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Steamy Dorm

Page 101

by Kristine Robinson

  I cried out as Dahl clapped a hand down on my rear.

  I gasped as she began to knead and pinch, pulling me even closer to her.

  “Dahl,” I breathed.

  “That's right,” she said, staring down into my eyes with an unwavering intensity. She appeared suddenly serious.

  “That's right,” she repeated. “Say my name, darling. I want to hear you say it.”

  My lips parted and all that came out was something that was almost a squeal.

  Dahl brought her other hand up to my right breast and began to knead and pummel it with a vigor that exceeded that which she displayed on my rear end. I had never been handled so roughly and it wasn't a treatment that I ever thought I would enjoy. But I did enjoy it. So much.

  Dahl's aggressive lust for me was stirring a multitude of emotions and sensations within me. I couldn't believe how badly she wanted me. I wanted her to want me. I wanted her desire directed at me forever.

  “Dahl,” I breathed again.

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip, easing up the assaults on my breasts and buttocks. Her strokes became more gentle, slowly turning into a soft caress.

  I reached up and took one of her damp curls, twirling it around my finger. I stood on the balls of my feet and reached my lips up to hers. They touched and tingles spread from my lips all the way down to my toes.

  Dahl brought her hands down to her hips. Her thumbs pressed firmly against my stomach and her fingers lay against the small of my back.

  Her hands were so big! There was so much power and energy in them.

  I pressed my breasts against Dahl's torso and their peaks began to stiffen beneath the thin fabric of my bra.

  I smashed my lips into hers, hungrily. Her response was just as hungry, just as eager. Her lips moved in sync with mine. Pushing and pulling in a sort of dance.

  I placed one hand against the ample swell of her breast, pressing gently against the side of it. I brought my other hand down to her opposite thigh and began to explore the toned and hardened physique of her legs. Her muscles rippled and clenched under my hands.

  Dahl grabbed me then. It was done with a force and suddenness. My body slammed into hers and with a cocky grin, she flung her own body backwards onto a pile of hay.

  I shrieked as Dahl hit the ground, with me on top of her.

  “Dahl!” I cried out. “What are you doing?”

  I lay on top of her torso, smiling down at her.

  “You've already figured out what doing. Haven't you sweetheart?”

  She quirked an eyebrow at me and all I could do was giggle.

  Dahl rolled then, flipping me onto my back.

  I gasped and felt a need began to build between my legs. It was something that had been slowly growing. Each moment up until now had been kindling. I felt myself filling with a delicious heat and tension.

  Dahl began to trail a finger down the center of my torso. She allowed her fingertip to trail languidly from my clavicle, to the space between my breasts, and then continuing on the slope of the stomach. With each inch covered, my body tensed and quivered all the more.

  Finally, her painfully slow journey had ended and her hand was hovering over the space between my legs. She grazed the waistband of my white underwear and I heard myself whimper with need.

  “Do you want it?” she asked tauntingly.

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes. You know that I do. You know I want it Dahl!”

  She came closer, hovering her face above mine. She grinned and it was that same over-confident grin that had irritated me so much before. But what I once saw as cocky and arrogant, I now saw as capable and strong. This woman was so much more than I had thought she was.

  She began to ease her fingers inside of my underwear. Her fingers drifted slowly through my tufts of hair and I felt that I was surely going to explode with want if she didn't touch me soon.

  Then she did touch me. She darted a hand down to my opening and crushed her lips down onto mine at the very same instant. The thought occurred to me that Dahl was not parting both of my sets of lips at once. She seemed to invade my mouth with her entire tongue. I groaned against her.

  Dahl shoved her fingers inside of me just as forcefully and I bucked beneath her. Using two fingers she pressed deeply into me, invading and exploring. The sensation was rough at first. I'd never been entered into with such vigor and lack of pretense. But my sex had been ready and I adapted to the feeling of her digits inside of me, very quickly.

  Dahl started by using her fingers to plunge and press into me deeply. She then began to part and flex them. It seemed that she was trying to cover as much as space as possible. She continued to twist and gyrate and it seemed that she meant to explore ever corner and crevice inside of me.

  I arched my back in my throes and Dahl's tongue slid deeper down my throat. It was an absolutely decadent feeling. I was being taken by her in nearly every orifice. Her scent was in my nostrils and her taste filled every corner of my mouth.

  The pressure inside of me was continuing to build. It was easing every few moments to fire off small spurting explosions. They were intense and fleeting and I knew that they were indicators that a much larger, body-wracking explosion was headed my way.

  Dahl's tongue slowed and then stilled. She eased her tongue from my mouth and sat up, looking down at me with heaving chest and parted lips. Her fingers continued their dance inside of me and she brought her thumb up to uncover my most sensitive nub. She only had to press it for a moment.

  All sensation was gone for a few seconds. All of the tingles and waves of pleasure were gone. And then everything inside of seemed to contract in upon itself, and then explode outward with unprecedented speed. Between my legs, I felt the explosion sharpest, and the aftershocks rippled throughout the rest of my body. A glowing and floating sensation situated itself in my belly and my toes curled against the hay.

  When it was over, I looked up at Dahl gasping and sweating.

  “Thank you,” I gushed. “Thank you. Thank you, Dahl. I've never felt anything like that before in my life. My body has never ever felt that way....”

  Once more, Dahl just shook her head and grinned.

  “No Ma'am,” she whispered. “Thank you.”


  After that night in the barn, interactions became awkward between Dahl and I. Dahl was withdrawn and quiet for the reminder of her days at the ranch. I found this incredibly disappointing. After that day in the storm, I was viewing Dahl in a whole new way, and more than anything, I wanted to get to know more about her. I even wondered if I might be having some serious feelings for her. I wanted to talk to her about what had happened, and find out how she was feeling.

  But I didn't get the opportunity to discuss it with her. Dahl kept to herself for the rest of her stay. She stopped going out to ride, save for two times when she asked Pete to accompany her. She mostly remained in her room reading. I wondered if she might be upset about what had happened between us. I considered that she might be embarrassed or not know what to say to me.

  Before I knew it, the day had come for her to leave. Dahl came down into the kitchen, clutching one of her designer suitcases in each hand. She had abandoned her ranch attire, and was one more dressed to the nines in a smart blazer and turtleneck combo.

  She greeted us stiffly, with more formality than I'd ever heard her speak with.

  “Well, it's been lovely. I've had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a guest in your lovely home.”

  I nodded and attempted a smile.

  “It was wonderful having you,” I muttered. I avoided her eyes. It was strange being so formal with someone that I had been intimate with.

  “Yes!” Pete agreed, with far more enthusiasm than I'd been able to muster. “It's been fun, Dahl. We both hope that we'll get to see you again, sometime.”

  There was a honking from outside then.

  Dahl nodded and raised her eyebrows.

  “That's my taxi,” she said.

  “Alright,” I replied. “Safe travels.”

  “Right,” Dahl said. “Well, I'd love to come know..if you guys ever decide to do anything like this again..renting out a room, I mean.”

  I smiled, but didn't say anything. What could I say? You saved my horses and gave me a stronger climax than I'd ever felt in my life? I sure hope this isn't the last time I ever lay eyes on you? It's true that I wanted to say these things to her. But I couldn't. I just couldn't do it.

  Dahl shook each of our hands, and then she left.

  The moment she was gone, Pete turned to me with zeal in his eyes.

  “Really?!” Pete exclaimed. “What was that even?”


  “Oh, stop it, Anna. It's obvious that you really like this girl. Why are you letting her leave, without telling her? You need to at least invite her back. Do something to show her that you like her. I mean, it's pretty obvious that she likes you.”

  I threw my hands up into the air.

  “What am I even supposed to say?” I demanded.

  Pete sighed.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Just, don't be such a girl!” Pete snapped. “You like her. So go get her!”

  I stared at him for only a moment, considering this. Damn it! He was right! This was a woman who was calm when the situation became serious. She was someone who could be counted on. She was someone who had helped me rescue horses and deliver a foal in the worst storm that our ranch had seen in years! She was strong and beautiful and her confidence and overwhelming positivity was charming in its way.

  Pete was right. I had to let her know that I wanted to see her again.

  I bolted from the house, running as fast as I could. I was moving with such speed that my knees nearly came to my chest. I burst into the stable and rushed over to Sally. She was already bridled. She had no saddle, but this was an extreme circumstance. Only a bridle, would have to do.

  I mounted the horse and dug my thighs into her, rushing from the stable. I urged Sally into a gallop once we reached the main road. I cooed into Sally's ear, pleading with her to go faster, and praying aloud that we would make it.

  Dahl's cab driver was a local. He was sure to drive quickly along this slow country road. There was never very much traffic and so a lot of people who knew the area well, felt comfortable driving at break-neck speeds.

  I rode along, urging Sally into an all-out sprint. Finally, I saw a speck of a car in the distance and brought Sally into one last great burst of speed. There was a moment, when I feared we wouldn't make it. The car's speed was gaining and Sally's energy appeared to be waning.

  But then Sally surprised me with a second wind that propelled her body forward. Soon we had reached the back window of the cab.

  “Dahl!” I cried out, straining to see into the cab's rear window. “Dahl! It's Anna! Stop!”

  Then I saw Dahl's face against the glass and her eyes popped when she saw me. She darted a hand out, tapping the cab driver urgently, and I watched her lips move frantically. The cab slowed to a halt.

  I brought Sally to a slow as well, and the horse panted beneath me, her chest heaving with the effort of her sprint. Dahl opened the cab door and stepped out onto the dusty, clay road. She ran a hand through her curls, staring up at me in confusion.

  “Anna?” she said. “What's going on? Did I forget something?”


  I bit my lip looking down at her. I was suddenly nervous, mortified even. I had been so focused on catching her, but now that I had caught up to her I realized how crazy this was. I just knew that I was going to make a fool of myself and sound like a complete idiot. But I'd already come this far. I decided to go for it anyway.

  “Dahl, I just wanted to catch you-”

  I coughed, getting the words stuck in my throat.

  “I just wanted to catch you,” I continued. “To tell you that I'd like it if you came back again. Actually, I'd like it a lot if you came back again.”

  Dahl smiled then. That same arrogant and overly confident smile

  “I would like that too,” Dahl said.

  And this time, I returned the smile.

  The Sold Virgin

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A First Time Lesbian Menage

  My skin is tingling, my lips are parted, and I can feel the space between my lips and hers as though an electrical current traveled between us. I want…What do I want? Whit lowers her face towards mine and I think she will kiss me. Yes, that’s what I want!

  But instead, she places her lips beside my ear and murmurs, “I think you’ll be just fine tonight.” Her breath in my ear and the soft brush of her cheek against mine sends delicious shivers down my spine and I’m left thrumming as she steps back, deliberately breaking the tension.

  Chapter 1

  The coarse, straw colored rope binding my wrists is too tight to chafe, but it cuts off circulation to my hands which look cold and small against the dark gingham of my dress. Josh and I bounce along the rough road, the wagon bucking at every pothole, root, and rock. I am terrified. I had always looked to Josh, my step-brother, as my protector and ally. In this rough world, I, a woman, have no power of my own. But Josh was like an amiable extension of me, popular and self-sufficient and safe. He took me in when I was a helpless child, newly orphaned. Or so I had thought. It turns out everything, from his business dealings to his identity, was a sham.

  Once I discovered his secret, he immediately turned on me. He didn’t strike me or yell. He’s too cold blooded for that. He decided to simply neutralize me; if my reputation is ruined, then no one will believe me when I claim that Josh is the murderer and liar that I know him to be. Who would believe a whore who says that her own brother is responsible for their parents’ death?

  As we rattle along, I search his face for any hint of human feeling for his young half-sister but see nothing but ruthless intention. Nevertheless, I plead with him one more time.

  “I beg you, spare me. I will tell no one, I promise. Just do not condemn me to a lifetime of pain and humiliation. It is as good as a death sentence.” My voice trembles but I do not weep. I know that tears would only irritate him.

  He sneers slightly without even glancing in my direction. “You will go to the brothel. Your innocence will be stripped from you and your body will go to any man who wants you and lays his money down. And when you are no longer my concern, I will be free from the threat of your accusations.”

  Peering out the tiny window, I recognize nothing of the landscape. I do not have even the faintest idea of where we are; I know only that it is far from where we began. I think again about trying to escape and, for the twentieth time since leaving home, I calculate my chances of survival as a young, unmarried woman alone with bound wrists and no food, money, or practical skills. It’s useless. There is no way out of this situation and Josh knows it, which is probably why he did not bother to bind my ankles.

  A curve of the road reveals a seedy looking town in the distance. As we roll inexorably onward, the reality of my situation grips me and mounting hysteria causes me to begin sobbing uncontrollably, hiccupping and gasping for breath as the dusty wagon approaches a dilapidated A-frame. We pull to a stop in front of the structure. The entire town seems to consist of a saloon, brothel, feed store, and a few ramshackle dwellings scattered up and down the main, and only, road.

  Josh opens the door and grabs my bound wrists, hauling me roughly to my feet and callously ignoring my tears. He pulls me out of the wagon and gives me a prod, expecting me to walk to the door of the brothel like an obedient dog. I dart away from him, desperation giving me speed I wouldn’t otherwise possess. Even as I sprint away from him, I know that there’s nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. But blind terror makes reason unimportant; every instinct says “run” and I do. And when Josh catches me, as I knew he would, I crumple in defeat, all the adrenaline leaving my body as suddenly as it came. He tosses me over hi
s shoulder like a sack of grain and stomps back to the brothel.

  We’re met at the door by a reedy, middle aged man in a stained shirt. He seems to be expecting us. He points his chin, indicating a doorway behind his left shoulder. Josh strides to it and, seeing a low pallet in the corner of the room, he unloads me on to it. The shady looking stranger comes in behind us.

  “Hold her arms. I need to verify her value,” he mutters. Josh nods and seizes my wrists again. I’m shaking all over as the man steps impersonally up to the bed and, without addressing or acknowledging me, lifts my skirts and yanks my drawers down. His dirty hands are on my bare thighs pushing them open and then inside me. The pain as he explores me with his rough hand is shadowed only by the all-consuming humiliation of being ‘handled’ like livestock. He grunts in apparent satisfaction and unceremoniously pulls out his hand.

  “She’s a virgin, alright. I’ll fetch you the money, as agreed upon.”

  I lay in shock on the pallet as the men discuss me with the same nonchalance as if selling a cow. There’s a thin blanket on the pallet and I cover myself as best I can with my wrists still tied and my hands shaking. I feel something wet on the pillow and realize that my eyes are leaking. I hadn’t realized that I was crying. When the men leave to exchange coins, they lock the door behind them. They have said nothing to me directly. I lie in the dark room crying silently until the man returns, his sharp profile backlit in the open doorway like a hunched and evil crow.

  He hauls me to my feet in much the same fashion as Josh had earlier in the day. This time, I walk numbly as he tugs me along. Struggling would only give him reason to lay his hands more directly upon me and my skin crawls at the thought. He leads me down a hallway with several doors and, choosing one seemingly at random, he leads me inside. Once there, he produces a wicked looking knife. For a moment, it occurs to me that he might kill me. I dismiss the thought almost immediately. I’m worth more alive. Besides, the thought of death does not frighten me as it once did. I stand passively as he grips my wrists and slides the knife behind the knotted ropes binding them together. Once the rope is cut, he leaves me without explanation, locking the door behind him.


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