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Steamy Dorm

Page 107

by Kristine Robinson

  We have meals together just like anyone else and we talk about our days. Sometimes we watch movies in the living room together. When it’s hot we all swim together and things are a bit more relaxing we sit in the hot tub together.

  I do my best to sort of earn my keep around the place. I know that I effectively do that by pleasing them but sometimes it’s nice to come home to a clean house. I take it upon myself to wash the dishes after every meal. Usually I clean the kitchen and vacuum or sweep the floors. I even do the laundry and tidy up their rooms when they aren’t home.

  Sometimes I will get the driver to take me into town and use some of my money to buy specific groceries to make them dinner. I enjoy cooking for them, they always show their appreciation later.

  I realized a few weeks ago that I haven’t really thought of this as a job for a while. I view it as a relationship. I am here with both of them and they are with me. Thing may be going at their pace, but that’s perfectly fine. I enjoy pleasing them, it is no longer a job. When they smile, I smile. I do everything I can to make them happy and I know they appreciate it.

  Lady Hawthorne showed me her appreciation by giving me a hot oil massage on that table in the upstairs dungeon. It was amazing to feel her fingers massage away the tensions. I never thought something so simple could feel so good. She made me feel things that I didn’t know were possible.

  She rubbed oil up and down my legs, caressing every inch. While I had my face in the donut pillow she straddled me and dug her palms into my back. Her hands slid around to caress the sides of my breasts a few times. She massaged lower and lower until she was kneading my buttocks.

  I spread my legs for her to massage my thighs. She massaged my thighs until I moaned. It was amazing. She massaged up my inner thighs and I could feel her slinking down. She flipped me over and continued massaging my thighs. She then grabbed hold of my hips and pulled my mound right up against her lips.

  Her tongue felt so good inside me. She made me shake and quiver. She licked and sucked all of the best spots. Some of them I didn’t even know existed. She found them, exploited them, and made me beg for more.

  Angeline showed me her appreciation by taking me out on a fancy date. We went out to dinner at a restaurant with linen napkins where the waiter pulled out our chairs. After that we took a stroll through a park where she bought me a bouquet of lovely flowers from a street vendor. It was so simple, but felt so wonderful.

  We do things separately for the most part but I am with both of them. I’m not sure if they see it that way though. If they do, we hide what we have going on here. I am ever only seen with one at a time. Really I don’t mind that but I think I’d like a little more.

  Another month passes of me doing my best to please them both. Lady Hawthorne has been a little on edge. It seems like she wants something but doesn’t know how to express it. Angeline has something similar on her shoulders. I want to know what it is desperately.

  I make the executive decision to make dinner for us all, during which I’ll bring it up and we can talk about whatever it is. I think I’ve been here long enough that they owe me a decent conversation between the three of us.

  The driver takes me out to the store and I pick up the ingredients that I need to make a perfect lasagna with garlic bread. All of which will of course be paired with a lovely white wine. I make sure to get the more elegant ingredients like an actual wedge of parmesan cheese instead of the crumbled stuff in a can and meat from the butcher’s counter. I take care to pick everything I need then return home.

  By the time Lady Hawthorne and Angeline got home the house smelled like Italy. I had freshly laundered linens on the dining table with the good china settings. I welcome them home like I usually do and they each give me a hug and a kiss on the lips. Angeline is the first to comment on the smell wafting in form the kitchen.

  They walk into the dining room where I have the table set with a lit candelabra and a basket of garlic bread in the center and three table setting prepared. They take a moment to kick off their shoes and toss their jackets aside. While they do that I pop the cork on the wine and pour out three glasses. Then I bring the lasagna out of the oven and slice into it, placing a decently sized piece on each of our plates.

  We take our seats, Lady Hawthorne at the head of the table, Angeline to her right, and me on her left. The food is amazing and they let me know.

  Half way through the meal I bring up what I had wanted to talk about.

  “So I’ve been here for four months now. Have I been doing okay?”

  “Are you asking for a status report?” Vivica laughs.

  “Oh be nice to the girl,” Angeline teases. “You’ve been doing wonderfully. More than I think either of us could have imagined really.”

  “Great!” I take a sip of liquid courage. “I wanted to ask something else.”

  They both look at me and put their forks down to give me their full attention. It makes me a little nervous actually. I stutter a bit, trying to get it out. Finally I manage.

  “I’d like to get a little more. As a sex worker, a lot of my job description is intimate therapist. Lady Hawthorne I know there have been times when you have held yourself back. I want to see everything. I want to feel everything. Angeline, I do enjoy our occasional date nights but I’d like more. I’ve never slept in your room with you.

  Also, I’d like to learn more about each of your personally. Neither of you have really opened up to me. I want to know about both of you. I know you both share this amazing house but you haven’t really gone into detail about why.”

  They exchange a smile and Vivica takes a sip from her glass. She takes the initiative to speak. “Angeline and I grew up together. We met in high school. Back then she thought that her parents would be proud if she married a man and had kids. You know the whole white picket fence housewife bullshit.”

  Angeline and I laugh a bit.

  “I corrupted her quickly,” Vivica slide her hand over the table and gently grabs hold of Angeline’s hand. They smile at one another.

  “Unfortunately our ways are and were just too different,” Angeline continues. “I love this fierce woman dearly but no way in hell could I be her partner.”

  “And I love her. We did try to make it all work but found that it was better to find something else. We had separate partners for a while and those partners were always jealous of how close we were to each other.”

  “One day I bring home this lovely little tart we both had our way with her. She didn’t last long though. Apparently the whole ‘sharing’ thing didn’t really work for her.” Angeline pauses and takes a sip of her wine. “Called up one of my friends from the city. You know, your Madam. She told me about some of her girls and here you are.”

  “So you’re both just really good friends?” I ask.

  “Very good,” Vivica laughs. “You know about us now. Tell us about you.”

  I begin to tell them about my school days and how much I got teased. I tell them in detail about the bachelorette party where I started my journey as a sex worker. When I got to the part of my tale about the stalker who kept sending me gifts and how he had tried to brand me, they were on the edges of the chairs.

  They listened to everything I had to say and assured me that branding was not on the list. We laughed and joked and talked for the rest of our dinner. It was amazing. I learned so much about each of them.

  I learned that Vivica came from a wealthy family that made high end hard ciders. In fact this lovely dwelling was one of her relatives before they passed away and left it to her parents. They had no need of a third home so they gave it to her as a college graduation gift. She ended up getting a Bachelor’s degree in business management and a Master’s degree in botany. She stumbled upon the kink and bondage communities while in college and frankly never looked back.

  Angeline came from a well-off family but as wealthy as Vivica. Her parents tried to get her to become a model when she was younger. She defied that wish and many others when s
he brought Vivica home. Her parents went off the walls when their daughter brought a black woman home for dinner and introduced her as ‘her girlfriend’. Pretty much after that she did what she pleased, which happened to include motorcycles. She was a high school teacher for a long while but now she mostly just lives off of Vivica’s good graces.

  It was amazing learning about each of them and it was great to tell them my story. They do care for me and don’t know just how much this contract meant to me. Granted, I didn’t even know how much this contract would mean to me. I thought it was just going to be another job. I was wrong.

  Dinner and dessert end and I clean the table as usual. Angeline goes into the living and I can hear her turn on the television and flip through the channels. Vivica comes into the kitchen behind me and kisses me on the back of the neck like she normally does.

  “Thank you,” she whispers, her warm breath tickling my ear.

  I shiver and smiles, my cheeks red hot. This is the first time that she has actually said that to me. I know that is very thankful for what I do, but to hear her say it.

  She places her hands on my hips and kisses my cheek. She smacks me on the behind before leaving me to the dishes. I hear her join Angeline in the living room. After the dishes are clean I join them.

  They have a spot between them open for me on the couch. Some comedic show is playing on the television. For the most part we ignore it. I sit between them with Vivica’s arm around my shoulders and Angeline’s hand caressing my thigh. It feels good to be between them and they seem to enjoy having me there.


  A few weeks pass since our lovely dinner where we really opened up to one another. Those weeks have been amazing. I never knew that they could be so wonderful. We really took things up a notch. I haven’t slept in my room for over a month. I have been switching between Lady Hawthorne’s bed and Angeline’s.

  When I am with Angeline we cuddle and kiss. Our bodies come together like a symphony. We embrace and touch every fiber of our beings. When we make love it feels right. We go on dates and she surprises me with flowers and little boxes of candies. Sometimes I scatter rose petals on her bed to set the mood or draw a hot bubble bath for her when she gets home.

  With Lady Hawthorne it is much more rough and tumble. She spanks me, whips me, binds me with rope, and sometimes she brings out this toy she calls a violet wand. The sensation it creates is amazing. It can tickle like a feather or shock like a cattle prod. When we fuck it’s purely carnal. Our moans are like banshees wailing in a marsh. She surprises me with the occasional hand on the throat from behind and I surprise her by purposefully making sure something is out place when she gets home.

  One particular evening I am sitting at the house waiting for them to come back. I have on a purple bikini with a towel wrapped around my waist. It is a nice night outside and since I have some time I decide to lounge in the hot tub with a glass of sangria. I drop my towel on a nearby chair, pour myself a drink, and set into the hot bubbling water. I watch the sunset over the hills.

  It is so peaceful here. The sky is wide and colored with glorious reds and oranges. If the clouds were fruit slices it would look like my glass of sangria. I relax in the warm water with a jet blowing against my back.

  I can hear Angeline’s motorcycle coming up the driveway. The garage opens and she parks it inside. I can hear her boots clicking on the floor inside the house. She comes outside and sits on one of the lounge chairs. I look over at her with a smile and she smiles back, unlacing her boots.

  She kicks off her boots, lifts off her shirt, pulls down her pants, and eventually is standing naked on the back porch. She steps into the hot tub with me and sits across from me.

  “Hard day?” I joke.

  She laughs and takes my sangria. She downs at least a third of it before giving it back to me. I stick my tongue out at her playfully. We hear Lady Hawthorne’s car arrive and park in the garage. Her stiletto heels clicks against the floor as she approaches.

  She opens the sliding door and steps out with us. It doesn’t take long for her to strip down, grab her own glass of sangria, and join us in the hot tub. They look at me and I feel overdressed. I take off my bikini and wave it at them, saying that I get the message. I toss it over next to my towel, carefully aiming so I don’t get my dripping swimsuit on their clothes.

  We relax together, silently sipping sangria and watching the light redden then finally start to dim. The pitcher I had brought out is now empty and has been for some time. I look at them and they seem to have something to say and are silently daring each other to spit it out. Finally Lady Hawthorne speaks up.

  “Tomorrow night when I get home I want you dressed for an elegant evening. Not ball gowns, but high end social club. Do you understand?” She glares at me with fire in her eyes.

  I nod. “May I ask why?”


  The conversation ends there. We spend a bit longer soaking in the tub together until the bubbles shut off. We all climb out and Angeline grabs my towel with a smirk at me. I try to grab my towel from her and she plays keep away. I smack her on her wonderfully rounded buttock, she shrieks. She turns to look at me and I realize that was the wrong thing to do.

  She drops my towel, runs at me, and tackles me into the pool. We were warm from the hot tub, the pool is definitely colder. We both inaudibly scream under the water then audibly scream when we come up for air. Vivica stands on the edge of the pool drying off with the towel, obviously flaunting her success.

  Angeline grabs the end of the towel and yanks. Vivica loses her balance and falls into the cool water making a large splash. We laugh until she surfaces and splashes Angeline. We laugh with one another and splash each other with armfuls of water. When we get close enough to someone we dunk them under the water then one of two things happens: the dunker gets away or gets dragged under as well.

  Eventually it gets too cold to be in the pool and we get out. Vivica fishes the drenched towel out of the pool and hang it over the back of one of the chairs. We head inside to get dry towels and dry ourselves.

  They each kiss me goodnight and head to their rooms. It seems odd to me to not be joining one of them for the night. I go up to my room and open the door. It looks the same. I still come here to get my clothes. I get in bed and it feels sad somehow. Not sleeping with one of them makes me realize just how much I want to just lie in bed with either of them, both of them.

  The day of the fancy surprise is here and I am not ready in the least. I have gone through my closet at least four times. I have three outfits laid out on the bed and I can’t choose between them. I have no idea what is going to happen so I don’t know if maybe I should wear flats or if heels are okay.

  I have less than an hour before Lady Hawthorne gets back and I need to make a decision. I spin around and point to the outfit I’ll be wearing. I pick up the black dress and nod to myself. I put on a matching set of black lace underwear and pull up a pair of thigh high stocking that are trimmed with black lace. I pull the dress over my head and look in the mirror.

  It is a simple dress with a plunged neckline but it certainly hugs my curves wonderfully. I step into some black heels then do my make-up. I run my fingers through my hair a few times then I hear the car door shut downstairs.

  Hurriedly, I make my way down and there in the foyer is Angeline and Vivica standing in the doorway. Angeline is wearing a red dress that almost makes her look like Jessica Rabbit. She’s only missing the gloves and matching purple shoes. Vivica is the only one of us not in a dress but she looks just as gorgeous. Her pantsuit makes her look powerful but still sexy.

  We head out in the back of a limousine with Vivica’s normal driver. He brings us right to the front door of a restaurant that I had only ever heard of. This place is known as one of the highest of high class eateries.

  Vivica stand between us with Angeline and me on either arm as though she were a playboy. She announces our arrival to the Maitre D. He takes us to a lovely table set with go
ld trimmed plates, real silverware, and a grand bouquet of flowers in the center. There are tables nearby with groups of businessmen, fancy couples on dates, and one or two families with young but not infantile children.

  We sit down and both of them kiss me throughout the evening. I see some of the people staring at us. One of the mother’s furrows her brow and turns her children away. The other patrons don’t seem to appreciate our lesbian triad.

  No one actually complains, so we just ignore them. The dinner is fantastic as is the dessert. We chit chat about this and that while we finish our chocolate covered sweets.

  “I’ve had so much fun with you two. It’s been like a dream really.”

  “You only have a few months before your contract ends,” Vivica says with a sad tone in her voice.

  I had almost forgotten that I am here on a contract.

  “We can extend the contract if you wish,” she starts. “Or we can continue without a contract.”

  I can’t help but smile. I want so much to be with them, with no contracts. “What would that mean for us, to have no contract?”

  Angeline and Vivica exchange a look. “You would be our girlfriend.”


  That night was the first night of many that all three of us spent together. I thought it was nice when two of our bodies combined. It was absolutely heavenly when all three came together in a writhing, moaning symphony of pleasure.

  Right as we got in the door, Vivica was behind me with her hands up under my dress pulling down my panties. Angeline was behind her pulling off her jacket and unzipping her pants. It took some time to just get to the stairs. My panties were on the floor along with all three pairs of shoes, Vivica’s jacket and pants, and Angeline’s stockings.

  We headed up the stair and leave behind Vivica’s shirt and my stockings. Down the hall to Vivica’s room and Angeline has lost her dress. I pressed my lips against Angeline’s porcelain skin while unhooking her bra. She ran her fingers through my blonde hair. Vivica tossed her shirt aside along with her bra. Soon both of them were naked and I was left in just my dress. In unison they slipped their hands up underneath, caressing my body gently, then off came my dress.


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