be for working purposes only.

  Today it would be used for a different work altogether, but work no less passionate than her day-to-day teachings. Yet it would satisfy her on a whole other level than the sense of accomplishment she got after a productive day.

  “Okay, fine,” the temp disappeared.

  “Right, where were we?” Teri winked at her, slipping her hands under Nicola’s shirt, fingers sneaking over the firm flesh of her belly below.

  “I believe I was about to be taught my place,” Nicola joked.

  “Oh yes, my favorite lesson,” she grinned, playfully biting Nicola’s bottom lip. “I hope you’ve done your homework, Miss Clarke.”

  “Oh no, I’ve been a very bad girl. I’ve been too busy fantasizing about the teacher to do any homework at all. You’re going to have to spank me,” Nicola smirked.

  “Naughty, naughty girl indeed.” Teri pinned her arms down on the table authoritatively. “I’ll make a good student out of you yet!”


  They left the office and went straight to dinner. None of the dressing up and glamor Nicola promised but neither could be bothered as they drunk in every drop of one another in the afterglow of their passionate love-making on Teri’s desk.

  On the desk. On the couch. Later on the black, fluffy carpet that her one friend had always referred to as a ‘shag-rag’, finally earning its rightful name as the two women entwined their naked, lustful bodies over its textured surface. They would lie on the floor for what felt like hours afterward, just holding one another tight as they whispered secrets into each other’s ears.

  It wasn’t really a date as much as a carbo-loading spree to feed their ravenous bodies after the appetite they’ve worked up during the afternoon of what could probably be considered ‘make up sex’. But they still chose a fancy-ish restaurant for the occasion.

  The two couldn’t keep their hands off each other all night as they playfully grabbed at one another under the table while they pretended to make casual conversation. They stared deeply into each other’s eyes over the wine (this time more expensive than at the Mexican joint of their first ‘date’).

  Good thing their table was situated in a corner, dimly-lit and private. The waitress must have noticed something but if she did, she suitably played dumb and let the lovers be, teasing one another in stolen moments of privacy in public.

  Teri wouldn’t be allowed to pay this time either, but she didn’t even care. The only thing she cared about was the desire building up inside of her as Nicola secretly played her long, elegant fingers over her thigh, pushing her skirt further and further up.

  Afterward demolishing plates and plates of Italian food, followed by a decadent chocolate cake slice for dessert, they went to Nicola's place – a modern apartment on the other side of town.

  Even in the car there, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and Nicola was so distracted, she almost ran a red traffic light at a nearby intersection.

  Nicola’s upmarket home dwarfed Teri's abode not only in its size, but its grandeur as well. No expense was spared and its flawless design offered every comfort. This was a big step for Nicola – she normally went to the other person’s place. Her home was her sanctuary that she selfishly guarded. But this time was different – she wanted to show Teri her world.

  They spent the night lying by the fireplace and fooling around, drinking expensive wine in even more expensive glasses.

  The following night they found themselves back there again, chasing each other in the heated pool, playing around as their naked bodies slid through the crystal-clear water.

  A simple routine developed as the hard working days ended in passionate nights at Nicola’s. They couldn’t get enough of each other’s bodies and Nicola’s place provided the perfect private playground for the young lovers.

  All the wine, sex, and fun they wanted – but only with a single condition always: Teri couldn’t spend the night.

  Their clothes came off the moment they entered the sanctuary of Nicola’s apartment and they would remain that way, comfortably naked, until reality pulled them back to the responsibilities they couldn’t deny as the sun rose through the designer curtains.

  Soon the sex became meddled with existing routines as they comfortably navigated each other’s nakedness. They wouldn’t even get dressed to prepare dinner. On several nights they burnt elaborate meals, forgotten in the oven after Nicola would wrap herself around Teri’s naked body from behind while she tried to be domestic in the kitchen. She could always feel Nicola sneak up on her before she heard her but no matter how she braced her exposed body, chopping vegetables or doing dishes, the lustful touch always sent her into instant arousal – overwhelmed by the proximity of the dark-haired goddess.

  They made love all over the place, tearing each other to pieces on some nights and gently caressing the wounds on others. No surface lay unexplored in their desire as they kept inventing new adventures in the make-shift playground, seemingly removed from the outside world.

  Friends would complain that they never saw them anymore. Nicola even stopped visiting the hospital as regularly. Their entire worlds became each other as they built an aviary away from it all.

  The days would drag by in endless minutes that stood between them and their passion – unavoidable but no less tedious. Teri even stopped enjoying her classes as much and found herself only putting in a mediocre effort with the kids, her mind always (uncontrollably) wandering off to the thought of Nicola.

  As the day, of what felt like rehearsed living,
finally freed her from her responsibilities, Teri would find herself drawn immediately to outside the fancy apartment that she had started to consider her permanent escape.

  But it was an escape that she had no entitlement to – she was never allowed to stay. She once brought up the subject of getting an extra key made but Nicola shut her down so quickly, she would never mention it again. It would take a whole bottle of red before Nicola let her near her again that night. That was it then – end of story. Yet, with every fiber of her being, she wanted this to be her life, for this to be their shared home. That wasn’t part of the deal, though.

  She knew she was falling for Nicola and falling hard. Each night it was getting harder to leave as her naked body lay comfortably nestled against the figure that had become so familiar to her over the past few weeks. Teri tried to push the thought out of her head. She knew Nicola didn’t want any commitment – that much she had made clear from the start. But some part of her couldn’t help but secretly hope that she could change her mind, that this could become their world for good.

  Teri had never been happier, she wanted to share her entire world with Nicola. But she couldn’t help but notice that the moment their conversations got too personal or started in that direction, Nicola would quickly steer it away, shutting down as the walls went up again. Sometimes she felt like she was getting through to her, but then she’d find herself locked out of Nicola’s world again.

  Yet she kept coming back. Every night. Even if she couldn’t have all of Nicola, not having her at all would be unbearable.

  She tried to resist going over once or twice before, to try and force herself to go back to her own apartment after work. But it felt empty, foreign. It was distinctly void of Nicola. Her possessions provided no comfort and she couldn’t even sleep in her own bed anymore – it was cold without the embrace that she had become accustomed to. She needed that warmth wrapped around her body. But she was never allowed to get too comfortable… and inevitably found herself returning to this empty space every night.

  The early morning hours were for lonely taxis home and exhaustedly tossing and turning in the bed that still reminded her of that time Nicola followed her home and they made passionate love for the first time. But Nicola hadn’t been back since and no amount of blankets could cover the longing left by the steady beating of Nicola’s heart against her back.

  But the next day she’d forget all about the sad and lonely morning hours as the fairytale continued. Some days they didn’t even have sex. They just lay in each other’s arms and watched a movie or read passages from their favorite books to one another by the fireplace.

  It felt like the passion would never end as they lived this reality happily. But all it took was one simple mistake to shatter the entire illusion…

  It was a Wednesday night, Teri would never forget that day. They had chased each other around the kitchen until they made passionate love on the counter, scatterings of cutlery still decorating the floor as a testimony of their impulsive desires. The two empty bottles of wine sat perched next to the stove where the curry stood – unfinished.

  Afterward, Nicola had carried her to the bedroom and they cuddled and told each other ghost stories that they made up on the spot. Nicola had made a habit of carrying her around like a cave woman and Teri found this highly amusing. She wasn’t much smaller than the strong-willed goddess, but in Nicola’s determined arms, she felt as light as a feather.

  The last thing she remembered was Nicola’s terribly-presented story of a single, white fluffy ghost looking for pen pals. She never did find out how the story ended…

  “What are you doing here?” the hysteric voice dragged Teri out of her deep slumber. She sleepily turned around in the bed, pulling the covers over her head. The light shone brightly in her eyes.

  “Teri!” Nicola screamed, pulling the covers off the naked girl in her bed.

  “Jesus, Nicola, calm down – why are you screaming?” she sat up confused, looking up at her angry lover hovering over her.

  “What are you doing here?” Nicola repeated furiously, throwing Teri’s clothes at her.

  “I fell asleep, sorry. Must have had too much wine. It’s no big deal – calm down,” she started putting on her clothes lazily. The clock on the bedside table said 4:45am.

  “I told you from the start that you can’t stay here – that was the one rule, damn it! You’re not supposed to be here!” Nicola was being irrationally frantic and Teri couldn’t comprehend why.

  She got up, pulling her pants on.

  “Seriously, Nicola, it’s nothing. I’m leaving, just stop shouting already.”

  “Why are you still here?” Nicola said coldly, arms folded angrily over her chest. She had woken up herself only moments before with her morning alarm. But this time it wasn’t like every other morning. She didn’t jump up and start her exercise routine. She couldn’t, because her blonde lover was still comfortably nestling against her chest. The realities weren’t supposed to mix. Yet she struggled to articulate this concept coherently. Instead she spat bitter words at the woman she made passionate love to only hours prior.

  “Can you stop treating me like a common whore for once?! I fell asleep, I’m sorry. But I’m not just some woman off the street, you know!” Teri retaliated. “I don’t understand what the problem is. Seriously.”

  “I told you I don’t want any commitment,” Nicola persisted.

  “What do you want? Do you even know?!” they were both screaming now.

  “I want you to leave. I told you – get out!”

  “What is wrong with you? You’re insane!” Teri pushed past her and ran out the door. “I can’t do this,” she slammed the door behind her, angry tears streaming down her face as she ran down the street.

  Nicola just stood in the doorway, wordless. She never would get around to her exercise routine that morning. But she had bigger problems than that.


  Teri buried herself in her work, trying to keep her mind off the empty space that was left by Nicola. The dark-haired beauty didn’t drop by to check on the construction again either and Teri’s phone remained silent.

  If it wasn’t for the constant chaos of the renovations, Teri would have been able to convince herself that Nicola never existed in her world. That the whole montage of their passion was an illusion dreamt up by her lonely mind. But the building and breaking were unavoidable, throwing her entire class schedule into chaos as they moved around the studio in a seemingly unplanned manner. It was driving her insane and the students weren't responding well to the disruptions at all. It took all her energy to keep them calm but the process was draining her completely.

  Her whole life felt turned upside down. But it had little to do with the builders. Her flat seemed empty, but not as empty as her life. Everything reminded her of Nicola – but she refused to apologize or contact her, not after the way she acted. She had really hoped that she meant more to Nicola but clearly, she was a fool, just another one of Nicola's easily replaceable playthings. The thought drove her crazy but there was nothing she could do about it.

  “Teri – phone!” the temp down the hall shouted, bringing her back to reality. She picked up the ringing device that was barely audible over the noise of the construction.

  “Teri, hello?” she answered.

  “Miss Alexander, hi. It’s Jenn here from TyroCorp – how are you doing?” the ditsy voice on the other side announced.

  “From where?”

  “TyroCorp – Miss Clarke’s company?”

  “Oh yes, sorry. What do you want?” she said abruptly. “I’m very busy.”

  “I understand and I’m sorry to bother you Miss Alexander, but we need you to come into the office please. Miss Clarke has asked that I get in touch with you.”

  “What for?”

  "You still haven't signed the papers for the grant to be transferred to your organization. I'm afraid it's fairly urgent. Our auditors are here this week and they need the paperwor
k finalized before our year-end. Please, can you come in today?”

  “Can you not fax it through? I’m really busy.”

  “You said so. But I’m afraid there is no other way. It won’t take much of your time. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

  “Fine, I’ll drop by this afternoon,” Teri sighed, putting down the phone and swearing under her breath.

  The last thing she wanted to do was run into Nicola but hopefuly she wouldn’t be there – she was hardly ever at the office anyway.

  Teri pulled up to the TyroCorp parking lot not too long later – complete with boom gates and guards. The building was much more impressive than it looked in the papers and its modern architecture intimidatingly loomed over the sidewalk. She was still not sure exactly what the company did or Nicola for that matter, but she knew they made a lot of money.

  She walked up to the receptionist and explained her reason for the visit after which the ditsy Jenn soon appeared to escort her up to the fifth floor.

  "Thanks so much for coming, Miss Alexander. If you can just sign here, and here," she pointed to the document on the boardroom table as Teri brought her gaze back from the open door in the corner with the letters ‘Nicola M Clarke' printed on the door. The room was empty. She felt relieved.

  “Perfect. And that’s that. I appreciate your cooperation. The money should be transferred before the end of the week,” the eager assistant said but Teri didn’t bother to reply as she headed for the elevator, anxious to get away from Nicola’s home turf.


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