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Steamy Dorm

Page 88

by Kristine Robinson

  Her fingers stilled and my mind quickly went over what I just said “Oh- Oh no! R-Rachel. I didn’t-” I was trying to tell her it didn’t matter. That I didn’t mean to say it. It just came out.

  Not that I didn't mean it. I just… how could I do it this way? She deserves so much better. She deserves all the romance and mystery and beauty of… of us together.

  I wanted to take her to a better restaurant than I could really afford and make everything perfect. That’s why I’ve been waiting. It isn’t fair to her. She makes all the money and all I am is a surfer girl whose closest thing to a career is based on my looks alone.

  She deserves all my love. My every thought and waking moment. But more than that. She deserves things I can never give her. And then what do I do? I ruin one of the few things I can afford to give her.

  She shushed me as I kept babbling. For the first time in the history of ever, the action didn't feel the slightest bit patronizing. “Did you mean it?” Her voice was so intense I was choking.

  This is the part. Where she decides we are too unconventional. When she finally leaves me. It's been a long time coming too.

  I asked her in the throes of passion, without letting my brain really process the proposal.

  It was my fault. I looked away from her as I confirmed that, yes, I did mean it.

  The craziest part of this whole situation? She agreed.

  Good thing we don't see ourselves with kids because I could never explain to them how their parents proposed to each other.

  I definitely could never tell that little child that I was so excited and happy, that I decided to reward her. I would have to avoid the ferventness with which I busied myself by peeling off her clothes. I pushed her thighs away from each other and buried my face between her legs. The scent of her drove me crazy, and then I began eating her out like a starving woman. I made her see stars, and honestly, I have never seen anything so beautiful as she was in that moment.

  The time was seared into my memory and I could never forget even a second of it. The way her thighs tightened around my head as she cried out in pleasure for the whole world to hear. The sound of her clawing at the sheets and panting as she tried to relax, but was too worked up to do it in any way.

  Nothing could honestly beat that.

  Maybe my absolute enthrallment in my perfect wife is why I don't think I actually believe her when she compliments me. She's so much smarter and funnier than me. A lot of people are confused when we say we are together. I totally get it.

  Why would someone who makes so much money, whose smile makes the sun come out, and whose eyes radiated joy, be with a girl like me. A college drop-out who put all her effort into surfing and having a good time.

  My looks are my best feature and… it’s not like I’m a supermodel. People say I look too buff. Girls shouldn’t be athletic. But she never did.

  If anything, I felt so good when she got jealous. It was a nasty habit of mine, but her jealousy always made me feel like the most important person on the planet.

  She wanted me to be hers as much as I wanted her to be mine.

  It’s not that she’s perfect. Is she perfect? I mean, she’s great. She’s the most adorable chubby girl on the planet. She loves to eat with me and I don’t mind trying exotic foods with her. Her dark skin makes her look like one of the chocolate bars she is so fond of. She’s hilarious and actually likes all my dumb jokes.

  What was I trying to say again? Sorry, I got distracted. I always get distracted when it comes to her.

  Oh, right. Perfection. It doesn’t exist. But she is perfect for me. Even with her short temper, and her need to make a pun every three seconds, and her scatterbrain.

  I’m gonna marry that girl.

  And then, for the rest of our lives, I get to tell the world. I may never catch the championship trophy for surfing, but I got a much bigger and better catch.

  Man, I am so thankful my boss screwed up. Because if she didn’t, I’d be missing the best thing that ever happened to me.

  Just For Fun

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Contemporary Lesbian Romance


  Blond hair, brown eyes, slightly taller than average, not skinny, but slightly plump. She’s a go-getter, not scared to voice her opinion and stand up for what she believes. She has the confidence to follow through on something when she’s made a decision.

  I’ve never been afraid to speak my mind or stand up for myself, a go-getter and problem-solver by nature, I do what I need to do to make life work for me. That is, until I met Sarah. She totally threw me for a loop and for the first time in a long time, I felt out of control. That doesn’t mean I’m going to fall into the clichéd trap of attraction. Sarah can’t fool me with her fun and games, at least, I don’t think she can….


  Black hair, green eyes, tall and athletic. Sarah is smart and nothing in life has been a challenge, so instead of getting a job after she left college, she started her own IT business. Things went well, but now she has a lot of free time to do as she pleases. She’s cocky and willing to bear the consequences of her actions, but one thing is for sure, she goes after what she wants.

  Boredom leads you to do crazy things when you’re smart. I want to call that crazy thing, Meredith. Riling her up and driving her wild has become a favorite past time of mine. She comes off so confident but she’s nowhere near my level. She thinks she gets what she wants, well, I do too. I have a hunch that this cat and mouse game is going to end with me being one very happy pussycat.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  Meredith stood in the aisle on the train, holding on to the bars overhead for balance. Already, beads of sweat were forming down her back. The train rumbled and shook as it snaked its way through the network under the city. It was ridiculously packed today, with people squeezed into every possible seating or standing space. People were pressed up right against Meredith, glaring at her angrily when she took business calls. “I’m on the train” I hissed, trying to be quiet. Even though the car was packed, nobody was talking and that made my voice sound booming. “I will call you later” I said with clenched teeth. Giving a half-hearted smile to the passengers around me, I slipped my phone in my coat pocket. The train rattled on and pulled to a jolting halt, making everyone on the train catch their balance.

  When the doors opened at another stop, people filed out to be replaced by the next bundle of commuters. A young woman stepped onto the train and stood right next to me. I squeezed in tighter as more people pushed passed me. I nudged her hand with mine as the train began to move. She was tall and her dazzling smile was enough to keep me mesmerized the rest of the trip. She had long black hair and olive skin, middle-eastern perhaps. I wasn’t sure. Her hazel eyes danced over the subway car as she too took in how packed it was. She wore tight, dark denim jeans, a white blouse and a khaki trench coat. Her feet were in nude heels but she carried no handbag. Dark, masculine sunglasses were perched on top of her head and she looked exceptionally put together. I felt my heart skip a beat and warmth fall over my body right away. My heart fluttered a bit and I knew I was attracted to her.

  “Terrible day for the subway,” she said to me, and I nodded after realizing she was talking to me. I had no idea what to say in response. We were pushed up against each other before another stop. Her knuckles brushed mine and when I went to apologize, she just smiled. “Ah, just part of it.” She said with a wink and then she disappeared. I could kick myself for not having my usual courage and following up on conversation with her. There was something so attractive about her, a spark, a chemistry. Something beyond her looks. My stop was fast approaching and so I got off and made my way up the stairs onto the busy street. The wind blustered but it was a beautiful spring day. With the sun shining, I couldn’t help but wonder what she looked like now, sunglasses on, hair blowing in the breeze. I stepped into the elevator and considered it had been awhile since my assistant had called me to remind me about
my meeting times. I reached into my pocket and immediately felt nothing-the anxiety rushed through me at thoughts of having to go to the phone store; it always takes hours. It was gone. Where could it have fallen? Did someone take it? I doubled back and looked at the sidewalk. Surely I would have heard it fall. I grunted in despair and marched towards work, the thought of the beautiful stranger completely out of my mind.

  “I can’t believe my phone got swiped,” she said to Dana once I made it to my office.

  “You took the train, didn’t you?” Dana asked. “You should always keep it in your hand. I always squeeze it tight and don’t let go until I’m out.” “I will remember that for next time, Dana.” I said half chuckling, but right now I’m more concerned with having to replace it. I had no time to figure it out now as I was almost late for a meeting.

  After the presentation was over, I sat down at my desk and picked up my office phone. “I’m going to phone it,” I said dialing my own number, “I feel so naked without it.” “Maybe a gorgeous stranger picked it up? She offered. “It would be such a meet-cute, you know, like in the movies!” she squealed and a grin spread across her face. “Yeah, right. Probably some ingrate who I will have to pay fifty-dollars just to get it back.” I said.

  I waited for the phone to connect and after to rings, a sweet, pleasant voice answered.

  “Hey, did you take my phone? You better get that phone back to me. There’s a lot of information on there I can’t afford to lose and it’s wrong to take someone’s phone like that.” I accused.

  “Oh really,” the voice answered with a lilt of amusement. “So you’re just going to make me give it back?”

  “I’ll call the police,” I threatened, unsure what else to say, but the voice laughed. She found that I liked the laugh but I shook off the idea.

  “I don’t think so,” she said as if she just didn’t believe me. “Tell you what; if you can find me, you can have it. I’ll be in the square at lunch time. “The line went dead and I huffed audibly. “The audacity!” I cried out when Dana pulled her eyebrows up at her from the doorway. “She’s making me go and fetch it!” “Does she sound cute?” Dana asked with a smirk. “Well, I mean she has a pleasant voice. But no-she’s a thief. What is this game?” “She’s obviously off her rocker, I hope to just the phone back in one piece and hopefully without weird photos on the camera roll!” Dana just rolled her eyes. I picked up the phone to call the police. But my fingers hovered over the buttons, I put the receiver down again and looked at the clock. As soon as I was off for lunch, I would take a bus to the square in the middle of town. Luckily, there is a stop in front of my building so it won’t take me too long to get arrive. The hours dragged on as I kept watch on the time. I felt naked without my phone. I was thinking of all the texts I was probably getting, the fact that I promised my father I would call him and I hadn’t yet. Of course, I didn’t have his new cell phone number memorized. Finally, the clock struck twelve and I headed out on this very unwanted adventure.

  Chapter Two

  As I sat on the bus and looked at the window, I was amazed at the strange turn my day had taken-however this wasn’t even the half of it, though I didn’t know it yet. I arrived at the square but realized I had no idea who I was supposed to be looking for. As I look around feeling like an idiot, a waiter at the café next to me taps me on the shoulder. “I’m sorry ma’am, are you looking for your phone?” I nod unsurely at him, “Um, yes, but-” “This is for you.” He says, handing me a note. “Thanks.” I say as he gives me a big smile, probably thinking this is some romantic game my lover is playing with me before he proposes. If only he knew this was more of a disaster. “Sir-who gave this to you?” I asked urgently. “I’m not supposed to say. She just told me to look for you and give you that note. Sorry.” And he headed inside. I rolled my eyes in exasperation. I looked at my watch, which luckily I wore today, and saw that already twenty-five minutes had passed. I’m being sent on a wild goose chase to get something back that belonged to me to begin with! I walked over to the park since it was close. When I arrived, I walked to the nearest bench. The park was surprisingly vacant for such a lovely day. I sat down and checked the time again. Forty minutes. “Oh no” I groaned as I saw a man walking towards me with what looked like a note and small package. “Not again”. I whined aloud. “Wait-who gave this to you?” I said before anything else. “I’m not supposed to say.” He said. “She just called and ordered this for you over the phone, had me deliver it to you here.” I opened the package, it was a warm grilled cheese. The note read: Because I’m running late and ruining your lunch hour. I guess this is safe to eat I said with the roll of my eyes. A note inside the box was having me go to yet another place-though this time it was just right across the park. There, an older woman handed me a lemonade and a note. To go with your lunch. Head to the entrance of the zoo. I was going in circled and getting more frustrated by the minute. Though, I had to admit it was kind of nice to be outside on this beautiful day. At the zoo, a man selling balloons out front handed me another note on a keychain of a monkey. Hey beautiful, hope you are enjoying this leisurely stroll on this gorgeous day. Meet me under the shade by the fountain in the middle of the park to get your phone back.”

  Fairly annoyed yet also intrigued, I made it to the last and what seemed to be final stop. The fountain in the middle of the park. There she was-the girl from the train. Sitting on the park bench, looking just as she had this morning. “I thought you would never make it” she said with a chuckle. “You!” “Seriously?” I said incredulously. “What are you doing? Don’t you have a life to live?” She shrugged and stood up. “You looked like you could use some fun, besides I wanted to get your attention.” “Well, I’d say you did! Here I am”. “Here’s your phone.” She said as she handed it to me, I scanned through my personal information. Everything was there. She was staring at me the whole time. “You really should think about putting a passcode on there.” She joked. “You were looking a bit uptight this morning...” she began. I looked up and brushed past her. “Hey, it was just some fun and I got you lunch, eh?” she said, trying to win me over. “Ok, you’ve had your fun.” I said to her dryly and I left her alone in the park, trying very hard to not look back.

  Chapter Three

  The next day I was still in disbelief over the strange turn of events that was yesterday. What a way to get a girl’s attention. As the annoyance subsided I started looking at it as sweet, but I soon snapped out of it and realized it was more crazy than anything. As I went up to my office, I was relieved to have a relaxing lunch hour instead. All these fluctuating emotions were driving me crazy.

  “Good Morning, Erica” I said as I smiled at the receptionist as I walked past. “Oh, Meredith, good morning! There’s someone in to see you. “she beamed. “Do you know who?” I asked innocently, when then I shuddered. “I’m not supposed to-” “Tell me”, I’m guessing. “Yeah.” Erica said looking confused. “She looked harmless.” She stammered, feeling bad. “No worries, Erica. It’s ok.” I braced myself for the awkward encounter.

  “What are you doing here?” I interrogated her, “I did not want to see you again.” “Did not?” Well, now you do?” she said teasingly. She flashed a smirk at me. “I wanted to see you again. I felt bad about yesterday and thought if I came and asked you out on a date…” “How, do you even know I am into you?” I asked with an arched eyebrow. She looked me up and down. “You dress more like a straight girl, that’s true. But the short nails, give a small clue. That and the rainbow bracelet you have on your wrist. I looked down, slightly embarrassed. “Oh.” I said. “That makes sense.” “So, a date?” she asked. She really was beautiful. “Still, no” I tried to say defiantly. “Your wild goose chase did not go as planned; I did not find that amusing.” “Oh no” she said, “that’s too bad.” “You’ll still have to accept my- she was interrupted by a delivery man carrying a large bouquet of flowers. “For her” she said with a smile, pointing at me. He handed me a gorgeous bouquet of
pink tulips. “My gifts” she finished saying. “Gifts?” I asked suspiciously. You will receive another delivery every fifteen minutes, each one getting more extravagant than the last. Unless you say yes to me” “Cancel them all, don’t waste your money.” “Sorry, dear, looks like the next one is early..” I look to see a large man in a panda costume waddling my way with a bunch of balloons in his hand. “Oh goodness, no.” I say looking down. The panda is directed to my office and all my co-workers are looking now and sneering. “You must be Meredith!” the Panda says with a very cartoonish voice. “These are for you” the heart shaped balloons take up my office and all float to the ceiling as I let them go. He does a little dance and my face is beet red. “Fine, I will go on a date with you if you stop all the insane gifts!” “Really?” she says, “you will?” “I will go on a date with you.” I give in. She folds a bill and slips it to the Panda. “Cancel the others” she says with a nod. “The Panda shakes his head. “Others?” I say. “Oh yes, an elephant, a lion and a horse were planned to show up. Along with about five bouquets of flowers and a small orchestra.” My mouth opens and then closes again. “You’re really quite mad, aren’t you?” I shake my head but a small smile escapes my lips. “About you” she says. “Meet me here, at 7:00 tomorrow night.” As she extends her hand, her fingertips brush against mine as I reach out to take it-and there is that spark again. Today, she’s dressed in tight khakis and a denim top. Her hair is pulled back. She radiates sex appeal and charisma and I am momentarily speechless. I take her business card and on the back, is the address. Before she leaves she says, “I’m Sarah and I’m very excited to get to know you.” As she says this, she looks me up and down quite seductively. “Meredith. I wish I could say it was a pleasure making your acquaintance but that remains to be seen.” I give a slight grin. “That it does…” she trails off and heads out the door. As she leaves, the office is looking. Embarrassed and so confused, I shut my door and gaze at the truly, beautiful tulips that sit upon my desk.


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