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Steamy Dorm

Page 83

by Kristine Robinson

  I said, "Yeah, I'm trying to get some inspiration for a project, and I need the morning sun."

  Tori nodded. "Better get to it then," she said matter of fact.

  I nodded and then said, "Uh, welcome back."

  "Thanks," Tori said before she dipped her head and was off down the hall as if she had somewhere important to be.


  I sat on the floor of the dining hall staring at the afternoon light and the pictures that I had taken that morning. I started a bit when there was a knock on the door. Dumbfounded as to who would be calling on an unoccupied house, I made my way to the door. I cracked it open a bit, and to my surprise, I saw Tori outside.

  "Oh, I didn't know you made site calls," I said. Tori had never visited my properties before.

  Tori said, "I don't normally visit the senior designers unless asked to specifically. I just wanted to come see what you were working on so hard that has kept you out of the office."

  I nodded, "Of course. We've done a few rooms, but at present, I'm working on the dining hall. Honestly, it's giving me a bit of trouble."

  "Oh?" Tori asked absentmindedly.

  I led the way to the room. It was an expansive room with large ceilings and this gorgeous trim that just seemed so bland with the tone it was painted in. We stood in the space for a bit. "I'm trying to keep it in the spirit of the 1920s," I said softly.

  "The roaring twenties," Tori said softly. "Why not gold?"

  "Gold?" I asked in confusion.

  Tori pointed at the molding. "Why not paint it gold? There is a reason it was called the Gilded Age," Tori said, and then she gave me a smile. It was the first time I had seen such a genuine expression on her since the night of the robbery, and for a moment it dazzled me.

  I shook myself out of my thoughts and said, "That's not a bad idea."

  "I have them ever so often," Tori said simply.

  We laughed for a bit. "Now that I have the molding down, it'll be a lot easier to tie the room together. It could be an echo of a 1920's dance hall," I said with a grin as I liked the idea more and more.

  Tori nodded. "I'll see you back in the office then?" The woman said as she took her leave.

  "Sure," I said as I watched the woman go. I did not know what to think of her.


  With the creative dam of the dining hall broken, the renovation surged forward, and I was soon back on schedule. As I wrapped up for the day at work, I gathered up my things and headed off down the hall.

  "Hey you," Lisa called as I rounded the corner into the main lobby.

  I gave her a smile. "I didn't know you were coming to meet me," I said in confusion. "I'm glad to see you, though."

  "I wanted to surprise you, and I got off work at a normal time," Lisa said as if she was very pleased with herself. I gave the woman an indulgent smile. Lisa said, "Come on, let's go get some sushi from that little place you like so much."

  It never did take much coaxing to talk me into sushi. "You twisted my arm," I said in surrender.

  Lisa leaned in and gave me a peck of a kiss that I smiled at. "You look so tired. Your house still giving you woes?"

  "Nah, I'm just tired because I'm happily doing my job," I assured her. "Quit stalling and let's go eat."

  As we left, I got the feeling that someone was watching me and I looked back to see Tori watching us from her office. I had not thought about her office having a perfect view of the lobby. I blushed a bit. I should not care what Tori saw or did not see, but it still bothered me. The blond had a look on her face that I would attribute to jealousy if it had been anyone else. I was not sure Tori could be jealous or would be over a woman anyway.


  The next morning when I came in, Tori waved me into her office. I felt my stomach knot up in nervousness. "Did you need something?" I asked hesitantly as I slipped into Tori's office.

  "It's none of my business, but was that your girlfriend yesterday?" Tori asked as she looked up at me from her desk.

  I was not sure if this was appropriate for work, but I saw no reason to lie. "Yes, it was. Is that a problem?" I asked defensively. I assumed Tori was not gay, but I had no idea if the woman was homophobic. I grimaced imagining how much harder that would make my work life.

  "No, other than she's not good enough for you," Tori said simply.

  I blinked at her a couple of times before I could form sentences. I was so stunned that it took me a moment to process what the woman had said. "What?" I asked because clearly there had to be some confusion. I had perhaps misunderstood what she had said.

  "I said that she isn't good enough for you. Why are you wasting your time with her?" Tori asked the question so matter of the fact that it was as if she was critiquing a work assignment of mine.

  I shook my head. "I don't believe it," I muttered. "Did you run out of things to berate me about at work?"

  "I've never berated you," Tori said simply. "I've made suggestions to help your productivity, but you are a fine designer who does not need my counsel."

  "I'm also a grown woman who does not need your counsel on who she should and should not date," I said furiously. I turned to leave then stopped myself. I took a deep breath and turned back toward the blond who was sitting impassively behind her desk. "You have the right to say what you want about my work, but my personal life is off limits to you. Do you understand?"

  Tori nodded. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to upset you," she said apologetically. "I was merely trying to tell you that I think you are worth more than what she is offering."

  I forced myself to take a deep breath and respond neutrally unless I betray my feelings toward the blond. "Thank you for your concern, but Lisa and I are just fine together. Unless you have something work related to discuss with me, I'd appreciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself," I said with controlled anger.

  "Again, I'm sorry that I upset you. I don't have anything work-related to add," Tori said, and I envied the control the woman had on her emotions because I felt like I was about to start crying. I quickly excused myself and went to my office to compose myself.

  Danny popped his head in the door. "Are you okay?" He asked the question with evident concern.

  "Of course, why?" I asked as I quickly schooled myself to a calmer state.

  Danny said, "I think everyone in the building heard you and Tori, Kate."

  I covered my face with my hands. "Great. She's ruined my work life for me now. Mission accomplished," I said dramatically.

  "Oh, it wasn't that bad. It was entertaining, and I think nice for people to hear Tori have a bit of an emotional response to something," Danny said. "Bright side, maybe the boss does like girls."

  "I don't think so," I said firmly. "And it wouldn't matter anyway. She left without so much as a word. She can't do that then come back in here, and swagger through like I should give a rat's ass what she thinks about anything."

  Danny said, "I agree with you there."


  Despite what I had told Danny, I did care about what Tori had said. It bothered me a lot more than I wanted to let on. The reason it bothered me so much was that I thought she was right. Why did the woman always have to be right? Of course, I had already known that Lisa and I had our flaws. I had already questioned it to Danny, but by Tori echoing the sentiment it made the cracks look so much more visible in the sunlight. I tried to ignore them, but they just seemed to keep growing.

  I even dreamed about her which made working with her all the more trying. During the day, I tried to be aloof, but at night my dreams brought Tori to my rescue as she saved me from my nightmares or myself.

  My eyes blinked open, and I glanced around my bedroom. To my surprise, a figure moved in the room, and I screamed. I ran down the hallway. I knew instinctively that someone was after me. The corner flew by me, and I slammed into a body causing myself and the other person to tumble down onto the floor. The room when I looked up did not resemble my apartment.

  Tori said softly, "Are you okay
there, Kate?"

  I looked around wildly at the woman who lay half under me where I had knocked her down. "Tori?" I asked in puzzlement. "What are you doing here?"

  "I thought you might need some help," She said simply and then she was helping me up off the floor. I blinked and looked around. The sun was just starting to come up. I tried to shake my head. "What is wrong?" Tori asked as she ran a finger along my hair in such a gentle manner that I just gaped at the woman. "You act like I shouldn't be in our apartment?" Tori seemed amused at me.

  "Our apartment?" I mumbled in confusion.

  Tori nodded. "Of course, we designed it together. Don't you remember?" Tori's face held a look of worry. I did not want her to be worried about me.

  "Sure," I said still feeling confused.

  She said, "You don't honestly remember any of this, do you?"

  I hesitated then said, "Not really. I am just confused. There was someone in here." I looked around then shook my head. "This is so different. We live here? Where is Lisa?"

  Tori scowled, "Lisa? You broke up with her a year ago. Do you want to be with her?"

  "No," I said in a rush. "No, it's just--I'm so confused." I put my hands in front of my face and sighed.

  Tori took one of my hands and pulled it away from my face. "Come on," She pulled me along with her as we walked through what was apparently our home. It was filled with the souvenirs of trips and adventures. I smiled at a picture of us kayaking. We seemed to have a good life, an adventurous life.

  She led me into my or was it our bedroom? She gave me a smile. "Do you remember the night that we went stargazing and got so much grass in our hair that we had to take a shower as soon as we got home?" She asked with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

  The next thing I knew we were in the shower. I gasped up into the warm water that cascaded over my head. My breath caught in my throat as I realized that Tori was waving a toy at me. It was a toy I had made use of a few times for the friction but had never had anyone to play with me before. Tori slipped on the strap-on, and I blushed a deep red. As the water pelted down, Tori slid the strap-on between my legs. I braced against the side of the shower as Tori thrust in and out of me with the toy. It was such a turn on. We trembled together as we pushed against one another in a struggle to find completion.

  I awoke trembling and covered in sweat. I looked around and groaned loudly. It had been a dream. Of course, it had been a dream. I chided myself.

  "Are you okay?" Lisa asked beside me on the bed, and I started at the familiar question.

  I nodded and breathed, "Yeah. I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

  "Are you sure? You looked like you were either having a nightmare or one wild dream, so which was it?" Lisa asked with curiosity.

  I blushed and said, "It was a bit of both."

  "Oh? Well," Lisa eased over next to me and slid her hand under the rim of my panties. I tensed as she slipped further down and her fingers finally slipped inside of me. "Yep, nice and wet. How was I?" Lisa asked with an eyebrow waggle.

  I laughed nervously. "Fantastic as always," I said.

  "Want me to finish what I started?" Lisa asked as her fingers began to massage me. I moaned. The sensations from the dream were still so fresh that I fought not to close my eyes and picture the dream again. Lisa moved against me as she too became turned on. It took no further convincing for me to come for the woman. I climaxed while biting on my lip as the sensations of one of the most powerful orgasms I had had ever experienced went through me.

  When Lisa and I snuggled up later, Lisa said, "Wow, dream-me must be awesome in bed to get you that revved up."

  I laughed softly and just nodded.


  Two weeks later, Lisa and I stopped at the corner grocery to get some snacks before a movie night at home. To my dismay, I spotted Tori right away. The woman was dressed down in jeans and a curiously faded sweatshirt that had LAPD on it. I tried my best to ignore her. Tori seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she deliberately turned away from us as Lisa and I walked past her. When we got ready to check out, I grimaced. Tori had just walked up to the cash register line as well. To my surprise, she waved for us to go ahead. Lisa thanked her brightly, but I noticed Tori did not say anything back to Lisa. No, Tori's face was set in a firm line of what could have been annoyance or disapproval or maybe even both.

  As much as I wanted to ignore Tori, it was almost impossible. Lisa glanced around at her a couple of times as well. I wondered what Lisa saw. Maybe she saw a good-looking woman. Tori was nice looking. The blond was especially nice looking dressed down the way she was. I thought it odd that I would think that, but I did. I thought she looked so much more interesting out of her work clothes. Maybe that's because she looked like a real person and not some plastic corporate robot.

  Tori almost looked approachable. Almost. Although If she had not been glaring daggers at Lisa when I glanced around, Tori probably would have appeared more approachable. As it was, I just quickly looked away when Tori caught me looking back at her. We were almost to the front of the line when there was a commotion by the door.

  A man with a cloth wrapped around his face had come in and pulled a gun out. "Everyone, get down," the man shouted loudly. "Get down!"

  I heard Tori mutter, "Not again." I froze. There was a commotion as one of the men went toward the gunman. When the gunman turned toward the man who had tried to sneak up on him, Tori moved so quickly I did not realize what she was doing until I saw her arm swing around and connect with the gunman. She flung her weight at the man while kicking the back of his knee which put him off balance. To my shock, I saw Lisa move beside me then she was just gone. I looked around in bewilderment at the door to the corner grocery behind me swinging closed. Lisa had left me.

  The man who had backed off before came to Tori's aid and they wrestled the man to the ground. Tori yelled over to the cashier, "Call the cops. We've got him." Tori took the gun out of the man's hand and slid it across the floor. I stood there like a deer in headlights. What should I do?

  After the police had arrived, Tori came over to me and guided me outside to the same bench. "Are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice.

  I just nodded, then I shook my head. I collapsed over into the woman's waiting arms and sobbed. "She left me all alone," I sobbed out.

  "I didn’t leave you," Tori said softly.

  I nodded against her shirt. "Yes, you did. You left without a word," I choked the words out.

  Tori lifted my head in her hands and said, "I'm sorry. I'm not very good with words, but she wasn't good enough for you."

  "What do I do now?" I asked in confusion.

  Tori gave me a smile and wiped a tear from my cheek with her thumb. "You should be with me," she said softly. I closed my eyes as she leaned in to brush her lips against mine.

  "I thought you didn’t like me," I breathed out.

  Tori shook her head and said softly against my lips, "I didn't realize what I felt until I came back and I saw you with Lisa."

  "You are an idiot," I said firmly, and to my surprise, Tori laughed. I put my arms behind her head and said, "But I think I need someone exactly like you."

  "Well, better go with the original," Tori said, and then we were kissing. The police sirens blared in the distance and the night air left my skin chilled. It all did not matter because right there in Tori's arms was perfect.

  "Excuse me, ladies," An officer said as we broke apart in embarrassment. The officer apologized, "I'm sorry for interrupting, but we need to get some statements from both of you if that's okay?"

  Tori collected herself first and said in a matter of fact tone, "Of course, Office." I blushed but nodded my agreement to Tori's statement.


  I looked around at a sound and saw Tori slip into my office. I raised my eyebrow questioningly as she closed the drapes. "Yes?" I asked in amusement.

  Tori gave me a mischievous grin. "I have the results of the winners for the trade commission awards," Tori said a
s she waved a white envelope.

  I made an excited noise and stood up to take the envelope, but Tori held the envelope up higher. "Not so fast," Tori said as she held out her free hand to halt me. I sighed at the woman in vexation.

  "What do I have to wait on?" I asked in irritation.

  Tori said, "Well, technically these are not to be announced yet so if I show them to you, then you cannot tell anyone. That includes Danny."

  "But I have to tell Danny," I said as if that should be clear.

  She put her hands on her hips and looked at me. "Katy," She said in that tone she used when she was trying to be serious but was too amused to pull it off.


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